35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

hi all and happy sunday, quick post so here goes . . .

sunshine, good uck on the sleep thing. Happy to hear all is well! Hang in there!

svet, how are you?

MA, Jo is queen of the flailing arms and knuckle suck, totally normal,but as svet suggeted, the flailing arms might wake her up so i'd swaddle her when sleeping to keep her feel safe. As for colic, it's actually not a disease but a name given to a bunch of sympotms that no one really knows what causes. At least that's the way I read it. A lot of babiies get gas so do some sluthing on reducing gas and ways to help her feeel better if she has it. Examp., burping often, keep her up right for 20 min after feeding, elevate her bed a little at the head. Then for relief, moving her legs, rubbing her belly, putting a warm towl on her stomach, stomach massage. As for pumping, I still don't have any extra milk, it dpepends on person to person, but give it some time. I have heard it takes around 6-8 weeks for mom and baby to get on the same page milk wise. Your body is still getting used to providing, patience.

Lava, how was the birthing class? Did your DH get to watch his game?

AFM, girl doing better. Drugs are helping, but she's still fussy. Took her for first walk in a stroller today. Had to bundle her up as it was 35 degrees with snow fluries! Anyway, five weeks in and getting into a routine. When will she seep for more than four hours??? Hope everyone had a good weekend! Anna
Pablo, Lucy and Chris,

How often are you feeding? For how long are you feeding? Do you switch breasts per feeding or use both breasts per feeding?

I think this is where we're both having a hard time. How do I know if I have low production? :shrug: The past two days she's been latching on lovely. Nice deep sucks. There are a few times she falls asleep at the boob though and I get confused as to just take her off or keep her on and "hope" she sucks.

I'm SO discombobulated. :shrug: I'm willing to stop the pumping. I'm only getting 30-35ml of milk after each bf'ing session with Amelia. It's not doing all that much in my opinion and the only reason they were using it at the hospital was to hurry and get milk produced because she was on formula.

I'm so unsure if she's getting enough from my boob. the past few days when she doesn't fall asleep, she latches really good for 10-20 minutes. I've been doing both breasts at once which takes awhile. I haven't got a good plan down. We do every 3 hours during the day and every 4 hours at night.

If any of you have some advice I'd be grateful....WE'D be grateful. Doug has become such a good daddy. I love how much he's involved with changing and holding Amelia. It really is a lovely bond for them. I love them both so much!
MA if she's latched on good for 10-20 minutes per side that is perfect! Has the jaundice resolved? There is no need to pump after you feed her, but if you're getting 30-35 ml AFTER she feeds, that is great and you are making more than enough milk for her! Is she wetting 6-8 diapers during a 24 hour period? If so, she IS getting enough! :hugs: Sounds to me like everything is going fine!!! Some babies are really fast feeders, the nurses were telling me Zoë needed to eat 40 minutes PER side but she was done after 10-20 minutes per side, she had such a good latch!
ma, I agree with cj. She sounds like she's getting enough. If she were to feed for hours then I would question. Jo once fed for three hours which was a red flag not enough,but amelia sounds perfect. If she falls asleep, she's probably done. I will write more later, off to the doc again baby cried non stop for last 24 hrs.! Anna
Rebekah – I was told by several of my friends, and tried it and it worked, to breastfeed and then pump within 30-45 minutes after bfing. This tricks your body into thinking that the baby still needs food. This is the milk that you can start to “store” You don’t have to do it every time you breastfeed, but for me it helped in increasing my milk production and ensuring I had enough for storage. Of course I didn’t start doing this until after about 6 weeks (once she got home). But my situation is entirely different because I had to pump. That was the only way Katelyn would get any of my milk since she was in the NICU and once I was pumping there was no reason to stop, so I breastfeed and pump. There are some great tips/tricks on the Breastfeeding thread about pumping. I agree with everyone else, if she is latching on and eating for 10-20 minutes that is great. I normally will feed one side for 20 minutes and then the other for another 10-15. It just depends really,. If she is eating pretty steadily from one side, then I will let her keep going. When she stops for a while, I will burp then switch sides. Falling asleep is normally though. You can try to tickle her feet if you think she still needs to eat and if she sucks more down, then you know she was still hungry.

Flailing arms is normal, like Chris said, just swaddle her.

Jules – Glad that you had good news about your hubby’s heart! And um…yeah I weighed over 200lbs when my baby was born! Still need to lose about 30 lbs to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight!

NMG – Seriously, I am going to give you my address cuz I want some of those baked goods! PIE – YUMMY! BTW – the joint pain doesn’t go away! Last night I was in pain because my hips hurt.

Lava – Sorry that your class made your more conflicted. Don’t worry it will work out the way it is supposed to. I know it is all scary, but in the end you will be fine. Whatever birthing plan you may have, have an back-up LOL!

Anna – You are absolutely correct – no one really knows what the heck colic is other than a multitude of gas, digesting issues. As for the sleeping more than four hours – probably in another 2months.

AFM – Today is a good day. A year ago today I got my BFP with Katelyn. Today, she had her 6 month check-up. Poor thing got 2 shots in each leg though. She screamed like I've never heard her. My baby! I hate when she has to get shots. Then my hubby was not feeling well so I had to take her to a friends house, which really sucks because I didn't want her to be at someone elses house after having shots ya no. But what can you do.

On a positive note - She is doing nicely and can now officially start eating cereal! Of course I was not prepared and don’t have bowls or spoons!I will have to research and then go to Target or Babies R Us on my way home to get some rice cereal and utensils! Hopefully my husband will put the Highchair up…I’ve only been asking him to do so for 3 weeks now!

Happy Monday everyone - have a blessed and stressfree week!

Thanks ladies. Looks like we're getting in enough milk then. She's Loading up the diapers. :haha: In fact, tonight she blew out.....On my HAND. :duh: Too funny :haha:

Steph, yes. I know what you mean. I had to pump in order to get the milk supply up for Nicu. It wasn't the greatest experience for us at the hospital, but at least we're doing better at home. I like the idea of a supply. Especially since when Doug bottle feeds her it's such a bonding moment for them. She seems to be doing both, though with a nipple shield. I guess I can't complain now.

Hopefully this rash will go away soon. Then I'll be able to function a bit more. I actually picked up Amelia's room. It felt great to do something other than change diapers, feed and pump. :winkwink: I feel like I accomplished something. Multi-tasked. :winkwink:
Pablo :-0 Hope Jo's ok, pls update xxxx :hugs::hugs:

Jules so glad to hear that was a minor episode. Actually my cousin had a similar experience and he has thyroid issues. His dr said it was related and that he should stay away from caffein. So now he's now on decaf and replaced some of his teas with herbal. Well the good thing is your Dh's started losing weight now :) Woohooo.

NMG I didn't know you had a serious heart condition. :hugs::hugs: Perhaps with all the heart issues it's better to have a csection for you anyway so that they can monitor you? Your obstetrician does know about it all, no? Have you found out the sex of the poppy yet? :))) And has poppy started giving you nice strong kicks? Sleeping is quite uncomfy for me too :( Nowadays I'm addicted to my pillow between my legs. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and find out that DH's grabbed it and using it between his legs. :dohh: He is such a comfort queen. LOL!!!

JB good luck with the CVS. Did you have the blood scan beforehand and did the dr suggest you take it? I hope all is good xxx

Laura your birthing class sounds interesting. Mine is in December which is way away. I hope the baby can be patient and wait untill than. :) Unmedicated natural birth sounds quite hard core. You are having 2 :wacko: I would have liked to opt for naural birth as well but many woman go for cx by choice and they are and the babies are fine. Almost all my friends had a cx but 1. So I got used to the idea I might have to have a cx too. :shrug:

Ma sounds like you are doing a great job, multi tasked mama :)))

Steph good luck with the cute bowl shopping. Can't wait to get there cause I adore baby spoons and bowls. I still remember we had a blue baby spoon left from our babyhood when we were kids and we used to fight over it with my brother every time we were having a pudding. It was such a comforting object for some reason. LOL!!

Chris any more photos? xxx

Sunshine how is sweet Hannah and you? xxxx

AFM I'm :))) The dr is weaning me off the blood thinners. I'm a little concerned if the baby would have enough blood flow. But the risk of having a bleeding would be dangerous when I'm on them. I hope Shirin could wait untill her lungs are fully developed.
I finally chose a push chair :)) I'm going for Maclaren XLR Which looks sturdy, spacey and light. Will order it soon. I also found the cutest changing bag :)) It's made of nylon-canvas material (super light) with really cute prints and lot's of different inside compartments for nappies, tissues, bottles etc... I'll order everything once the room is free of all the irrelevant bits and bobs. :) Dh's dad suggested to buy the cot which I didn't expect and I'm very happy for that. Will go to a Mothercare and Toys r us this weekend and hunt for the furniture.

Take care girls xxx
Oh wow Rebekah!!! So happy for you. Thanks for the lovely update and pictures!!! Xoxo She's beautiful!

Chris I haven't responded to you yet either! That first picture had me laughing so hard. She is adorable. Xoxo Sophie prefers that burping position too.

Quick post because i'm on my tablet.

Congrats you two!!!!!

What's silent reflux Viv? Sorry you are having more troubles.

Anna I am so impressed you took Jo camping!!! Hope her crying eases up. What did the Dr. Say?

Sorry I know I've missed so many of you. Xoxoxoxoxi

Stomach contents and acid come up but then go back down instead of baby spitting up which is very painful. Most babies reflux to a certain extent and are usually ok with it but silent reflux is painful. It's pretty much what we would call heartburn.
Sorry been MIA. Having a hard time.
Going back into hospital as I am at my wits end again with Callum and the reflux and Breast feeding. He only sucks for a couple of minutes then pulls off or falls asleep. He's also taken to kicking and flailing his arms and pulling his head away with my nipple still in his mouth! Then he screams when he unlatches himself??????? :cry:
We end up feeding for hours. Everyone is telling me to go to bottles as they can see how depressed I am but I so want to do this.

I am just so all over the place with the feeding and pumping and lack of sleep (never sleeps during the day) and only 1-2 hours at a stretch at night. Anna I envy you!:cry:

Sorry to be such a downer but it's been 2 months and nothing seems to have changed except to get harder. :cry:

PS Rebekah Amelia is adorable

HI to all and have a good week

Amelia has issues similar to Callum. She too sucks for a few minutes then pulls off. It's gotten better over time, but she still does it once and awhile. It's quite frustrating. Not sure why their doing that. :shrug: She also falls asleep. Then when I take her off the boob she has a fit and wants more leaving her feeding for awhile. Today was one of those days. She was on the left side for a good 30 minutes. Pulled off, Doug burped her and she was cranky for more.....she fed for another 30 minutes on the right side and now is much better. Maybe a growth spurt now? Or is this an issue of not enough milk ladies?

The flailing of the arms happens in bed at night. I thought it was something to worry about but apparently it's a normal response for babies.

Viv, if your having this hard of a time breast feeding there is NOTHING wrong with going to bottle feeding. I've been having to supplement up until now. I was worried as well, but if it comes right down to it, isn't it better for baby AND momma to be happy?! :shrug: Your doing what's best for you and Callum if what you need is sleep and both of you need a structured eating plan. Bottle feeding with formula isn't a bad thing. MANY MANY women do it. You can also forgot the breastfeeding and try just pumping if your willing to go the every 2 or 3 hours it takes to pump each day. Try some Milk Thistle tincture to up your production if you plan to do that. However, it seems as though bottle feeding formula may be a good fit for you and Callum. I think they have a special brand of formula for babies with Colic as well. Was it Angela who mentioned it?! Also, we've been using Dr. Brown's bottles for Colic when Doug feeds. LOVE THEM! It encourages her to go slower and gets rid of air bubbles when she sucks.

Whatever you do, we're all here for you dear. Just don't overthink what your doing. It puts WAY too much pressure on you when honestly either way you'll feed the baby what he or she needs and have some relief yourself.

Love to you dear. :hug:
Hugs, Viv! Do whatever works best for you & Callum. The new mommies have good advice.

Skye, fun that you are starting to get your nursery furniture & stroller. That was so nice of your father-in-law to offer the crib. We ordered our crib this weekend too but they won't be here until late November. We still need to get 2 carseats, crib mattresses, and a stroller but.will wait until after the shower to get what we still need.

Thanks for the support about the c-section. I had coffee with a friend & she said she would prefer a c-section. We have one mutual friend that did a natural birth but most of my friends used an epidural or had a section so I feel a bit better. Bottom line is I will do whatever.I need to to make sure they come out healthy & follow the doctor's advice. It is nice to also have our perinatologist to get a second opinion. We are going there this afternoon so we will get to see the little babies today which is becoming less stressful & more joyful now. ;)

Hope everyone is doing well ... JB, MsMuffet, Jules, Codegirl, Angela, MA, Anna, Svet, Carole, Austin, Chris, NMG, and anyone else I missed.
Hey girls sorry to be Offline so much. Ethan came down with his first cold this weekend and it has been a misery for all of us. Poor little thing can hardly breathe and I was literally in tears satruday night at the idea of how he was going to keep safely that way. :cry: so scary! We are hanging in. One day at a time!

Bek yes, it is the enfamill a/r (acid reflux) formula that we use. VIV honey please dont stress yourself more over switching. I stressed for weeks until I finally gve up and went to formula, and I have never regretted it once I switched! Ask your doc about the a/r as it has been a miracle for us. Ethan is still on it.

Sorry girls to write and run, need to see ifni can grab a nap while Ethan naps. Love to all!
Hope Ethan is on the mend and feels better soon. Definitely get your rest, Angela!!
Sunshine, Glad you were able to check in with all the baby and sleep issues. I can’t wait till I’m in your shoes.

Lavalux, Sounds like your childbirth class was pretty good. I’m debating whether to go to the class at the hospital or take a Lamaze or Bradley class. I really don’t want an epidural and it seems like the hospitals push that around here. I’m impressed with your neighbors. Do they have any help?

Jules, I’m glad to hear things sound good for your hubby. Sounds like it was a wakeup call for him.

NWG, Sorry your aren’t sleeping well. Hopefully the Tylenol will help.

MA, For a new mommy I think you are doing great. You sound so attentive.

MissMuffet, Congrats on Katelyn starting cereal. Hopefully she’ll like it.

Skye, I’m praying everything goes well when you get off blood thinners.

Viv, I’m so sorry you are having a hard time. MA gave some great advice. :hugs:

Rottpaw, Sorry Ethan is sick. Poor baby, hopefully he’ll get better soon.

AFM, Morning sickness is going away slowly. I still have episodes, especially in the evening. I’m debating whether to get a Doppler or not, so I can hear the babies heartbeat. Hubby and I are going to Jamaica on Thursday, so I’m getting ready for that.
I'm just popping in to say hi before running off for 5 days to a conference!
Lava, I was doing sit-ups 6 weeks after my C-section. My recovery was completely uneventful and smooth! Definitely doing it again this time around!
Hi All

I'm at work and busy - I'll write a proper post after lunch. Just wanted to share a great website if you don't already know about it. Diapers.com

They are having a sale at the moment!
Hi Ceedee,
Glad the nausea is getting better. Have fun in Jamaica. Where are you going? We got married June 2010 in St. Anne outside Ocho Rios. Beautiful!

Thanks for the encouragement about the c-section. It makes me feel better.

We had a good but uneventful appt at the perinatologist this afternoon. Both babies weigh the same 1 lb, 1 oz. Baby A, the girl, is head down & Baby B is transverse, kicking my ribs, but I can't feel anything b/c of my anterior placenta. My hips & ribs hurt though so that's enough aching for now. I go back in a month. We didn't get any u/s pics this time, but that's ok since they both look healthy & on track.
Had a good rest. My lovely husband let me sleep for a few hours. Praise God! Amelia is sleeping in the bassinet next to me.

We had an adorable photo shoot yesterday. You can see one of the pictures on my avatar of Amelia. Got some really great shots I'll share in the days to come.

Just wanted to ask another question.

I've been hearing where several ladies have said how their babies have been sleeping 4 and 5 hours straight. I would LOVE that. In fact, Amelia is a good sleeper but WE wake HER for her 3 hour feedings. So how do you feed them regularly if they sleep 5 hours straight? Can we go that long? It won't make her LOSE weight will it, because she lost a pound and the Dr.s have weekly appointments to constantly check weight. I WISH we could get 5 hours straight of sleep. She'd sleep at least 4 hours if we didn't wake her for her feedings. Anyone have input on this??
MA if she is not steadily gaining weight I would continue to wake her every three hours. Sleep will come. Right now weight gain is more important.

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