33 1/2, ttc #1.

So upset right now...

Okay so yesterday I posted that my progesterone level was 7.0 and I asked my doctor what the next step would be...I was hoping he would suggest clomid or progesterone or other blood tests, etc....

Well...he emailed me back today saying "ovulation occurs approx 2 weeks prior to the first day of your period. Ideally you would have intercourse 2-3 days prior to ovulation." Wow!! I didn't know that, so glad I spent $100's to see him so he could tell me that useful information...is this a bad April Fools joke? I had sex for 4 days in a row before ovulation and the last two cycles I only had 9 days before the first day of my period...a bit different then what he suggestions. Seriously I am done with this joker, I am just so angry right now. I doubt he will give me a referral to a FS. Not sure if I should even stay in the same well known hospital, are all the doctors there the same?
Ooh Savvy, I would be so pissed! Aargh!

Hopefully this will get your hubby on board with switching to a new doc, since this one is clearly not invested in your ttc. What an idiot.

Nona, thank you for the advice. I got online yesterday to buy okps. It certainly can't hurt, and the more information I have, the better. I bought two different brands to see which ones I can read with more ease, and I have my fingers crossed that I won't be needing all 60 of them. So if this cycle is a bust, I'll be opk'ing next cycle. Sigh. I POAS now. :)
Thanks mrshan, I am calling this afternoon for an appointment with a FS. It is a bit of a drive from where we live but I think it will be worth it. I am afraid if I switch to another OB they won't be as aggressive and right now I don't want to waste any more time.

My advice is to test twice a day, the first cycle I used the opks I only tested once and I think I might have missed my surge or didn't test long enough since I think I only tested until like CD16 or something. Two tests looked 'almost' positive. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask or post pictures (if you are doing the tests with lines) for more feedback. I love using the opks, it helps me confirm ovulation. :)
So upset right now...

Okay so yesterday I posted that my progesterone level was 7.0 and I asked my doctor what the next step would be...I was hoping he would suggest clomid or progesterone or other blood tests, etc....

Well...he emailed me back today saying "ovulation occurs approx 2 weeks prior to the first day of your period. Ideally you would have intercourse 2-3 days prior to ovulation." Wow!! I didn't know that, so glad I spent $100's to see him so he could tell me that useful information...is this a bad April Fools joke? I had sex for 4 days in a row before ovulation and the last two cycles I only had 9 days before the first day of my period...a bit different then what he suggestions. Seriously I am done with this joker, I am just so angry right now. I doubt he will give me a referral to a FS. Not sure if I should even stay in the same well known hospital, are all the doctors there the same?

What an ass. This is prime reason I didn't want a male doctor for this. I have enough frustration dealing with dh lack of emotion and understanding.

Definitely find a new one. How could you be this far and he not know that you already know that. Gez.

I would get a better ob and then try and get a fs the ones here only do the fertility part and make it clear to go back go your ob for everything else. I know distance and cost is an issue for you. I do hope you can find someone you like.
Hi friends, I'm here but barely. I have such a bad head cold that I feel I am in a fog. I'm at work but I'm dreaming of being back at home under blankets. Ugh. Too tired to responds to all the recent events but I am thinking of all of you and praying for brighter days for all of us. I hope I can shake this nastiness by the weekend. Next week is Shark Week! Sending love to all of you.
Here's a funny anecdote for today:

Last night I went to have my Tarot cards read with one of my girlfriends for work. She just turned 35 and has a 1-year-old, so she's my go-to success story of sucessfully getting pregnant at 33 1/2. :)

So anyway, she wanted to go to the psychic for her birthday, so we went. According to the psychic and my dearly departed mother speaking through her, I'm currently pregnant and it'll be a boy, which will be one of two. So I guess we'll just have to wait and see. :haha: She said 3 or 4 times that she thinks I'm pregnant, and even accused me of knowing that I am, and hiding it to test her. I'm pretty sure she wasn't just calling me fat. :haha:

DH took it in stride and said that we couldn't BD anymore because then we'd never know if the psychic was right, but it's Shark Week, so he didn't get a break. We're doing this EOD, whether you like it or not, honey.

My temps still aren't showing O, but it's CD17, so at this point I'm assuming that maybe I did over the weekend when I didn't wake up at the right time to take my temp and I just won't get crosshairs. I can't feel it when I ovulate, so until my OPKs get here next week, I won't know for sure whether or not I O until next cycle at the earliest. If I O on CD17-19, that doesn't leave very long for something to stick when I have 28-day cycles, so that worries me slightly.

Imphope, I hope you feel better soon!
What an ass. This is prime reason I didn't want a male doctor for this. I have enough frustration dealing with dh lack of emotion and understanding.

Definitely find a new one. How could you be this far and he not know that you already know that. Gez.

I would get a better ob and then try and get a fs the ones here only do the fertility part and make it clear to go back go your ob for everything else. I know distance and cost is an issue for you. I do hope you can find someone you like.

I guess I should have responded..."oh, I am suppose to have intercourse??" I never wanted a male OB, I kind of got stuck with him in my desperate move to find a new OB when the other place was very insensitive during my m/c. But you made a great point, I didn't think about if the specialist would deliver the baby...okay just freaked out here and actually stopped in the middle of typing and called the clinic. They only get you pregnant and then refer you back to your OB, the girl said they would do blood tests, etc to confirm and make sure things are going good before sending you back. So crap that means I do need to find a good OB now! Thank you SO much for writing that, I never thought about that!!! :flower: I found a place that is associated through my hospital so my records/meds are all in their system. Cost is not an issue, our insurance covers a lot of the tests but very little to nothing when it comes to IUI,etc. I am hoping it is just a boost of P or some med to O earlier than cd20 is all I need...fx'd. The drive is a bit far (30-40 minutes) and probably an hour from hubbys work. First available appointment was in May, but I guess now I need to search for a new OB! I did request a female FS and now I will go search for a female OB! :) Thanks again for mentioning that, I wouldn't have been prepared!
imphope, feel better soon! I guess the good thing is you got your illness over before shark week and the tww!

mrshan, that will be awesome if the psychic is right!!! Looking at your chart, I don't see any temp rise to indicate O. If you look at my chart you can see my temp has gone up in the past 7 days, my temps should be much higher though if I was pregnant, they are hovering on the line which tells me AF will be flying in quickly. I believe I have read a .5 rise shows ovulation when you have a sustained thermal shift for 3+ days. I think your temp should be around 98.0+ for 3 days to get CH's. Again, I am not an expert though. I would say keeping BDing and lets hope we see some CH's on your chart soon!
Yeah, Savvy, I agree with you. I'm not an expert yet either, but I think I'm definitely still waiting to O. I had a pretty big temp dip today, so hopefully I'll see a big rise tomorrow that will stay up over the weekend.

I think I'm mostly convinced that this month won't be the one either, and just ready to be on to the next cycle. I don't know why I feel that way because if I actually O, then there's plenty of time to catch the egg, but I just have a feeling that it won't be my month. Deep down, I don't really have much faith in psychics. I still think it'll be this year, but I'm not feeling lucky for this month.

Savvy, it's great that your insurance plan covers most of the tests. FX for you that it's something simple. One of my friends had progesterone shots (she might have had a mc- she mentioned that offhand about why she had to get shots) and got preggers right away after that.

Imphope, how are you feeling today?
Back to CD1...I am very concerned that my LP was only 8 days. How did it gets shorter? Very unhappy and frustrated that this month was a bust.

Lesli, I think it is common to get a dip in temps the day before O. Lets keep our fingers crossed we see a big rise tomorrow!
Back to CD1...I am very concerned that my LP was only 8 days. How did it gets shorter? Very unhappy and frustrated that this month was a bust.QUOTE]

Ugh! Sorry about AF. At least you know you're on to the next cycle and your tww is over. FX that your new doc, when you find one, is much more helpful and can give you some real information to work with on ttc. :hugs:
I did have good news- I got the official offer for the job I interviewed for last month! It's a huge raise for me, and I'll be moving from Michigan to Indiana this month so that I can start the new job on April 28th.

I'll be living with my SIL for a while until we figure out if we're buying a new house or renting an apartment for a while. We'll be long-distance for at least a month until my benefits start, then hubby can quit his job and take a lower paying job for the time being, if necessary. TTC will be a pain since we'll only be able to see each other on the weekends for a while, but we're not changing our plans to try to get pregnant this year.

I'm super excited about this new job. Thank you girls for wishing me luck- I know it helped!
Congrats Lesli on the new job and pay increase!! Time to celebrate! Are you originally from Indiana?

I am seeing a RE in May and I am calling Monday to find a new OB in the same hospital. I finally narrowed my choice down and found a location that has all female OBs. The RE I am seeing is also female! I am excited and looking forward to getting my short LP under control.
I did have good news- I got the official offer for the job I interviewed for last month! It's a huge raise for me, and I'll be moving from Michigan to Indiana this month so that I can start the new job on April 28th.

I'll be living with my SIL for a while until we figure out if we're buying a new house or renting an apartment for a while. We'll be long-distance for at least a month until my benefits start, then hubby can quit his job and take a lower paying job for the time being, if necessary. TTC will be a pain since we'll only be able to see each other on the weekends for a while, but we're not changing our plans to try to get pregnant this year.

I'm super excited about this new job. Thank you girls for wishing me luck- I know it helped!

Oh congratulations! That's awesome news. So excited for you!
At least we got something out of the past 3 months lol.
Congrats Lesli on the new job and pay increase!! Time to celebrate! Are you originally from Indiana?

I am seeing a RE in May and I am calling Monday to find a new OB in the same hospital. I finally narrowed my choice down and found a location that has all female OBs. The RE I am seeing is also female! I am excited and looking forward to getting my short LP under control.

That's awesome savvysaver. I'm so glad I was able to help you with the ob and fs. And I seriously hope that your new ob or fs gets serious about some options for your short lp. 7 days. I have no idea what that means to TTC efforts, just that ff suggests getting with your doc.

The fs only doing the bpf thing is good because TTC is pretty complex and deserves a serious focus. Not only do they not waste time with the baby growing part, they also save more time in getting all your results from your ob. I'm 1 appointment away from surgery at this point. Next appointment is the hysteosaluograph however you spell it.. next one will be the surgery. Things are going pretty quick really.
I am glad I made the choice to see an RE. I do like that they are focused on getting you pregnant! Also they shouldn't miss appointments because they are out delivering babies, etc. I got my big pack of paperwork in the mail for my appointment, about a dozen pages. I am glad I chart and have opks, etc since that will help show the RE that I am serious.

Hope everyone had a good weekend! CD2 cramps are making me miserable but at least the sun is out and it is Saturday! :)
Hey ladies! I've been stalking the room. Congrats on the job mrshan! Exciting stuff!

Savvy, I'm sorry you're having a tough time with things. I hope you like your new drs and they get the ball rolling for you. I have switched obs a few times in the past few years, so I understand the annoyance. The first one I disliked offered to give me a hysterectomy at the ripe old age of 30, because i was complaining about the possible endo symptoms (now confirmed). The second one was fresh out of school and I didn't feel comfortable she could handle all of my medical issues. She also asked me if I wanted another IUD put in after removing the mirena, after I had just finished telling her I hated it and wanted it gone. Now I finally have an ob I like, and she's the one who did my surgery and moved right along with whatever tests I wanted. You will find that right dr for you, I hope this is it!

As for me, I'm still tracking everything. Have to have P tested this week, mon, wed, and fri. The weird thing is I ovulated early this month, CD 11. Usually I'm CD 13, once or twice I've been CD 12. Not sure if Oing early is a bad thing. My temps are staying high so I'm now 6 dpo. Guess we'll see how my tests go and how long my lp is this month.

Here's hoping you all get a bfp soon! :dust:
Hi button, glad you checked in with us! That is exciting you are already 6dpo!

I think it is very important to find an OB that you like and trust...especially if they will be delivering your baby. I really liked my old OB but his staff did not handle my negative blood test results well and were extremely inconsiderate. That is why I switched back in December to the guy I got now, he seemed good when I met him but if he isn't willing to help me get pregnant then I need to move on. I am hoping a female is more compassionate. I would like to get my P checked this cycle too before my appointment with the RE.

Your chart is looking good. Let us know the results of your P labs! :)
How is everyone doing? Hope you all had a good weekend!

The weather was nice here, the sun was out but it was a bit windy. Didn't stop us from getting ice cream with friends (I couldn't eat it though - can't have dairy).

Hoping AF is on her way out, seemed to be slowing but...TMI...just had a huge clot which isn't normal for me...does anyone else get them regularly?

Just trying to keep busy and pass the time until my appointment in May with the RE!
Congrats Lesli on the new job and pay increase!! Time to celebrate! Are you originally from Indiana?

I am seeing a RE in May and I am calling Monday to find a new OB in the same hospital. I finally narrowed my choice down and found a location that has all female OBs. The RE I am seeing is also female! I am excited and looking forward to getting my short LP under control.

Yup, I'm from Indiana, so I'm moving back home.

Savvy, glad you found a doctor's office that looks good.

Button, your chart is looking great! FX for your BFP this month.

I'm thinking that this cycle was anovulatory for me. I'm hoping it was just stress from the job interview and waiting to hear back, and that this isn't normal. I'll be OPK'ing next month in addition to temping, but if May doesn't look better than April did, I'll likely be scheduling an appointment in the beginning of June (which is when my benefits will start). I might as well wait until I get settled in the new state and find an ob/gyn there.

So far, I'm relaxed and willing to write this cycle off as an anomaly and not panic that this has been an ongoing problem and will keep us from getting a BFP.

Nona, we'll be thinking of you this week with your upcoming appointments. Did you decide whether or not you're going out for your girls' weekend at the end of the month?

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