33 1/2, ttc #1.

Good morning friends! Today I can more 'officially' join your group because it's my 33rd birthday! I am thankful for you and hopeful for us all!

Well, I said I would- so I tested this morning with FMU. I first used a dollar store test and it malfunctioned. The control line didn't even show up. Then I did a Wondfo strip and I may be crazy but I thought I saw an almost imperceptible second line. So I got out one more drug store test and his time....I think there is a faint line! Please tell me what you think. I took these pictures within the 2-10 minute window as directed.


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Here is a second photo I took right after using the black and white filter on my phone. Is this a real line? Is it an evap? I don't even know what that really means. So what should I do? Take another one later tonight or wait a few days? I don't want to tell my husband until I am more sure. I'm still not totally convinced. I had a little spotting after bd last night and thought it must be af.


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Good morning friends! Today I can more 'officially' join your group because it's my 33rd birthday! I am thankful for you and hopeful for us all!

Well, I said I would- so I tested this morning with FMU. I first used a dollar store test and it malfunctioned. The control line didn't even show up. Then I did a Wondfo strip and I may be crazy but I thought I saw an almost imperceptible second line. So I got out one more drug store test and his time....I think there is a faint line! Please tell me what you think. I took these pictures within the 2-10 minute window as directed.

Happy Birthday!!! Welcome to the 33+ club :flower:

Congrats girl...it looks like you have a really faint line on the wondfo! You can always post your pictures in the gallery, I think those woman over there are experts at seeing lines!
Happy birthday imhope! What a nice bday surprise! I def see a faint line. I would test again tomorrow and see if it gets stronger.

My temp dropped this morning, which is odd because I'm only 11 dpo, and I usually have a 14 day lp and my temp doesn't usually drop until 13 or 14 dpo. We dtd yesterday and it was bloody (tmi) so I figured I'm out this month. I just hope it's not coming early.
Happy birthday imhope! What a nice bday surprise! I def see a faint line. I would test again tomorrow and see if it gets stronger.

My temp dropped this morning, which is odd because I'm only 11 dpo, and I usually have a 14 day lp and my temp doesn't usually drop until 13 or 14 dpo. We dtd yesterday and it was bloody (tmi) so I figured I'm out this month. I just hope it's not coming early.

Thanks! I will def keep testing and hope for darker lines. My temp dropped on day 11 too but this morning it was .4 higher than before. Highest it's been. So that's why I went ahead with the test. I had a little post dtd pinkish cm too. I am not totally convinced that af won't get me. I am afraid to get excited.
Happy birthday imhope! What a nice bday surprise! I def see a faint line. I would test again tomorrow and see if it gets stronger.

My temp dropped this morning, which is odd because I'm only 11 dpo, and I usually have a 14 day lp and my temp doesn't usually drop until 13 or 14 dpo. We dtd yesterday and it was bloody (tmi) so I figured I'm out this month. I just hope it's not coming early.

Thanks! I will def keep testing and hope for darker lines. My temp dropped on day 11 too but this morning it was .4 higher than before. Highest it's been. So that's why I went ahead with the test. I had a little post dtd pinkish cm too. I am not totally convinced that af won't get me. I am afraid to get excited.

Looks like a line to me. When I looked at your charts, I noticed the steady increase in temp, so that's also a good sign.

Only a few more days to be sure...stay hopeful.
Ndurham12 I hope your new doctor can shed some positive light on your situation and get you that BFP ASAP!

I don't want to sound negative, but I don't see how my current symptoms are anything but af slowly making her way to me. It's all the usual stuff, just a few days earlier than I would normally feel. I still plan to test on Wednesday but I don't have a great feeling about it. I'm still convinced that when I DO get pregnant (notice I said when, not IF) I will feel something different. Who knows. I've never wanted to feel queasy before in my life! I hate nausea. But I would welcome it if it means a beanie in there. :) My current theory is that my body is waiting for me to pass this HUGE exam in two weeks. It's my final exam before I am finally a licensed architect! Maybe my reward will be a BFP, because my stress level will certainly drop after this long licensure journey is over!

Oh wow, yea she did do a through job there. I'm sure your body is in shock too from it all. You were so brave to bd right after.
Good morning friends! Today I can more 'officially' join your group because it's my 33rd birthday! I am thankful for you and hopeful for us all!

Well, I said I would- so I tested this morning with FMU. I first used a dollar store test and it malfunctioned. The control line didn't even show up. Then I did a Wondfo strip and I may be crazy but I thought I saw an almost imperceptible second line. So I got out one more drug store test and his time....I think there is a faint line! Please tell me what you think. I took these pictures within the 2-10 minute window as directed.

Oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :happydance:
Hi ladies,
Well I am having a rough week! I am away for work at a conference. I got sick with the flu I think (sore throat, chills, fever to 101!). It resolved after about 2 days. Temp dropped today and bring on AF….ugh.

Well worse yet, I got a call from the RE office about my bloodwork. The nurse says "your AMH is 1.54." Um, I was not told that was going to be drawn. I was told about a few other labs, but the doctor specifically said because I had a good follicle count she didn't need it. So I'm actually a physician, and I was like, "I don't know what that means." The nurse says, "it's low." Um…..more info please? I'm like "how low????" (mental freak out about to ensue). She says "we like it to be 2…but it's kind of normal for your age." So wait, is it LOW or is it NORMAL??? AHHHHH. Her answer "you can meet with the doctor in a week or two when all your tests are done and she'll talk to you about it."
Wait. Hold it. You call me and tell me my AMH is low (or kind of normal?) then tell me to wait a week or two to find out what that means?? I was shocked. Like I said, I'm a physician, this is NOT how you tell people results. You tell them stuff when you KNOW what you are talking about and KNOW what the plan will be based on that result. I was pretty upset/confused. I'm not an OB/RE so I do not deal with AMH EVER. No clue. I made appointment for HSG this upcoming week. I will see the doctor then I guess.

So i spent most of my day sort of googling about trying to figure out what this means (in between actually working). It seems 2 is sort of a soft cut off for "good response to IVF drugs." While other places say "1.5 and up is suitable for egg donors" (that made me feel better)…while other sites say "it indicates lower quantity of eggs but may not really matter."

I don't even know quite what to think at this point. It seems like the number is not super ideal, but could be worse.

Overall. This is not a stellar week.
And now I have cramps.
siempre, wow...when it rains, it pours! Sorry you are having such a bad week, especially when you are away from home. I hope you are starting to feel better. That is terrible the nurse called you with that information but didn't know what it meant. Kind of pointless to get you all worried and then make you wait until your appointment to find out. I don't know what those numbers mean and I hope your doctor will have better advice for you. Keep us posted. Hoping tomorrow is better for you!
Thanks! I will def keep testing and hope for darker lines. My temp dropped on day 11 too but this morning it was .4 higher than before. Highest it's been. So that's why I went ahead with the test. I had a little post dtd pinkish cm too. I am not totally convinced that af won't get me. I am afraid to get excited.

My temp dropped below my cover line this morning so I'm thinking that is pretty significant. I had some sharp pains today too, so I think af is gearing up for her post-op visit. Dr warned me the first period after surgery would be worse, so I'm assuming these are "warm up" cramps I'm getting. Ugh. I hope your line is dark in the morning! Fx :)
Oh wow, yea she did do a through job there. I'm sure your body is in shock too from it all. You were so brave to bd right after.

I'm sure my poor uterus and friends are freaking out after all the trauma. When the dr said she freed my ovaries from my pelvic wall, I could just imagine the sound of velcro when you pull it apart. Ouch! My poor eggies. Let me tell you, bd-ing was not pleasant for 2 weeks after surgery. I feel so bad for putting my organs through so much. Here's hoping they're healed up for next month!
Hi ladies,
Well I am having a rough week! I am away for work at a conference. I got sick with the flu I think (sore throat, chills, fever to 101!). It resolved after about 2 days. Temp dropped today and bring on AF….ugh.

Well worse yet, I got a call from the RE office about my bloodwork. The nurse says "your AMH is 1.54." Um, I was not told that was going to be drawn. I was told about a few other labs, but the doctor specifically said because I had a good follicle count she didn't need it. So I'm actually a physician, and I was like, "I don't know what that means." The nurse says, "it's low." Um…..more info please? I'm like "how low????" (mental freak out about to ensue). She says "we like it to be 2…but it's kind of normal for your age." So wait, is it LOW or is it NORMAL??? AHHHHH. Her answer "you can meet with the doctor in a week or two when all your tests are done and she'll talk to you about it."
Wait. Hold it. You call me and tell me my AMH is low (or kind of normal?) then tell me to wait a week or two to find out what that means?? I was shocked. Like I said, I'm a physician, this is NOT how you tell people results. You tell them stuff when you KNOW what you are talking about and KNOW what the plan will be based on that result. I was pretty upset/confused. I'm not an OB/RE so I do not deal with AMH EVER. No clue. I made appointment for HSG this upcoming week. I will see the doctor then I guess.

So i spent most of my day sort of googling about trying to figure out what this means (in between actually working). It seems 2 is sort of a soft cut off for "good response to IVF drugs." While other places say "1.5 and up is suitable for egg donors" (that made me feel better)…while other sites say "it indicates lower quantity of eggs but may not really matter."

I don't even know quite what to think at this point. It seems like the number is not super ideal, but could be worse.

Overall. This is not a stellar week.
And now I have cramps.

Hi Siempre. I don't know much about AMH or IVF, but I'm sorry it is such a pain in the butt. Sometimes I think people can be very insensitive when dealing with us ttc ladies, even if they don't do it intentionally.

I think that's why this group is so great, because people who aren't going through this don't really understand just how frustrating and exhausting this whole thing is. They don't really get the emotional roller coaster we are on, and how counting the days wears away at you. We just have to stay strong and stick together and get through this hurdle to get our little bundles of joy. :hugs:
Update: I took a digital last night and it said 'pregnant'! So I told my husband and we are very cautiously excited. I won't be convinced fully until my af doesn't show or I get a blood test. I took another wondfo and an ept this morning. Still verrrry faint but I see something. No darker than yesterday. Maybe I can hold off until the weekend to try again. AF is supposed to come tomorrow. I just pray this is real and isn't a chemical pregnancy. I'm going to call the dr today and see if she wants me to come in.
Update: I took a digital last night and it said 'pregnant'! So I told my husband and we are very cautiously excited. I won't be convinced fully until my af doesn't show or I get a blood test. I took another wondfo and an ept this morning. Still verrrry faint but I see something. No darker than yesterday. Maybe I can hold off until the weekend to try again. AF is supposed to come tomorrow. I just pray this is real and isn't a chemical pregnancy. I'm going to call the dr today and see if she wants me to come in.

Congratulations! :yipee: Stay positive, the mind has amazing power over the body. If you worry too much you can raise stress hormones, and that would be bad. Keep us posted on what the dr says!
Yesterday my temp dropped below my coverline. This morning it is back up. I looked back through some of my previous months and I had a couple where it dropped almost to the cl around this time, then back up, then af. So I'm not going to get excited. Damn temps are so irritating. Basically everything means nothing until af shows. Why do we even bother with symptoms and temps? Just to drive ourselves crazy?
Yesterday my temp dropped below my coverline. This morning it is back up. I looked back through some of my previous months and I had a couple where it dropped almost to the cl around this time, then back up, then af. So I'm not going to get excited. Damn temps are so irritating. Basically everything means nothing until af shows. Why do we even bother with symptoms and temps? Just to drive ourselves crazy?

I hear ya on the crazy factor. It makes me want to stop temping because I obsess over every little thing. I hope your af stays very far away and you're rewarded with a bfp soon! My doctor doesn't see pregnancy patients until 6 weeks. So I made an appt for two weeks from now. Impatience is going to drive me crazy. She said there isn't much need todo bloodwork unless I have a history of miscarriage or irregular periods. I have neither so far. So she said to trust the test even if it is very faint. And I should wait a few days past my period and test again. She also said not to worry about cramping or very slightly pink spotting. Only bright red is concerning. I really haven't had any so I hope it stays that way. Only symptom I think I have now is going to the bathroom a lot yesterday and today. I know I could get really excited, but I am afraid to in case this doesn't stick.
Wishing lots of luck to you all today!!
Update: I took a digital last night and it said 'pregnant'! So I told my husband and we are very cautiously excited. I won't be convinced fully until my af doesn't show or I get a blood test. I took another wondfo and an ept this morning. Still verrrry faint but I see something. No darker than yesterday. Maybe I can hold off until the weekend to try again. AF is supposed to come tomorrow. I just pray this is real and isn't a chemical pregnancy. I'm going to call the dr today and see if she wants me to come in.

So excited for you! This news gets me in a positive mood and I hope we can all get our bfps this month! I think since you are so early getting your bfp it is very faint, those wondfos aren't as sensitive and I am sure if you used a frer you would get a darker line. Those digital ones are very sensitive too, so if you got a 'pregnant' on one of those, you are good to go! Congrats again girl, h&h 9 months and hopefully we can all join you soon on the first trimester boards!! :happydance:
My temp dropped again this morning. I expect the witch tomorrow. FF moved my coverline down, but with no explanation. Any thoughts on why it did that? Either way, I'm out this month. How are you ladies doing?
Help! I'm freaking out. I took another digital test today with smu and it said not pregnant! I'm so confused. I don't know what to think. Does this mean it's a chemical pregnancy? How do you know when that happens?

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