Rics I don't know how I missed what you said! My mind was fuzzy. Agree with ladders, probably isn't anything to worry about but definitely get it checked out anyway to be on the safe side
Mel and duster, so sorry about AF. Agree that CD1 and 2 actually, are the worst.
Rics I hate it when I notice stuff like that. It's probably nothing but things like that really play with my anxiety. Hope you get reassurance from your appointment.
Ok just been to the toilet and there was brown stained mucus, wiped more and I'm getting pink blood. I'm freaking out now as this is how my misscarriage started
Oh no ladders, that is so worrying. Try to keep calm for tonight and call your gp in the morning? I'm not sure how many weeks you have till your scan but they might bring it forward?
ladders, I'm sorry, I know how scary that must be. Just try to remember that lots of people have some bleeding during pregnancy and that everything is fine and that your history doesn't mean this is more likely bad. Can you call your dr?
Sounds so scary ladders! I'm sure everything is fine, lots of people bleed during early pregnancy, hopefully your doctor can give you some reassurance!!
Ladders if you call them tomorrow they will book you in for a scan. It probably isn't anything to worry about, loads of women get spotting and bleeding at varying degrees early on and frequently there isn't any explanation. I had some form of spotting and bleeding with all of ours. And with our youngest son I had a lot of pain as well.
If you have had sex or checked your cervix recently it could be from that as your cervix may be more sensitive and prone to bleeding from irritation
Call your gp or midwife this morning ladders they should see you. I hope its nothing, in fact i am sure it is nothing but i also know how worrying it can be.
Have you dtd recently as that can cause irritation too.
Had a bad bleed this morning so been to urgent care and they referred me to the early pregnancy unit but they won't scan me till Friday. Can't wait that long so if booked a private scan today at 5pm. Don't think it's going to be good news, it's just not fair why does this always happen to me
Omg Ladders I can't believe they won't scan you until Friday! Thank God you have been able to book a private scan for today. I'm praying it goes well, you are in my thoughts and I have everything crossed this is just one of those things that means nothing. I know people who have had horrendous bleeds and been ok so fingers crossed for you
Oh ladders I'm so sorry this is happening i have everything crossed that all is ok!!
And how awful there willing to let you wait til Friday!! Ridiculous ð¡
I have everything crossed for you today ladders! So many hugs. I'm sorry they're ridiculous and wouldn't see you sooner. Way to add more stress to an already stressful situation.
I think that because they pretty much ruled out an ectopic because im not in pain thar they arent bothered. The Dr was so nice and he tried the Epu lady on the phone just wasn't having it. Just last time I had a mc I spent days going from thinking it was fine as bleeding stopped to thinking the worse as next toilet blood again. I just can't go through that again. Im.7 weeks 4 days and o know for sure because of temping and opk so I should see a heartbeat if baby is ok shouldn't I? Just feel like curling up in a ball, Called in sick at work today i just can't fave anything till I know
Ladders, yes. If baby is ok, you will see a heartbeat if you are definite on dates. The earliest you can usually see a hb is around 6 weeks. Praying things are fine for you
Oh ladders I really feel for you I no how hard it is sitting there not knowing what's happening and there's nothing you can do about it. I just hope and pray that bubba is tucked up tight. I no when I went to the epu that they said bleeding is very common!! Xx
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