33 yrs young ttc#1...need buddies:)


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2012
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Hi ladies...im 33 and im trying for our first baby...we have been trying for 10 mths now...ive had a blood test and dh has had a sa which is low and low motlity.
we r gonna keep going till october and got back to gp if i dont get my bfp...looking for some buddies to chat to :)
Hi Trolley Dolly!

I'm also 33 and dh and I are trying for our first, so your post jumped out at me! I was super excited at first to be TTC, but 6 months down the line the excitement is starting to wear a bit thin... :) I don't know how you've been finding it, but I find there's definitely more pressure when you're starting in your thirties - although I'm still delighted to be trying of course!

Sorry to hear that your dh's sa results came back a bit low, but it's good that you've been able to get some tests done. Are you finding your GP supportive so far?
Hi fruitful....yeah the excitment has gone and im starting to wonder if it will ever happen.I think there is a definate worry every time i open the paper its constantly saying dont leave trying for a baby 2 late and after 35 your fertility dramatically reduces...so yeah i feel quite under pressure.In october we would of been trying for a year so gonna go back to the gp and be firm with them they have been good so far putting us through some test etc.We r both taking our vitamins and trying to live a healthy lifestyle but so many celebrations are coming up its so hard to cut out alcohol atm.
We r gonna use conceive plus this month and opk when ov starts...where r u in your cycle?:)
Hi there,I
I'm completley New to this. I too am TTC ,it's been 6months now & no joy. I'm 32 years young and am definitely feeling the pressure,and worry because of my age :( . I am already a mummy to my son who is 8. I I wasn't planning on children then,but so glad I did. I have a new partner now,who is great with my son,we are both so desperate to have a baby together,i physically dread my period due date,which happens to be today! Haha x sorry to waffle on..its all I seem to think about at the min x
hi, ladies. i am 32 years old and also TTC #1 (my husband is 45). i never felt i wanted to have a baby until just recently and i also feel worry that i've waited too long and am scared this is not going to happen. we are only on cycle 3 of actively TTC but i'm already feeling deflated. usually around O or TWW i get optimistic and then i get AF and am crushed again until next O when i cheer up, lol. i've been off the pill since march and we were NTNP until a few cycles ago (we were waiting until after our wedding in june). it's torturous wondering...i'd settle down if i knew it would happen some day for sure but that's not something that can be answered and i am very bad at being patient but i have no choice, lol. i'm waiting to O right now and it's driving me nuts, i want to get going already, lol.
Hi girls! Wow there are lots of us now - awesome!

Trolley Dolly - yeah, I know what you mean about the 'deadline' feeling, but from what I've read, our odds are still really good in our mid thirties, but sometimes it can just take a bit longer. Good on you for taking the vits and living healthily - that's really positive! I don't think you need to avoid booze completely - a girl does need to have some fun ;) My main thing has been to cut back massively on coffee - I was drinking about 4/5 cups before I read that that can be bad. Should have done my research before I started TTC - doh :)
I'm waiting to O (next week) - I started using Conceive Plus and OPKs last month, and I'll be doing it again this time around. Where are you in your cycle?

Friskyfish - Hi!! Yeah, kids are just great (sigh)! Is that a pic of your son? - he's really cute! Fingers crossed your period doesn't come today - keep us posted. The end of the 2WW is the worst.

Tink80 - Hello! Your post made me smile, because I pretty much could have written it myself. DH and I even got married in June too :) Yeah, it's a *much* rougher emotional ride that I'd imagined, but, with a bit of support from each other, we'll all get there in the end. When's ETO (Expected Time of Ovulation - I've just made that one up)? :)
My ETO (haha I like that) is around August 27th. I am so antsy, lol.
Same ETO as me! We can be cycle buddies! My husband's going to have a fun weekend :)
Wow...loving this now...nice to see theres a few of ;) Hi friskyfish and tink80!!I cant believe it but my ETO (haha classic) is the 27th too...whoop whoop...af is gone so gonna start going for it now already #iwannaspringbaby.

Friskyfish your son is so cute but u r a yummy mummy too love your proile pic....your still not out till the witch shows but hey we all should be ovulating around about the same time...happy days x

Congratulations on just getting married its the best day of your life....we got married in april last year and everyone is like when u guys gonna have babies...i get so annoyed grrr before it was like when u getting married now its like u need to hurry up and have babies grrrr could smack some ppl sometimes haha xx
Wow!! That is so cool, a couple of us ovulating around the same time. I guess I know what we'll all be doing this weekend:sex:
I think I wanna start trying on Wednesday since the sperm can live for 5 days..get as many swimmers as I can a head start, lmao:winkwink:
Yeah me too ive been reading about the smep think we mite give it a go this month...dh wont think anything cause its his birthday so i can just blame it on that lol...ive got my opks ready,conceive+ ready,been taking epo and pregnacare...so giving it a good shot;)
Hi girls!! So nice that a few of us are going to O at the same time - it's great to have people to hang out with while we wait!

Am also in full prep mode, with OPKs at the ready, and I've been taking prenatals and trying to eat healthily. I've even waxed my legs ;)

I'm trying to go for the every-other-day thing with a few extras in the run-up to O, which I think probably works out quite similar to the smep. I'm determined to chill out a bit this month, as I've started to feel the time around O is getting a bit high-pressure for me. I know it's going to sound a bit new-agey, but I've been trying to meditate a bit everyday, as I've read it can help (and if nothing else, it makes me nice and relaxed for about half and hour!). I found some free fertility meditation recordings on the CNY Fertility Center website which I like.

Anyway, I hope everyone's doing ok? Friskyfish, what news from you?
Hi girls....
Thanx fruitful youve just reminded me about my wax booked in for thurs thanx:)
That meditation techniques sound good i tried listening to one a few years back to try and whine me off wine lol...obviously didnt work...ooops but still i felt so much more relaxed before bed...im intrigued i mite check it out...
Im doing the same as u trying to do the smep as much as possible but going to have fun with it...i dunno why but i feel really positive all of a sudden....maybe its cause we all buddies going through the same thing....
Have any of u used the soft cups???
Friskyfish...come back....we need to keep this thread going ladies it brightens up my day...mind u im getting abit obsessed with this website....
Thanks for your replys,

Fruitful,yes that's my pride and joy! And thankyou trolley dolly,haha altho the pic IS a few years old! ;)

Well the 'witch' hasnt arrived yet,just playin the waiting game now! Had really bad cramping yesterday,like period pains,but nothing has happened yet x

Tink,congrats on wedding,that's what I'm hoping for soon! Haha xx
Fruitful, I am going to try the same way as you. I like the SMEP plan but honestly i can't guarantee we will BD for that many nights in a row, it feels like too much pressure so i'm gonna go every other day and throw in some extras so it seems a bit more relaxed and hope it does the trick!
Thanks for the congrats, Frisky :)
Today is my Day 8 so I'm gonna feel hubby out for BD but not stress too much if the moment is just not there. I am thinking of picking up some grapefruit juice and green tea at the store today, we need to go anyway.
We're thinking about looking for a bigger place now that we're trying for a baby but is that stupid when we don't even know if I'll get pregnant? I guess extra space is good no matter what..I just don't want to jinx it.
Hi ladies...wow friskyfish i have everything crossed for u!!
Tink80...im the same as u gonna try and stick to smep as much as possible but its very hard to do with my job....
I have seen people on here get a psychic reading done on pregnancy...i got mine today it made me smile however im abit skeptic but we shall see but here it is let me know what u think
"Linking in around you, I sense straight away that children are and always will be a big focus within your life, and most of your time and energy goes into raising them, your a very 'hands on' mum

Your thinking alot about pregnancy at this time, and I can feel around your emotions, this is something you want as soon as possible as you just love the feeling of pregnancy and bringing another new life into the world

I sense a truly content feeling around you, a strong home and relationship line too, and do not pick up on anything negative around you

I also link with a lovely gentleman spirit side who comes in around you he is J initial and he is showing me a clear vision of a pregnancy within 2012

The month I am seeing for conception is September, and see your overjoyed with this news, a healthy pregnancy shows, as does labour and birth, problem free, and a very quick labour shows too, and a baby boy is born 2013

I then see a further pregnancy for 2015 around April and a healthy baby girl born, all is well around pregnancy labour and birth

I feel this child will complete your family"

I know it mentions a lovely man letter J from the spirit side my husbands names begns with J but who knows only time will tell...its a nice bit of fun :o)
Good morning girls!

You must be on tenterhooks, Friskyfish. Keeping my fingers crossed for you! Is your partner excited to be TTC?

Tink80, I wouldn't worry about jinxing anything. I don't think the universe works that way (thankfully!) and the odds are that you will be pregnant in the near-ish future, so if you think you need more space, I reckon you should go for it. We're living somewhere fairly small at the moment, but we've already moved quite a bit the last few years, so we can't really face yet another move - and I sometimes wonder whether it'll come back and bite us!

All sounds very positive, Trolley Dolly - always nice to hear good stuff! You mentioned your job - do you work shifts or something?

Anyway, I'm off to drink my green tea now ;)
Blurrgghhh to green tea!! Haha yes fruitful,my fella is mega excited,altho frustrated each month when it's a BFN!
Trolley dolly....I am getting mega addicted to this website! Haha

Well,AF still not here,I'm still getting aches in my back and tum....but boobs arnt sore? I cant seem to think of anything else,think I'm scared to test as if it's a BFN ,then that's it.....I'm kind of liking the fact I MIGHT be pregnant!

Is that weird?? Haha xx
Who is next to test?
Hi girls....
friskyfish i really hope this is your month...i know what u mean by not testing yet...think i would feel abit nervous too.Have u been late like this before...when r u thinking of testing?
Fruitful i work shifts and can be away alot but this month and next month im at home alot more so we have a much better chance fingerscrossed.
Tink80 i keep looking at bigger houses on the internet i know we have to move one day but our little house could manage with a little bubba but for me doing one thing at a time is good otherwise i get too stressed out.
Well im thing of starting on the cough medicine today once a day and then at the weekend twice a day till the big O.
What r u girls doin this week to prepare for ovulation?;o)
Yeah,iv been 6 days late before,so I'm gonna try and wait till Sunday before I test,that's if AF doesn't arrive first xx how do prepare for ovulation?? Iv just been muddling through and hoping for the best . If I get a BFN I need to start preparing and things xx I always wanted to be an air hostess trolley dolly. :) xx

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