Trolley Dolly, I'm sorry you're feeling stressed

. I hope af stays away - keep us posted. Are you due today? The end of the 2ww sucks
Tink, did you manage to get hold of the supplements you wanted? Your post about stocking opks and hpts like a deranged squirrel made me chuckle - I can totally identify! I've bought some clearblue digital OPKs, as I'm fed up with the ones with lines, so now I have about 50 million sticks lying around the house. I think I'm going to start taking omega3 supplements this month, and I'm trying preseed for the first time.
1st Try, how are you feeling?
I'm a bit anxious as I'm waiting on the results of a rubella immunity test (I seem to be spending more time at the doctor's in the last month than I did in the last five years!). I suspect it's going to be negative, as I didn't have enough jabs when I was a child, so then we'll have to decide whether to get the jab and put TTC on hold for a bit, or take our chances without (probably the latter, to be honest, as I don't really want to waste any time). I should know by Tuesday, hopefully, so I'll keep you posted.
Have a lovely weekend, everyone!! xx