30 something and TTC #1 for a year

mk8 - TTC since Nov - this is our 6th cycle.

bbs still don't hurt! i keep pressing on them like an insane person!
Welcome to all the new girls! :hi:

Katkat, I'm doing yoga too and I love it but I do wonder about doing some of the more strenuous poses in the 2ww...what do you think? Sometimes I skip class during 2ww but I don't really want to put my life on hold while ttc either... I know I could ask the instructor if there are any poses I should avoid but don't really want the rest of the class wondering why I'm opting out if you know what I mean?:shrug:

Hi, I have thought about this too, but during 2ww have 1. been doing the beginners class(!) and also not over stretching. As far as I know the only problem with yoga in pregnancy is that it may over stretch your ligaments and/joints due to the extra hormones. I have not found anything to say it is dangerous during pregnancy, in fact the sites I have looked at say as long as it is gentle, then there is no problem doing yoga during pregnancy. They do say you should let your instructor know if you do get a BFP though.

Hope this helps, I don't think I will be stopping, just make sure you are careful!!
Morning back at ya Rosered... Though it is 730pm here in the UK right now.
Nice to see some newcomers - Welcome!
Purpleflossy- best of luck for the tests honey. Are they just going to do bloods on you? Assume that you go twice in your cycle? Or just the once? My doc said they test on CD2 and CD14/15 to see if the homones increased]

no just once at the moment, day 21 the doc said, blood tests for various things, go back the week later to find out the results
Mrs g, whats the latest?

Purple, pls. Keep us posted. good luck with the tests!
Good Morning everyone! How's everyone feeling today? I hope you don't mind if I jump into this thread - I'm 31yr old DH and I have been TTC for awhile, this is cycle #6. Using soy, temping, OPK's, crossing my fingers and praying that this is our month!

Blessings to everyone! Good luck and baby dust!
Mk8 - I am also 30 and have been trying for 6 months. We are on cycle 7. We did get pregnant our first month buti later miscarried...and with that came a whole slew of irregular periods and spotting. I'm still not back to normal. it's nice to know I'm not alone but I sure wish we could all get those bfps sooner than later.

hey gals I'm on cycle #6 too (7 months)... I'm finishing it up. Less than a week to go!
We use OPKs and temping. Though temping keeps running into problems. (Either thermometer problems or fevers.) If this month isn't our month I'm thinking of trying preseed or something similar?? Anyone have any experience w/ this.

mk - still no bb pain! either my pd is coming later than expected or something's up!!! oooohhh I hope something's up!!!
Thanks Kat! I'm doing a form of ashtanga so I wouldn't exactly call it gentle but I do tend not to push myself too hard during class during the 2ww and if we have to hold a difficult pose for too long I disappear off to the bathroom for a few mins, lol! Will definitely be asking the instructors advice once (positive thinking!) I get a bfp tho...

MrsG, I really hope something is up too! When are you testing?!

Hi to all the new folks!! :dust:

Have decided to take a slight step back on the ttc front for this cycle - think my head needs a short break! Will probably keep temping and using opks, I think, but am going to leave the EPO, grapefruit juice and cough syrup aside for a while... Gonna have a relaxed month! (that's the plan anyway!:blush:)
hey ladies

hope everybody had a nice weekend.

gradmommy- welcome :) best of luck for this month. hopefully the eggy gets fertilised and clings on! question- what is the soy for? do you have regular cycles? assume you have been getting positive opks? are you and hubby having regular bd throughout the month or waiting until you get a positive? perhaps you have tried both approaches (like me). fingers crossed for you!

mamad- i am sorry to hear of your mc. hopefully those cycles regulate soon. the good news is that you are able to get pregnant. i know easier said than done but try to relax and spend quality time with the hubby :)

mrsg- hopefully something is up! :) when is witch due?

gettingbroody- a bit of a break sounds like a plan. is the epo, grapefruit juice and cough syrup because you don't have much ewcm? lots of people like preseed and conceive plus. i am on cycle 2 of conceive plus... hopefully i get that bfp soon.

babydust to all!
Hey gettingbroody and mk - Nothing new to report. Bbs still don't hurt. Very strange!! AF is due (based on previous cycles) around June 10. I tend to fluctuate (32-39days). Today is CD33. I'm very tempted to test June 8 on Day 35 and approx 12 DPO. But I don't have that many tests left so if I can -- I'll hold out til Friday.

Hope everyone else is doing well!
hi:hi:im on cycle 8 cd9 ttc baby no.11 it took me 6 cycles to conceive no.10 so im hoping it wont be too much longer as im 37 now,i temp and use ac,b vits ,just hoping all my hard work will soon be rewarded.xxx
hi:hi:im on cycle 8 cd9 ttc baby no.11 it took me 6 cycles to conceive no.10 so im hoping it wont be too much longer as im 37 now,i temp and use ac,b vits ,just hoping all my hard work will soon be rewarded.xxx

Eek! Ten kids! Bet they keep you busy :D What are the age ranges? Are they all singles?
Quail, wow! Ten kids? What's your secret? Haha.

Mrsg, Oo no boon ache is promising. Try to hold out I say! Best of luck... so exciting!
Hi Ladies.

Gosh this is a busy little thread I can hardly keep up. Welcome to all the new posters.

mk8, honey and mrs g - I am in the TWW as well DPO6 today and I have sore bb's and cramping so not holding out much hope still symptom spotting like mad though. Mrs G definitely sounds like good news if you are still not getting bb pain. Fx'd for you ladies it would be great if we got lots of BFP's on this thread.

Rosered - Did AF show or any news? fx'd for you.

mk8 - I have not heard of anyone having the symptoms but not cysts, I know you can have cysts but no other symptoms and that is PCO. Sorry not much help I am afraid.

Gettingbroody - I wish I could take a bit of a break but I am just too obsessed lol. I definitely think the pineapple is doing good things for my ewcm, I actually had some this month so I am a bit scared to stop. Although I think I might take a break from the acupuncture and nutritionist after this month it is getting very expensive and I am not sure if it is doing anything.

kitkat & Gettingbroody - I do worry about exercise as well, I play netball and it can be quite rough and I do combat and attack and step and there are loads of crunch's at the end of the classes I think once I get my BFP I will have to stop netball and take it easy on the sit ups but I really want to stay fit throughout the pregnancy so I am not as tired and have lots of energy.

quail - wow that is amazing 10! must be a crazy amount of work lol. Good luck on getting 11.
Heymrsbea... 6dpo...heres hoping you get that BFP this week! when is witch due and when will you test?
I am not to sure about my LP I have only really had one with my crazy cycles and that was about 11 dpo so I think I will wait until Sunday if i can before I test.

How about you, when are you going to test?
I will be keeping fingers and toes crossed for you mrs. :)

Not sure when I will be testing.

Babydust to us all!
Fx'd for you to hun, I really hope this is our month.

And for eveyone else in the TWW on this thread.
hi:hi:im on cycle 8 cd9 ttc baby no.11 it took me 6 cycles to conceive no.10 so im hoping it wont be too much longer as im 37 now,i temp and use ac,b vits ,just hoping all my hard work will soon be rewarded.xxx

Eek! Ten kids! Bet they keep you busy :D What are the age ranges? Are they all singles?

hi,yes they are all singles i have 5 boys and 5 girls there ages are,19,13,12,11,9,7,5,4,2,1,.xxxxx
Hi CD8

I just read your post now... I think i'm in the same boat as you! I'm 30 as well, we've been TTC for 5 months (this is the 6th cycle). My mum and 2 older sisters all literally popped kids out with NO problems whatsoever (Mum has 5 kids and my 2 older sisters have 4 and 3). My friends as well got preggas on their first or second try. So I had always taken for granted it'd be easy for me. I literally expected a BFP on our first cycle... but no. and then it repeated over and over again until i'm here writing this now. I totally understand the rollercoaster of hope, reading into symptoms, more hope, BFNs, and then AF comes and the sadness and the WORRY. I, too, have been checked out for PCOS and it's all come back negative too. The thing that confused me the most, tho', was that since we've been TTC, I've had brown CM in the day or 2 before AF comes, exactly like you.

I spoke to one of my sisters and she told me something interesting. She said that most people that she knew had to try for around half a year and that, once you've had the first one, your body is geared and then it's WAY easier. She also said that, for her, it was when she wasn't thinking about it that it happened for her. That's obviously way easier said than done. How do you consciously NOT think about something?! But anyway, this month I decided to not do ANYTHING differently and to just focus on enjoying BD with my hubby and see what happens (although ironically I'm obviously not completely tuned out because I'm on this site!).

So I wanted to let you know that you're not alone, and you're in my thoughts - it will happen for you ... don't lose heart

xx LG :flower:

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