35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Okay, here are the kiddos!


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Jamie the kids are adorable!! Thanks fr sharing the pics!

Yep Anna we replaced the downstairs a/c last fall - this was the upstairs. Bleh!! But it works SO much better and we are praying it will be the best summer we have ever had in this house!
Jamie, LOVE the picture of the kidos! ! So cute!! Your trailer sounds awesome and sounds like you have much more room than we do. Sleeping is always a challenge when we camp for Jo too. Camping meals are hard, we do a lot of pasta, BBQ stuff too. We will grill chicken/ brats, and hot dogs. Breakfast is granola and yourgert but DH likes "man" food, eggs, hash browns, etc. we basically bring everything and the kitchen sink and always have too much food. We are going into Utah, just a little bit inside the eastern border of Utah. If your husband or you know the white water run called Westwater canyon that's very close to where we will be camping. We camp on BLM land, not in actual campsites. There's lots of dirt bike riding out there for DH and friends, we will bring mountain bikes for me. Hopefully I'll get a chance to get a little run in before it gets too hot, 90 this weekend out there here.

LOL about cross fit, I got a gift certificate from my brother for the cross fit gym in my area, then the next day found out I was pregnant, so never went. But you have inspired me to start running again. I too was a class III boater, but was ok with that. I just loved being out on the water, getting to see parts of the country / Colorado that was only accessible to boaters. So peaceful. I miss it. Married a non water person, it's hard. We have so many friends that have rafts that take their kids boating and camping on the river all the time. Alas not for us, Jo will just have to be a bad ass dirt biker.

Angela, I knew there was an AC issue recently. Glad the new one is in and working and that this summer will hopefully be more comfortable.

AFm, still cold, snow this morning, but whether should break today, warmer rest of the week. Woohoo!! I'll be glad to get to warmer weather this weekend.

Hope everyone else is well!!
Thanks, Anna. We got a great deal on the trailer so we went for it. If we end up not using it very much I'm sure we can sell it for a profit. I like your breakfast idea. DP is the same as your husband - eggs and hash browns every day! He now has Violet hooked as he makes her breakfast every morning.

I have heard of Westwater canyon and remember seeing signs for it on our roadtrips to Vail. Sounds great. My DP dirt bikes as well! We live in the Columbia River Gorge which is great for windsurfing, kayaking, moutain biking, dirt biking, skiing, etc. I want to start mountain biking again. A little rusty here. I have a hard-tail but DP now has an extra downhill for me to use. I'm pretty wimpy compared to everyone here but I'm going to blame it on the fact that it is really hard get out when I work an hour away and have kids! I miss kayaking as well. Maybe I will get back into it someday. There is a creek race in our neck of the woods this weekend. Hoping to get out and make the race party as lots of DP's friends come into town for the race.

I hope you have a great weekend camping. And yeah, go for a run EARLY! Running in hot weather is so miserable!

Speaking of hot weather . . . Angela, glad your AC is working!!
Morning all!!

Plum, have to call you that as there is another purple, I too have a hard tail. It was my Mother's Day present last year and its a great bike, a 29" er which is really fun, but wish I had full suspension. My DH used to race downhill!! Semi pro until he wrapped himself around a tree and shattered a collar bone. So I too am a whimp at mountain biking, but I have a bunch of girlfriends around here that are awesome and don't mind taking me along and giving me really good pointers. Every time I bike with DH, his advice is just point it down hill and turn. Thanks! That's loads of help. And yes you have a good excuse, I find it incredibly hard (as do most) with kids to find time for a bike ride or run. Fingers crossed I can squeeze in both this weekend.

AFM, anyone know how to get Desetin out of carpet and clothes?? I was packing for our trip this morning and all of a sudden it was too quiet . . . Jo is growing so fast that she can now reach things that I thought were out of reach . . . I find her in her room covered in white (hair, hands, arms, legs) and elbow deep in the large container of Desetin. Plus it is all over the carpet. . . Then it got all over me and my favorite pair of black yoga pants. Ugh! So anyway, trying to figure out the best way to get it all out. Some kind of Greece cutter I assume, but if anyone has anything specific they would try I'm all ears.

Ok better run, I've got to do some work today.

Hugs to all!! Hope everyone is happy, healthy and safe. Hug your kids today, the Oklahoma tornado makes me so sad, and so grateful for what I have.

Xo Anna
Anna maybe tide plus oxi clean; might have to wash a few times?? So sorry!!
Ps saw this article and, for all who are curious what it's like with two, this is a fun and pretty accurate look lol! Loved it and agree completely!

Anna, I like Plum :thumbup: I think hard-tails are great for the uphill, but yes, need more suspension. Plus I think going downhill can be scary since the front fork is angled down and not forward. Ok, maybe I making excuses for my wimpiness. I think your husband and my DP would get along well. He says the same kind of thing when we are biking, etc. A few years ago couldn't stop laughing when I crashed because I apparently started screaming "ouch" BEFORE I hit the ground! DP raced for a season. Of course, he is good at everything and won the Super-D series in his division (not pro or anything).

As far as the stain issue, try carpet stain remover from the $1 store (of course, that might not exist in Breckenridge :) The owner of a baby consignment shop in town says it works miracles on stains. Or like Angela said, Oxiclean.

Angela - great article. Couldn't be more true!!! Going to the grocery store is always a circus for us. I end up in the car nursing Cole (in the parking lot) while DP is chasing Violet around the store. She refuses to sit in the cart. Then I go back in and race down the aisles throwing everything I can in the cart just so we can get out of there.

Thanks reminder about the tragedy in Oklahoma. I will definitely give my kids a hug today.
Hi Ladies,

Sorry I have been missing in action. Work has been extremely hectic. It is that time of year when we are trying to get the video games out for fall movie releases or Christmas so busy busy busy!.

Glad to see so much activity on here though! Plum it sounds like you and Anna have a lot in common! I hope that you both can meet up and go camping together. My Hubby loves camping, but I am more of a cabin/hotel type LOL.

Angela - glad that you got your upstairs A/C fixed especially before it got too hot!

Ok, I have to go back to work, but will try and catch up with all later. I miss you guys.

Kind of slow on here, so just stopped by to say hi and hope everyone is having a good memorial weekend!

We are back from camping and I'm at work today, no rest for those of us in the tourist industry. But we had a good time, even though it was REALLY hot.

Take care And hope you're not working too hard Steph. Thinking of you.

Happy Monday!
Me again, quiet here, so just checking in.
Thought I'd include a recent picture of Jo and I last weekend in the desert. Other than that all is well and nothing to tell . . . Hope everyone e is having a good day!

Aww Anna you guys look great! And Jo is just PRECIOUS!

So sorry I've been so out of touch. Has been a bit crazy here; Reece now not wanting to sleep at night OR during days..:dohh: :dohh: :dohh: Both hubby and I exhausted. Ethan has been sick the last couple days (so much for our memorial day outing!) - poor little bear has had 102+fever for two straight days. A bit better today, thank God - hubby took him to urgent care yesterday and they said just viral. Bleh!! Hoping the rest of us don't get it, as we are on vacay in a few days!

Other than that, just got word my Dad's wife wants to visit this week. It's a mixed bag for me with her - lots of emotional baggage there for me, and don't really feel up to dealing with her this week (plus getting ready for trip), but she IS helpful with the boys and very sweet to them, so I said yes. Not fifteen minutes later, got a call from my mom who also wants to visit this weekend on Saturday or Sunday...:shock: so that will be an interesting group of people!! Calgon, take me away!

Anyway, so happy to have a few days at the beach coming, though not sure how relaxing it will be with baby not sleeping and crowded sleeping arrangements as it is (friends coming with us). Hope it will go well.

Please forgive my tone today. It's been emotionally exhausting lately as well, as we are just not seeing a lot of progress on the speech front with Ethan and all of us are getting frustrated daily with the lack of communication. I HATE seeing the look in his eyes when he sees that we can't understand what he is saying; he is trying SO hard. It just breaks my heart but then I have to try to act like everything is fine, for his sake. It takes a lot out of me. Therapist is not sure yet whether it is just a simple delay, or if he has something more serious like apraxia (a motor planning issue, which can cause the brain's signals to the mouth not to be translated correctly, making word formation all but impossible on a consistent basis). I PRAY it's nothing like that, but some of his symptoms are a match. That condition can't be definitively diagnosed until at LEAST three, so we have a lot of "wait and see" ahead and we are climbing the walls in the meantime. My poor little guy!!! :cry:

Anyway, hope everyone else is having a MUCH better day. Thanks for letting me vent and I will try to improve my attitude!!

Anna - what a great picture of the two of you! Jo is darling! Looks like she has a lot of personality. Glad you had a good time camping. We plan to go this weekend. Were you able to get in a run with it being so hot?

Angela - sorry to hear Reece is not sleeping and that Ethan is sick. You must be exhausted! Cole is NOT a good napper. He slept for about an hour yesterday and that is it. He will sleep in his pack-n-play at night no problem. Just not during the day. He will sleep in a carrier (Ergo or Baby Bjorn), but I don't want to get in that habit of having to wear him all the time. At night he will usually sleep for a 4-5 hour stretch and then a 3 hour stretch. Not too bad, really. I need to buy a crib for him. I thought I might transition Violet into a toddler bed and have Cole move into her crib but I don't think she is ready. Plus DP wants the kids to share a room once Cole starts sleeping through the night, so I definitely can't have Violet getting up in the middle of the night and bothering Cole. She is obsessed with him these days!

Regarding Ethan's speech, hopefully it is just a delay. I have no doubt it can be extremely frustrating for both parent and child. I really hope it all clicks for him soon. Where do they need to be at the two-year mark? I have no idea. Violet is starting to link words and she repeats a lot of words we say, but her pronunciation can sometimes be rough. She talks all the time but a lot of it is jargon.

AFM, we had a good weekend. DP and I went out (just the two of us) for a few hours both Saturday and Sunday night. It was really nice. I almost forgot what it was like! I was a little down over the weekend because DP thinks I should be able to get out and go shopping or do whatever with both kids while he is out as if it's no problem. Yeah right! Violet is a handful when out and about and I would be chasing her around while trying to push Cole in the stroller. It's still a bit daunting to me. Going to the park is one thing, but walking through town and shopping with the kids another ball of wax!

Steph, et al. - hope you are doing well!!

Hi Ladies - sorry it's been so long since I've posted. I hope all is well.

Anna - great picture of you two! So lovely!! Hope all going ok at home. Thinking about you!

Steph - how you feeling, hon? Can't believe how fast time is flying! Any new US pics? :)

Plum - good to see you on here, congrats on the 2 kiddos!

Angela - How is sweet Ethan? When is the vaca? Hope he is all better by then. As far as the speech - we went to Poppy's 15 month visit and he said that he should develop about 15 MORE words by 18 months!! wha??? We are up to almost 16 months, and he says "stinky" (because it's funny!), thank-you, bubba(only rarely), mama, dada, and that's about it. I can't see 15 more words in 2 months! HE knows the meanings of them and when I ask "where's the ball", he will get it, but won't say it. Or if I say, let's go upstairs, he goes right to the gate at the steps. Whenever he wants something, all I hear is "eh-eh-eh-eh" and points. Drives me batty as I try and hold out and say: what do you want? a ball, go byebye, cup, what? and he just gets frustrated and says "eh-eh-eh-eh" louder. sigh. They will talk when ready. You are not alone!

AFM - well, things been hectic. The Dr put him at 92% for height, but his weight didn't really go up, so his % dropped from 60 down to 54%. Not so bad as daddy is tall and thin, but he said we will check next visit and decide any actions then. Told me to get rid of bottles (kinda hard, only drinks water from one sippy cup, refuses all others, but will drink from a cup), and to drop a nap! Some days he will only take one (usually the morning nap, around 1.5 hours) and still go upstairs for the next nap, whether he naps or just rests. There are most days when he still needs two a day, otherwise he is GRUMPY and wired. With the 2nd nap or no, he still sleeps fine at night, so I don't know.

His eye - ugh, went to the eye dr for it - only partially blocked tear duct, which, contrary to what you may think, is harder to fix than a completely blocked one. If it was completely blocked, they could put a pin-like thing in and open it up, but since it's only partially blocked, the pin would just go where it was already opened and not fix anything. If these new drops (4x a day) and the massage doesn't work in 4 weeks, he has to get a tube put in to open it fully and have it left in for a few weeks (!!) so that when they remove it, whatever was pushed aside will stay aside. Really hoping the drops/massage works.

Yesterday was the first time in 16 months that we think he has a diaper rash. Not badly, but we gave him a new brand of food (still on some baby foods), and not sure it coincidence or not, but he pooped 5 times yesterday (odd to see watermelon in poop!) and the 3-5 times, his little bum was getting red, but not bad, He just started to Shake and scream when I tried to clean him! Horrible! I called hubby home as I didn't know what to do. Tried desitin and A&d and looking better today but he hasn't pooped today. still looks concerned and uncomfortable when I clean him (after the first time screaming and shaking, I stopped using wipes and used warm water to gently clean). So no idea what this is, sure hope it clears up.

We had some pics taken professionally of him last week at a park near us. So cute, hope to see them soon. We have been trying to get him used to sneakers but when I put them on, he will only walk in the house with them on, not on the grass or pavement (or barefoot in grass, no moving!). We eventually got him walking on the pavement in them but it was tough! Good thing for the pics, he wasn't running around or making it hard to get shots! :)

me personally, I was diagnosed with yet another auto-immune disease, but am ok. We were thinking of trying this month, but our luck would be successful and we conceived Poppy at Memorial Day weekend, and we would end up having a new one on the same day! as someone who already shares a birthday with a non-twin brother (he's 9 years older than me), I don't want that!!!! lol. So maybe next month we will try.

Think that is it, trying to finish up a shutterfly book for father's day, their sale on them ends today. love to you all!
Yeh! Chatter, so much better than talking to myself . .

Angela, so sorry for the no nap, no sleep, and sick. That is one tough situation to be in and when you're tired everything else seems that much harder. Lots and lots of hugs!! You sound kind of at whits end, plus MIL and mom in same weekend!! Wow! Maybe it's a mixed blessing in that you can actually sleep. Put the moms to work and take some naps, sleep through the night, etc.

As for speech, it's so hard. I've got an evaluation form from our early interventions chaper up here. It's a government program that's totally free and does evaluations if they feel it's necessary and provide speech therapy if need be. Anyway, fingers crossed its just a normal delay, as we've said before, kids develop at different times. I think it's a good sign he's trying, but he's got to be frustrated. Lots of hugs for Ethan too!!!

Hope your vacation will be restful. When do you leave???

Plum, yes! I did get a run in!!! I got up early with the girl and ran at 7am one morning and it felt really good. I was surprised, thought it would be a bit more painful, having not run in the last year or so, but body and lungs felt good. Granted at a much lower altitude, but hope to keep it up now that we're home. Was going to go this morning, but it was raining/ snowing (yep, no typo, snowing). Your DP, is just plain nuts!! Has he tried to corral a toddler and take care of an infant while trying to go shopping??? Only thing I can think of is baby in some kind of Bjorne and toddler in stroller, but that's under perfect circumstances and assuming toddler will stay in stroller. Yikes! Best of luck with that!!

Beth, so sorry to hear about autoimmune disease! What was the diagnosis?? Also poor poppy and the blocked eye duct. Poor little! But LOL on not walking on the grass!! Too funny. Please post pictures when you get them! Also hope diaper rash clears up soon. Watermelon will definitely give them the runs, so that may be the cause. Give him as much diaper free time as possible and that will help, also good call on the warm water versus wipes, it will feel much better to him. Hope all is well otherwise.

Beth, thinking of you!!!
VIVIENNE, HOW's Callum and wedding plans?
Chris, how r u dear friend? How goes the TTC??

AFM, DH was out of town yesterday and last night, so I was single mom again. However, the more times I do it the better I get at it, this morning I had this very relaxed feeling like, yes! I have finally figured this out. But Josephine slept in this morning and that made all the difference. She's been getting up Around 4:20, and staying up!! Then she's uber cranky when we're leaving for work and school. But today I pulled her back into bed with me with a bottle and she went back to sleep until 6:45!!!! Ahhhh(sound of Angels singing!!). It makes such a huge difference in both our days when she sleeps later. Angela I feel your pain because of this. So we got up, bundled up, because as previously mentioned it was raining and snowing this morning, and took the dog for a walk. Then played in the yard for a few then got ready for the day. Nice and relaxed. And I thought, "I've got this". It was an epiphany moment.

Hope everyone else is doing better, getting rest and feeling better.

Lots of hugs,:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hi girls! I have been stalking daily but never seem to find time to post (except at work! eek). Sophie's in bed, DH wants to play video games so I thought I'd take the time to get caught up on BNB.

I am certainly no doctor but I think it's a bit premature for doctors to be speculating that Ethan has any kind of major speech impediment. I also think it's great that you are being proactive, but really, hang in there and I'm sure he will surprise you before you know it. A couple of my friends have boys and two of them are 5 and 7 mo older than Sophie and they say nothing! Just grunts and groans, but like Ethan understand what you are saying. Another friend who has a boy Sophie's age (21 mo) barely speaks much at all in comparison to Sophie. I just think boys are delayed. It kind of mirrors the future anyways doesn't it? Us women are known for being chatter boxes. ;) Men, not so much. I really think Ethan is going to be fine :hugs:

Anna, love the pic! It's too small though! :( Jo looks like such a cutie. I feel your pain on the 4:30am wake up. While Sophie was never that bad, 5:00-5:30am became the norm for quite some time and only (MASSIVE KNOCK ON WOOD) seems to have stopped as of late. When she'd wake before 6am as a baby I'd just let her cry it out, but doesn't work so much as a toddler. So i scoop her up and bring her to bed with me. Often she'd fall back asleep until at least 6am, other days she'd just lay quietly beside me until 6am then roll over and say "dodo fini mama". Yes I have a french baby lol
Even on days when she'd wake at 6am she'd crawl into bed with me and we'd watch nursery ryhmes on youtube. We call it our "cozy cozy". But since last week she'd been waking around 6:15-6:30am and saying no to cozy, cozy. :cry:

Beth, I am so sorry about your recent diagnosis. Enlighten me, what is an autoimmune disease? I really hope it's nothing serious. You seem to have really gotten the short straw on the health front you poor thing. You also seem to deal with it all so well. Can't wait to see the professional shots of your Poppy! I think it's cute he doesn't like to walk in shoes outside. Kids are so strange. Another passing phase that will pass soon. Sophie's had so many 'things' lately that at the time felt like OMG will this ever end??@!? and then it does. ;) Of course to be replaced with the next. Oh and why on earth would your doctor recommend dropping the 2nd nap??? Makes no sense to me, especially if he is sleeping fine at night. I say let him sleep!

Jaime, how old are your kids again???

Hope everyone else is doing good! I know I was MIA for quite awhile but does oh boy.... names have totally left me.... uhm, our dear lawyer friend with the triplets, did she ever come back and update? There was also Chris #2.... a few of the others I have on facebook thankfully. Doesn't seem like Rebecca is coming back. Viv, how's the wedding going?
What about Junebug? Mother of Zoe & Zach?
Carole in Bahrain? (I'm cheating now and going early in the thread... lol)
Lavalux withe the twins?
Jules? I see her on FB alot

ok, AFM........... well on the TTC front AF came yesterday. Big friggin surprise. On to cycle 7 now. Trying to temp this cycle and use OPK's. I was talking to my doctor a couple weeks ago and she was saying that while you an get pregnant while still breastfeeding it can also greatly affect your fertility. So even though it's been 6 failed cycles, she wants to give me w few more cycles before we start any testing as it's only been 2 cycles since I stopped completely. So time will tell. I have an appt. booked for July 22nd just in case. Hopefully it will happen before then. I have two more cycles between now and the end of July.

Sophie is doing great. Now. I say now because we had a huge scare at the beginning of May. She had a bad chest cold that developed into pneumonia. They kept her at the hospital for two full days. It was really awful. Anyways, I will write a more detailed account in my journal and can post the link after for you if you're interested.
She's as happy as a clam now, laughing and dancing and running all around. She knows all her colours now. Even pink, purple, brown and black. It's crazy. She never stops talking or singing. She'll sing the ABC song, although not clearly. lol She's trying to sing "Itsy Bitsy Spider". We are constantly watching songs for toddlers on youtube. I don't know if that's a bad thing, but she's obsessed and I feel she's learning tons from it. Plus we limit it to like 1/2hr in the morning MAX and 1/2hr after school.
She has developed an amazing appetite and eats so much. If it's pasta she'll literally eat as much as me. And her favourite veggie is broccoli! let's hope this lasts!! (I'm sure it won't) Although....... she's loved broccoli since she was a baby. :thumbup: This all is by no means bragging, lol, we've gone through serious fussy times where all she wanted was minigo or cheese.

She's turning into a real 2 yr. old and has those tantrums down pack. lol Some days are better than others.

Bedtime was becoming a real issue but this past week has been better as we became more stern and let her cry it out some (Max ten minutes or mommy goes crazy). She developed some separation anxiety since the hospital. I was with her for 48hrs straight and slept beside her and with her the 2nd night so she expected that going forward.... yeah. That was tough, but we seem to be turning a corner.
She is still in her crib, but everyone is telling me to switch her. I dunno. A huge part of me wants to and a huge part of me is scared to. What are you all doing/did? Advice would be greatly appreciated. We plan on skipping the toddler bed and going straight to a twin. (We have it already). She has been sleeping well, but she definitely loves my bed. She also hits her head on the crib bars often and I'll hear her whine at night. She is like days away from climbing out of it too (although I've been saying this for a couple months now, but seriously... this kid can climb!)

Ok, I have seriously written a novel.... Time to kiss the hubby and go to bed.

Hugs & kisses

I'll have to post some pics soon of my beautiful girl. :) We all need to!!
Happy Thursday everyone! I'll have to be quick today so I can get out of the office for a quick run.

Anna - so glad you had a good run! Such a good feeling, isn't it? It really makes my day when I get some exercise and feel good about it. And yes, DP is nuts. He can manage both pretty well, but partly because he can pick up both kids at the same time and he is fast. You might have heard of him before through kayaking scene (Tao?). Hope you get some warm weather soon! It has been cold and rainy here but the sun is coming back this weekend and it should be in the mid-80s next week. What are you up to this weekend?

Beth - thanks and sorry to hear about another auto-immune disorder. I hope it is not causing too many problems for you. And Poppy is adorable - looking forward to seeing your professional pics!

Chris - my kids are 22 months and 3 months. I bet you will get pregnant soon. Sometimes it just takes a little longer so hang in there. My good friend just went through the same thing (she is 39) and was getting worried. Doctor said to just relax and try again before she would do anything. Two months later she was pregnant. Looking forward to seeing pics of your little girl!

Angela and Steph - hope you are having a good day.

AFM, tired today. Went to bed at 10 p.m. and Cole woke up at 12:30 and then 2:30. Alarm went off at 4:30. Ugh. Hope to have a relaxing weekend!

Hugs to everyone:hugs::hugs:

Hi Ladies - it's hot here! we've just started a heat wave here. :( I do not like the heat and 3 days of 90+ isn't my idea of fun, esp without an air conditioner....but those should go in tonight.

Anyways, baby is trying to sleep in the heat, not sure if he will but he's upstairs anyways.

Sorry to unload the auto-immune stuff on you guys, but here's more lol:
an autoimmune disease means the body's natural immune system does not behave normally. Instead of serving to fight infections such as bacteria and viruses, the body's own immune system attacks itself. Auto-immune diseases may cause the immune system to attack specific parts of the body resulting in a variety of problems. I already have a couple but the new one is called: "undifferentiated connective tissue disease". This means, basically, I have symptoms or features of many auto-immunes, such a lupus and rheumatoid arthritis(RA), but do not have ALL the symptoms to say I specifically have that specific disease. My sister has RA but that is all she has and it's clear that is what she has. I have symptoms from it, but from about 5 more too, so I guess I like to sample. lol. The danger for me is that because I sample from so many, I can develop any or all of them at a later date, no way of knowing. and they can only put me on meds when I'm done with babies as the drugs are too harsh for pregnancy.
So basically, it's just another name to what I have as we really can't treat it yet. but it's the cause of my joints deteriorating, my recurrent corneal erosion in my eyes, and a whole host of other issues that are too depressing when I list them out.

Well, to brighten things up a bit, I took a small contracting job with my old company doing some software engineering work from home. I was clear that it had to be from home, on my own time, and they agreed! so we'll be able to put this money directly away for a new home, hopefully in the fall/winter.

Anna - I am in awe of moms who can do it all by themselves! and yes, if you so chose, you do got this! :)

Chris - sorry about AF again but I think OPKs/temping will help! I was surprised to find out I was ovulating earlier than I had before Poppy, so it may be worth giving it a try. And I love that you have a french baby! lol So glad she is feeling much better. that must have been so scary!
The dr said to drop the 2nd nap because he needs to explore more and be up more during the day. I will say that in the month since we've seen him, we dropped maybe 3 naps.....he still needs them!!! sometimes he just plays up there, but that's ok too! Was also told to drop the bottle. which is so hard because we have a lovely ritual at 9:30am where we go into the dark nursery, and rock and drink and I read him a story and I sing to him (badly, I'm no singer!) then he goes down for a nap! But we tried a sippy cup today which he did ok - drank 4 out of the 6 oz in the cup, then I put the rest in a bottle....it takes him FOREVER in a cup! I'm sure by his 18 month visit we will be down a nap and no bottle, I'm just not rushing it. :)

speaking of which - silence from upstairs! he's asleep!

Plum - sorry about the tiredness - 4:30 alarm is waaaaaay to early!

now that he's asleep, I just may turn back to crocheting - a friend of mine is having a girl in August and I'm making her a dress, short sleeve sweater, hat, and little maryjane shoes!!!! love!!!!!

Love to everyone else!
Hi all

Sorry to be MIA but work has been kickin my butt. Yesterday I had my 40th bday party. Man me,my hubby and my dad were cleaning most of Friday and Saturday before the party. It was fun. Hubby cooked up some yummy food and we som good friends over. Today we are relaxing lol.

Chris - I will say in terms of pregnancy I tried for about 4 months and the month after I stopped breast feeding I got pregnant. As far as converting the crib we did it because we thought katelyn would sleep better and stay in her room. No such luck. I think twice in the past two months she slept all night in her bed. Normally she will get up and walk to our room. Le sigh.

Angela, Jamie, Beth, and Anna I owe you responses and will do so later today. Sorry I'm exhausted and need a nap

Love ya all
Ps Charmaine is the one with the triplets :)
Hi ladies - quick minute here.
Steph - I hope you had a fabulous birthday!!!! Saw your family photon on facebook - you look lovely!!!

So we had to take little Poppy to the dr for his diaper rash - it was coming and going and was all clear this morning with hubby, then he pooped and I changed him and bright red with bumps. Yup, yeast. So we are treating that. But I did follow Anna's advice and let him roam free for a little bit to get the air at him. WELLLLLLL.....I did it today and he seriously Just finished peeing as I was taking the diaper off to change and I thought, hmm, good time to let him air out. lol. I stood him on the floor and he immediately grabs Charlie's shoes with laces and picks it up (he loves to carry them around by the laces) and he started to walk then suddenly stopped. I looked over and he is peeing INTO the shoe:rofl::rofl::rofl: When he finished, he looked up at me with a huge smile and lifted the shoe higher at me. I scooped him up and laughed for about 5 minutes straight. Some did go on the floor too, but mostly in the shoe. hysterical. Poor Charlie. Not sure if I'm telling him tonight (he's a little sick with stomach stuff and cranky).

must go make dinner! love to you all

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