Kim, I would say as close to 6 weeks as possible. The earliest scan I had was at 5+6 and we saw his heartbeat. I know the temptation to go earlier is powerful, but if by chance LO hasn't developed so a scan can detect the hb it will only add to your anxiety so try to make it close to six weeks. A day or two behind may be fine, but I think you would have to be pretty sure on dates, otherwise if you are actually a day or so behind this, then it could make all the difference.
I'm sure everything is ok though, you haven't had any more, have you? How are your tests today?
Ladders, I can see your line easily! I wouldn't expect miles of progression overnight or in the same day all the time this early simply because so many things can alter the strength of hormone at this point.
I hope everyone else is ok. I'm sorry I haven't replied to everyone, I'm so tired today didn't have a fab night's sleep. I woke up at some point past 3am after having dreamt I was being sick, but when I woke I felt like I was being choked like someone was leaning on my neck or squeezing my throat, it was really bizarre and freaked me out so much I didn't want to go back to sleep. Anxiety is making me feel sick.
Anyway, I poas. In fact, I po2s lol
One test you can see there's more dye in it than the other as the control line is darker. I can see lines on both but the line on the less strong test is fainter. But I'm assuming it's because of the dye, since I used the same sample.
I don't know if they mean anything, but they are definitely more visible today (or at least, in real life and on my photos. I don't know how wonderfully they will upload)
Will add originals then tweaked. With fmu