32 and TTC #1

Katie- group thread sounds great! I'd love to keep in touch with you girls too! I didn't get implantation bleeding until the day my period was due so it could happen late!

2b- did you test again today?!?

Fleur- how did the move go ? How are you feeling these days ?! Any thoughts on when you'll go in for a scan?

Everyone else, happy Monday and have a good day! :). Baby dust to you all!!!
turtle - the zoo was fun but we may have gotten a little too excited about the nice weather and jumped the gun a bit. Quite a few of the exhibits were still closed. We still had a good time but we'll probably go again later this spring/summer. I understand about the drive, though. We go to Worlds of Fun once every 2-3 years and we always end up staying the night because it's a long drive and after a day of walking around, especially during summer, we're just too exhausted to drive home.

Twinsie - so happy that one of the babies is measuring perfectly. Fingers crossed that the other one is fine too!

Katie - I would definitely be up for a group thread. You ladies are the only ones I talk to much anymore on the boards.

AFM - my doctor called today and she's referring me to a gyno/fertility doctor (my doctor is just a GP). My appointment with the new doctor is on the 25th so I'm glad they could get me in so quick but I'm terrified that they're going to find something wrong. I'm finishing up my term at school in the next few days so I gave myself a 5 day weekend from work next weekend. I'm going to spend some time doing some major spring cleaning and redecorating. Hopefully that will keep my mind off my appointment.

Hope you all had a great weekend!
Crystal- good luck at the fertility dr!!! This is a good step, it can only help right? Even if it is bad news (hopefully not) they will be the right people to work with to move forward send help you get your bfp! I hope there is nothing wrong though
I finally took a "bump" pic this weekend. I'm only 7.5 weeks so there is no bump lol but it's a starting point!!

Twinsie, congrats on the scan! Twins, wow. I’m glad one of the babies is right on track, fingers crossed the other one will catch up too. Exactly why were you trying to lose weight huh? You look fab !

cutie, I’m sorry that some threads have been causing you stress. You’re right to stay away. How was the girls’ night out?

2b4us, your line looks good! Have you started telling people? Thanks for the explanation about the peroghy, sounds yummy.

Katie, good idea not to symptom spot too early. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you! I’d love a group thread too. I’m on one in the TTC after loss forum, it’s a “Closed group”. We’re a group of 8 ladies (there were a couple more but they left after their BFPs) and the plan is to stick together through TTC/pregnancy.

Turtle, how was your weekend? I must admit I didn’t participate in the office moving… DH (and my business partner’s brother – lol) painted the walls and cleaned up. My sister keeps asking me if I’m pregnant because I’m being even lazier than usual haha. We went to work today, Internet is not working yet so we went back home after a couple of hours… one of the perks of working for ourselves! Anyway the smell of paint was too overwhelming, and you’re not supposed to breathe in paint fumes when pregnant so I wasn’t planning to stay the whole day.

crystlmcd, I totally get how anxious you must be and really hope they won’t find anything wrong. But it’s good that the fertility doctor will be seeing you soon, at least he’ll be able to rule out lots of things and give you some answers as to why it’s been taking so long.

I’ve booked my scan for Wednesday morning and want to postpone again but DH is refusing to! :haha:
Twinsie! Twins, wow! I guess being a twin yourself you're probably not too surprised, but wow! :) I'm so glad to hear that one of them is measuring right on track, and I really hope that the other one turns out to be fine too! I bet these next two weeks waiting to find out will be hard!...probably more torture than the tww! :haha: What was DH's reaction to finding out there are two of them? I agree with Fleur, you look great! :thumbup:

Crystl, I'm glad you had fun at the zoo, even if a lot of the exhibits weren't open yet! That's awesome that you come to WoF every few years! I haven't been in YEARS, and although I'm a drag to go with (I hate roller coasters!) I still have a lot of fun when I do go! I'm sorry that your doctor is referring you on, but I really hope that means you'll get some answers quickly and that it will be an easy fix to get you pregnant. :hugs: That's great that they were able to get you in so quickly! So is it a regular obgyn office, or more like a RE office that they've referred you to?

Fleur, I'm glad the move went pretty smoothly this weekend and that you didn't have to help too much! :haha: And that you were able to have a short day today as well. Definite perk of working for yourself! I'm so excited that you've re-booked your scan, just two days away now! I can't wait to hear the good news that everything is looking fine! :) My weekend was really nice, thanks! Yesterday DH and I were accidentally productive...as in, we didn't have any plans of getting so much stuff taken care of around the house but it just kind of worked out that way, and I love it! It was such a beautiful day (well, the whole weekend was really) and that certainly helped! :)
Turtle - it's just a regular obgyn as far as I can tell but their office is equipped to do all fertility testing and treatments in their office (I have no idea if that's normal). I know it's the best next step but I'm just nervous.

Fleur - I'm so excited to hear about the results of your scan. Fingers crossed everything turns out perfect!
2b any more pee sticks for us to obsess over?

katie, i'm game for a group thread. good job on the no symptom spotting. It's hard to hold out, but way easier on the brain

Twinsie, has twins.. I love it. I hope things go well for both of them. I'm sending my positive thoughts your way.

Fleur, I can't wait to hear about your scan

crystal, also sending you positive vibes. it's scary, but a good next step for them to check everything out

AFM: the facial and pedicure were amazing! Much needed relaxation. I could get addicted to them very easily. DH and I bought a new jeep today. It's the family car, but primarily his vehicle. He's so excited! I'm feeling overwhelmed with all the new and new changes, but all good things!! Our next appointment is on the 31st and I absolutely cannot wait.
Turtle- DH looked at me with big bug eyes when the midwife told us she found a second heartbeat LOL it was priceless. Of course I'm pretty sure my face was doing the same thing!!! I know I have a higher chance for twins because it runs on my moms side of the Fam (it's only passed down maternally for fraternal twins), but I seriously was so concerned about just finding one healthy baby in there today I never gave it any thought there could be two babies!! Lol. So I was in complete shock and very emotional! Tears of joy!! Whatever happens with baby 2, I love it so much already. It's crazy. I keep staring at the u/s pic in awe, and zooming in and trying to make out the babies profile. I swear I see the face profile. (Nose eyes etc) DH doesn't see it though lol. How are things with you?

Fleur- I'm so excited for your scan wed!! You better update us ASAP!!! :) We will be thinking of you!!

Cutie- thanks!! :) congrats on the new jeep! I agree, it is hard to be constantly changing things! I like routine and not a fan of too many changes all at once too. I'm gonna have major anxiety this summer when we have to buy/close on our house, rent out the condo we have now and set up the new house in time for baby!! All good things but why can't they be more spread out!?!?!? Sigh. Breathe in, breathe out!! Lol
Twinsie, twins!!! Oh wow! I'm really hoping the next scan shows they're both perfectly alright :). Do you have any symptoms yet?

And Fleur, how about you? Glad to hear you're so eager for your scan, ha! Well that's great you had help this weekend with the office moving!

Sounds like you had a great weekend cutieq! You sound super pumped, love it! What color's the new wheels? Mmmm, I love new car scent...

Glad you were able to get in so quick for an appointment crystlmcd. Answers soon! Happy to hear you guys still had a good time this weekend, despite the few less exhibits!

Turtle, hooray for unexpected productivity! Days like that always helps me get motivated for future projects :thumbup:.

I'd be up for a group thread Katie. We've got a great bunch of girls here! :flower: Hoping the next several days fly by for you and FX you'll get some promising symptoms :).

ASM, I've got an appointment booked Wednesday to confirm the pregnancy. From there I can book in for my first prenatal examination. My current Dr. is retiring in June (no loss, he's kind of an old quack), so I've got to set up an appointment with one of the three new Drs. accepting new patients at our clinic. Whine time :wine::haha:: I'm bloated, gurgly and haven't had a satisfying poop in a week, ha!
I will poas Wednesday morning I think. I've also been a bit of a blabbermouth and told a few family members and friends. I don't feel too bad though, as I know if something happened, I'd definitely want their support and they'd be there with open arms to show it. We'll still wait until Easter to tell the big brother.
2b- thanks! I'm super tired all the time and get out of breathe easy because I'm so congested and can't breathe through my nose as good! Boobs and nipples are sore! And at night I seem to feel worse/sluggish. But no ms yet !! Good luck tom!

Fleur- good luck tomorrow!!!! Fx for a healthy baby measuring right on track!!!! Fx fx fx
Thanks for all the positive thoughts ladies ! So I went to the doctor’s this morning, told him I think I’m pregnant, and when he scanned me I didn’t look at the screen…till I heard him say it’s all looking GOOD! The embryo is measuring 1.2 cm (7weeks3 days instead of 7weeks5days by my dates but I can live with that) and the heartbeat was 156 bpm. I can finally allow myself to be hopeful although I’m not ready to announce it yet. So yes, we can now be cautiously excited :happydance: The doctor says he understands why I’m so anxious, and that 15% of women don’t really experience symptoms so not to worry too much. He wanted to see me again in 4 weeks but I asked for a reassurance scan in 2 weeks.

Turtle, I’m glad you had a productive weekend despite not planning for it, I love when that happens (very rarely I must say).

crystlmcd, I would be so nervous too, but look at it this way : if you do need help, then it’s better to start investigations as soon as possible :hugs:

cutie, congrats on the new car! I’m not a fan of changes but if they’re positive changes, keep them coming!

Twinsie, I really hope baby n° 2 will catch up by the time you get scanned again. Your doctor must have much more sophisticated equipment than mine if you can see the baby’s profile lol, mine just looks like a blob! I will try to post a pic.

2b4us, did you test again this morning? How did your appointment go?

Katie, how are you feeling? Fingers crossed for you!
YAY fleur!!!!!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: hooray!!!!! Baby is measuring great!!!! That heartbeat is awesome too for 7 weeks! Wow, so excited and happy for you !!!! You can finally be excited and celebrate! You have a healthy baby in there :) good week for us!!
Fleur, that's wonderful news!!! I'm SO happy for you, and so happy that you're finally able to relax about it a little bit! I love that you were able to talk him into another scan in 2 weeks, just to be sure. So great!!! :happydance: :dance: :happydance: :dance: :happydance: :dance: :happydance: :dance: <---(there's my excited emoticons that we can finally post! :haha:)

Crystl, I think that's great that the OBGYN that they're sending you too is also equipped to deal with any other ttc complications that may arise! Although I'm confident for you that no complications WILL arise, and that they'll have a simple suggestion to get you pregnant before you know it! :thumbup:

Cutie, congrats on the new jeep! I'm with Fleur in that I hate change, but new vehicles are always so exciting to me! That's a change I can get behind...probably because we are not people to buy new (or rather used, but new to us) cars very often! Your next scan date is so soon, I can't wait! :)

Twinsie, DH's reaction is so cute!!! As is yours! I love it. I'm so, so hopeful for you that baby #2 ends up being a-okay! :hugs:

2b, good luck at your appointment today! Please let us know how it goes. So much exciting stuff going on in this thread, I love it! :D

Katie, how are you doing? Going crazy during the TWW yet? :haha:
Yay Fleur!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That news brightened my day.
Fleur!!! :yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee:

I'm so happy for you! And I very much approve of your doctor. Your peace of mind is very important!!

I'm behind on the conversations going on, which I plan on fully catching up on once my boss is gone this afternoon! But for now, I will just say the TWW is... :coffee:. I'm getting some twingy cramps in my uterus off and on today, but that's it. No other symptoms to speak of. I'm not sure how I feel about my chances this cycle yet. I will decide to be optimistic or not in a couple days. Like Scarlet O'Hara in Gone With the Wind: "I'll think about that tomorrow". Well, "tomarrah". :haha:
TWO POSTS IN A ROW! Look at me! :haha:

Crystl: I miss the zoo. Maine doesn't have one, and I don't think New Hampshire does either? I'm sure Massachusetts MUST, right?? I've never heard of it though. The aquarium there is a lot of fun, but it's just not the same. I'm originally from California, and there are tons of opportunities for zoos and zoo-like experiences. San Diego's is the best I've ever been to.

Good for you for making that appointment! Answers can be scary, or the THOUGHT of answers can be scary, but the outcome we're all seeking is worth it. We're so lucky we live in a time where there is so much a doctor can do to help! Fx you get an easy fix! (Or, better yet, get a BFP before then!)

Twinsie: TWINS!! WOAH!! Take that, fertility problems! :bodyb: I'm sorry B is measuring small... it sounds like you are in a really great mental and emotional place though. Fx crossed for you!

2b: I think your BFP was such a sneaky one! :ninja: (I have been DYING to use that emoji!) You do such a good job of keeping an even stride. I need to practice! Can't wait to hear about your appointment! What's your EDD?
OMG. THREE posts in a row!

I made a group for us, if you all are interested in making the move!


It might be easier to follow?
I know we have our own group now but I just had to say CONGRATS FLEUR!!!!! :thumbup::happydance::hugs::dance::yipee::headspin::wohoo:

I also just finished my last final for this term so I am done for 2 weeks! WOOOOOHOOOO :wohoo:

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