33 1/2, ttc #1.

Got smiley face and pos opk today. Bd immediately after that. Nothing like the smiley to get you in the mood. :) here's hoping for some good swimmers and a good egg. Come on, BABY!!
Question: how many days after positive opk do you guys bd?

Yesterday I told work about our upcoming move. They took it well. I'm so relieved! We are moving four hours away from here, but not until July. So I have a couple more months to work there.
Button, so glad your temp went back up. Triphasic charts are often good. It's not a sure sign you are, but having a second temp rise is supposed to be more common on pregnant charts than on not-pregnant charts. Fingers still crossed for you! Are you feeling better?

Whoo, imphope! Yay for smileys!!! I don't know about timing. I would bd the day of positive opk, and at least get one more in on the next day or the day after. There's some research saying that the more of his DNA is in your system, the higher the chances of conceiving because your body stops seeing it as a foreign substance to be attacked, so there a good reason to bd all cycle, even if you're not fertile.

Of course, as I say that, it's been 10 days since DH and I had any fun. No idea why our libido has been practically zero. I'm hoping that it's just stress from the job change and knowing we'll have to be long-distance for at least a month.

I have opks on order now- I thought I had ordered them two weeks ago, but I accidentally got 50 ic hpts. :haha: Now I'm trying to tell myself to hold out on POAS until next Sunday, but I know I'm not going to make it. I took one yesterday knowing that it would be negative so that I could figure out which end is up, and so I'd know what a negative looks like. I think I can make it to Wednesday before I test again, at least. :)
Nona, how are you? How did your hysterosonography go? I hope that everything turned out being no worse that you expected and your surgery is still on. FX that you can get things fixed and moving forward for a baby. Thinking about you this weekend. :hugs:
Hello, hello! Only just found this thread as I'm pretty new to b&b.

I'm 33&3/4's so I start panic about my age a bit... grrr, silly biologial clocks because I've always dreamt of a big family!

I'm currently on CD3, ttc since Sept. 2013, had a MC on Nov 25th. Doctor thinks I have a cyst now, at least for the time being as AF was 3 weeks late & I had quite a bit of cramping like pain on my right ovary area. Will get a scan on April 24th.

Would love to join you ladies!
button, how are you doing?

imphope, we BD 3 days in a row after a + opk. They say you will O 12-36 hours after a + opk. Good luck, hope you catch your egg!

mrshan, chart is looking good girl! Lets hope those temps stay high. At least with a ton of cheap hpt you won't feel bad using up a few early on.

Welcome kits, I am always feel panic when I think of my age. I always said I wanted to have my babies by the time I was thirty...I guess I shouldn't have waited until I was 32 to start ttc! I am sorry about your m/c, I had one in December. Hoping we both get our rainbow babies soon.

Not much new here, I am still spotting on CD10 and getting a bit worried now. TMI alert...it is brownish spotting with tiny flecks in it, basically only when I wipe. I have no clue why I am still spotting. I never really spot much. I was hoping I would be in the clear so I could start SMEP/using opks today.
Hi Kits! Glad to have you here. This is going to be a great year for all of us. :thumbup:

Thanks, Savvy. Today is CD27 for me today, and I'm 8dpo, so it's definitely too early to get my hopes up. Maybe you can go ahead and start smep tonight, of it's barely noticeable. I'm sure you'll be in the clear by tomorrow.
Hi kits! Welcome! Glad to 'meet' you.

I forgot to test today but since yesterday's opk was positive I guess it doesn't really matter. Now we just keep bd'ing and wait for those temps to spike.

Mrshan your chart looks awesome!

Why does the weekend have to pass so quickly? I want a redo!!
Definitely want a redo of the weekend! Need more :sleep:

I've been adviced to not do all the charting, etc. For the time being & try to get pregnant by just BDing a lot a week after my period.

Has the charting really been helpful or does it turn TTC more into a chore?

I'm going to try preseed for the first time this cycle but not sure if I'm ready to start on OPKs just yet.
Personally I find the charting extremely helpful. I temp in the morning and I use two opks a day (6am/2:30pm). My old OB told me not to worry about any of that and just focus on "well timed intercourse" and according to my cycles before my m/c that were 24-26 days in length, he said focus on CD7-12...well, if I listened to him I would probably never get pregnant since the last three cycles I have ovulated on CD17, CD20 and CD20. The temping has become a habit, I barely notice that I am temping until I hear the final beep. I have been ttc for about a year now and I feel like the other 7 months that I didn't temp/opk I wasted those months. I guess I think that charting gives me data, I am going to see an RE/FS in May and I will have more data to show her, I hope that will help her be able to help me better.

Of course charting isn't for everyone, you need to decide how involved you think you are comfortable with. I think temping is a good start, I am not strict...if I get up an hour early I might adjust my temp a bit (they have online calculators to do that) But I don't get too crazy about it, I still get accurate data and a temp shift at ovulation each month. Plus temping is basically free each month. I already had a bbt and you can use the free fertility friend charts (mine is in my signature). I did sign up for their VIP charts, there was a awesome $25 facebook sale and I am so glad since I find it very helpful. I also follow the SMEP plan, I am a planner and it is easier for my hubby and I to agree to a scheduled BD plan. I know that isn't for everyone and yes it does get a little much to have it scheduled at the end of the cycle...but it works for us, we know what to expect.

I hope that helps! Obviously tons of woman get pregnant every day without using any charting methods. Do what you feel comfortable with, you can always stop temping/using opks if it doesn't work for you. By the way, I use the cheap opks from Amazon, wondfo brand. I get blazing positives so I don't have a problem reading them and they are super cheap so I don't mind using 2 or 3 a day.
Kits, I find that charting actually makes BD less stressful for us, but it really depends on the couple. Some men don't want to know at all because they get performance anxiety or feel like they're just being used for a baby, etc. But it's been better for me and DH that he knows when it's go week. Early on, I wasn't telling him when my fertile days were, but since I'd know, I'd be disappointed, angry, or rejected if we didn't BD when we were 'supposed' to do it. Now that we're both on the same page, we can plan our night ahead of time and not be stressed trying to plan spontaneous sex.

Imphope, I hope you get your sticky bean this cycle!!!

I had a temp drop today, so I'm 50/50 thinking I'm out and thinking that I still have a chance. It's not below my coverline. I'm pretty new to FF- does it move your coverline as your cycle goes on, after if gives you crosshairs? How much can I rely on the coverline to tell what's going on?
I think the coverline is there basically as a visual tool to help you see that temps are lower before O and then higher after O...obviously it is best to stay above the coverline but temps dip for reasons like implantation or just a wacky temp...with the weather our bedroom is warmer and when I woke up I was quite warm at 3am, stripped off the extra fleece I had on and my socks to help cool down. Again, I am not an expert on the charts :)
Thank you, any information is helpful. I wondered if maybe it was just because last night was the first night sleeping without the heavy comforter on the bed because it was warm in the house. It seems like it would be a little early for implantation dip, but who can really know about these things? I try not to symptom spot too much, because I had really convinced myself in February that I was, and it was hard when the witch flew in. :dohh:
You know, the temps are a funny thing. I almost feel like it would have to be treated as a science lab to really get accurate. You know, same room temp, same amount of clothing, same hours of sleep every night, etc. I just do what I feel comfortable with and go from there. Usually I temp within the same 15 minute window and it had been somewhat regular patterns but I'm not taking it too seriously. As long as I see a shift great enough to indicate ovulation I'm good. I don't think Ff would move your cover line after a few days dpo.

As for me, I need another day of temp rise to confirm ovulation. But I had all the other signs. Actually this is hard to explain, but it just feels 'active' in my abdomen area. Kinda fluttery, gassy, pressure, etc. nothing bad...just active. Maybe it's a good sign? Work ovaries work! Go eggy go. ( I'm taking this 'positive thoughts only' cycle to the extreme.)
I agree imphope! Our charts will never be 100% accurate but as long as you can see that clear thermal shift that is all that matters...oh and keeping the temps up to get a bfp! My temp was really wacky back a few weeks ago and my hubby said I was sleeping all night with my mouth open. Real attractive I am sure and of course that changed my temp a lot.

I think that is a great sign that your ovaries really gave you a strong O. Now lets keep our fx'd that those swimmers caught the egg! :)
Oh, yea that makes sense. I can definitely understand what you're saying now with charting. I'm glad To have your point of view and it shows me that it doesn't have to turn into a weighted chore.

I'm going to see how I feel after this cycle. I'm quite the opposite to you ladies. I'm a horrible planner, impulsive and tend to get by without much routine and lots of organised & unorganised chaos.

Maybe I'll learn more about how it works for you ladies a bit more first.

I do keep track of AF & CM.

Thank you!
Kits, I find that charting actually makes BD less stressful for us, but it really depends on the couple. Some men don't want to know at all because they get performance anxiety or feel like they're just being used for a baby, etc. But it's been better for me and DH that he knows when it's go week. Early on, I wasn't telling him when my fertile days were, but since I'd know, I'd be disappointed, angry, or rejected if we didn't BD when we were 'supposed' to do it. Now that we're both on the same page, we can plan our night ahead of time and not be stressed trying to plan spontaneous sex.

Imphope, I hope you get your sticky bean this cycle!!!

I had a temp drop today, so I'm 50/50 thinking I'm out and thinking that I still have a chance. It's not below my coverline. I'm pretty new to FF- does it move your coverline as your cycle goes on, after if gives you crosshairs? How much can I rely on the coverline to tell what's going on?

Lesli I totally agree with you! The disappointment is way high, when you've tempted and tracked all month for those 4 days, and the dh is not in the mood or what ever. We too are much better since I tell him more about when it's time time. It was a little stressful for him initially, but now he's good.

My test went as planned. No surprises. Will probably have the surgery 2nd Friday of May, taking the next week off to recover. I hope the summer is our time.

Sorry I've been MIA, just a ton going on.

Welcome Kits! Glad you've decided to join us. To your question about temping and tracking, for our age group I think it's necessary. If you've already been trying for +6 months, it's best to start tracking. That way, if you don't get prego and start the testing process, you'll have all your records.
Nona, I'm glad that there were no surprises going on, but sorry that you have to have surgery. Good though, since you're one step closer to getting your sticky bean.

Kits, it's funny, but a month and a half ago I introduced myself on the boards here announcing that I don't POAS and I wasn't temping, and now I have tests on order and chart like crazy. This TTC is hard, harder than I thought it would be, and now I want to use all the tools in my arsenal.

I think I'm out for this month. I'm trying to justify the temp drop this morning because the house was cold and I woke up freezing, but I know deep down that this wasn't our month. I'm not okay right now, but I will be. Gotta keep hoping.

Imphope, so glad that you got your strong O signs! I love that there's always at least one of us at O, one in the tww, and someone with AF on this thread. I can distract myself with being a cheerleader instead of feeling sorry for myself. :thumbup:
Nona, glad you checked in with us. I am sorry you have to have surgery but a summer bfp will be in your future!

I agree with Lesli, I never imagined it would take this long or be this hard. I am glad I have charts and info for my RE appointment.

Kits, if you have any questions ask. I think we all learn when we chat.

Lesli, I am sorry about your temp drop. I am sure once you settle in to your new job and home that you will get a bfp soon.

Nothing new here. Nothing like 70s yesterday morning to 30s this morning. I feel like we are in the middle of winter again. Having bad cramps today...not fun.
In Michigan, it was 72 degrees yesterday, and we got 3 inches of snow last night and it's currently 27 degrees.
Hey there! I'll be 33 later this month and I'm also TTC#1!! DH and I have been trying for 5 months without success, but I'm slowly learning more and more about tracking my fertility. I currently track my periods on an app, but I haven't started temping. I plan to start next month (if I'm not pregnant). I'm currently in the TWW, and I'm keeping hope alive that this month will be THE month!

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