30 Somethings - The Clocks Ticking!

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well ladies cd6 for me gonna start the bd marathon tonight every other day until cd 22 phew im tired just thinking about it.xx
Hi all, now I am confused as to whether I am cycle 6 or 7, do I count the first one after coming off bcp??? I really should know this sort of stuff by now!!! lol!! x
Well I am 37 and my DH is 32. I have 3 children from a previous marriage (dd 20, dd 18, ds 16) I had a tubal reversal in 2007. We have had 3 mc's, last one in October. I am currently on my 4th round of Clomid. I do ovulate on my own, but giving my age, I figured I might need a kick start. We are going on the 23rd to talk to the fertility specialist to talk about iui. Good luck girls! :dust: to all of us!
I am 43, we are trying for our first, and I couldn't give a monkeys what month its born in - we are looking for a miracle, any month will do. :cloud9:

It's totally ridiculous I'm even quibbling about something so inconsequential as the month, when all I want is a healthy baby (or babies). I suppose I always thought falling pregnant would be easy and perfect and then reality kicked in and it isn't. :?
It's totally ridiculous I'm even quibbling about something so inconsequential as the month, when all I want is a healthy baby (or babies). I suppose I always thought falling pregnant would be easy and perfect and then reality kicked in and it isn't. :?

Yes, too true hun.
Hi Cazd, DH and I had been tcc for over 12 months so we decided to look into it. We went to our GP, DH had a :spermy: analysis which came back normal so we were sent to see a Gynae specialist to investigate further. The specialist sent me off for bloods to begin with and then a HSG utltrasound (checks uterus, tubes and ovaries via ultrasound - vaginally). The specialist then looked at all the info in front of him to see why it was taking us so long to conceive. We fell into the unexplained category. The specialist then suggested a laparoscopy (key hole surgery) to visually have a look at whats happening as he said he finds 50-70% of ppl who fall into the unexplained category usually have endometriosis of some degree (can sometimes be asymptomatic). So 2 weeks later had the op (stayed in overnight in hospital due to running late with operations that day). He found and cut out a significant amount of endo (which I didn't know I had) and did a D&C while he was there. They also checked the patency of my tubes by flushing them with a dye which came back normal. I ended up with 5 small incisions where they insert the instruments, these have healed up well, just the belly button where the camera went is still leaking a bit as it was the deepest wound. Its been 5 weeks now and finally got the :witch: yesterday so can now start my first round of Clomid this afternoon.The specialist says we have a 60% chance to conceive naturally.

It has been well worth the tests and investigations otherwise we would still be trying every month and becoming more and more stressed and depressed at getting :bfn:'s all the time, without knowing why. Whereas now, at least we know why we were having trouble. Fingers crossed we get our :bfp: soon.

Depending on your age, they recommend you investigate further if you have been tcc for 12 months...or 6 months if you are 35 and over. Because I had a m/c a couple of years ago I didn't think I would have trouble conceiving so we didn't investigate until well over 12 months of trying, we just thought we would fall.

Best of luck on your tcc journey, I hope you get your :bfp: this month. If at any stage you decide to go get some tests done, the specialists are great and they know what they're doing, and there is alot of support and information here if you need it.

Hi all, now I am confused as to whether I am cycle 6 or 7, do I count the first one after coming off bcp??? I really should know this sort of stuff by now!!! lol!! x

Lol. I'm counting the first month... but I still get to this one being 6. :shrug:
Whatever it is, it's my last effort before I take myself off to see my doctor and get poked and prodded!
hi all well cd7 for me o, seems like ages away i have been trying for 9 cycles but have only had 3 normal cycles due to breastfeeding so i hope it wont be too much longer.xx
Mork - I'd count that first one off the bcp too - you still had a chance of getting PG...right?!

We've been TTC since Jan - but charting and dtd right on Ov so I'm gonna go get us checked out after this cycles done. I reckon it has to be OH's fault :rofl:
Well my bodys doing what it should - but then I guess it can do all that - temp rises, change in CM etc without Ov...
Hmm - I'd love to give clomid a go - multiples would be FAB. But I'm worried about the risk of uterine cancer. What do you guys think?
Thanks for clearing that one up girls! Still no ov this month and now on cd16!! AAAAAGGGGHHH this baby making is hard work! x
So is it possible to have all the symptoms of egg making - and be totally anovulatory?
How does that work?
:hi: all, can i join? My and dh are both 30 and on cycle #7. I never thought it would be so hard to conceive, all my friends seem to manage it easily. My cycles are usually 28 - 30 days but am on cd39 today and tested this morning and got a :bfn: - it soooo frustrating!!!!!! Am seeing the nurse this morning so am going to mention it.

Hope we all get our :bfp: soon. :hug:
I'm 38, on the second part of it, so thought I'd join you. Hi Heavenly, here we are again :hugs:

I have two gorgeous children, 6 and 9, thought my ttc days were over until I met my new partner. We had the 'children' discussion in April (he doesn't have children) and I came off the pill there and then. I expected many months of ttc, especially as it took 10 months to fall pg with my son, so was completely gobsmacked when I fell pg the first cycle off the pill. I felt so amazingly blessed. Unfortunately, this turned into an ectopic. The good news is that it looks like I am miscarrying and therefore hopefully won't need any intervention and we will be able to ttc again shortly.

Every one is telling me that because we fell pg so quickly, it will happen again soon. I know it doesn't work like that, so I am back to the land of the unknown, where each cycle I will 1: hope I ovulate, 2: that I bded at the right time 3: that I am secreting enough progesterone, and 4: that I get a :bfp:, and then, pray each day that the bean sticks...what a long process when you want it so much.

Still, there are so many brilliant success stories here and elsewhere of pg after drama or against all odds, I am embrassing it with positive vibes and excitement.

cazd, the only evidence that you are oving without blood tests is your temp going up. If yours is, you are definitely ovulating, so that's one less thing to be concerned about.

sparklyboo, hope you find out what is going on. 9 days late when you have regular cycles is a long time.
I'm 38, on the second part of it, so thought I'd join you. Hi Heavenly, here we are again :hugs:

Hallo sweetheart, good to see you. :hugs:

Well CD 17 and still a low...I think my body has given up the ghost. :hissy:

Seriously though, just going to have to stick with the monitor and see what happens.
Hello you. Gosh, one week later than last cycle already, that is quite odd. Your cycle have been regular haven't they? Maybe it is that one odd cycle we all have at one time or another. Really hope the machine is going to stop its lazy attitude and show something. Have you looked at the tests themselves and compared with last cycle (out of curiosity)?

I have been looking at my lovely monitor, which I packed, but thankfully kept safe in my cupboard :cry: I'm going to start temping soon, just to know when my body decides to ovulate again and know when I can expect AF. I will switch the little machine on again after that. This time, I am sharing everything with OH, so if he is good, I might let him touch the button once too :rofl::rofl:


Sorry, it had to come out because that is really how I feel about the whole thing. I can cope with ttc taking time, cope with the uncontrollable m/c, but I am frustrated with the feeling that I don't have all the time in the world to make it happen.

Rant over :rofl::rofl:
sparklyboo, hope you find out what is going on. 9 days late when you have regular cycles is a long time.

I was going for my smear test this morning and they wouldnt do it incase I am pregnant so I have got to take fmu in tomorrow and they are going to send it for testing. Should get the results early next week. So fingers crossed the :witch: stays away. So More waiting!!!!!!!!!! I dont know how I coped with the 2ww this is now a 3ww!!!!

I hope u get ur :bfp: soon FBbaby. PMA! PMA!:hug:
Hi all 31 1st month ttc have got pregnant easily in the past 10 m/c 1 eptopic but gave ttc a rest for last 3 years... as im older im thinking it may be a little harder to conceive this time round am checking CM and opk CM is promising but cant get hang of opk.
Good luck to everyone :hug:
Hello you. Gosh, one week later than last cycle already, that is quite odd. Your cycle have been regular haven't they? Maybe it is that one odd cycle we all have at one time or another. Really hope the machine is going to stop its lazy attitude and show something. Have you looked at the tests themselves and compared with last cycle (out of curiosity)?

I have been looking at my lovely monitor, which I packed, but thankfully kept safe in my cupboard :cry: I'm going to start temping soon, just to know when my body decides to ovulate again and know when I can expect AF. I will switch the little machine on again after that. This time, I am sharing everything with OH, so if he is good, I might let him touch the button once too :rofl::rofl:


I know what you mean about age hun.

I didn't keep the sticks from last time. But none of them this time round have shown 2 blue lines. My cycle is usually 25 days, but during the past 9 cycles, I have had one of 21 and one of 28, but usually 25-26 days.

Oh I just don't know what is happening. :hissy:

Oh well, onwards and upwards!! :happydance:

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