Wow. I'm so glad that we have a place to talk about this stuff.
Dh has the exact same issue. I can't even bring up anything about ttc or being in the fertile window. If i do, he totally can't finish.
He also says it's in his head . He has to be mentally relaxed to completely enjoy and finish. I thought saying let's make a baby would be sexy and appealing. ... nope. Total turn off for him. I was crushed. And of course. ... he's very good at deflecting his issues onto me, and tried to make me feel like I was the one that's weird or has the issue. It wasn't until coming here that I realized that it was more him then me.
The exact same thing happened with us when I was on clomid. I didn't tell him (as I knew better) and when the time came, he only finished maybe once.
That was 6 months ago, so now I'm more able to handle the emotions of the disappointment of his performance. I can talk better and not be an emotional ball of jibberish and feel like giving up.
He made an "A+" on his sa so I use that to say, ok...I've done my part now it's time for you to put that a+ to work, to give him a heads up.
Another thing I tried this last cycle was to get dolled up but with just house clothes on. He reacted instantly.
Coaching him through his is actually the most difficult part of ttc. But I will also say that it is giving me great insight to him and how to manipulate his mind to do what I need him to do. Heheh
I was just looking around on ff and notice that our fertility probability was never high. Just either good or low. And even the good isn't fully accurate as I put bd even if he never finished.
This is another reason I want to take a break from the ttc. We need some time to

without any stress, expectations or limitations. I also plan on the both of us doing a cleanse.

to us and our stressed out dh.