33 1/2, ttc #1.

I agree. It has been a long 5 months ttc. This is our 6 th attempt. Fingers crossed. I had pos opk yesterday and the day before. Only got one bd on Monday because DH was too tired last night. Hope it was enough. My temp spiked way up today so I guess I did O. I felt a little crampy last night. We bd early this morning but it may be too late. Anyone have thoughts on post O bd?

Funny story: on Mother's Day evening my hub and I were walking to our car downtown and a random guy was walking down the street smoking a joint. I'm not even kidding. He looks at me and says 'Happy Mothers Day if you are a mother. Or maybe you're a soon to be mother!' And he walked on. Ha! I actually hope he had a premonition and it made me hopeful. At least we got a laugh out of it.
I agree it has been a struggle ttc, I am over my 1 year anniversary and I am so ready to be pregnant. I feel like the last year was a complete waste of time, I wished every day away in hopes of getting to the end of the month to get a bfp. I could already have a 3 month old if I had gotten pregnant my first try. Not much I can do but complain. I am trying to focus on the future, I had to reschedule my appointment with the RE...they had a cancellation too, so I was able to move up my appointment from June to May 27th. I haven't O'd yet (CD17 today) so I am hoping I O in a few days which will put me near the end of my cycle or the very beginning of my cycle at the time of my appointment. No positive opk yet.

imphope, I definitely think BDing the morning of the temp spike is a good idea...who knows exactly when the egg was released and it could still be hanging around waiting. It obviously never hurts to add a few more swimmers to the mix. I love when random things happen like that, I totally take them as a sign! Hoping you get your bfp soon!
Hiya ladies, sorry I've beem mia!

:hugs: savvy, hope you're ok!

I had a chemical, so technically got a bfp which turned into a bfn. Never mind! I'm ok with it & blame myself for testing so early. :grr: I will use all of my will power to stay away from poas too early!

Really like your story imphope!! You never know, but it's great to get a hope boost, especially from strangers!

Didn't realize you had been trying so long savvy, i've been TTC for about 10 months.. Feels like forever.

Let's hang in there ladies & here's to hoping for a mother's day for us!
kits I am sorry to hear about your cp...I had an early m/c back in December and it broke my heart. I am hoping you get your sticky bfp and rainbow baby soon! :hugs:
Oh Kits, I'm so sorry. It sounds like you're holding together and keeping your hopes up, so keep up the positive thinking. You're on to a new cycle, and that's a new chance.

Don't give up, Savvy. Sounds like you'll have a fun weekend. ;-)

Imphope, to weigh in on your earlier question, I think stress can definitely affect your cm. Mine was practically nonexistent this cycle to the point where I thought there might not have been an egg this month. Temps seemed to confirm it, but I didn't bother with opks since we're actively preventing until this fall.

I disappeared for a while, but I'm still here. I realized today that I haven't even been on the boards for a week and a half. The new job is obviously keeping me busy, lol. My house in Michigan is pending a sale to friends of mine who were in the market, and dh and I put in an offer on a house in Indiana today, so we're hoping everything works out and our offer is accepted. He still hasn't found a job down here yet, but we're confident that we can make this work. :)
Hey ladies! Long time!
I haven't been on in awhile because life has been hectic and I sort of forgot we were ttc. I am on CD 7. I really thought I was pregnant last cycle. I guess my PMS symptoms are just getting worse. So this is my 14th cycle ttc. It's getting old.

We have an appt on Mon with the infertility dept. I say dept because I got a packet from the hospital telling me were seeing a nurse practitioner when i asked to make the appt with a dr. I'm pissed of course, and now theyre telling me I can see the dr on fri, but I'm not available next fri. So we're keeping the appt mon and we'll see how it goes. I have nothing against nurse practitioners, my GP is one. But I know they are limited in some ways in what they can do. Hopefully this appt doesn't delay things any further.

I just finished spring semester and am already in full swing getting ready for summer semester, which is when my real program starts. This program is going to be really tough. I guess on the bright side it has distracted me from our constant failures at ttc.

In other news, OH and I set a wedding date! Aug 28, 2015. The funny thing is....we are not actually engaged. He hasn't officially proposed yet, but we've known for years we were going to get married. There have been other financial issues preventing us from going forward. So i know at some point in the next year will come my ring :) I know he's taking me to an island in the caribbean to propose, but i don't know which one. I like that he's planned a special proposal so i was willing to wait. Everyone has been bugging him for years to ask me, but he wanted it to be this particular place. I hope it's awesome!

Anywho, enough about me. How are you ladies doing? NDurham, what surgery did you have? How did it go? Sorry if you already mentioned it a few pages ago, I may have missed the post.
Glad to see some updates here! It is nice we can still check in and keep this thread going.

lesli, glad your new job is good! Hope you get your old home sold and your offer will be accepted on your new home. Also good luck to your hubby on finding a good job in Indiana!

button, you and I are on the same cycle I think this is #14 or #15 for us...we decided in the middle of that first cycle we were going to ttc so we didn't have a good chance. Sorry your appointment isn't with the doc but at least you are getting into the office and speaking with the nurse practitioner, that is one positive step. Hopefully they can help or at least get you started on testing and the doctor can take over. I am waiting for my RE appointment on May 27th. Congrats on the wedding date, I think a romantic proposal on vacation is worth the wait! Maybe you will bring home more than a ring from that vacation!:winkwink:

Not much new here...no positive opk yet and I am started to think I might not even ovulate. I am on CD19. I guess I don't care too much about this cycle since I have my RE appointment in a week and a half...I just hope AF can hold out for 10 days so I can be at the beginning of my cycle at my first appointment, it would give me more options as far as testing/meds.
Just stopping in to say hi. In the TWW here. Nothing to report. Feeling 100% normal. Trying to focus on our upcoming move and our new house. It's actually pretty overwhelming! But I am excited.
imphope, Congrats on your big move and new home!

I am almost in the tww...I hope my temp goes up tomorrow morning to confirm ovulation. I have an appointment next Tuesday with the RE, looking forward to getting all the tests and figuring out what is going on!
Savvy how did yesterday's appt go with the RE? Hope you got a game plan going!

Still TWW'ing here. I hate myself for even thinking I may be symptom spotting. I have had a couple teensy bits of nausea but seriously I think I want to feel it so bad I am tricking myself. And I am a bit extra hungry. But for real....I'm not exactly feeling anything. Silly me.
imphope, oops my appointment is next Tuesday! I am all ready to go, I have a busy weekend and we are headed up to the lake house so the next few days should pass fast. I think I am 2dpo today, so on Tuesday I will either be 8dpo or like CD1 if AF shows and I have a short LP. I hope that allows the RE to do some more testing.

Your chart is looking good. It is so hard not to symptom spot. I already have sore boobs and a headache...I am sure it is just my nerves and me hoping that it works out this month. Good luck, keep us posted on how you are doing!
Hey ladies! Looks quiet in here.....

I have been processing what occured at my appt the other day and now feel ready to type it out. Here goes...

We went to the IS on Monday, prepared to meet the nurse practitioner they scheduled me with, ugh. We went in, brought them our packets of info all filled out, and met the intake nurse first. She took our packets and came back a couple minutes later to tell us that the nurse practitioner looked at my medical history and said I needed to see the Dr. So we met with the Dr's resident first to go over our medical histories then the Dr came in.

I can't say I was impressed with her "bedside manner." She immediately started talking about IVF and genetic counseling. She seemed convinced that we should be selecting embryos that can't carry on the mutation for hemophilia (which my OH has). I have a clotting disorder that doesn't seem to have a name or a test, so she wants me to see hematology again for more tests. She also fears my endo could be causing issues, and that since my ovaries were adhered to my abdominal wall that my eggs aren't making it to my tubes. We are repeating OH's SA too. So basically no plan was made, she just referred us out for more tests and consultations.

I feel like I don't know what is supposed to happen next. What do I do once we're all done with these other appts? Ugh! I saw my PCP today for a physical and she is finally pregnant after 7 yrs of trying and 3 rounds of IVF. She gave me the names of the 3 fertility centers in our area and said if I'm not happy with the aggressiveness of my current team to go check them out. She started with the same office I'm going to and she didn't feel like they were doing enough so she went to the fertility center.

I guess this appt just made me feel like we are really facing true infertility issues. I just never thought we would be "that couple." I thought maybe we would just take a while or need a little assistance. I didn't picture us having to go through IVF and all that. It's kind of heavy stuff when a dr makes it that real for you.

Sorry for such a long winded rant. It's been a lot to think abut these past couple days.

How are things going for you ladies? Any positive progress?
Hi BabyButton! I'm so sorry your appointment didn't go as expected. It's going to take a few days to adjust to the information the IS provided, so don't feel bad about that. I totally get the "that couple" feeling. I can only pray that DH and I don't end up there... and YOU and your OH too!

In all honestly, my decision to see the naturopathy dr was based on your situation, along with a few other ladies on the board who have completed the fibroid removal surgery and yet to get a bfp.

I'm in great fear that either the endo, fibroids or even scar tissue will grow back and just make it impossible to get prego.

In terms of the whole IVF banter, I just ignore it. My IS seems to be very knowledgeable when it comes to getting prego. We have soo many moving parts. So I just ignore it when she waves her hand and say things like, "or we can just skip the tubes and do ivf". DH was eating it up too, until I told him the cost and the fact that it may require more than 1 round. Good thing he's very into his car...he compares the cost of everything to what he can get on his car lol. Anyway.

Don't worry about venting here...that's what this thread is for. We are all with you on this journey.

I have an appointment to get my hair analysis results on Friday. I will def keep everyone posted on the results. I have also added my progesterone results to my ff records to track. My IS gave us bm homework for the next 2 cycles. I'm also to report cd1 and schedule progesterone tests for after o. If the results are less then 15, she said she'd put me on fertility meds. We'll see.
Hey Button. :hugs: I'm sorry you didn't get more encouraging news at your appointment, and that the doc's bedside manner left much to be desired. But really, you won't know much without the tests, so I'm glad for you that they're sending you and your OH straight to labs rather than just saying "try to relax and have fun, and it'll happen." They're at least taking your concerns seriously. That's a bright side to this, maybe? Keep your chin up. It'll be okay, and you'll get your bundle of joy.

Savvy and Imphope, babydust for you! I hope this is the lucky cycle. You both have big things to keep your mind off the tww- a weekend away then doctor's appointment for Savvy and a new house for Imphope!

Nona, I hope your test results give you good news. Thanks for keeping us posted. :)

I should be ovulating soonish, and it's frustrating to not be able to try. I keep telling myself that August will be here before we know it and we'll be able to get back to it, but it's just the worst when life gets in the way of starting a family and dh and I aren't getting any younger. It's really just three or four cycles, but it's hard this week to know that there might be an egg that we're trying deliberately to miss. :dohh:

Other than that, life is good for me. I like my new job a lot, I accepted an offer on my house in Michigan, and our offer on a house in Indiana was accepted, so we'll be moving at the end of June! :happydance: I know that one that really starts moving, we'll be too busy to worry about getting pregnant right away, but now it's just the waiting game. DH has a job interview this coming Tuesday, so hopefully he'll be able to move soon too. :)

Whew, long post- sorry! :haha:
Whoo hoo Lesli! Everything is going your way. August will be here in no time. I like your plan too. It gives you two time to settle in before things get really crazy.

Babybutton, did your dr. tell you that you'd have to have a c section since you've had the fibroids removed. My dr told me that and I just did a little reading on some blogs and it seems to be a common expectation. Fear that the uterus might tear. Scary.
Hi friends. I was traveling this weekend on a girls trip and I thought I would start my period. Well, it didn't start so I tested. I was 13dpo. And got two clear BFP's! I slept poorly on a terrible sofa bed and I was awake in a house full of sleeping people so in my boredom I took the tests. They are really clear! Since I had an early miscarriage in Feb I am scared to be excited. I feel slightly dull cramping and it scares me. I did tell Hubby last night and he is very excited. I'm just praying this one sticks! I don't know if I shoul call the doctor yet or not. I might wait until next week. I don't know exactly what I should do bc of the Chemical before. I don't want to take any more tests because that night stress me out. But we will see. My temp did go up to its highest ever number. Fingers crossed. I will keep you all posted.


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Congrats girl!! Those are super clear positives!! :happydance:

This is only my opinion and most likely what I would do if I got my bfp...I would probably call the OB to schedule a blood test, if I did have another chemical or early m/c I would want the doctor to be aware of it and have the hcg numbers to know more information.

Try your best not to stress, those lines are very dark and I am sure everything will be okay. Fx'd for you, keep us posted.

p.s. - now I want to pee on a stick at 8dpo... :) I have my appointment with the RE in 2 hours, I am nervous, but excited and ready to be prego!
Yay! Imphope, I'm so happy for you!!! Those are super dark lines- I'm impressed!

I understand not getting your hopes up, but stay positive. :) I agree with Savvy about calling for an appointment and blood test. I know you won't be able to really relax until you're through the first trimester, but you just have to believe that this is your sticky bean and enjoy the experience. You know that stress will only cause problems, so concentrate on now and be happy! :bfp:! Happy dance!!! :happydance::happydance:
Hi friends. I was traveling this weekend on a girls trip and I thought I would start my period. Well, it didn't start so I tested. I was 13dpo. And got two clear BFP's! I slept poorly on a terrible sofa bed and I was awake in a house full of sleeping people so in my boredom I took the tests. They are really clear! Since I had an early miscarriage in Feb I am scared to be excited. I feel slightly dull cramping and it scares me. I did tell Hubby last night and he is very excited. I'm just praying this one sticks! I don't know if I shoul call the doctor yet or not. I might wait until next week. I don't know exactly what I should do bc of the Chemical before. I don't want to take any more tests because that night stress me out. But we will see. My temp did go up to its highest ever number. Fingers crossed. I will keep you all posted.


I'll be excited for you!!! Whoohooo! That's soo awesome!!!!!!!

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