33yr ttc#2 - buddies needed!!!

I would drive myself crazy if I had to wait till 8 weeks lol! With my mc, my OB told me that when we decided to try again and got a bfp to call and make an appointment. At this office, they always do a scan on the first visit to check and make sure baby is where it should be and check how far along you are. They also do the usual pelvic exam and bloods and all that too. I just like the early scan part lol
Oh Kim im.so glad it's stopped most have been really worrying!

Im having a bit of a crap morning I tested again and really faint! Like yesterday morning again. We did have takeaway last night which always makes me drink lots and dd was unsettled so I weed a couple if times in the night but I was really expecting to see a darker line. Feeling a bit doomed now


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Ladders i can totally see that lone without eveb zooming in.

Can you put all your tests together in one photo for comparison.

Kim sorry about the bleeding but it does sound like it was from the shaving.

Cupcake - hows your test looking today?
Thanks Jessie maybe I'm over analysing and expecting it to be darker than it can be at this stage. ( I'm hoping)


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Kim, 5w5d could potentially be slightly pushing it. If you don't get a strong hb then will it totally freak you out? I know for me it would so I would wait a few more days if possible. With DD I had an ultrasound at exactly 6w and her hb was a little on the slow side, just because it was so early. By 8w it was perfect.
Mel, I think I missed your comment before about boy timing. Yeah, what we did last cycle was wait for the positive OPK, then BD'd. It ended up being the day before and the day of O. But I do think it's cutting down on our chances so I'm not sure how long we'll stick with this. Definitely this cycle.
Ladders, I believe I'm seeing progression! Fx it gets darker for you. Your tests seem to be like mine and get darker as the day goes on so I'm anxious to see your next test. Try to hold it as long as possible and try not to drink much though. Maybe that will give you a better idea of what today's test would look like had you not woke up a few times and used the bathroom?

Thanks, Jessy and Curious.

Curious, as paranoid as I am now, yes, it would definitely freak me out so I'll just try to get in a few days later to give the hb time to mature
I'm feeling fine now. Other than not being able to sleep. It's 3:52am here and I haven't been to sleep yet. I just can't fall asleep tonight. I hope I can fall asleep after dh leaves for work and the kids for school in a few hours.
Kim i have the opposite problem, all i want to do is sleep. I have had a nap for the last 2 days and i never nap! I am struggling already and its on 10am here and we got up at 7:30 haha. Glad we had a busy weekend out and about so i dont feel guilty about having a totally lazy day today!

Anni daisies has exhaustion hit ypu both too?
I remember the exhaustion well hope it eases up soon for you jessy!

Duster I'm sorry the witch properly got you hope your feeling ok

Cupcake have you tested today again yet?
So tired! And also sick.

I'm at work today so will catch up properly later
Kim, I would say as close to 6 weeks as possible. The earliest scan I had was at 5+6 and we saw his heartbeat. I know the temptation to go earlier is powerful, but if by chance LO hasn't developed so a scan can detect the hb it will only add to your anxiety so try to make it close to six weeks. A day or two behind may be fine, but I think you would have to be pretty sure on dates, otherwise if you are actually a day or so behind this, then it could make all the difference.
I'm sure everything is ok though, you haven't had any more, have you? How are your tests today?

Ladders, I can see your line easily! I wouldn't expect miles of progression overnight or in the same day all the time this early simply because so many things can alter the strength of hormone at this point.

I hope everyone else is ok. I'm sorry I haven't replied to everyone, I'm so tired today didn't have a fab night's sleep. I woke up at some point past 3am after having dreamt I was being sick, but when I woke I felt like I was being choked like someone was leaning on my neck or squeezing my throat, it was really bizarre and freaked me out so much I didn't want to go back to sleep. Anxiety is making me feel sick.

Anyway, I poas. In fact, I po2s lol
One test you can see there's more dye in it than the other as the control line is darker. I can see lines on both but the line on the less strong test is fainter. But I'm assuming it's because of the dye, since I used the same sample.
I don't know if they mean anything, but they are definitely more visible today (or at least, in real life and on my photos. I don't know how wonderfully they will upload)

Will add originals then tweaked. With fmu


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I can see it quite clearly on the tweaked test cupcake!

I am having the weirdest sensation right now. A proper deep pulse in my uterus/lower abdomen. I know its definitely not going to be the baby must be my own pulse but its actually making my stomach move. Weird. I hope it isnt a bad thing but i am not having any pain so i am hoping its normal.
Jessy, do you have wind? Aside from this, your blood is being pumped round harder when pregnant, I think, so a more noticeable pulse would make sense. I frequently feel my pulse in the same place as you when my husband hugs me tight, even he can feel it
I just feel loads of movements in that area and i can see some of them too. Assuming its probably a combination of blood pumping to the baby and everything growing and stretching. Weird!
Honestly, I see my wind moving. I wish I was joking... it sounds bizarre and somewhat gross, but I do actually see trapped wind moving
Happycupcake, I had this long reply about your tests then dh called and when I hung up, everything disappeared! 😣 anyway, I can clearly see the lines on your tests today! Just like ladders, I didn't even have to click on the picture! (I did of course but I didn't have to) I'm so excited to see not if but when both your tests progress more! Come on babies, (yours and Ladders) implant more and make that hormone so we can see those lines darken! ❤❤
I'm sorry you didn't sleep well. That dream sounds horrible that would have scared me too! No, no more spotting if it was that. I'm slightly crampy again but chalking it up to my uterus growing to accommodate baby. I just tried to test but my urine was so diluted it was almost clear so I know if I would have dipped that ic then it would have just made me even more paranoid so I knew better than to do it. I'll try again after I drive ds2 to the bus stop since it's raining here. I'm thinking my insomnia is caused by the worry of the blood yesterday since that's what I kept thinking about all night. I'm glad it's gone though. The weird thing is, I'm so tired during the day. I literally want to sleep all day but can't. Then at night my brain doesn't shut off and even though I'm so tired, I can't sleep. I'm sitting at the bus stop with ds2 now and the rain is hitting the roof of the car and I swear I could just nap right here lol but I'm starving so I need to go home and eat lol

Jessy and Anni I hope you get some energy as soon as possible and the ms eases up.

Jessy, I keep having the same feeling! Especially when I lay down and at night. Sometimes if I'm sitting I can feel it. I was thinking the same thing last night, this can't be baby yet! When is your appointment again? Sorry if you've said again but I forgot.

I decided to call today and make an appointment for between June 12-16th since I'll be 6 weeks on Sunday the 11th. I know I've always seen a Hb at 6weeks with my other pregnancies. Except ds1 because I was a little further along when I found out I was pregnant.

I hope everyone is doing well today.
Thanks, Kim! I'm happy I don't simply have line eye lol

I have two Superdrug Early tests. I think I will dip one tomorrow with my fmu along with another IC. I did try smu today but this was a pointless waste of time and I ought to know better by now that my daytime pee unless it's fmu is usually rubbish because I drink so much!

I'm glad you didn't dip the test in your super diluted pee. I think if you did that at this time and it happened to be even a tiny bit lighter it would worry you unnecessarily. Definitely better to wait for more concentrated pee to use them with! Do you have many left?

Oh I absolutely LOVE listening to the rain. It stormed here the other evening and it was amazing. I could listen to rain and thunder forever and it wouldn't be boring. I always put a mix of rain and birds on my phone for our youngest daughter if she wakes during the evening as it sends her back to sleep.
Do you have an app for sounds like this? I have a few, some storms, some a mixture of different things but my favourite is an app with lots of different types of rain sounds and thunderstorms, it's fab!

So pleased you contacted your doctor, by the way! I hope the next couple of weeks hurry along so you get to see your baby's hb!

I'm feeling quite zen right now, I have had my acupuncture appointment and I'm sat with my cup of peppermint tea in peace and quiet upstairs. I asked her to help with the nausea I have during my lp because it drives me nuts at times.
Other than this, crampy but this isn't unusual for me, thinking we may take the dog out later after tea when it's quieter outside and cooler, maybe the park this time as the tide will be in so she won't be able to leg it about like a nutter on the sand today
Ladders I can see them!!!

And your cupcake! And symptoms?

Hopefl glad it wasn't anything to worry about!!! And I agree being more around the 6 week mark is better. X

Sorry if I've missed others out my brain isn't working at the moment

I'm currently 3dpo and the only symptoms I'm having is a wet feeling which is normally a good sign but I don't want to get my hopes up and slightly crampy actually.

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