27 and been trying 3 months anyone want to buddy up

Lmao did he get a positive opk? He would be the first male ever. Men are such strange creatures :) just on way to cricket now I'll message you later hun xxxxx
no lol part of me wishes he did, would shock him into never doing it again!! but he did get a possitively horrified look from me! the little scamp!

no probs hun :) enjoy yourself, hope the rain stays off for you xx
It was lovely weather last night didn't watch much cricket though too busy gossiping with my mother and sister in law lol typical women :) we didn't get home till gone midnight so I'm shattered today it was totally worth it though :)

How's your opks any positives yet? (from you or Mark) lol

I think tonight is gonna be a complete chill out night in front of the tv catching up on all my programs while Paul is out playing snooker then a long hot bath then reading Harry potter (such a geek I know but wanna read all the books again before watching the last film eeeek can't wait)

that's good :) love a good blether (although by now I think you may have noticed lol ) nothing like a gossip with the ladies to top off a day!

Still nothing on the opk.. for me or the man mate.. gutting! What about you? Hope you have better news :)

EEE I've not been to bed yet :( well that's a lie, i did go to bed, I just didn't get any sleep whatsoever!! Hip was giving me major jip last night and I'm so funny about taking pain killers when ttc (they put me on morphine patches - u can see why I'm funny about it) but 4am came and I couldn't hack it anymore, and the hot water bottle was not soothing like it should have, in fact was just getting in my way and irritating me so I gave in and had some paracetamol, which did hee and haw! Then hydro this morning (just back) was BRUTAL! if she wasn't such a sweetie I'd be convinced she hated me!

I was really hoping to go for a wee snooze on the sofa about now, but no such luck forgot I said to my friend to pop in for a brew, then off to see nana at 5 for her birthday, but looking forward to that, nana and the wee wifeys in the home are right wee comedians! If only we could get her to stop calling Mark, Alan (alan is an old flame of nana's - she makes mark dance with her everytime he goes to visit - he loves it really :p the red face is not embarrassment its merriment!)

Your night sound fab tho! All that's missing is a proper full fat milky hot choc with marshmallows and whipped cream (and extra chocolate just to be sure you're doing it right)! Got right into the twilight series like a right pathetic hormone driven teen (as opposed to a scary ttc hormone driven part woman part dragon)! you know you got it bad when you put glitter bathbombs in hubbys bath in the shallow hope that he will shimmer just a little bit, its really bad when u then attack him with the talc to make him sexy pale lol! eeeee I have too much time on my hands lol xxxx
ee still neg opk.. but quite a jump in temperature gone up to 37.6! *does the excited nearly ovulation dance* (it's kinda like the chandler dance minus the pout) :p

hope ur getting good signs toooooo :) xx
Lmao you do make me chuckle :D

I've not tested today yet but soon as I get home I will it's strange that peeing on a stick can bring so much excitement lol

Can't wait to get home and into bed clean sheets the works and no smelly boy to ruin it till later lol did you manage to get anymore kip?

lol I'm glad I'm not the only one whose highlight of the day is wee'in on a stick! haha feel better now!

Not a peep! although im glad i didn't, my wee pal really did need a friend today, poor wee soul has everyones secrets and it's driving her crazy, spent a wee while crying, but I'm glad she felt comfortable enough to let it out in my house.... i dread to think what it would have done to her keeping it bottled up! feel the need to mammy her now lol ... decided we shall have a sexy saturday sesh, pampering sesh basically.. marks being sent out for a pint with his new wee pals so us girls can have a good natter :)

Was over at the care home for nana's bday (just this min in - still no sleeeeep) was really good, me, mark, mum, aunt, uncle cousin and her little boy all went, nana didn't remember me, but remembered mark (still called him alan), called him a dapper dan and made him dance again.. although she conveniently remembered who I was and used my full title (with maiden name don't think she knows my married name) and scolded me for using my fingers when picking a piece of cake! we went through to sit with the rest of the residents when we were done eating (took chinese in for her) and Aaron (cousin's wee one, he's 3 and just cuteness personified!) was playing tag with the wee old women lol although they didnt know he was playing tag, he was just running up tapping random people and running away before they knew what was going on, the little rascal lol.. i however sat in the corner thinkin this was hilarious..... maybe I need to grow up a bit before we bring a little life into this world :D

Hows your chill out night going? hope those wee tootsies are up! hope you get those two lines :) xxxx
Aw hope your friend is feeling better today xxx

I love nannas they're fab! Always put a smile on my face some of the things they cone out with are hilarious one of my customers said yesterday about the beckham baby being called half past seven lol think she needs to change the batteries in her hearing aid god bless her :)

No luck on the euro millions last night so it's back to the grindstone for me :(

Still no pos opks yet not even the faintest of lines how about you?

lol @ half seven, bless her! It is a really strange name for a baby tho, harper seven, sounds like some sort of space craft nasa thought up!

Gutting, we didn't win either! There's always friday ... a girl can dream eh!

No positives but my neg line was considerably lighter this morning, thinkin it was a dodgy strip I tried another one just to be sure and that was the same. Got the whole ewcm mucus going on and after a temp of 37.5 yesterday its at 37.2 today.. so all things look to be pointing in the right direction! according to the online caluclator thing due to ovulate on friday, from my charts it looks like tomorrow.. best get busy just to be sure .. really can't be bothered tho... is it bad that I'd much prefer a cuppa tea and a chocolate biccy in bed with a good film? lol eee they don't call me pam the prude for nothing!

please tell me I'm not mad and you can see a very faint second line there too

also excuse manky tea cup stain on my work bench, I am a grubby pup when working lol xx


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Nope not mad def a faint line is it opk? Fingers crossed it gets darker and you ov today/tomorrow :)mines still absolutely nothing :(

I know what you mean about dtd me and Paul used to be at it like rabbits now we've moved in together (nearly three years ago) it's more like twice a week if we're lucky I'm always at work and he's always out I get far too shattered lol

Going to bingo with the girls tonight which should be fun hope we win we nearly won £300 last time but my friend missed her number :( we haven't let her forget it since and always wind her up :)

phew that's a relief, last month I took complete leave of my senses and ended up crying over barefoot contessa and her lemon chicken she was making for her husband.. bad times! Yeah it is neg a little lighter still this morning, pos line still as faint... it shouldnt be called ttc, it should be trying my patience while ttc.

lol bless ya! Read that second para while taking a drink of tea ... while it didn't shoot out my nose in an amusing fashion I did nearly choke! urgh its so rubbish isn't it, people didn't visit us for a month after the wedding, they expected us to be tied up.. probably meant that literally the sickos but it just wasn't like that. last night and i'm typing this with a red face was a case of "pamela we really should", "we could just wait til tomorrow" "no love best just get yer knickers off" "urgh you get the lights" - without a word of a lie (I also tried to start a game of eye spy - it did not work).

Whoever designed the female body really didn't think it through, was a dodgy blue print they had, cause ov time I get bloated, cranky and when you're either of those you really can't be bothered. I'm sod's law personified, about 5 days after ov is when I do feel like it.

Oh I've not been to the bingo in years!! my wee nana used to go every wed with her wee pal jean, so when the dementia really kicked in and she still wanted to go, I'd take them.. was much fun! wee jean was always sozzled and nana well we had to pretend her black currant cordial was red wine cause she wasn't allowed to drink with the pills she was on. she'd feign drunkenness, bless her wee old cotton socks! Hope you are lucky tonight :) Then treat yourself to something nice :) & if not, well I hope you're saving that luck for your next opk that you take!

Urgh I know what you mean about mother nature- she is such a tease with af and preg symptoms the same just when you think you might be preg bam she hits you with the witch damn that teasing cow lol

I go with my neices quite frequently they went without me last night and won dammit lol the jammy blighters!

Still getting no ov symptoms yet but don't think I'm due for another few days yet

Hope you get yours soon the the two weeks of agonising suspension can begin lol xxxx
she's an evil wench that's for sure. I was convinced I was preg last month, without a shadow of a doubt she even had the cheek to tamper with my usual flow and totally confuse me! what a wench!

defo ovulated today, felt the crampy horridness about 11am and a strong pos opk so we defo caught it this month. However been in agony with the hips and back all day and now sitting here distracting myself (or tryin to) so I don't need to take pain killers. I'm torn, I so want my family like yesterday but I can't live my life the way i am, its effecting my work now (only managed 2hrs crafting today) so I think if we don't fall preg this month I will let them go ahead with the op because I'm not convinced preg won't land me in a wheelchair. having a really rotten day. keep crying but putting it down to my pathetically low pain threshold and frustration!

That is jammy! lol sod's law! Make sure they buy you a drink at the least next time! got much planned for the weekend? Think we're going to stay with mum this weekend, she's stressed out with uni study (got a resit in aug) and said I'd help her revise, plus sister is away and she hates being home on her own.. we need to find her a man! been my new years resolution for the past 5 years, she's just too fussy! xxxx

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