33 1/2, ttc #1.

Hey ladies. Hows it going? Seems like this room should be called the waiting room....we're waiting for af, were waiting for + opks, we're waiting for test results, we're waiting for drs calls. Ugh! I'm tired of waiting!

I'm still super confused about my cycle this month. This is the first time in my life I had a period come early. wtf. And to top it off I'm still spotting randomly. Even though it ended Friday. Yesterday was the day it was actually supposed to start. I wish my uterus could get on the same page as me. I don't appreciate this insubordination :(

On a somewhat related note, I read some interesting tidbits online about women who had the mirena iud having low progesterone levels after removal. I had mine in for over 4 years. I really wonder if that is what is causing my problems. The cyst, now the low progesterone.....both of those are linked to mirena. That is probably my only true regret in life was having that evil plastic pitchfork installed in my uterus.
Hi Savvy,

I'm not sure. I now have an appt with a fertility specialist to do an ultrasound and make sure things are ok. This does totally suck. Not even interested in Bm. Not to mention that that test has my back hurting like af is coming and my left side feels pressure. My Dr. Said that the right had nothing and the left didn't drain fully.

Guess well see. More waiting.

I am so sorry you have to go through all of this. Do you have an appointment booked with the fertility specialist?

Yep. I was shocked to have gotten an appointment for April 1. So well see.

Here's something interesting, I was so stressed that I stopped tracking on ff. So this weekend I just calculated that o was over and that we missed it as I was in no bd mood at all. Well I felt better on Sunday and we did just to enjoy each other, which I really needed. Feeling better overall, I opened ff to back fill and low and behold we bd on my predicted o day. Hmm. And now I'm extremely nauseated. Who knows.
Just trying to be hopeful .
NDurham, They say when you stop trying it just happens! Fx'd, we need some sticky bfps around here soon! :)

imphope, low P can easily be treated I think. My doctor said if mine was low or even normal he would give me meds since my LP was only 9 days the last two cycles. I am taking B6 and there is also some cream you can buy to help boost it...I didn't want to do too much this month since if it is low I want my doctor to treat it the right way...not me trying to figure something out. I hope she calls you with some answers sooon!

button, definitely a waiting room here. Glad we have each other to chat with, makes the wait easier! Wow that is interesting about mirena. Sorry I can't remember...Did your doc check you for low P? Hopefully we all get this stuff figured out soon.

mrshan, how are you doing??

Here is my situation today...had the positive opk yesterday afternoon along with some really sharp pains in the lower right side. My temp rose up this morning and then I used two opks and they were very blazing positive at 6am. Does it sound like I haven't O yet? :coffee:
Sounds like you're okay to me, Savvy, but I'm not very good at that yet, since I'm not opk'ing and still on my first cycle of temping. Time to get horizontal with hubby *bow chicka bow-wow* How's your CM? FX for egcm (and it's so weird 1. talking about other girls' cm, and 2. hoping that theirs is a certain way, lol.) Good luck on having a longer LP this cycle, and hopefully you won't have to go to the doc anymore and will get a sticky bean!

Nona Sounds like you're in the TWW, right? FX and babydust for you! Hopefully you'll be able to continue ignoring your cycle, relax, and not freak out about whether you are or aren't this month.

Button I think any form of BC can mess us up, unfortunately. I wish my doc had warned me about the Pill, and how long it can take to clear out of your system. They just kind of make it seem like you go off BC and can get knocked up within three months, no worries.

For me, I'm supposed to be O'ing sometime over the weekend based on FF prediction, so we'll see if temps line up to confirm. FX that I actually O- I have no real idea except that my cycles are normally 28 days, so I assume there's an eggy.

I just wanna gripe that high libido is such a pain in the neck. It's been almost a week and a half between AF visiting Tues-Thurs last week, then we were out of town Fri-Sun at my SIL's house. Her spare room is too dusty for us to sleep there because of our allergies, so we end up sleeping on separate couches. Then he went home with a friend Sunday night while I stayed another night for a job interview (which went really well!). So I assumed that last night would be on, right? Nope, just sleep. I mean, how is he not as crazy horny as I am? Ugh! /end rant/
So I did decide to test today. I really want to know if I have another CP so I can discuss with the doctor in case that happens. However I promised my hub I would wait for AF so this was a secret test. I took an FRER and I am 99.999999% sure it had an evap line. So very very faint I almost couldn't see it and it didn't look like it had any color. Although it came up within the 5 minute time. It doesn't show in pictures at all. I still don't feel like we conceived this time. I have my usual gross gas and emotional swings that come before AF. Yay. So I will wait and see. May take another test in a couple days to check again. I do have an increase in creamy cm and that's not something I remember before, but really I do not feel pregnant. Still no word from doc. So the waiting continues.
So I did decide to test today. I really want to know if I have another CP so I can discuss with the doctor in case that happens. However I promised my hub I would wait for AF so this was a secret test. I took an FRER and I am 99.999999% sure it had an evap line. So very very faint I almost couldn't see it and it didn't look like it had any color. Although it came up within the 5 minute time. It doesn't show in pictures at all. I still don't feel like we conceived this time. I have my usual gross gas and emotional swings that come before AF. Yay. So I will wait and see. May take another test in a couple days to check again. I do have an increase in creamy cm and that's not something I remember before, but really I do not feel pregnant. Still no word from doc. So the waiting continues.

That's a hard decision to make, and you may make a different decision every cycle, honestly. I'm too afraid of a BFN to test before AF is late. But I understand wanting to know whether or not you get a CP so your doctor will know. Most CPs are because the wrong sperm found the egg and it's not because of something wrong with you, from what I've read. Your body can tell quickly if the cells aren't dividing correctly and will jettison the whole package if there's something wrong with the embryo. Our bodies are genetically programed to do that because they have a vested interest in only using up our resources on healthy offspring. It's a feature, not a bug, even though it doesn't feel like that most of the time. :hugs:
mrshan, unfortunately I rarely spot any cm. I thought I might have had a bit last week or it could have been leftovers (TMI sorry!). I did get another positive opk this afternoon. Who knows, I guess I will see what happens in a few days with my temps. Hopefully your hubby is resting up for a busy weekend, right in time for you to O! :)

imphope, if a line showed up...it might be a bfp! Stay positive and hang in there. Try testing in another day or two with a frer. I am going to keep my fx'd for you!
All is well here... in the waiting room game.


TWW, AF wait, BD wait. OPK wait, BFP wait.
Huge temp drop this morning. Down to cover line. I think my suspicions were correct. I expect to be out any minute now. This is so hard.
Huge temp drop this morning. Down to cover line. I think my suspicions were correct. I expect to be out any minute now. This is so hard.


I'm sorry. It is too hard. But we can do this. This is our year, ladies. It'll happen for us.

The nice thing is that a lot of us following this thread are on different schedules, so right about the time AF hits one of us, there's at least one other girl who's O'ing or in the TWW. At least we're not all devastated at the same time, and there's always one of us who might still get her BFP. In 3 weeks, I'm counting on you to remind me that this is our year, imphope, if I'm seeing the temp drop that precedes AF.
Huge temp drop this morning. Down to cover line. I think my suspicions were correct. I expect to be out any minute now. This is so hard.

I am sorry imphope! This is the hardest thing I have ever done. You still have a chance and hopefully your temps will rise again and AF will stay away.

My temp dipped too this morning, I swear I ovulated back on Monday so why would my temp rise and dip again? Now I am worried that I didn't O. Hubby doesn't get it even though I explained the "rules" of temping and asked me why I was pouting this morning, which made me mad. At first I decided I would sit around and be mad all day, then I decided to go out shopping instead. Hit up two malls, I left one because there was an insane amount of mothers pushing strollers and I just couldn't handle seeing another baby. Major shopping spree for me! I am still upset but I feel a bit better getting some fresh air, at least the sun is out today...bitter cold though!
button, definitely a waiting room here. Glad we have each other to chat with, makes the wait easier! Wow that is interesting about mirena. Sorry I can't remember...Did your doc check you for low P? Hopefully we all get this stuff figured out soon.

Yes she tested me last cycle, I was about 9 days past O and my progesterone was a 1. Not good! I'm getting retested this cycle on CD 19, 21, 23. We'll see how it looks. If it's low she'll treat hopefully. I curse that mirena everyday!
Yes she tested me last cycle, I was about 9 days past O and my progesterone was a 1. Not good! I'm getting retested this cycle on CD 19, 21, 23. We'll see how it looks. If it's low she'll treat hopefully. I curse that mirena everyday!

I wonder if other BCP are linked to low P...might have to google that! I was on Loestrin24fe for 10+ years...I loved how my OB told me don't stop them unless you want to become pregnant because a lot of woman get pregnant immediately...now I am wishing that was true!

My temp went way back up again today and I am hoping it stays that way. Confused now when I ovulated but all our BDing should have us covered. Now I just need lots of progesterone and a sticky bfp!

How is everyone else doing today?
I'm good. I'm supposed to O this weekend, so I don't have any ewcm yet, but it's watery and slippery, so hopefully some swimmers get up there tonight. BD night!

FX for a sticky bean for you, Savvy!

Button, I hope your test goes well. What CD are you on now?

This is definitely the waiting room- not only am I waiting on a BFP, I'm waiting on getting to the one-year mark if it doesn't happen so DH and I can both get tested to see if anything is wrong. It totally makes sense to wait a year so you're not undergoing unnecessary tests if everything works and it just needs time, but still frustrating. Like if there's been something wrong this whole time, then it would have been nice to fix it and already have our baby, you know?
Thanks mrshan! The wait continues...now I am waiting to get my P checked, hoping my temps stay up and those vitamins lengthen my LP! It looks like you will be joining me soon in the tww too!
Helloooo AF. Cd1 here. Womp womp.....
But I realized something today. Even though AF is a signal that last cycle didn't work and makes me sad, it signifies the beginning of a fresh cycle. I like that my chart is blank and I can try to envision all of the good things that will go well this month. I told my DH that I want to force my brain to think positively this month and see how that works. I'm going to snuff out my worries with positive thoughts, prayers, and faith that this WILL happen for us eventually. Hey, it's only our 4 th try! We are totally in the majority here. We can do this.

Ps. STILL no word fro doctor about last weeks progesterone test. I think I've waited long enough. I'm probably going to call today.
I'm good. I'm supposed to O this weekend, so I don't have any ewcm yet, but it's watery and slippery, so hopefully some swimmers get up there tonight. BD night!

FX for a sticky bean for you, Savvy!

Button, I hope your test goes well. What CD are you on now?

This is definitely the waiting room- not only am I waiting on a BFP, I'm waiting on getting to the one-year mark if it doesn't happen so DH and I can both get tested to see if anything is wrong. It totally makes sense to wait a year so you're not undergoing unnecessary tests if everything works and it just needs time, but still frustrating. Like if there's been something wrong this whole time, then it would have been nice to fix it and already have our baby, you know?

mrshan, I am on CD 8 today, due to O on Mon or Tue, so right behind you! I feel the same way about having to wait for that one year mark, it's so frustrating. I had my IUD out dec 2012, but we didn't start tttc until last June. When I went to the OBGYN in sep or oct we told her we had been trying since the iud removal, because I knew she delay testing. I have had endometriosis symptoms since I was 20, and every OB had always suspected I had it since we have such a strong family history. I was never able to get the lap to confirm though. Plus with my age I just had a feeling this wasn't going to be easy. Luckily my OBGYN started tests right away, she also felt with my age and med history that there was no reason to wait for the official one year mark. I'm glad she didn't since I had the cyst in my ovary and then we found the endo. Now with the low P on top of it...ugh!

The more I think about this past year the more I think my progesterone has been low ever since the iud came out. I started gaining weight last year, especially around the midsection, which I don't usually do. I thought it was because I started school in January, but now I'm thinking the low progesterone is probably the culprit. I've had low libido, sugar cravings like crazy, and spotting in between my periods. I have lost a lot of motivation too, just hard to get on track and stay there, and trouble focusing which is not normal for me. Plus the endo, all symptoms of low p. I really hope that this can be corrected and I can get back to feeling normal again.
imphope, I'm sorry AF showed up but I am loving your positive attitude!! It WILL happen, very soon. Were you able to reach your doctors office? Hoping your results came back normal.

button, I did the same thing. I stopped BCP and waited a few months but told my new doctor we started a few months earlier since I thought he would start testing. He didn't seem to care and was more focused on telling me I would get prego within 6 months of my m/c in December...that is June and it is quickly approaching! I told my husband I would follow the docs plan for 3 months. I guess right now I am going to see what my P number comes back as and go from there. If it is low I might ask for a referral to a RE. If it is normal but he starts me on meds then I will stick with him another month or two. Right now I really don't want to waste another month, I want to do everything in my power to get pregnant now.
Hey ladies....I'm here. Lurking around. Just waiting for my appt next week. Sucks not to be in the tww frenzy with yall.

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