Not much going on here anymore.... :/ I check in regularly and am always sad there is so little activity, it was so nice chatting to all of you and sharing good and sad moments.
lfrans, wow, time passes so quickly, can't believe it's time to start TTC again! Hope it goes very well
Tynmeg, glad to hear from you and Lennix.
Terri, how are you doing? Glad to hear you adopted Fun, hope he's making you happy
SJ: How's life on clomid?
Steph, Lenka... hello?
Happy one year birthday to Emma, Steph, it's just around the corner!
Life is mostly good here in Iceland. My little munchkin is more than 5 weeks old now and we're going on our first trip to see the in-laws. It's a 3 hour drive and we'll stay there for 2 nights. DB is competing in a cycling tournament tomorrow over there, cycling 160 kilometers!! (100 miles)
The christening was last Wednesday, June 17th on Iceland National Day. Our little boy got the name Bjarki Valdimar. Bjarki comes from the tree birch but can also mean little bear. Valdimar was the name of my boyfriend's brother who passed and we named our son in his honour. It derives from Russian name Vladimir and means a powerful chief. Then he also has his surname. We celebrated at home and invited 40 of our closest friends and family. He got loads of lovely presents and we ate A LOT of cake!
I'm still not feeling well, the cut is still healing, breastfeeding is hell, the doctors think I have Reynaud's syndrome and have me on a drug called Adalat to try to fix it, next Monday we'll see if I'm any better, if not I think he'll just be bottlefed formula. I have some skin problems as well, extreme itching all over and the doctors have taken many blood and urine tests and have no clue what it could be, it just started after birth. Then my back is killing me after the epidural mayhem.... But hopefully it'll all get better soon.
Here are some photos
One month old with some milk in his mouth
The little family
Exhausted after the day