Hey Gemmy
Sorry it's taken me a bit to get back with you, we've been busy! My father in law got married yesterday and that was an all day event, into the evening. I drank a bit too much, not to the point of getting sick or anything, but enough that I feel a little under the weather today. Whoops. My tolerance is so low because I rarely ever drink! I needed to let loose yesterday, I actually had a really good time, I'm just paying for it now! It doesn't help that everyone is my household right now has really bad colds. Double whammy.
Good news from me, positive opk this morning! Woo hoo! CD17. I'm actually really happy with that. The test line was WAY darker than the control, the darkest I've ever seen it so I'm hoping that's a good indication of a strong ovulation. We did get some BDing in last night which was great timing. We will again tonight and then I think I might just go crazy with it and try for tomorrow morning and night. Whoa. I am crazy. That's really a bit much for me, but I am getting so fed up with ttc. I figure if your constantly having sex how can you not get pregnant, seriously?!?!
So you should be 5dpo today. Getting closer to testing. I am a POASholic. I definitely buy the cheapies off ebay and test, test, test. Quite obsessively I might add. When do you plan to start testing? Are you a ttc'er who actually has self control, unlike myself?
I bet after almost 3 years of ttc, it's just so depressing. I'm already starting to get that feeling that it may not happen again, I can't imagine trying for 3 years. I feel for you Gemmy.
I'm going to stay optimistic for you. I really do have high hopes for clomid for you. I have read many inspirational stories of women who had tried almost everything and then all of a sudden *snap* pregnant on clomid.
The uppage in my dose definitely worked for me! I'm just happy I'm ovulating now. I did have a lot more side affects on the 100mg. I felt pretty good honestly on the 50, just a few minor hot flashes and nigh sweats. On this 100, I had those 10 fold plus a LOT of cramping, which I didn't get last month. I'm taking these as good signs that my body is actually responding this time.
Hope you are having a great weekend. Where are you by the way? Are you in the U.S.? That's where I am.