Cupcake everything is so true what you said, we have to continue to live our lives and enjoy them. It really saddens me though. I went to concerts when I was a teenager to see pop bands and loved it, my parents would have waved me off to the bus stop or given me a lift and I'm sure they wouldn't have really worried. I was a good kid (in the most part) my friends were all good kids, they knew we were going to go off, watch a band we liked and have a good time together. It scares me to think that in 12 years time I'll have a 14 year old (same age when I started going to concerts) and what will his world be? Will I be able to rest easy if he goes to a concert, football match or the cinema? I hope so, because I want my children to be able to do the things I did and enjoyed, and don't want to restrict them from doing things because of fear of what could happen to them in the world, but how do you allow your most precious, cherished loved ones that freedom in a world where a small (thankfully) minority do such awful things?
On a different note, good luck with bd tow!