i posted this in the main forum, but i would love to get the opinion if my best gals!

what do you think about my questions:
I have a few rather strange questions:
1. Can you get ewcm and still not ovulate? I am getting lots watery cm yesterday and a good bit of ewcm today but my opks are not getting dark. I usually o around cd15 and i'm a few days early but still wondering why the opk isn't darker? I plan to bd anyway because the cm seems really fertile. I temp also, so i guess i will know one way or the other.
i think so. I think that cm helps the semen get to the egg. Not sure how much it's related to if there is an egg to get to.
2. Can sleeping under extra super heavy blankets affect your bbt? It's very cold and we used way more blankets last night and my temp went up a bit. Just wondering if this is early o or just the warmth of blanket. If it was o then wouldn't my opk show something? (i test twice a day starting at cd 10 and with a good 3-4 hr hold)
i was wondering the same thing too. It's been very cold the past 3 days in houston, and my temps have been dropping. When i go to bed the temp is usually 78, but it auto adjusts at night so when i take my temp it's probably in the low 70's.
3. So, say i check for cm (internally) and find some...in checking am i removing it and therefore taking away the cm that could assist the sperm if we bd later that day/night? Or is a hint of fertile cm a sign that there is more up there so i shouldn't worry?
that's a really good question. And for that, going back to question 1, i don't think removing it will make the semen less likely to get there. I think it's more about when it's in there, is the cm toxic or accepting. So when it's ec it's no longer toxic. (according to the info i read on ff).
4. Anyone else wonder about how much of the swimmers are staying in there after bd? I usually stay horizontal for 15 -20 mins after but it seems a good deal of the semen finds it's way out if i use the bathroom later. I don't think i'm up for using soft cups.
i like savvy's process. I usually am like you, and have to pee shortly after bd, so i end up getting up. But next go round i'll use savvy's process and just go to sleep. Also, i've never heard of soft cups. Guess it's time to google.
here's a number 5 for you ladies: I still have no idea how to know what my cervix feels like. I check but it does not feel like what i read about. I have no clue what in doing in that regard so i gave up.
i had no idea either. Until i saw this post on ff of a chick that used a spectrum and took a picture. Made it noticing the cm very easy.
Here's the post (hope i'm not violating anything on bb)
https://www.fertilityfriend.com/circles/viewtopic.php?t=2689581&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0 if the link doesn't show up, just go to the forum on ff and search for "what a diff 12 hrs makes -cervix pics - warning: Tmi".
The original pics are gone, but you can look through the comments as there are other sites that will show some pictures.
I even thought about getting a spectrum myself. They do sell them and even in kits with a mirror and everything lol.