Hi ladies...wow friskyfish i have everything crossed for u!!
Tink80...im the same as u gonna try and stick to smep as much as possible but its very hard to do with my job....
I have seen people on here get a psychic reading done on pregnancy...i got mine today it made me smile however im abit skeptic but we shall see but here it is let me know what u think
"Linking in around you, I sense straight away that children are and always will be a big focus within your life, and most of your time and energy goes into raising them, your a very 'hands on' mum
Your thinking alot about pregnancy at this time, and I can feel around your emotions, this is something you want as soon as possible as you just love the feeling of pregnancy and bringing another new life into the world
I sense a truly content feeling around you, a strong home and relationship line too, and do not pick up on anything negative around you
I also link with a lovely gentleman spirit side who comes in around you he is J initial and he is showing me a clear vision of a pregnancy within 2012
The month I am seeing for conception is September, and see your overjoyed with this news, a healthy pregnancy shows, as does labour and birth, problem free, and a very quick labour shows too, and a baby boy is born 2013
I then see a further pregnancy for 2015 around April and a healthy baby girl born, all is well around pregnancy labour and birth
I feel this child will complete your family"
I know it mentions a lovely man letter J from the spirit side my husbands names begns with J but who knows only time will tell...its a nice bit of fun
