33 1/2, ttc #1.

Hey ladies! I'm still around, been up to my eyeballs in homework, playing catch up. I read some of your posts and thought I would comment on all of them at once.

I have tried T25, Insanity, P90X, and just about any other workout program you can think of. Did I mention I am a Personal Trainer? T25 is good, it's only 25 minutes, you can modify where you need to. It's definitely not as intense as insanity.

I am either 3 or 4 dpo. I missed putting in a temp on CD 13, which is most likely the day I Ovulated. Go figure. So FF waited for 3 more temps to confirm O which it put on CD 14. I think I probably O'd late friday night early saturday morning. I think we did pretty good with the bd. Fingers crossed!
Hello button! Glad to see you and your chart looks good!
I could use a real kick in the rear to get back to exercise. I'm just still nervous after my knee surgery in Dec.

Can you all look at my chart? I expected a temp rise today but it didn't. I've had 2 days of very positive opk and more fertile cm than I've ever noticed. But it didn't spike yet. Weird. Any thoughts?

I don't know about you ladies but I'm ready for spring. We had 75 degrees yesterday and today there's a chance for snow. C'mon Mother Nature figure it out! I think she is having an annovulatoty cycle.
So after reading the last few posts I had a funny thought...we totally need a reality tv show. Think 'Bridezillas' and "P90X" meet ttc and fitness with your average 33 year old woman. With buttonbaby as the personal trainer, we all try to get in shape while constantly peeing on sticks and trying to eat more vegetables then the other girls. The theme song could just be the beeps from the bbt! Should I contact TLC?

Hope my crazy idea gave you a smile today - something we all need during this journey!

NDurham, I agree. Wedding planning was so much fun and I am sure once we are pregnant that nursery decorating and baby showers, etc. will be so much fun too...but ttc has lost all of its fun, at least for me.

buttonbaby, welcome to the tww!

imphope, I am surprised you didn't have your rise yet. Did you temp at the same time? Hopefully tomorrow it will shoot up...maybe you are going to O today? I agree, I am ready for spring. Finally got a bit warmer here (40's+) and then we got hit with a huge snowstorm this morning. I don't think spring is coming anytime soon.
Haha! I am dying laughing with the mental image of your TLC show! Thanks for the laugh. :)

I realized while wedding planning (2.5 years ago) how type A I am when it comes to attacking a project. I guess I am the same when it comes to TTC and I'm sure I will be that way when baby prepping too. It's just who I am. I don't delegate well and I don't do things halfway. It actually relaxes me to know I'm doing all that I can to make things happen. I really struggle when people tell me to just relax and let it be. I want to strangle those people who say ' as soon as you stop trying, it'll happen'. Even though I met my now hubby when I was doing just that. I was finally content being single and then BAM! He fell from the sky and I was smitten. :) I wish I could translate my ooey gooey feelings for him into a baby. Wouldn't it be fun if you could just make it happen like that? BAM!!

Yes, I do temp every day between 6:00 am and 6:15 am. I woke up really warm around 3:00am and I think I kicked off some of my blankets. Maybe that affected my temp? Guess we will keep up the bd for a few more days. This morning we were too tired. I think I'm wearing my poor hubby out. Haha!
I too don't delegate well. I work better off by myself and would rather just do the work myself since I tend to think I am the only person who will do it right. I am a bit ocd and a perfectionist which makes things hard for me at times. I never want to hear someone tell me ' as soon as you stop trying, it'll happen' - because I could never stop trying. With almost everything else in life, you can give it your all and get the results you want. TTC is so different. Life is truly a miracle.

Keeping my fx'd that your temp goes up tomorrow and you can take a BDing break. I know after following SMEP for two weeks my hubby and I are glad to have a short break!
Do you have any good techniques for relaxation? I've got a nervous stomach today. Really weird. I am nervous about whether I will O or not, and nervous about my test results from my big exam last week. Also nervous about an upcoming conversation I have to have at work. We are moving this summer and I haven't told work yet. I don't want to tell them too soon but I want to give a longer than normal notice due to the nature of my job. All of that together is making me shaky and I know that isn't good for TTC. I need a chill pill.
Do you have any good techniques for relaxation? I've got a nervous stomach today. Really weird. I am nervous about whether I will O or not, and nervous about my test results from my big exam last week. Also nervous about an upcoming conversation I have to have at work. We are moving this summer and I haven't told work yet. I don't want to tell them too soon but I want to give a longer than normal notice due to the nature of my job. All of that together is making me shaky and I know that isn't good for TTC. I need a chill pill.

Sorry you are so nervous today. Stress does delay O though, so maybe that is why your temp hasn't spiked yet?

When I am nervous or my stomach hurts I usually pop a mint in my mouth, it is calming and somehow gives me something else to focus on. Maybe a few deep breaths or a quick walk around the office (or to your car) could help calm your nerves. Try your best to relax and distract yourself. :flower:
One step closer to my bfp...I heard back from my OB today. He has ordered a blood test to check my progesterone levels after I O. He said if it is low or even normal he would supplement with progesterone. He wants me to come in between CD24-26 if I O like previous cycles between CD17-20th.

He didn't respond to my question about other tests including a SA for my hubby. I thought about e-mailing him back and asking for that too. Am I missing anything else that could be done for my LP?
Hey hey Hey now..

Been a busy day for me. I left the house at 3:30 to start running errands, got home about 7:30 and immediately started cleaning the house for what.. 3 hours. Savvy,no more clutter. LOL. And I didn't even plan on cleaning this deep, guess I was in the mood and it just happened.

Savvy, your reality sounds like a hit. Stage a melt down with pregnant women always walking around lol.

That's really great about your Dr also. I'm not sure at all what to do about progesterone. I have a co-worker that had an issue with low p, and used a p cream to help her to conceive.

Imphope, I suck at relaxing. It's very hard for me to do.

Babybutton, who knew you're a personal trainer! That's soo awesome.
Great job NDurham!! Less clutter = less stress...or at least that is how I feel! :)

I thought about ordering the progesterone cream on my own but if the doctor is willing to test and prescribe some meds I might hold off to see what happens this cycle. I am already feeling like we are on the right track to getting a bfp this month!
Hey girls!

I had a snow day yesterday, so I wasn't in to work where I normally stalk the boards. Instead I had to shovel the driveway twice... I would have rather come in to work, lol.

Good news about the dr's visit, savvy. Glad to hear that you have someone who's willing to test you and listen to your concerns. Hopefully you'll get your bfp anyway and make all the pokes and prods moot.

I usually distract myself when I'm nervous about something, imphope. Luckily I'm normally very laid back, because when I'm nervous, I'm the hands shaking, heart fluttering, almost in tears kind of nervous. It's definitely gotten better as I've gotten older and more confident, but all through college just the thought of raising my hand to talk in class made my hands sweat and my heart pound. I did it anyway, but it was rough at first.

Here was my mindset all through my wedding preparations, and what I tell all my friends getting married: it doesn't matter to anyone other than you. No one is going to remember whether or not the napkins matched the bridesmaid dresses match perfectly, so don't stress over it unless it's vital to your happiness. Do what matters to you, and forget about everything that just isn't important. I haven't quite figured out how that applies to TTC, except that all the struggles won't matter once we have our babies.

Fingers crossed with you, babybutton!
I got my crosshairs today! I guess I did O maybe even if there isn't a huge temp spike like last month. FF has me at 3dpo today. I go tomorrow for cycle day 21 labs to check progesterone. I have the same questions as you savvy. They will take blood tomorrow but it takes a week to get results. I don't know if that means I will have a script for progesterone this cycle or not. If I do show low P, when does someone usually start taking progesterone? Right after O or later than that? I will do whatever it takes. Throughout all this I still have not spoken with my doctor. Only the nurses. I don't know how to accomplish that. They always transfer me to the triage nurse when I call.

In other good news....I passed my exam! I am now officially an architect! This is such a relief and the culmination of years of studying and seven tests!!!!! So happy.
Congratulations imphope! That's awesome. One test passed with flying colors, one to go. ;)

No idea about progesterone, except that one of my friends got her BFP after a couple months of shots.
Congrats imhope! That has got to feel so great!

I see you're on 3dpo and I am on 5 dpo today! FX for us! I bought some more frer today. Just a 3 pack. If I get a BFP I'll buy a digital to confirm. I plan to test on 10dpo, which will be Tuesday.

So I always try not to symptom spot, because I know it will drive me crazy, but....yesterday I had some brown spotting. On 4dpo that has NEVER happened so early for me before. I went back through all of my charts to check, and the earliest I saw for spotting was 6 or 7 dpo. I only have a 13-14 day lp so around 7 dpo is pretty common for some pre af spotting.

I was taken aback by 4 dpo spotting. It was a small amount and seemed to stop. Then last night a little bit again. Then it stopped. Then today I'm out shopping, go to the bathroom and there is a decent amount of brown spotting but it seems to be mixed with clear cm. Hmmmmm.

So now I'm wondering if I'm actually having implantation bleeding. I know not very many women get it, but maybe I'm part of that small percentage? I've felt some slight cramps here and there the past few days but nothing crazy.

I think I actually O'd Friday night, even though FF put me on Sat. So I think I'm closer to 6 dpo. It's gonna be hard to wait to test this month! Aaaaggghhh!
Congrats imphope! How exciting!
Good luck tomorrow with your progesterone test. I guess we are going to find out what happens if we are low on p. I know a girl on another thread and she started taking p after she got her bfp. She has to take it for a few weeks I think.

buttonbaby, fx'd it was implantation bleeding! I know I read your temp could dip too during implantation which would line up nicely with your chart.

Nothing new here...started testing with opks today (CD7) and it was negative. Starting SMEP tomorrow I think.
So sorry for TMI but I just had a large amount of ewcm and it's been 24 hrs after our bd. when I put that into FF it turned my crosshairs to a dashed line. So now I don't know what that means. Could it be that I haven't o'd yet? I got negative opks yesterday. So confused.
So sorry for TMI but I just had a large amount of ewcm and it's been 24 hrs after our bd. when I put that into FF it turned my crosshairs to a dashed line. So now I don't know what that means. Could it be that I haven't o'd yet? I got negative opks yesterday. So confused.

When FF changes to dashes it means that something isn't adding up right. That has happened to me when I was missing a crucial temp, and also when I didn't record any cm before O. I wonder if you are Oing late?
Hello Hello,

Imphope that's sooo awesome!!! You're an architect now. What kind of an architect? I too an interested to know about the progesterone tests.

mrshan, shoveling snow...oh on. See that's why I live in Texas. Heck no, it's been in the 40's for a few weeks, and people are already ready for it to be over. Only craziness here is that it's tee shirt, short and flip flops in the day, and a coat at night.

babybutton, I hope you get your bpf!!! The tww begins. Don't stress. What are your non-ttc plans these next two weeks?

savvy, hey girl. cleaned 3 hours, only for the hd to come home and leave dirty dishes in the sink. And they wonder why we nagg.. :wacko:

So baby's a personal trainer, imphope is an architect. I'm a computer programmer, usually programming websites. What are your professions Savvy and mrshan?
So baby's a personal trainer, imphope is an architect. I'm a computer programmer, usually programming websites. What are your professions Savvy and mrshan?

I'm an insurance agent. :)

DH and I are planning to move back home to Indiana from Detroit this summer, so we're waiting to hear back on our offer on a second home and trying to find two new jobs. I expect that as soon as we take on a second mortgage, move 300 miles, get to work on making a new house our home, and start two brand new jobs, that's when I'll get pregnant.

mrshan, shoveling snow...oh on. See that's why I live in Texas. Heck no, it's been in the 40's for a few weeks, and people are already ready for it to be over. Only craziness here is that it's tee shirt, short and flip flops in the day, and a coat at night.

I would love to live somewhere warmer, but I love the heat as much as DH loves the cold. And I hate the cold as much as DH hates the heat. We'd spend a fortune on air conditioning down there- he wants to crank it on once it gets to be 72 degrees outside. :rofl:
Hello Hello,

savvy, hey girl. cleaned 3 hours, only for the hd to come home and leave dirty dishes in the sink. And they wonder why we nagg.. :wacko:

So baby's a personal trainer, imphope is an architect. I'm a computer programmer, usually programming websites. What are your professions Savvy and mrshan?

NDurham, sounds like my dh. Though he likes to wait a few days and then put his dirty lunch containers in my sparkling clean sink!

I am a designer, I run my own business out of my home. I mentioned to imphope that I had always wanted to be an architect but changed majors my first year of college. I still wonder how different my life would have been if I had been an architect.

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