Twinsie! Twins, wow! I guess being a twin yourself you're probably not too surprised, but wow!

I'm so glad to hear that one of them is measuring right on track, and I really hope that the other one turns out to be fine too! I bet these next two weeks waiting to find out will be hard!...probably more torture than the tww!

What was DH's reaction to finding out there are two of them? I agree with Fleur, you look great!
Crystl, I'm glad you had fun at the zoo, even if a lot of the exhibits weren't open yet! That's awesome that you come to WoF every few years! I haven't been in YEARS, and although I'm a drag to go with (I hate roller coasters!) I still have a lot of fun when I do go! I'm sorry that your doctor is referring you on, but I really hope that means you'll get some answers quickly and that it will be an easy fix to get you pregnant.

That's great that they were able to get you in so quickly! So is it a regular obgyn office, or more like a RE office that they've referred you to?
Fleur, I'm glad the move went pretty smoothly this weekend and that you didn't have to help too much!

And that you were able to have a short day today as well. Definite perk of working for yourself! I'm so excited that you've re-booked your scan, just two days away now! I can't wait to hear the good news that everything is looking fine!

My weekend was really nice, thanks! Yesterday DH and I were accidentally in, we didn't have any plans of getting so much stuff taken care of around the house but it just kind of worked out that way, and I love it! It was such a beautiful day (well, the whole weekend was really) and that certainly helped!