33yr ttc#2 - buddies needed!!!

Kim where are you in your cycle again right now?? Is it almost testing time for you or are you waiting for AF?

Ladders and cupcake, looks like you are both doing well for timing this month. Tow, glad you felt it did the trick! I have to say I have never thought of it like that but it is a strange feeling the first few times you have totally unprotected sex!

CD14 here and need to BD tonight. It's 9.40pm here and both DH and I are exhausted. Really don't want to, which is rubbish as it's the first time for this cycle so bad that I feel like this before we've even started :( I know it's fertile time as I felt up for it last light, but didn't BD as it would be too early, but tonight I'm just too tired to feel anything. We will power through though hopefully to get the ball rolling.

Today's opk was negative like I'd expect but starting to have some fertile CM. O day is often CD19 so expecting a positive in the next few days or so.
Hopfl - I've heard the cheapie sticks are just as sensitive as the frer's, but I you have the $ to get the frer go for it!

Today still having EWCM, I heard though that doesn't mean you're ovulating, you're just fertile and once you O the EWCM will actually stop. Anyone else heard that? Anyhow just gonna keep going until it stops haha - felt super nauseous all day, someone said a progesterone surge from O can cause that so who knows.

Tow - you never know sometimes a feeling is a feeling for a reason!

Oh I almost forgot, now I can share my secret with you guys haha. I went to Walmart today to buy a tiny onsie so if we get a BFP in the next few months I can surprise DH with it. So weird to be in the baby section but oh my word are newborn clothes so tiny and cute!!
Kim, I don't think those curved FRERs are reliable but if you use them it's probably best to get a few of them since they seem to give faint lines so frequently the only way to know if they are proper positives is by progression. I think given how early on you are, you may be best using a cheapie for the time being as imo they seem to be more reliable than the curved FRER. You can usually tell between a false line and a genuine line with cheapies as the false lines are usually skinny and grey. A genuine line will be much thicker and pink. FRER can give genuine faint positives but which still look grey super early on, and there isn't much, if any difference with line thickness. That's my opinion anyway lol

I am CD12 and have had lots of ewcm for four days! A record for the previous three years I think. Something must be getting back on track I guess. I'm a little confused as to when ovulation has happened though. I usually see a temp dip with positive OPK and sometimes another positive OPK the following day, usually pinpointing ov the day of the dip or day after with ov pains the same time but this time I had a dip CD10, temp increase CD11 with positive OPK, then today temp increase, dark OPK but wasn't quite positive, but stronger ov pains obviously on my right side. It's the pains which are confusing me, seem out of place for today with what is my usual routine. It's annoying me that things aren't in line with what I usually see lol!

Our youngest daughter was officially diagnosed with an ASD today. We completely expected this, so it wasn't a surprise. All three of my children are on the spectrum and it has made me wonder, if I had ten children, would they all be autistic? Is this something I will always pass down? I worry about their quality of life when they are older; will they lead a fulfilling life or will this hold them back? For me personally my AS hasn't held me back, but the anxiety I have has done. It makes me wonder if I'm being selfish, wanting more children, if this will always be handed down to them
Happy cupcake - I work with children on the spectrum and I've got to say I've met some of the kindest, sweetest and well behaved kids I've ever met in my life! As much as it's a challenge (as I'm sure you definitely know), personally I don't see any less quality of life, and the world wouldn't be as nice with these kids and people in it :)
Hopfl, we will keep trying. I'm not entirely sure when/if I will O this month since I just came off of my bc pills around May 9th. Actually, I'm extremely confused by how coming off of the pill is going to effect me because we actually got pregnant last month ( that is when I got the faint positive with the frer curved ) while I was on the pill and he was pulling out. I'm guessing I was around 2 and a half or three weeks. I got two faint positives a couple days apart, but when I tested again the day before AF, it was a definite negative. I'm guessing it was a chemical pregnancy/early mc. Assuming that everything stays on track, my O day will be this Saturday, the 27th because I had a full on period the 13th-17th just like clockwork. Before the pill I had 28 day cycles. My CM is definitely changing like it's close to O day.

Citrus, it was definitely weird for both of us the first time. As DH said, he's spent the last 10 years of his life focusing on NOT making a baby, and now all of a sudden that's the goal haha. I believe it's all much stranger for him than it is me. Hopefully your DH will be able to help you get in the BD mood as your O day approaches. :happydance:

Sander, that is a great idea! I definitely feel like I need to start thinking of how I'll tell DH when our time comes. I guess I'm just afraid of getting my hopes up to high. I have a tenancy of doing that.

Happycupcake, so sorry to hear about your daughter. Hugs and prayers for you. Try to keep your head up. I don't believe it's selfish at all to want more children as long as you've still got plenty of love to give. I know several people that fall on the Autistic spectrum that have grown to lead lives more fulfilling than my own. Just follow your heart.
Wouldn't be as nice *without* them in it (whoops typo!) :p
Citrus, I'm 7 or 8 dpo today. I'm still undecided if I'll test in the morning or not. I'm still having the cramps but at the same time I'm still not expecting anything to show on any of the tests. I might try a cheapie in the morning. Usually they're calling my name by now but this time I genuinely believe that we didn't catch the egg this time. I hope you ended up getting the energy to dtd tonight. If not, there's still a few more days till you O so still time.

Sander, I already have 2 frer here and about 20 ic's, a few Walmart cheapies, and 2 digis but I won't use those till I get a solid line on all the other tests if I do get a second line of course. Your onesie idea is cute! I'll have to figure out a cute way to tell dh if I ever get a bfp.

Happycupcake, I agree about the frer. That's why I was asking if I should do one of those or use my ic's. I have plenty of ic's to see progression but right now I only have 2 frer. I'll buy more if the ic's show anything. I think I'll wait till Saturday to be 12dpo to use the frer and if I don't see anything on it I'll save the other one for next month. I hope you're body gets with the program lol I agree that it's frustrating and confusing when your body does things differently. This whole cycle for me has been weird lol I don't think it's selfish of you to want another baby at all! Two of my three children have ADHD and the youngest doesn't. That doesn't mean the next one (if there will be a next one) may or may not have it too. I think people with autism or ADHD or any other disorder have the ability to live long happy healthy lives just like everyone else. It just may be a little harder to get where we all want to be but we do and that's amazing in itself ❤

Tow, I'm sorry you had a chemical 😞 it really sucks. I hope you're cycles are on track still and you do O when you're supposed to. Are you doing any opk's to help pinpoint O? If not, cm can also let you know when it's getting close too. (which I know you know that, I'm just saying.. Lol) I hope this is the only month you have to try since you concieved on bc. Did you accidentally forget any pills last cycle?

Ladders, Jessy, Anni and Daisies, and Bassit how are you ladies doing?

I'm actually nervous about testing in the morning. I wasn't earlier but you ladies talking about testing and dh keeps asking me if I will test soon or not. It's making me nervous lol I just don't want to see a bfn. I'm not very hopeful for this month but I still don't want to see the bfn. At the same time, I know it's early and a bfn will likely be the only thing I'll see.... Oh, girls! Why am I so crazy today? Lol I just can't seem to make up my mind.
Gah, I intro'd and then somehow my subscription to this thread got turned off and I missed a whole bunch! I'm here though. We've also been traveling visiting family and had DD's 2nd birthday party yesterday so things have been a little crazy.

Too much for me to catch up on everything but fx for everyone in the 2ww. I've read the digitals with the week indicators are actually really sensitive too now.

ladders, I agree with where FF moved your crosshairs, especially if you didn't sleep well that night. Your temp could have been artificially high. I've definitely suspected that was the case a cycle or 2.

Afm, just chugging along. AF is done luckily but a ways to go until O since that's normally CD18 or 19. Right around when I'll be jet lagged going home and have my temps screwed up, yay! I find this part of my cycle to be the most boring. But at least since last cycle didn't work out I get to drink at a wedding this weekend.

Oh, and we could barely pick a name for DD! Particularly if we have a boy we are so screwed to pick something!
Kim, if you don't see a positive right away it's ok because you are so early and sometimes people don't see a positive until much later on. I hope you do see something, but don't think this won't change if you don't.

I don't know what's happening with my temps, but I'm assuming it was lower today because I actually had a little more sleep than usual. I think I may have had my mouth open as well... probably snoring lol
Cm has changed from ewcm to creamy today though and cp feels less open so I'm assuming I have ovulated. I'm thinking probably yesterday because of those pains and OPKs continued to lighten


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Hi again, Curious! I'm sorry I forgot about you in my pp. Hopefully your temps won't be too messed up and you still see a clear shift. I agree, the wait to O is boring, until it's finally fw and then the craziness begins lol! (for me anyway haha)

Happycupcake, the crazy thing is, I know that lol it still always makes me think I'm out even though I know I'm not. Does that make any sense? I hope so. I'm sorry you're having an off cycle with your temps. I hope this brings you your bfp though!

So, I completely forgot to test!! I couldn't sleep last night so finally fell asleep around 2am. Then dh woke me up at stupid o'clock and I was aggravated when I went to pee. Now I'm even more aggravated lol but I'm probably going back to sleep soon so I'll use smu when I wake up again. Dh got rained out today so he's home so I'm letting him get up with the kids to get them up and off to school. I'll check back in later and let you all see what happens on my test when I take it.
Makes sense don't worry! I know what you mean. I think sometimes it's easier to assume you won't see a positive as well
Oh, fx today Hopfl! Definitely update ASAP!

Cupcake, I'm not convinced you've O'd! I know FF wants to see 3 temps higher than the earlier ones. And I also had a cycle where I had a surge (and positive OPK) and then didn't O and had another one later. That said I also had a friend who had a super ambiguous chart where FF didn't think she'd O'd and then all of a sudden she got a BFP so you never know! Hoping things make more sense soon for you.
Hopfl, no I'm not doing any OPK this cycle since it's the first month of us actually trying. I figure if we get a BFN this month and next I'll start taking OPK and doing temps. Right now I'm just monitoring CM and Cervix position. I definitely feel like I'm approaching O day though. :yipee: I was taking my bc RELIGIOUSLY every single night, same time. No antibiotics or anything that could've thrown it off. We have no idea how it happened. How did your test go??

Cupcake, fingers crossed for you that this month will be your month! :dust:
I'm pretty sure I have, I think my temps are a little out because of my weird sleep pattern and then being able to sleep properly randomly like that has probably changed things. I would imagine given I'm usually a light sleeper and I usually am woken by the children each night my temps probably don't fall hugely low. Then being able to sleep properly, I think perhaps my temps fell lower than usual for being more asleep if that makes sense? Because you would usually be reading the lowest temp on waking anyway, so I'm guessing the more sleep and better quality of sleep you have, the lower your temps would be since being awake or moving about increases them
Kim, did you test, what was it?? And thanks for asking, I'm doing fine. Really anxious about this pregnancy and wishing the weeks away which is silly really, it's not like worrying changes anything. I'm more uptight about these early weeks than I was last time round though. But otherwise all good, other than some nausea, bloating and tiredness.
Random question for everyone .. do any of you ever get like a "butterflies" type feeling down low like where your uterus would be before ovulation? I've never felt that before..
Ooh Kim, did you test? Fingers crossed for you.

Cupcake I hope your temps straighten out soon. I hate it when everything doesn't line up!

Sorry you are feeling anxious daisies, it's so hard. You are right in that worrying doesn't change anything though. Hope you feel better once you've had your scan.

Tow, I've never noticed anything at o time to be honest. I only really know fertile time through temps, CM and libido which is marginally higher.

We did manage to BD woo! We are trying to Ben strict with every other day this time. Hope I don't o late! Negative opk today, could barely see a line. People who use opks do you find they get darker gradually leading up to o or is it a sudden change?

Hope you are all ok today
I'm pretty sure I have, I think my temps are a little out because of my weird sleep pattern and then being able to sleep properly randomly like that has probably changed things. I would imagine given I'm usually a light sleeper and I usually am woken by the children each night my temps probably don't fall hugely low. Then being able to sleep properly, I think perhaps my temps fell lower than usual for being more asleep if that makes sense? Because you would usually be reading the lowest temp on waking anyway, so I'm guessing the more sleep and better quality of sleep you have, the lower your temps would be since being awake or moving about increases them
That logic definitely makes sense to me!
Citrus, I've seen it happen both ways to me. A fade in sometimes and sometimes just boom, dark.
Hi ladies, not much of an update - had a crappy day at work today but just so you don't think I've fallen off the face of the earth. Hope you're all ok.

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