33 1/2, ttc #1.

So the doctor called with my results of my progesterone test. I had a level of 14.5 on 7dpo. Apparently that is a really good number and indicates that I did ovulate. Nurse said I do not need clomid. I asked what I should do next and she said I should just wait and see what happens. The MC was probably a fluke thing and the next step would be a semen analysis for DH but that most couples wait a year to do further testing. In Dec my doctor had told me I didn't have to wait longer than six months so I will stick with that. I guess we just keep trying for a few more months and hope something happens. This will be cycle 4. My real dilemma is that we are moving to a different state in July and I wonder if I should just wait for the move and find a new doctor in our new city? I have friends there who know fertility specialists and could probably make a good recommendation. To be honest, I kinda thought she would tell me that I had Low P and would put me on meds. What do you ladies think about all of this?
imphope, that is great news that your numbers were so high! Honestly, chemical m/c are way more common than we think. Most people don't talk about them or even know they had one. They just think they started their period a few days late or their cycles are not consistent to begin with so they don't notice. When I wasn't ttc I never paid attention to my cycles at all or how my body felt, etc. I really think you will get your sticky bfp very soon.

Ultimately it is your decision on how long you wait to start testing. My 1 year is fast approaching next month and if I don't get prego this cycle or next then I am moving on to a specialist and getting every test I can. How does your hubby feel about everything? Did you discuss your plans with him? I want to add, you don't have to answers those questions here...I am just trying to give you a little info to think about. Last month I had a serious talk with my hubby, I wanted to be on the same page as him. I didn't want to start testing or going to a fertility specialist if that was something he didn't want to do. We decided how far we would go, in terms of tests/IUI/IVF and beyond. How much we were willing to spend on appointments/procedures/tests. I guess it helped me figure out my plan knowing he would agree with my decisions.

I am hoping we all get our bfps soon and spend our days waiting for our due dates! :)
Awesome about your numbers, imphope! That makes it easy to keep up the optimistic outlook on your next cycle and hopefully get a sticky bean.

Savvy, I've had the same conversation with my DH, and we're on the same page. I think that as far as we're willing to go is bloodwork and HSG for me and SA for him. Probably Clomid or progesterone as far as meds go. We're okay with simple stuff, and not planning to do IVF or surrogacy or anything like that. Who knows if that will change after we've been TTC for 2-3 years, but I feel better with having a plan, and discussing the plan every couple months.

Hi Nona! Good luck on your appointment. Tuesday will be here before you know it. :)

Button, how have you been? It's like another week and a half until your doc wants to bring you in again, right? Are you doing EOD for BD this cycle? FX that the low P last cycle was just a fluke, and it's okay with your upcoming test.
mrshan, I agree, I feel so much better having a plan with my husband. Of course like you said we are going to continue our conversation and changes could be made to the plan down the road. My husband is the main breadwinner, while that doesn't mean he gets to make all the money decisions, I did want to make sure he would be fine dropping a few thousand into testing if needed. My GI appointments already cost a small fortune for blood work and procedures when they are not covered by insurance and my appointments with my dietitian aren't covered either. I expect the next wing of the hospital should have my name on a plaque or a brick! :)
Hi ladies! I'm here....sort of. Due to some recent changes in our life we have decided to stop ttc. We are not preventing, but not going to actively try for right now. If it happens it happens. I am still temping just because I want to see if I'm still ovulating, especially since I will be testing my P again in a couple weeks. Regardless of ttc, if my P is low I want treatment because I just don't feel like myself. The more I read about low P the more I think that is a problem for me. I'm hoping there is a solution to this so I can get back to my old self. We started shark week and now we're just not focusing on bd on purpose. Hopefully it will alleviate some stress not actively ttc, since we have enough stress from other areas right now. But I will still check in to see how you ladies are doing.I'm attached to you all now :)
Button...I am sorry to hear about the stressful situation but I applaud you and your DH for being clear about what is best for you as a couple. I will be thinking of you and hope you only go up from here. Maybe this break is exactly what you need! Take care. And come back anytime.
button, thinking of you and sending some positive vibes your way. Check in and let us know how you are doing when you have time throughout the month.
I am thinking this cycle is a bust...it just doesn't feel right to me. First I was positive I felt all of those O pains that one weekend and especially those stabbing pains last Monday. My temps have been all over the place and FF marked me as ovulating last Wednesday. Today my temp took a major drop and I got my chin zit that I usually get a few days before AF appears. I am so frustrated right now I don't know what to do. I did go in for my progesterone lab this morning, I don't know how long it will take to get my results back, but I will post an update when I get my number. I have zero symptoms this cycle...maybe I didn't ovulate?
Button, we're attached to you too! Let us know how the treatment for low P goes, and I'm sending you happy thoughts.
Savvy, I'm kind of in the same boat this month. I was hoping that temping would show very clear signs of O, but I'm not seeing it, and I'm CD14. I haven't gotten crosshairs from FF yet, and I'm wondering if it's because I didn't get much sleep over the weekend and my temping times were later than usual. I'm also not seeing ewcm, and I usually get that. I can already tell that I'm going to have a hard tww, and it hasn't even started yet. I keep telling myself that it'll be okay if I O on CD 15 or 16, and we're keeping up with the BD EOD, but now I'm just worried about whether or not there'll be an egg to catch. I know that there's nothing I can do except be patient and track, but jeesh.

Besides TTC, the weather is finally nice in Michigan and I had a great weekend with friends and DH. :thumbup:

Nona, thinking about you for your appointment tomorrow. :hugs:
mrshan, do you usually O around CD14? I am asking because my OB thought I would O around CD7-12 but I actually O closer to CD20, I wouldn't have known that if I didn't use opks and temp after my m/c. Do you use opks? Unfortunately the temps are only accurate if you temp at the same time each morning, which really is hard to do especially on the weekends. I do adjust my temp (+/- .2) if I get up an hour earlier/later than my usual 6am time and note it on my chart. Hopefully in the next few days you will start to see your temp shift to confirm ovulation. FF requires 3 days of higher temps to give you the crosshairs. The weather is definitely starting to warm up and I am loving the sunny days, hoping it means spring is on its way! :)

edit: I just got a message from my OB, my progesterone level was 7.0 and he said that was good?? I thought I read it needed to be 10+, I am off to google.... Hopefully at least that means I ovulated.
This is my first cycle temping, so prior to this I'd just been going on 1/2 luteal length. All this stuff is so interesting. I'll definitely be watching my temps this week. The weekend was hard as far as timing goes, but I'll get better with practice. I haven't gotten to opks yet, but I might start in a couple cycles if temping isn't giving me definitive answers.

I did shift my temps according to the calculator someone pointed out from https://www.whenmybaby.com/basalbodytemperature.php to see if it would make a difference in the pattern, but it really didn't.

Thanks for the info. It's so helpful to talk to ladies who have already figured some of this stuff out.

Savvy, good news about your test results! Yay!!!
Hey ladies. ... tick tock. Only 10 more hours until my appointment. I'm very stressed and the hubby is having issues at work as that is making it worse. I've been stress eating trying to feel a little better but it isn't working.

Had lunch with a coworker that had 3 sessions of ivf to finally have a set of triplets. @12k each it was far from motivating.

Thanks for thinking of me ladies. I will post after the results. I have a day of relaxation planned after the session. Facial, massage, and pedi.
mrshan, I told myself when I started temping that I would not get too strict with them. If I woke up early/late or missed a day it was okay. It is just another tool to help me. It does take a few months for FF to really start analyzing your data and seeing your true patterns. Hopefully in the next few days you will see your temp shift to confirm O. I really am no expert, just following along with what I have read from others and the last 3 cycles of temping. :)

NDurham, thinking of you and hoping all goes well at your appointment! You deserve a relaxing day after, enjoy. Keep us posted :)
Just returned for the visit.

This is the first time I'd had a vaginal ultrasound and boy was it overdue. I have 5 fibriods, 1 that's potentially the reason for the blockage of the right tube.

And there is another one that is in my lining that would be an issue if I were to get pregnant.

So all in all, we are where I thought we'd be, surgery. I have to do more bloodwork this week and get a hysterosonography on the 10th.

I'll probably have the surgery either the 11th or the 2nd. I have a girl's trip planned for the 25th. Not sure if I should cancel that now, since the surgery will require me to take a week off.

Too stressed. Off to my spa day.
Just returned for the visit.

This is the first time I'd had a vaginal ultrasound and boy was it overdue. I have 5 fibriods, 1 that's potentially the reason for the blockage of the right tube.

And there is another one that is in my lining that would be an issue if I were to get pregnant.

So all in all, we are where I thought we'd be, surgery. I have to do more bloodwork this week and get a hysterosonography on the 10th.

I'll probably have the surgery either the 11th or the 2nd. I have a girl's trip planned for the 25th. Not sure if I should cancel that now, since the surgery will require me to take a week off.

Too stressed. Off to my spa day.


I'm glad you have a plan of action, but sorry about the fibroids. Your spa day is well-deserved.
This is my first cycle temping, so prior to this I'd just been going on 1/2 luteal length. All this stuff is so interesting. I'll definitely be watching my temps this week. The weekend was hard as far as timing goes, but I'll get better with practice. I haven't gotten to opks yet, but I might start in a couple cycles if temping isn't giving me definitive answers.

I did shift my temps according to the calculator someone pointed out from https://www.whenmybaby.com/basalbodytemperature.php to see if it would make a difference in the pattern, but it really didn't.

Thanks for the info. It's so helpful to talk to ladies who have already figured some of this stuff out.

Savvy, good news about your test results! Yay!!!

Hey Lesli,

While I had been tracking my cycle for almost 2 years, I didn't find fertility friend until December, I believe and even then didn't start doing the temping for a few weeks. All that being said, when I saw my OB the first time, to start the conversation about us not getting prego, her first question was do you have positive opks? I didn't even know what the test was until she asked me that.

Actually was pretty stressed about it for a few days, because all this time, I assumed that cycle meant egg was coming. Nopers.

And in my consultation today, for the first 10 minutes, the dr looked over all my charts and tests, and wanted to know averages of my cycle, my opk results and everything. So that was about the only thing positive about the meeting. I was as prepared. It made her job easier to pin point what to do next.

Given that we are all 33, I would recommend getting doing the opks tests now. The clearblue easy ones do have a 2 month pack, and you don't have to use them all in 30 days, as they are individually packaged. I got my box in January and still haven't used them all. Although I didn't do anything for March. Also, FF works in conjuction with opks too. I think the cross hairs are impacted by your bbt and your opks results.
So the doctor called with my results of my progesterone test. I had a level of 14.5 on 7dpo. Apparently that is a really good number and indicates that I did ovulate. Nurse said I do not need clomid. I asked what I should do next and she said I should just wait and see what happens. The MC was probably a fluke thing and the next step would be a semen analysis for DH but that most couples wait a year to do further testing. In Dec my doctor had told me I didn't have to wait longer than six months so I will stick with that. I guess we just keep trying for a few more months and hope something happens. This will be cycle 4. My real dilemma is that we are moving to a different state in July and I wonder if I should just wait for the move and find a new doctor in our new city? I have friends there who know fertility specialists and could probably make a good recommendation. To be honest, I kinda thought she would tell me that I had Low P and would put me on meds. What do you ladies think about all of this?

So in looking at my situation, you really don't get to the specialist level, until something is failed. The testing up until now was all with my OB/GYN. Which is good too, because after I finish with the specialist I'll have to go back to my ob anyway. So if you like your ob now, I'd say start things with her. The initial testing. There was this pie chart the specialist showed us today of what it takes to get prego, and each section had the various tests to identify any issues. Surprisingly, my ob had already done most of the tests already, so it really helped speed things along with the specialist. So I'd say get your testing done now, there, and when you move, find a good ob to transfer to. Then if she finds something she can recommend you to a specialist.
Hi ladies! I'm here....sort of. Due to some recent changes in our life we have decided to stop ttc. We are not preventing, but not going to actively try for right now. If it happens it happens. I am still temping just because I want to see if I'm still ovulating, especially since I will be testing my P again in a couple weeks. Regardless of ttc, if my P is low I want treatment because I just don't feel like myself. The more I read about low P the more I think that is a problem for me. I'm hoping there is a solution to this so I can get back to my old self. We started shark week and now we're just not focusing on bd on purpose. Hopefully it will alleviate some stress not actively ttc, since we have enough stress from other areas right now. But I will still check in to see how you ladies are doing.I'm attached to you all now :)

Oh babybutton, I'm sorry. I hope it's all for good reasons. Even if it's not, in my line of work, I find that taking a break offers is usually more helpful then not, no matter how much I don't want to take the break. So enjoy it. BDing, TWW, BTTing will all be here when you return.

I'm about to embark on a similar journey you took with your surgery.

Hope to see you around..
Nona, I am sorry about the surgery and fibriods. But I am glad that your doctor is taking care of you. This is just one of those steps towards a bfp. Keep us posted on how you are doing and how the appointments go.

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