3 month old won't nap with others


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2011
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Hi everyone. I'm a nurse and work 12 hour shifts 3 days a week. I was on maternity leave for 3 months before returning to work. When I'm at work, she will not nap for anyone who watches her, whether it be her dad, my mom, or my sister. With me she naps every 2 hours for about 30 minutes each time. Whenever I pick her up after work, she is so cranky and overtired from not napping. She cries a lot during the days I'm gone from being so tired. I always put her to bed right away when I get home which is about 8pm and she goes to sleep. I'm not sure why she won't nap with anyone but me. She sleeps in her crib and has no problems with falling asleep on her own without being rocked etc. I just don't know what to do about her refusing to nap when I'm gone! Does anyone have any suggestions? :(
How about try I g to wear a tee shirt for a day and then placing it over the mattress of the crib so that it smells of you . Might bring some comfort .
My DC1 was like this. He was generally a very bad sleeper and napper and I remember wearing a shirt for awhile so it'd smell like me and then laying it by him so he would feel like I was next to him. Honestly, I don't remember if it helped; I dont think it did because I only remember doing this that one time. I went back to work outside the home when he was 6 months and even though he had trouble going down for a nap he eventually did. My mom watched him back then and she found that putting him in the stroller, giving him a binky and blankie and moving back and forth eventually put him to sleep. I dont know if I recommend that because then he expected that every time it was naptime, sleeptime and it was soo tiring. It sounds like at least your LO sleeps well at night which is great! Mine dropped the naps by the time he was 2.5-3 and now at almost 5 sleeps through for 10-11 hrs straight... but alas, I still have to lay down with him in order for him to fall asleep and he does still sleep in our bed!
Do they watch her at your home? With her in her crib and things she's used to?

Do you have a nap routine? Sing? Rock? Favorite toy/blanket? Are they doing everything you usually do?

Maybe they don't know how to read her sleepy cues and put her down too late and she's exhausted at that point? When dd was that little, or even still now, she never showed she was tired until she was overtired. I had to stick to strict wake times and put her down. Then she went down and stayed down no problem.

Do they have tv on or music or toys that make noise? Could be getting overstimulated.

Do they hold her the whole time? If they do she may not like being out down to sleep.

Could be many factors.

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