35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Svet! Yes I'm still in Montreal! Are you close to the Palais des Congrès?
Thx Vickie!

Junebug, I live in the south shore but it'sv only 20 min away. How long are you in town? Are you in conference all day?
I have a 1 hour lunch break 12:30 to 13:30, then I need to head back to hotel and pick up suitcase to take taxi to airport at around 15:30... My flight is at 18:30 so I hope that gives me enough time!
Yes that should be plenty of time. You have a busy day but if you're ever in town again let me know :)
OK! They are actively trying to recruit me back to McGill so i may be back permanently some day!
What does it mean when they clean up a thread? Help! Lol!
Some troll was here posting not so nice things, I reported it and it was removed :hugs:
I agree 3oz is way too much. Sophie is two mo and only eats 4oz every two hrs during the day with a 7-8 hr stretch of no food at night. That would mean Amelia is eating more than my two month old and Sophie is well over 11lbs. Def not under weight.

How much does Amelia weigh?

Wow Cal has 7 ounces at a feed no wonder my body can't keep up!
Zoë only starting drinking more than 4 oz when she was 10 months old when we added whole milk. Babies on exclusive breast milk require a smaller quantity than babies on formula or a mixed diet. :hugs:
Wow Viv, maybe boys are different also. How are you doing? Hanging in there? Don't continue bf if it's becoming too much. I am currently still bf but giving one bottle of formula a day. My plan is to up it to two bottles a day on Monday and possibly three the week after that and so on until she is weaned. I am considering feeding exclusively formula by three mnths after everything I have been through. I think I can be at peace with bf to three mnths. We'll see.

Off to bed soon. I'll try to post proper tomorrow with an update. Sleep tight.
Amelia spent a whole 7 minutes latched to my breast before falling asleep. :wacko: Will this get better with time?? Some times she spends up to 15 minutes and others she spends 7 minutes like tonight and we've been supplementing because she keeps falling asleep at the boob....she doesn't wake...she'll take the nipple back and just lie there with her hand cutely on my breast and just sleep.

I suppose she's latching better now since I'm being a bit less freaked out because of your responses. I'm praying this gets better with time. In the meantime I'm also getting at least 2 ounces of breast milk and I'm noticing my nipples are releasing milk so I need pads. Must be some kind of good thing right? :shrug:

Angela, there was a not so nice comment as our dear friend mentioned and she took care of it...of course I just told the gal to shove it. :wacko: NOT my best moment, but I think I've been hormonal and over the top so hearing the insensitive remark just set me off! :haha:

Viv, 7 ounces. Holy Cats! I can't imagine my boobies being that full. I'd imagine I'd be a zombie because the 2 ounces makes me sleepy when she latches or I pump. :rofl: Does anyone else get sleepy upon bf'ing?
Hi Ladies,

Thanks for explaining about the cleaning up...I was like Angela - what does cleaning up mean and was it dirty... but after your post I know see that it WAS in fact dirty. :thumbup:

Rebekah - Yes it will get better and easier with time. Katelyn had issues eating in general. I don't know if it was because she was preemie or just her. But when we brought her home it would sometimes take her 1 -2 hours to eat 30ml. She didn't lose weight, but she was not gaining the way her Dr would have liked. When I tried to BF, she would latch on and get about 15ml then like Amelia, fall asleep. As she got older, it started to correct it self and now she eats about 4-5 ounces in 20-40 minutes depending on how tired she is. There was also a phase when she wouldnt take my booby and looked at it would stick her tongue out like it was toxic. :cry: She would only take my breastmilk from a bottle. She is doing better now and I can bf'd her in the mornings and at night, but during the day she gets my bf from a bottle. I believe this is the thing that Mom's don't talk about and no one really prepares you for - the whole breastfeeding/feeding in general issues. Who knew it would be like this. On TV they stick the baby to the booby and you see the baby eat. You never hear of latching complications or baby not getting enough milk, etc, etc. :shrug:Yes, leaking shows that you are producing milk. Get yourself some good breast pads LOL. :haha: I normally don’t get sleepy after bfing (unless she is up at the wee hours of the morning), I normally get really really hungry. :pizza: Also, a tip I was told was to drink a bottle of water WHILE breastfeeding. Water helps with breast production…

ViV – Wow Callum is an eater! How are you doing? Love to see some photos of your baby boy. Hang in there sweetie. 2 months from now everything will be a lot different. I remember bringing Katelyn home and being depressed because she was still so small and we couldn’t really take her anywhere and we had to limit the amount of visits and just feeling so isolated and blue. On top of that she had bad reflux and wasn’t gaining weight like she should. That just added to my blueness. After a few months, everything was different and I got into a routine and it just sort of clicked. I know it will happen for you as well. :hug: to you and Callum (and your DH- don’t want to leave him out LOL)!

Chris – How is little Sophie doing? That is great she is already sleeping 7-8 hours at night! HURRAY for you! Your weaning plans sounds good. And just think at 4 months you can slowly start to introduce solids. :munch:

CJ – How are you doing? You are still in my thoughts and prayers, please keep us posted on your CVS procedure. :flower:

Angela – Well we started Katelyn on solids on Saturday…she didn’t really like the rice cereal too much. The evening feeding went better than the morning feeding. I gave her about 1 ½ ounces before we started and then she ate about 4 spoonfuls before she decided she didn’t’ like it and started to cry. Then I gave her back the rest of the bottle. On Wednesday, we are going to give her some veggies, I am hoping that they will have more of a taste and interest her more than the rice cereal does. Oh, we may be getting the Baby Magic Bullet to make baby food. It is $50.00 and I am still not sure I want to spend that money since we have a Cuisnart and a immersion/hand blender. Yes, please send me any recipes you may have. O:)

AFM – We were at a street fair for most of the day yesterday. Katelyn has started to hold her own bottle so it was nice to be able to wheel her around in the stroller and while she feeds herself. As I mentioned before we started her on the solids and it is going SLOWLY. I'll keep y'all posted!

On the advance of one of my co-workers, who had a baby (#2) three weeks after me, I decided to start Katelyn’s bath routine an hour earlier. So at 7pm she went into the bath and was bathed, feed and asleep by 7:45pm. I then dream feed her at 11pm. Well at 4:30AM she decided that she had slept for 9 hours and it was time to be awake and play.:wacko: Saturday night she woke up at 3:35 and stayed awake until pretty much until 6:45 and last night she was up at 2:50am and stayed awake until about 6:30. Tonight she will be taking her bath at her original time of 8:30pm and going to bed around 9:30pm. I am just exhausted and a bit cranky! At one point last night I told my hubby to go in and give her a pacifier, he went in saw she was awake, gave it to her (which she promptly took out of her mouth and started to play with) and he walked out and got back into bed. 10 minutes I had to go in there and rock her. I was kinda mad about it. He claims he thought I was nursing her. But come on the girl can’t eat for 3 hours straight! Then he had the nerve to say how tired he was this morning! :growlmad:

On a good note – we had an appointment today with a neurologist/ Physical Therapist/Social worker, and Social worker for high risk infants this morning. Developmentally, according to Katelyn’s Adjusted age she is advanced! YAY Katie:happydance:. I did talk to the Physical Therapist about a sleep issue. Friday night when Katelyn woke at 4:30 I just brought her back to bed with us, but I don’t want her to get into the habit of sleeping in the bed with me as I will never get her to go back to sleep in her crib. As it is now, when she wakes up in the night and I go to put her down she wakes up as soon as her body touches the mattress and she starts to cry. The PT had a few suggestions that me and my hubby are going to try. One of the issues is that my hubby (who takes care of her during the day) will let her cry a bit before he goes to get her. I will let her fuss, but if she starts to cry I will get her. I don’t believe in letting her “cry it out”. My hubby thinks it is ok to do that so we are sending her mixed messages. So he and I will need to get on the same page…basically my page hee hee:winkwink:. I am hoping that some of the things the PT suggested work so that she will learn to lay down in her crib without me having to rock her all the way to sleep first.

Ok I have rambled on far too long. I hope all the other new mommies are doing well and getting some rest hopefully. If anyone is going back to work soon, please feel free to ping me to commiserate! To all the pregnant mommies, I hope you are doing well and that you too are getting some sleep – nap WHENEVER possible. :sleep:

Love and hugs to you all and I hope your Monday is going AWESOMELY…(I live in the Valley, thought I would give you some of that Cali language! – see what lack of sleep does…here I go rambling again.:headspin:


We haven't gotten to that stage yet. We HAVE had gas issues a couple of times which keep us up and sometimes she's wide awake in her basinet and looks like she's talking to Jesus.

As for the bf'ing issues. I wonder why people don't talk so much about the latching issues. :shrug: It would be so helpful! Amelia latched well all day so far. She's still taking the formula though. Not sure why but she seems to like it and at the end she falls asleep at the boob. Hopefully she'll totally be off the formula after a week or two. She's only taking an ounce of the formula afterwards.

Praying your sleeping issues start to work out with Katie. Made me smile when she took her nook out to play with it. Haha Smart little cookie! :winkwink:
Y'all ... quick "me" post ... I'm sorry, but is it normal to have such bad rib & hip pain when laying down? I tried the snuggle body pillow but it was so big & awkward, it was more of a pain than anything. A friend gave me her pregnancy wedge pillow, which is less cumbersome & I have a memory foam pillow to put btn my knees which helps, but still I wake up in the middle of the night with my whole body stiff & aching in my bones. When I think I've got 4 more months of this, I start to panic. I don't want to take Tylenol unless I have to & the couple of times I took Benedryl when sick, I slept thru the night but was foggy the next day & could barely function. Is this normal to be in pain like this at only 23 weeks? Sorry to complain especially since most of you have newborns at home to tend to. But does anyone have any suggestions?
Well, you have twins so it sounds normal hun! You've got two times the achey feeling. I had a whole bunch of aches and pains. Mine was lower back and lower abdomen pain. When I'd get up I'd be hunched because it hurt so bad.

Check with your OB tomorrow, but I'm sure it's normal pregnancy aches and pains times two! Charmaine would know more about carrying multiples, but I haven't seen her on here in awhile. Can't imagine why...it's not like she's busy or anything. ((GIGGLING, JK Charmaine wherever you are dear :hugs: ))
Thanks for the response ... btw, you sound like you & Amelia are doing well with the BFing even if you feel like you are a bit out of your element. Keep up the good work!!! Oh, and the avatars keep getting cuter!!!
Hello everyone! We had a fantastic time in Jamaica. We stayed at Sandals Royal Caribbean and it was so relaxing and fun. My husband told the bartender I was pregnant and he made me a half gallon of papaya, banana, strawberry smoothie to sip on during our stay. It was delicious. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera, so I don’t have any pics, but it was a still a great relaxing time. Still recovering from all the fun, but wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing.
Ooooooh that smoothy sounds great and I'm not even pregnant anymore. YUMMY! While pics would have been grand, the main idea is relaxation and it sounds like you got it! Nothing like renewal of mind and spirit to get you started again. Thanks for checking back in with us. So glad you had a good time! Write it down in a book. You may not have pics, but you can remember the event by journaling it so you'll have it to look back on when baby is finally here. :winkwinkw: :thumbup:

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