TTCSK I would be inclined to agree with Alligator on this, then. If you haven't had sex for a while and you're ovulating then it could be a little irritation from sex and also potentially ovulation. Sometimes I see a little bleeding if I don't use a lubricant because most of the time I don't make enough myself and I know some. Ladies experience bleeding from ovulation and if your doctor has checked you over recently and all is fine then I wouldn't worry. If it happens again randomly maybe go in and ask about it, but I have had the odd one off like this a couple of times as do many.
Curious those lines are looking lovely
Welcome Calliebeachbum (can I call you CBB instead? I know it's like Celebrity Big Brother, but it's easier and I'm lazy). I'm also a poas addict and buy ICs (lots of them) and usually use them all lol
Ladders ... what am I spying on your thread?!? Wow! Super excited for you
Momtastic I don't know about FRER tbh. Here in the UK we have always had the flat type but their quality seems to have become a little rubbish since I first used them years ago.
Oh and Ladders, we do have the curved FRER in the UK available to order, but we don't have it in the shops to my knowledge. You can find them on Amazon for about £19 three pack but they take weeks to deliver and I don't know if there's a delivery charge.
PG, unfortunately my tests went blank again yesterday and af arrived so currently CD2 for me today but it's ok, I expected it anyway. Excited for you to test!
So yes, CD2 here for me. Didn't pan out, but as I said I expected this to happen again. Changing things a little, taking EPO and twice the B complex and possibly twice vit D and folic acid but I have to check again to make sure I won't be taking too much. I ordered FSH tests which in all honesty I'm scared to use for what the result may be, but it will hopefully be helpful anyway