34yo TTC looking for a buddy

Hello ladies...as predicted this isn't my month! AF got me today, after I left the doctor in the morning...I really can't express how disappointed I feel, but I have decided that I can't let myself be too sad since it is hurting my overall health. The first advice of the doctor in the morning was to reduce stress which affects severely my gerd. I am going for a test on Monday morning and if this is ok, I will only follow a treatment with some antacid medication (nexium) for two months, and avoid endoscopy for now. Luckily this doesn't affect ttc or a potential pregnancy, which is good.

I am really thinking about seeking medical help from a fs this month. Have any of you considered treatment? (I know that marialex is on chlomid already)...
Brassy I'm sorry that this wasn't your month :hug: I know what you mean, you don't want to let yourself give in to feeling sad, but at the same time, at least allow yourself a day to be in a pissy mood about it. I always do! And try to think of this as a turning point when you really start to get yourself healthy and reduce stress (easier said than done I know!). I'm glad you don't need the endoscopy just yet, and I hope you never will.

As far as a fs goes, DH and I are planning to try for two more months and then if nothing happens we'll get the ball rolling on that. However, if my ovulation doesn't get back to normal next month I may go on my own and try to get my ovaries scanned. I've always had a suspicion that I could have PCOS and/or endo but because I'm average weight and my blood sugar is normal, the doctors never think it's PCOS and I'm not sure why they don't think I have endo. But I get very painful periods and now that I think back, I had excruciating pains in my right ovary last month around 3 or 4 dpo. Maybe a cyst popped or something and that could have messed me up for this month.

Brassy I definitely think you should go if you're concerned.

Marialex and mybabyluv, that's funny about morning :sex: I actually have the opposite problem. My hubby likes it late at night when I'm half asleep. When I try to jump on him in the morning he usually wants to get up and eat breakfast instead hahaha.
Brassy - I am so sorry hun! :hugs:. I was hoping so much that this would be your month. I am on clomid but I have never seen a FS. If I don't get PG in 2 or 3 cycles I will though - I have no time to lose and my ob said that she would refer me anytime. Since I got PG once before on clomid, they are not monitoring me to start (which does make me a little nervous, but...). I would not hesitate to go and find out as much as you can. I am thinking of going to an herbalist to see if there is anything I can add to the clomid to move things along. I am afraid to try anything that will counteract though.

My hubby had to start taking nexium a few years ago and it was like a wonder drug for him so I hope the same holds true for you. Now he is down to just one prilosec a day.

GO - a good friend of mine took 2 years to get PG with her first - she is low to average weight with normal blood sugar as well and has short but SUPER painful periods that knock her out for a couple of days. She found out she has PCOS. She tried several medications and tracked all her cycle symptoms for a long time. She finally got PG after a while on a natural cycle. Funny though - after the one pregnancy her body reset itself and she is like clockwork now and knows exactly when she is ovulating. She conceived the first month trying for her second. Point is...get answers and follow your gut about what you feel your body is telling you!

GO - I soooo prefer evening :sex: LOL!!!
Hi all! What's everyone up to this wknd? I turn 34 today and probly doing nothing half as exciting as the rest of you. Dh and I have the wknd to ourselves but he's not on my good side so I'd rather have my baby here to talk to. Still had light spotting today cd8. I hate when it drags on like that. It actually hadn't been this long in probably bout a year. I don't know what's going on with my body. First unusually short cycle, now long period and to make it worse I am cramping on my right side like I'm ovulating already! It better not be. Dh won't even touch me until af had definitely been gone at least a full day. Not like I really want him touching me right now. Anyway, sorry just had to vent a little.

Efi, I'm so sorry it didn't happen for you. I hope you won't need any assistance from a fs.
Happy Birthday mybabyluv! I am sorry your cycle is playing tricks on you! I used to ovulate on day 9 or 10 and have a very short cycle so you might want to snuggle up to DH just in case LOL!! Now I seem to O later and still have the short cycle(hence the clomid) - who knows! I hope you find something fun and relaxing to do today!

I should be getting more hopeful as the days go by and no AF but I just get more and more scared of the outcome! I know you all know what I mean - just so hard when you want something so badly. Nothing compares to the feelings when TTC. YOu can only do so much and then it is out of your hands. Such a helpless feeling and I HATE IT!!!
Oh no. When is she due? I hope she doesn't show up. One of us has to be lucky.
Oh no. When is she due? I hope she doesn't show up. One of us has to be lucky.

I really don't know. I am on day 25 so that is a long cycle for me but I hope clomid is going to make my cycles longer. My chart says I am 8DPO but I could be more as I had so many +opks. I took some of them off of FF. I won't test until next Friday (the 18th) as that is 14 days after my lat +opk. I have been optimistic but I have some AF-type cramps today and I don't like it one bit!!! Plus...how could I be that lucky to conceive on my first round of clomid at 37? Although I would love to before my 38th birthday next month (ugh!!!) 38 sounds so old to me! What am I thinking?!!! Just in a bad mood today I guess. I have a cold/cough/sinus thing going on too so that doesn't help. I just want to crawl in bed for the next week until I can test!!! STAY AWAY WITCH!!!
So I am out this month as well - stupid witch got me this morning:cry: I felt her coming yesterday but still, I was hanging onto that little glimmer of hope. I am super sad and pessimistic today but I hope that I bounce back tomorrow. I am going to try and not obsess so much this month so I may not check in as often - need to distract!!! My body is stressed right now!

How are you ladies holding on? Anything interesting to report?
Aww sweetie, I'm sorry. The first day is always the worst. Hope you are feeling better today. Take all the time you need. Just don't stay away too long.:hugs:

How is everyone else? Really quiet around here lately. I finally got my laptop charged. I tried to leave a msg from my phone ystrdy and after I wrote this really long msg, I hit a button and it deleted it. Was too frustrated to do it again. Anyway,......Just here waiting to O. Been having lots of twinges in my right side and good cm for 4 days. Happy about that because that is the side with the working tube. I was expecting it to come from the left side. :happydance: We've been able to bd everyday so that's another plus. Just hoping we can keep it up. Also, hoping O comes sooner than later. Sept and Aug I O'd on cd16. Last cycle was cd13 or 14 which is tomorrow. DH had a dream that we had a baby. Maybe it's a sign. Will let you guys know when I confirm O.

Have a good week. If you don't here from me it will be because of issues getting online. Hopefully that won't be an issue anymore.
Where my girls at??
Took my temp this evening and it was a little lower than this morning. I hope that means that I am ovulating now. It would be about time. This waiting is getting old and I'm tired of DH asking if I O'd yet and having to say I don't know. Still having these O pains. Just wish to have all the bding out the way before the wknd comes with the kids.
Hi ladies! How are you all doing?
Well I am through feeling sorry for myself and onto another month of TTC:) I am waiting to O - just took my last clomid pill yesterday. Had an US of my ovaries and uterus at the beginning of the cycle as I was still having a lot of right ovary pain (or so I thought). Anyway - all looks good in there and my lining looks good so I am confident to proceed with the clomid and just hope and pray that I get my BFP this month or next. Otherwise, I will move onto some testing. I really hope I don't have to go there and I am not sure how invasive we will get since we already have 3 kids (but I do want this last baby SOOO BAD!!!)
I decided not to temp again. We are going to just be carefree for the next 2 months - take the clomid, BD at least every other day and leave it at that. I know when I O from my CM and I will do the CB digis that I ordered. The holidays should keep me really busy and I hope a BFP will just spring up out of nowhere LOL!!! If only it were that easy:)
Please tell me how you all are doing - anything to report, symptoms to spot, etc!!! I am wishing for BFP's for you all!
Hey there! So happy for you. Everything looks good in there, awesome! Why are they putting you on clomid though? I guess anything that helps is good. Also, glad to see you are ready to move on. Hope you O soon. Almost there.

AFM nothing at all going on except a little bloat. Temp got messed up so not sure if O was cd14 or cd17. Trying not to worry about it anymore. I know I did O cuz my temps are higher. Only thing is I'm waiting for my usual sore bbs. By now they would feel heavy and full.

So where are the rest of you? Efi? GO? Did you forget about us? Hope you are doing well. Would love to hear from you!
you will have to keep us posted, mybabyluv- fingers crossed for you! I am on clomid because of my short cycles and short luteal phase. With my second son I tried for a year and then ended up needing clomid to lengthen my cycle a little bit. My other 2 were conceived immediately coming off of BCP so my cycle didn't have a chance to get short again yet. I am one of those people who is most fertile straight off BC. So hopefully the clomid will give me a stronger O and a longer luteal phase:) We shall see...
How long did you say you have been trying for this baby, mybabyluv?
Oh I see. Well I hope clomid does the trick for you! I had my reversal late May, but didn't start trying until August. Started charting in September and only did opks that month. This is our 5th cycle. My first time actually trying so this is so frustrating that it's taking this long. If I knew getting my tubes tied would mess me up I would've thought harder before doing it. The doctor asked and I just said ok, so it. Now I'm doubting my decision to get the reversal, thinking maybe I should've just tried IVF first.
Hello ladies?
I am glad that all of you are well. AFM, I am still not feeling great regarding my GERD, I am on Nexium for about a week now. The test for the Helicobacter Pylory was negative so I don't have to take antibiotics, just Nexium for a couple of months. This month we aren't really trying since I have heard different views from different doctors regarding Nexium and a potential pregnancy. I have to admit that this little break is good for me since I don't have to worry about things...Sorry I haven't been here but I really needed to take my mind of ttcing...I really missed you all but beeing away from BnB was good for me at this point. I hope ladies that this is your month! I will be checking on you!! Take care, xxE.
Aww Efi, I'm so sorry that you're still having problems with the gerd. You are doing the right thing by waiting. The #1 thing is making sure you are healthy. If anything being pregnant will only make it worse. I feel for you but wish you well. Feel better.

AFM- still in limbo. I am between 6 and 10 DPO. Lol, who knows. Of course I'm hoping it's not the latter. Gassy today and breasts are feeling a little achey. Not much. Just have to wait and see.
I just noticed that last week I wrote that I was between 6-10DPO. Didn't mean that. 11 or 8DPO today. How is everyone getting alone. It's so lonely here now. I know everyone is busy and tryna push through this ttc in there own way so I'm not offended. Just saying I'm still here if you need to talk. Wishing you well!

Marialex, looks like you are around ovulation. Hope you catch that eggie!

GO- How are you hun? Have you seen the hubby yet? How's it going with the healthier living? Hope you get back to some action soon.

Efi- I hope you are feeling better. Been dealing with heartburn lately so I can't imagine what you must be going through. I know it's a lot worse. Hope the medicine is working. Are you still waiting to try till you feel better?

AFM, Just waiting for af to make an appearance. Hoping she doesn't. Feeling quite anxious. I had been having uti symptoms and decided to take myself to get checked on Saturday night. They found nothing which was a relief but also did a urine and blood pg test and BFN. AF due in a couple of days. Been feeling quite normal. Wed will be day 27 and if my bbs still feel heavy and no af then I will probably test again. Normally a day or two before she comes they start to deflate and go back to normal. Wish me luck!
Hi Ladies! I have been thinking of you but have just been so busy - a few birthdays in the family and Thanksgiving equaled 2 weeks straight of company for me:) It is a little quieter now. I was becoming a little crazy and obsessive about this whole TTC thing so I have been trying to limit my computer time LOL and just try not to think about it too much and take what comes:)

Mybabyluv - your chart looks great and I so hope that this is your month and that the blood test you took was just too early!! FX'd!!!

Brassy and GO - love to hear how things are going for you:)

AFM - o'd yesterday or today - I got my first OPK late Saturday night because like a lunatic have been POAS twice a day. Sunday both tests and this mornings were positive. I think I will test again tonight and hope for a negative so I know I O'd. Yesterday was my birthday and if we conceive this month, I will be due on my oldest son's birthday so maybe the stars are aligning. Don't know. I have a wonderful husband and 3 beautiful kiddos so I am focusing on that and whatever else comes is bonus.

Mybabyluv - keep us posted - I wanna hear about that BFP!!!
Can't wait to hear some symptoms. Happy belated too! I miss the times I used to spend with my family. Cherish every moment. Hope this is your month.

I just finally went and got the drugs the doc gave me. Today is torture. As soon as I put a drink to my mouth I feel like I have to pee. Back is killing me. It's like an aching like I pulled something. Not a throbbing like before af. Since I was in Walmart I decided to look for those 88cents test I keep hearing about. They were there. Only grabbed one though. Wednesday is the day I plan on using it. That will be cd27. My cycles have been so crazy that af can show up anytime from now on. How long do you think I should wait after the negative blood test?

mybabyluv - did you test yet??? Your chart looks good:) keep us posted!!!

I have nothing to report - feeling great...but hopeful. I am only 3or4 DPO though!

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