I had a cyst rupture and it was the worst pain I've ever had, including 11 hours of unmedicated induced labor! That sounds similar. Started achy and bloated feeling and just got worse and worse over a couple of hours. The next morning it was achy and sore still though.Hi all! I'm here and stalking, I promise. I'm so so excited for all the bfp's but it makes me feel like mine will take forever for some reason!
I'm so sorry AF got you curious
I had the weirdest thing happen the other day. It woke me up in the middle of the night on 3dpo and it was like my uterus just ached... it got worse and worse until I felt like my uterus was seriously exploding and on fire. I was seconds away from calling my mom to go with me to the ER! I crawled to the bathroom and threw up from the pain. WTF! But then like 10 minutes later it was gone. HUH!!! If I'd been a few days later I'd at least get to ruminate on all the possibly pregnancy implications. It makes no sense. Ugh. I guess I should go to the doc. Have any of you ever experienced something like that?! The weird thing is that I just feel totally fine now. I wasn't even sore the day after. I thought if it were a ruptured cyst it would last a lot longer than that. It was so odd!
Well, it never hurts but you could always do every other day until you get a positive OPK, then a couple days in a row. That would cover all your bases.So if I don't see any EWCM yet should we BD anyways? I usually get EWCM for a few days every month, just not sure if I should trust that more or the OPK more? If you guys think it's close to positive I don't want to miss it! Ugh who knew TTC was so much work haha
Also cupcake that sounds terrible!! Your poor DH, hopefully he's feeling better asap
Ha, yes! Like pregnancy tests read in 5-10 minutes.Lol guys I'm such an idiot - I didn't realize these things can turn positive if you leave them - I read that after hopping in the shower, I took another one and read after 5 minutes and it was much lighter. Now I know to always read the box![]()