33 yrs young ttc#1...need buddies:)

Hi ladies have any of u had creamy cm the day af is due??Im having this everytime i go to the toilet but only when i wipe....i feel ok in myself just cramps and lower back ache...im sure the witch is gonna come get me but im never over 30 day cycle...mayb im thinking about it too much and preventing her from coming through...who knows grrr x
Hi, Trolley.
I have had the creamy CM in the days leading up to AF but never the day of as of yet. I've heard when you're pregnant you can get the creaminess from the progesterone but I've also heard of people getting some CM even during their periods so I don't know, tbh.
Do you temp and if so have your temps shifted yet?
Hi Everyone! I just turned 33 years old a few weeks ago, I definitely know what you all are talking about. Me and my dh have been trying over a year got pregnant about 4 months ago and lost our angel, it was a very difficult experience. We have decided to start trying again. We were using the the clearblue fertility monitor and on the first try, we got pregnant after a long time of trying so I hope it will work again :-). I hope that we will all be able to have a little bean soon.
Hi ladies...well i feel like af is on her way...i dont temp and tbh im going round the bend with the symptoms i think temping will make me worse ha...

Welcome to the thread miracle2012... m really sorry for your loss...i hope u get your sticky bean soon!!
Ive heard of the cbfm how does it work?

This is a lucky thread we have one bfp already and we will all have one before christmas fx xx
Hi ladies...well i feel like af is on her way...i dont temp and tbh im going round the bend with the symptoms i think temping will make me worse ha...

Welcome to the thread miracle2012... m really sorry for your loss...i hope u get your sticky bean soon!!
Ive heard of the cbfm how does it work?

This is a lucky thread we have one bfp already and we will all have one before christmas fx xx

Thank you Throlley... I hope I get a BFP soon:-)... maybe this thread will be my lucky charm :-). Also until you see your AF do not get discourage. I was sure i was getting my af when I was pregnant. I had all the cramps i usually get, felt exactly the same as if it was coming I kept on running to the bathroom thinking af was here and I took a test just coz i had one left... and boom it was positive so you never know. On another note, cbm is a very good tool, it tells you exactly when you Ov. and when are your fertile days... I love it. the only thing is that the monitor is about 200.00 dollars and the sticks are pricey (50 dollars or so) but it is very accurate so I recommend it.
Hi ladies...well i feel like af is on her way...i dont temp and tbh im going round the bend with the symptoms i think temping will make me worse ha...

Welcome to the thread miracle2012... m really sorry for your loss...i hope u get your sticky bean soon!!
Ive heard of the cbfm how does it work?

This is a lucky thread we have one bfp already and we will all have one before christmas fx xx

Thank you Throlley... I hope I get a BFP soon:-)... maybe this thread will be my lucky charm :-). Also until you see your AF do not get discourage. I was sure i was getting my af when I was pregnant. I had all the cramps i usually get, felt exactly the same as if it was coming I kept on running to the bathroom thinking af was here and I took a test just coz i had one left... and boom it was positive so you never know. On another note, cbm is a very good tool, it tells you exactly when you Ov. and when are your fertile days... I love it. the only thing is that the monitor is about 200.00 dollars and the sticks are pricey (50 dollars or so) but it is very accurate so I recommend it.

Im trying to stay positive...its just the not knowing...its driving me nuts!!!My mam told me the other nite she was like a week or 2 after her missed period before she got a positive...so who knows fx.

Im really pleased u r ready to ttc again...i know what u went through must of been hell....but one good thing is u know u can get pregnant which is just great.:hugs:

I think i mite look into getting cbfm x
Throlley.. don't stress and don't think about it, I know it is easier said then done but I really think it helps. Relax.
Hi Everyone! I just turned 33 years old a few weeks ago, I definitely know what you all are talking about. Me and my dh have been trying over a year got pregnant about 4 months ago and lost our angel, it was a very difficult experience. We have decided to start trying again. We were using the the clearblue fertility monitor and on the first try, we got pregnant after a long time of trying so I hope it will work again :-). I hope that we will all be able to have a little bean soon.

Welcome, Miracle2012! I'm delighted you're joining us! I'm really sorry to hear about you and your dh's loss - that must have been terribly difficult :hugs:

I'm glad to hear the cbfm worked well for you - hopefully, with its help, your little bean should be with you quickly this time! Where are you at in your cycle?
Trolley Dolly, I'm sorry you're feeling stressed :hugs:. I hope af stays away - keep us posted. Are you due today? The end of the 2ww sucks :(

Tink, did you manage to get hold of the supplements you wanted? Your post about stocking opks and hpts like a deranged squirrel made me chuckle - I can totally identify! I've bought some clearblue digital OPKs, as I'm fed up with the ones with lines, so now I have about 50 million sticks lying around the house. I think I'm going to start taking omega3 supplements this month, and I'm trying preseed for the first time.

1st Try, how are you feeling?

I'm a bit anxious as I'm waiting on the results of a rubella immunity test (I seem to be spending more time at the doctor's in the last month than I did in the last five years!). I suspect it's going to be negative, as I didn't have enough jabs when I was a child, so then we'll have to decide whether to get the jab and put TTC on hold for a bit, or take our chances without (probably the latter, to be honest, as I don't really want to waste any time). I should know by Tuesday, hopefully, so I'll keep you posted.

Have a lovely weekend, everyone!! xx
Morning ladies well :witch:got me this morning :cry:....but now planage starts for 2 weeks time...im not sure what plan i want i dont have any pregnancy tests thank god they drove me bonkers....ive got 2 opks left,3 softcups,and preseed so dont think im going to bother buying anything else feel like im spending so much and its all going to waste :cry:

Im just going to try to chill out i think im turning into a crazed women....dh is like its ok we will try harder:sulk:grrr.

So we r all back in the game....one bfp....whos next???Hopefully all of us xxx
Trolley Dolly, I'm sorry you're feeling stressed :hugs:. I hope af stays away - keep us posted. Are you due today? The end of the 2ww sucks :(

Tink, did you manage to get hold of the supplements you wanted? Your post about stocking opks and hpts like a deranged squirrel made me chuckle - I can totally identify! I've bought some clearblue digital OPKs, as I'm fed up with the ones with lines, so now I have about 50 million sticks lying around the house. I think I'm going to start taking omega3 supplements this month, and I'm trying preseed for the first time.

1st Try, how are you feeling?

I'm a bit anxious as I'm waiting on the results of a rubella immunity test (I seem to be spending more time at the doctor's in the last month than I did in the last five years!). I suspect it's going to be negative, as I didn't have enough jabs when I was a child, so then we'll have to decide whether to get the jab and put TTC on hold for a bit, or take our chances without (probably the latter, to be honest, as I don't really want to waste any time). I should know by Tuesday, hopefully, so I'll keep you posted.

Have a lovely weekend, everyone!! xx

Ahh thanx :hugs:....well im glad your getting everything checked now so then at least u know u r all fit and healthy for when u get your sticky bean...i would defo take your chances ttc...the clock is ticking and i know people are like your still young etc...but what happens if u want 2 children and the second takes just as long....
I have to say im panicking abit we have been trying now a year and not one bfp im 34 in may so after xmas its only 4 months :brat:also we dont want to be too old as parents....fx for tuesday...im going to call the doctors on monday and get the ball rolling x
Thanks, Trolley Dolly! I think you're right about not taking any time out, and I know what you mean about feeling pressurized time-wise. I find it the most difficult thing about TTC in your thirties - that constant feeling of a looming deadline, even if you know that there's really still plenty of time left, and lots of people start later than us and have several healthy babies! If it's any consolation, I'm a few months older than you, and I'll be hitting the big 3-4 before Xmas :) It can't hurt to go and speak to your gp again and see what they think - hopefully they'll be able to help and advise. You're still not out for this month yet, though! :) xx
Morning ladies well :witch:got me this morning :cry:....but now planage starts for 2 weeks time...im not sure what plan i want i dont have any pregnancy tests thank god they drove me bonkers....ive got 2 opks left,3 softcups,and preseed so dont think im going to bother buying anything else feel like im spending so much and its all going to waste :cry:

Im just going to try to chill out i think im turning into a crazed women....dh is like its ok we will try harder:sulk:grrr.

So we r all back in the game....one bfp....whos next???Hopefully all of us xxx

:hugs: Sorry, I missed this post when I wrote my previous reply. Aww, I'm so sorry, Trolley Dolly - I hope you're not feeling too down :hugs:. AF is rubbish. Have a glass of vino (or six...). It obviously wasn't meant to be this month, but fingers crossed for October. We're bound to get some more BFPs this month and, yes, hopefully it'll be all of us. xxx
Hi, ladies!

Welcome, Miracle, to the thread. I hope you get your sticky bean real soon:flower:

Trolley, I'm sorry about AF. I can identify with a couple things you said. I don't want to take any time off either. I'll be 33 in January but DH is already 45 and that really does put the time crunch on the both of us. I feel like we can't afford to lose time, especially if we'd like to have more than one child. At this point, we'd be pleased to have at least ONE child. But if it happens, I'd like there to still be a chance of trying for another.
Also, like you, I've been feeling like I need to cut back on the spending for fertility aids. I have a pretty good supply going on right now so really I have no excuse to be spending more..I need to just put the credit card away, lol.

Fruitful, yep, I found my supplements at the store. The royal jelly is not so bad to take once you get used to the taste. Me and DH started the Maca and I don't know if it's in my mind but I'm feeling a bit more energized already.

I took an OPK last night which is REALLY too early to be doing so but just to kind of see what's going on in case by some freak thing I ovulate early and it was definitely not positive but it was much darker than usual, this early on in my cycle. I have to wonder if the supps have something to do with it. I'm going to take it as a good sign my body is kicking into gear well this cycle and I'll be primed and ready:haha:
Hi ladies thank so much for all your support...im actually feeling much better now....not sure if its cause i can now focus on next month or because i have a lovely glass of red in my hand ha ha.
Also i have a confession so much for not spending anymore money on fertility aid...ive gone and bought a clearblue fertility monitor and test strips...i got them off ebay the fertility monitor was cheap as it has been used but hey it worked for them so fx for me...im such an impluse buyer...or mayb its this red wine lol.

Hope u all have a lovely weekend bring on october xx
Trolley, don't feel bad, it's a good purchase/ investment, right?
Your post could have been written by me. I had such horrid cramps on Monday that I had a drink and indulged in some online retail therapy. DH even said i deserved it, hehe.

Okay, ladies. So I just took an OPK and it's not quite positive but pretty close. It's the PM of Day 6..well actually 1AM of Day 7 technically...but how is that possible? I wonder if the royal jelly is just making me wanna pop out an egg fast or what? LOL...maybe it is a fluke. but even DH agreed with me and usually when i show him tests he can't see what i see, haha. Who knows, maybe we'll BD just in case...I know it's not likely but I don't wanna miss an opportunity:winkwink:
Trolley, don't feel bad, it's a good purchase/ investment, right?
Your post could have been written by me. I had such horrid cramps on Monday that I had a drink and indulged in some online retail therapy. DH even said i deserved it, hehe.

Okay, ladies. So I just took an OPK and it's not quite positive but pretty close. It's the PM of Day 6..well actually 1AM of Day 7 technically...but how is that possible? I wonder if the royal jelly is just making me wanna pop out an egg fast or what? LOL...maybe it is a fluke. but even DH agreed with me and usually when i show him tests he can't see what i see, haha. Who knows, maybe we'll BD just in case...I know it's not likely but I don't wanna miss an opportunity:winkwink:

Hi tink i think u should go for it....once the :witch:has left me we r going to try go for it every other day up to the big O and then every day...im off work to so think we can achieve it...defo going to chill out and take it in my stride i read a really good story on here last nite which really inspired me i will copy and paste it for u all to read.x

Have a little read of this makes so much sence x
Good Morning ladies

Welcome to the thread Miracle2012, i'm sorry to hear abt your loss, i'm happy that you heald and now you are back to TTC. how many weeks were you if may ask?

About me now: I am experiencing cramps like period pains every second day for about 30 minutes at night only, during the day i'm just my self nothing is happening. i asked my friend whose 4 months pregnnt she said it's normal the womb is expanding preparing to accomodate new life.

Trolly-D I'm sorry that the devil got you.

May you all have a wonderful time towards your big O. by december we will all be starting a new Thread called BUMP BUDDIES.
Hi ladies how is everyone....

Im fuming thb....i called the doctors today about it being a year we have been trying etc....and they told me the criteria is now after 2 years....i was like wtf...since when???Im so mad...by the time it gets to 2 years they will b like...oh the criteria has changed and its 3 years im fuming!!!
Have u guys heard of this???

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