34yo TTC looking for a buddy

I'm still here..... I missed this thread and all you girls. I'm in the tww too. About 8dpo I think. Cycle 13 or so. Much too long. So tell me, how have you been? what have you been up to?
Hello ladies!
It has been so long since I last posted here. I got away from BnB for some time cause I thought it was causing my obsession with ttc. However I am back since the problem is me and not the forum.
We are still trying, this is cycle 11! I never thought it would take so long. DH went for his SA last week and we are getting the results tomorrow. The words "nervous" or "anxious" cannot really describe my state. I am imagining the worst scenarios. I visited a new doctor in February who told us not to do anything before the 1 year mark, just an SA. He said that is the SA is good and me still not pregnant that he will try clomid first before anything else. But, I am not really enthusiastic about drugs. I have a very small intrauterine polyp which according to him is too small to cause any issues. Out of the three doctors I have seen two believe that this is not an issue. However, I am inclined to have it removed by hysteroscopy. I have started taking vitamins and so has DH (he is also taking a bit of extra maca) and both of us take a little bit of Royal Jelly every morning.

That's all...
Have I mentioned that I feel almost depressed about all these? The worse is that I feel there is no one around to talk about these issues. My friends are either pregnant or mothers and we are still trying...During the weekend when I had my period I cried for so long... Sorry about the depressive post. Hope all of you are feeling better!!! :flower:
Hi ladies,

So I've been back on BnB for not yet two weeks and I've turned completely obsessive again about ttc so I'm going to have to get off here again. Just wanted to give you both a heads up that I'm not being a flake, just need my sanity because I'm driving myself and my hubby crazy. I don't want to go into it all now, but things are rough at home right now. I wish you both the best of luck and I hope you get your bfp's soon!!
So sorry to hear the both of you are still going through all this. I am right here with you, you are not alone.

Gr Orchid I hate to see you go again so soon, but trust I know how you feel. The best way to get pregnant is to not stress. So take your time and do what you feel is best. I hope things get better for you at home too.

Brassy the whole finding the right doctor is a pain. I have been trying to get my gyno to send me for a HSG test for about 4 months now. She says she doesn't think I need one but I don't think it's up to her. I have left numerous msgs for her to call me and she is never in the office and I am still waiting for an answer. They told me to make an appointment to see her. I already paid to see her once just to talk to hner about this same issue. Don't think it's fair to have to pay her again just to say the same thing again. So yes, I think it's time to move on to a new Dr. I hope you get good results back tomorrow. No worries. Glad to see you back, hun!
brassy let me know if you want my doctors number. he's a little arrogant but he is a good doctor and a good surgeon. and he is in athens. of course no one likes going from doctor to doctor- it's a pain in the ass. but let me know. no pressure. filakia

ps - i stalked you to find this thread. :haha:
Hello ladies!
Mybabyluv I am really sorry that you are still trying and are without a BFP yet. :-( I am really sorry about your doctor's behaviour...you should probably fire her!

AFM: We got DH"s SA results. The sperm is looking fertile, although some of the values are more towards the lower normal levels. The doctor at the lab who is an expert on that said that DH's sperms looks capable of fertilisation and so did my gyn. However, they found a bacterial infection for which DH has to take strong antibiotics for about 20 days. I did take a lighter version for 4 days as a precaution. This is the third time in a few months I was again on antibiotics (I got two bad urinary tract infection a few months ago)... The dr said that the mucus found in sperm because of the infection might have prevented some of the spermies to move forward, although the motility appeared good. Let's see...He thinks that I look ok but I told him that I need to have an HSG and he said that if that makes me feel better we will arrange it after my next period. He will be there which makes me feel better, although I already started having nightmares about the procedure...
He still thinks that it is normal to not have fallen pregnant after 10 cycles...we'll see...
brassy let me know if you want my doctors number. he's a little arrogant but he is a good doctor and a good surgeon. and he is in athens. of course no one likes going from doctor to doctor- it's a pain in the ass. but let me know. no pressure. filakia

ps - i stalked you to find this thread. :haha:

Thanks a lot greekgirl...If I feel that I need to change doctors I will definitely ask you...I had the perfect doctor in Thessaloniki (when I used to live there), one of the best in the country (he created the page gyn.gr). However, he sent me to this guy here in Athens which he trusts. I blindly trust him so I trust the new guy he suggested and I feel comfortable with him. I am a bit difficult regarding doctors and especially gyns. I have to trust the guy, he has to be a GOOD listener and I have to feel comfortable. I am getting stressed really easily so I need to know that I can communicate with the dr. Imagine, DH's uncle is a gyn, but I decided that he can't be our doctor although they are so close...
Brassy, I guess it's a good thing he went when he did to get checked. Maybe now with the infection gone he can build up better swimmers and they will step into action! Sounds like this new doc is on point. Hope he helps get to the bottom of things for you.

AFM, I had forgotten all about the appt I made. The nurse called me saying they don't need to see me. She gave me a number of an infertility office instead and said she can't help me cuz she doesn't do them. I still can't believe it. After all this time she says she can't me. She doesn't have to do anything. The radiologist does the procedure. All I need to know is did the dye go thru, and did they have to force it thru or not. I'm even more pissed because she had me call the hospital and find out how much the procedure cost. They said only $88. I couldn't believe it. They said that was the discounted cost for self pay patients. Well I called the number for this other doctor and they want $300 kjust for the initial visit. $100 at time appointment is made. So you know I am fuming right about now!
Hello mybabyluv...
Did you find out what happened eventually? I hope you find a better doctor soon...It seems that everything in the US is more expensive, at least regarding fertility treatment. My doctor only gets 30euros per visit (ultrasound included), slightly more for a pap test. The hsg is more expensive, I will have it done in a private clinic (it costs about 150 euros), but he will be there, too. But I am thinking about requring anaesthisia which costs a bit more. I am terrified about the pain. Were you in pain when you had yours?

I am expecting AF perhaps tomorrow which will mean the end of cycle 11 :cry:
DH is still on the antibiotics and he will have to repeat the SA at some point to see if the infection has cleared up.. We are approaching the year mark at the end of this month which is a bit disheartening... :nope::nope:
Hope af stays far away for you!! No I haven't had it done yet. Im scared about thew pain too. Hit my year mark last month. It is very frustrating but I just have to think, it will happen when it's supposed to. Many struggle for much longer. I just wish I had the means to be a bit more proactive instead of just waiting for it to work out on its own. Ya know? Hang in there hun. I know I'm trying.
So, just had AF...On to cycle 12 then. I am not feeling too bad today,kind of expected it. Perhaps I have stopped expecting something else at this point. I have to have the hsg between cd7 and 11. I guess if my tubes turn out ok the next step will be clomid according to what the dr said. Hope you are well...
You're a step ahead of me, that's for sure. I have no idea when I'm gonna be able to get that done. Hopefully it will get you your BFP. I am not too far from af myself. Didn't chart this time and haven't checked what day I'm on. I think it was cd23 a couple days ago. I might be starting a new job soon, so maybe getting pregnant is just not for me at this time. Not giving up though. I still want this very bad.
HSG is scheduled for Saturday morning...I am a bit scared. I decided to have it with a light anaesthesia..it will cost more but will save me the stress for the pain. I hope my tubes are open. Didn't have very much time to think about this as I am mostly thinking about the procedure. On Monday me and DH will travel up north (looong trip) to visit my other doctor. We will see what he has to say... How are you?
Oooooh--is this the thread for 34 year olds? We just finished our first TTC cycle (AF coming any minute now), and I could really use some support buddies. We moved to a new state last year, so I don't have the sort of local girlfriends I'd like to be able to talk about all this craziness.

Do you all do the same thing I do and just round up to 35 when you're reading about stats and frequent problems? Maybe that's pessimistic of me.

Good luck to you all!
Oooooh--is this the thread for 34 year olds? We just finished our first TTC cycle (AF coming any minute now), and I could really use some support buddies. We moved to a new state last year, so I don't have the sort of local girlfriends I'd like to be able to talk about all this craziness.

Do you all do the same thing I do and just round up to 35 when you're reading about stats and frequent problems? Maybe that's pessimistic of me.

Good luck to you all!

Welcome, this thread can certainly use more buddies. Some are a little older than 34, but still in that range. I myself am 34 and yes I look at it as 35 because by the time I conceive I will be 35 while pregnant. That's saying it happens sometime son for me. I'm on cycle 14 I think now. I remember my first cycle. It was such an exciting time. Now I pretty much go with the flow. I just started my next cycle. No surprise there. I really hope you are more successful and it happens a lot sooner for you. We could use a BFP on here. You are definitely in the right place if you want to talk. This site can be really helpful and is a great support for us ttc. Best of luck to you!
HSG is scheduled for Saturday morning...I am a bit scared. I decided to have it with a light anaesthesia..it will cost more but will save me the stress for the pain. I hope my tubes are open. Didn't have very much time to think about this as I am mostly thinking about the procedure. On Monday me and DH will travel up north (looong trip) to visit my other doctor. We will see what he has to say... How are you?

That came up quickly. Cant believe you are having your HSG on Saturday already. Cant wait to hear your results. I am sure you have nothing to worry about. Try not to stress and relax. I'm sure that will help things go a lot smoother. How soon after will you get a report? Hope you don't have to wait too long. Nothing worse than waiting. I don't blame you for wanting a little anesthesia. If it hurts too bad, which I'm sure it won't, don't tell me about it, lol! I still have to have mine. :hugs::hugs:
That came up quickly. Cant believe you are having your HSG on Saturday already. Cant wait to hear your results. I am sure you have nothing to worry about. Try not to stress and relax. I'm sure that will help things go a lot smoother. How soon after will you get a report? Hope you don't have to wait too long. Nothing worse than waiting. I don't blame you for wanting a little anesthesia. If it hurts too bad, which I'm sure it won't, don't tell me about it, lol! I still have to have mine. :hugs::hugs:

Sooo, I had the HSG this morning. My tubes are all clear, which is good. I didn't have a chance to see my doctor afterwards he had something urgent to attent. I was told he talked to me and told me that everything was fine, but I don't recall any of this..The radiologist also told me that I am fine and this is what my report says. I had the light anaesthesia which means that I had some degree of awareness. I didn't feel any pain, just light discomfort in the beginning when they had to insert the "stuff" needed for the procedure...That was good, but I was extremely dizzy and nautious afterwards and they had to keep me there for two hours and I actually (sorry tmi...) vomited on our way back. Poor DH was waiting and had no idea what was happening. I had told him that it lasts about ten minutes and he was there 2 1/2 hours...

I will be meeting the doc this coming week and my other doctor on Monday. During a quick chat before the HSG he told me that he doesn't want me to do anything else during the summer. He wants me to realax, eat only healthy foods and :sex: a lot in my fertile window....:winkwink: DH will had to repeat the SA in September...

How are you?
Oooooh--is this the thread for 34 year olds? We just finished our first TTC cycle (AF coming any minute now), and I could really use some support buddies. We moved to a new state last year, so I don't have the sort of local girlfriends I'd like to be able to talk about all this craziness.

Do you all do the same thing I do and just round up to 35 when you're reading about stats and frequent problems? Maybe that's pessimistic of me.

Good luck to you all!

Welcome PBL! I am actually 35...I can hear that biological clock ticking too loud. I am in cycle 12...I hope that you have a BFP loong before that...:flower:
Sooo, I had the HSG this morning. My tubes are all clear, which is good. I didn't have a chance to see my doctor afterwards he had something urgent to attent. I was told he talked to me and told me that everything was fine, but I don't recall any of this..The radiologist also told me that I am fine and this is what my report says. I had the light anaesthesia which means that I had some degree of awareness. I didn't feel any pain, just light discomfort in the beginning when they had to insert the "stuff" needed for the procedure...That was good, but I was extremely dizzy and nautious afterwards and they had to keep me there for two hours and I actually (sorry tmi...) vomited on our way back. Poor DH was waiting and had no idea what was happening. I had told him that it lasts about ten minutes and he was there 2 1/2 hours...

I will be meeting the doc this coming week and my other doctor on Monday. During a quick chat before the HSG he told me that he doesn't want me to do anything else during the summer. He wants me to realax, eat only healthy foods and :sex: a lot in my fertile window....:winkwink: DH will had to repeat the SA in September...

How are you?

sorry to intrude- i just wanted to say how glad i am that your HSG went well and that everything is clear! yay! :happydance: that is great news! maybe now that that is off your mind you will relax like everyone (except for me because i don't know how) relaxes on holiday and you will get pregnant!
You don't intrude! You are always welcome here...I am relieved that the HSG went ok. I am just wondering now what's the problem. My previous doctor whom we visited on Monday (it was up north and a very looong journey, we had a minor car accident -not our fault) said the the HSG looks super and the sperm is good. He is now starting to think that it wouldn't hurt to have my polyp removed through hysteroscopy. He also suggested to had a post coital test done right before ovulation.

Have you ever heard of this ladies? The take a sample of your cervical mucus a few hours after :sex: a day before ovulation or at the day of ovulation. The search for alive sperm. If they find some the test is considered positive which is good. The non presence of alive spermies might suggest that either the sperm is weak or that the mucus is hostile or too thick for the spermies to swim through. He did that test on me on the spot which was negative :growlmad:. But it was a few days before ovulation which means it is not reliable. If they find it negative a couple of times (when done at the right day) the might prescribe a pill with a very light dose of oestrogens which make the mucus thinner. He said that I could take that next cycle if I want, it doesn't have any side effects. We'll see...

We are visiting out current doctor on Friday to plan our next moves...

I hope you are well!!! :flower:

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