35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hi everyone! I've been meaning to post for the last week! I miss you all.

Angela - I couldn't agree more with Anna and Steph - staying home with two is much harder than going to work! Believe me. I do love my kids, but I also enjoy Monday morning when I leave and head to the office. I really don't know how you do it. I would have gone insane by now.

Anna - LOL - we have the KTM strider as well. Violet is ready for the Todder Super-D! I'm sure Jo will catch up in a week or two. It's amazing how quickly they get around on that thing. We pretty much have to run to catch her. And now she is wanting to ride up and down steps. I mean, really? She is going to be better rider than her mama in a month.

Steph - I had to take the 3-hour glucose test for both pregnancies. It sucks just because you have to sit there for the entire time. And time off work. Would much rather be doing other things!

Beth, Viv, and Flutter - hope all is well with you!

AFM - work is still super busy. Good for job security but not my stress level :) We went camping last weekend and it was nice. Cole slept 8.5 hours straight for the first time but his sleep pattern has taken a turn for the worse since then. I'm thinking it is the 4 month sleep regression/growth spurt phase. He napped for a total of 40 minutes yesterday and then didn't go down until 9 pm. Then he woke up at 1:30 and then 3:30. I hope it gets better! He is such a sweet and mellow boy though. He is starting to roll all the time now and laugh a bunch.

Violet is doing well. Talking more and more, even though I still have a hard time understanding her. She loves being naked as well. And now she wants to take off her diaper all the time. Not ideal when we are trying to put her down for the night! Anna - I tend to tell her "no" quite a bit (trying not to as much) and now she is yelling at our cats and her dolls "No, no, no, no, no!" Hmmm, I think mama needs to come up with an alternative!

I'm still running and trying to get to the gym but it has been hard. And it's been so darn hot! Steph - it was about 102 at our house this weekend. Not sure if I could handle a few more degrees LOL.

Glad to hear everyone is doing well! I will try and post more often.

Hugs to all!

Hi Ladies - I only have a minute - been a CRAPPY day with a little monster!!! We don't know WHERE this behavior came from!!! ugh. I'll post more later but I wanted to address Steph about the glucose test:

I had to do it for Poppy and I had to fast overnight, NO food or drink (not even water, but they gave me little sips during the test) from midnight on, which could be why she said do it early morning. Hugs, it's a pain but no so bad, just be sure you have a place to sit comfortably, or even lay down (I had to lay down for a bit because I was woozy).
Hi again ladies,
hope everyone is doing well, sorry I have been missing lately....all my free time is spent working on the contracting job, so it's hard to get on, but I'm finding the groove again so I should be getting better.

what a day yesterday. having a record heat wave here too, so that just tops everything off. I HATE the heat and humidity. ugh. We had to go to his sister's house for a party (sigh) and it was the same old thing: trying to take him away to god knows where out of my sight (did I mention I had them over a few weeks ago and one of them took him for a walk down the street and into a neighbors house who was having a kids party. I don't know those neighbors!!!!). And she has an inground pool. So they ALL wanted to take him in and prior to going we decided that IF he went in (this would be the first time in a pool), then charlie and ONLY charlie would hold him. Luckily he wasn't too interested in the pool, no, he decided he wanted to go exploring the shady garden and NOT drink Anything (being 95+ I was worried) or eat anything, pitching a huge screaming fit if you told him to get away from the fence or anything. Trying to get him to eat or drink was a nightmare, he did a poop, so changing it, and having to deal with one sister keep coming in and saying: I want to hold him, let me hold him, I want to take him outside, let's go outside now!!! Seriously, he is on the floor, with his diaper off screaming, go away. And of course, I was distracted on trying to control the voice to be nice and I was rolling up the diaper and rolled it inside out and put my fingers ALLLLLLLL in the poop. So she has to swoop in saying: see, i knew I should have taken him outside, who cares that he has a poop. So they went into the water and he was a little freaked out and clinging to Charlie. The other sister says oh I'll hold him (she's sitting on the steps in the water). Charlie made it clear nobody holds him in the water but him and I explained I almost drowned in a pool when I was a kid, and she says ok and stands up as if to get out. So he gives him to her and she walks RIGHT in the water saying, oh let's walk around. I said "uhhhh, no no no" and she just LAUGHED. So I said "Charlie" maybe a tad sharply. He took him immediately from her and said, I told you nobody but me, Beth is really nervous. Gee thanks honey. he wasn't too interested in it anyways, just wanted to get out and crawl through the garden.
His ex-wife's brother's kid was there (same age as charlie's daughter), which, sorry, but annoys the crap out of me. they fawn all over her and LOVE LOVE LOVE that family. And she is SO rude to me - all she does is stare at then whisper to someone. when she actually speaks to me, it's hostile. And she has a 5 year old who was splashing in the pool. I was sitting on one side with my feet in the water and he is learning to swim (he's fine, just acts like a normal boy) but he started splashing/kicking RIGHT next to me and I said, whooooaaa. She just smirked and laughed and said, oh no, really softly. Then giggled and said, OH WELL. Maybe because I replaced her aunt in her eyes?? Ugh. Basically, Charlie and I didn't speak to anyone as they were in their own little cliques and we decided to chase poppy together.

all in all, a terrible day where we had to deal with a cranky screaming boy, annoying sisters who constantly are irritating, and be ignored by everyone else. Tried my patience. Big time.

oh boy, hubby is home, gotta run. I'll be back on to not talk all about myself!!! promise! sorry for the selfish post.
Hello all!!

Beth, man oh man I consider you eligible for sainthood. What is with that family, I mean WTF!! Sorry hate to cuss but sometimes... Anyway so sorry the party was such a pain. These events are always so stressful is there any way to avoid them? I guess not with it being family and all, but I gotta tell you, you have got to be one of the nicest, most patient and understanding people of all time. I'm waiting for the day however when u reach your limit and tell them to all go to hell. LOL!! I will do a happy dance!! But seriously, so sorry for family nightmare and vent away, this is the place to do it. Hugs, hugs, hugs!!

Plum, hope you are well. Hope work is not too hard. I forget do u mind me asking what you do again?? I've been slacking on the running front, and we've been home bodies these past few weekends. How did camping go and where does speveryone sleep? Do u use a pack and play or do u have enough beds for everyone? We've got to figure out a better sleeping arrangement for our camper. Hope u are well and don't work too hard.

Steph, ,how are you? Did u have your glueclose test yet? Glad work has slowed a bit. How are you feeling? How's the nursery? Hope you are well and sending lots of hugs!!

Angela, I see you thanking people so I know you're lurking. Oh and by the way heard I from the speech people but still don't know exactly what's going on I'll keep you posted if we get some help. Hope you are not too crazy!! Hugs!!

Vivienne, thinking of you!
Chris, hope things are well, TTC Up-date??

AFM, not much to tell. In the middle of Fourth of July chaos. BTW, HAPPY FURTH OF JULY EVERYONE!!! I unshually don't mind working holidays, but for some reason, it made me sad to be working yesterday. I think it's because it's such a family day. I almost cried dropping off Jo at daycare. But I made it home at a reasonable hour and we got loaded up in the truck and hiked to a spot overlooking a lake for the fireworks. Needless to say Jo fell asleep just before they started, but it was good family time anyway. Speaking of have this picture thought I'd share of Jo and her first bike.


Man that is one dirty little kid!!!! Hope everyone has a good weekend!!


Thought I'd re-post this as well since the original posted so small. Gotta say a little scary seeing all the wrinkles so up close and personal. But spring in the desert and the plant beside us was in bloom. It's like 120 degrees out there now. Flower season is brief and fleeting, so it was special.
Hi All,

I had written out a big long post yesterday and then my phone died!!! UGGGH!!!

So I will try and remember what I wrote. Happy 4th of July. I hope that everyone had a great time with their families!

Anna - Sorry that you had to work, but glad that you were able to get some good time in with the fam bam :)!

Beth - Wow, what a shame that your sister in laws don't respect your wishes. You show a great deal of restraint, because I think I would have had it out with them by now. Here is to hoping that if you do confront them in the future it opens to the door for healing and a real relationship between you and them and Poppy and them.

AFM - we went to one of my husbands close friend's house who hosts a 4th of July party every year. It was fun, but tiring chasing after baby girl, who wanted to take off down the side walk (not the nicest area in the world). But hubby chased her most of the time. We then went over to our friends from church who are like surrogate parents to me and my hubby. There is a fireworks show around the corner from their house so we walked over (well hubby drove me) to see them. My SIL was already there with her family so we didn't have to search for a good spot to sit. I will say that Katelyn LOVED the fireworks. She clapped and cheered while they were going off. Then decided she wanted to eat them and as they were exploding she would grab at them and pretend to put them in her mouth. She had a great time probably because her cousins were there with her. Unfortunately, she now has a summer cold which stinks because I can't put her in the pool. :-(.

The rest of the weekend was pretty chill. We basically did nothing and just hung around the house and had family over.

I did retake the glucose test on Friday. They drew my blood 4 times. The first number was 2 points above the max. the other three numbers (blood draws) were way in between the low and Max range. However because that 1st number was higher I am still required to go to a Gestational Diabetes class and get an ultra sound at 32 weeks as a precaution. They said I didn't have it, but they still want me to do it as is standard hospital procedure.

I am also going to a Tubal Ligation class tomorrow as I think while they are doing my c-section I am going to get my tubes tied. However the thought makes me very sad. I told my hubby the other day that I think I want another baby after this one. His comment was that he thinks I am saying that because my pregnancy is almost over (6-8 more weeks) and I like being pregnant. I think he is correct, but still...

This is a very scary week for me. I am 29 weeks and 1 day today. My last pregnancy I gave birth at 29 and 5 days. Please just keep me in your prayers that I make it through this week (and the next 6!) without incident. Ok, sorry that I did an "all about me" post.

I hope that everyone else is doing well and looking forward to reading what has been going on with you.

Hi ladies!

Thanks Steph - I actually convince myself they are not so bad when I'm not around them that I'm lulled into feeling OK about seeing them again and they pull crap like this and I am freshly reminded of how annoying they are and how difficult it is to remain calm. lol. I told Charlie they better hope I die first because if he goes first, all bets are off, they will know exactly what I think. lol.

Anna - Jo is SO adorable! what a beautiful smile, so proud of herself on her bike! And you look so pretty mama!!! Love the pictures!!!

And Anna, don't go promoting me to sainthood yet, with all the negative thoughts/words racing around my head when they start, well, it would probably make St. Peter blush and slam the Pearly Gates in my face! lol
I should mention that on the 4th, they kept badgering me to leave the baby with them. One of them kept saying, you know, to spend time with Charlie. We will take him, we want to take him overnight, you two need to have some baby-free time, etc. I appreciate the gesture but after I say oh no, thanks, we are doing great about 3 times, then it gets annoying and awkward. No means No!!!! And I Really mean no when I say no. She said, you two need time alone. I told her (I admit my voice was strained as they kept badgering me) that we are alone every night starting at 8pm when he goes to bed, and why would we go out when the best time is to be had alone at home. Charlie had to meet one of them (not the one who tried to bring him in the water, but the one who brought him into the neighbors house) because we forgot his hat. She mentioned to him that they haven't forgotten they haven't given us a wedding gift (I honestly forgot all about it, it's been almost 2.5 years, I really really don't care about a gift!!! But at the time, it was strange that nobody from his side gave a gift. But I never gave it another thought!) and they wanted to do something for us. When he was telling me this, I felt my stomach go because I KNEW what was coming. He said that she said, "well, after how she reacted, I gather that our gift of trying to send you two somewhere for the weekend and us taking the baby is out". AARRGHGH I KNEW they would try to do that. Charlie said no, we wouldn't leave him, which caused her to launch into "we all had kids, you know, blah blah blah". sigh. She kept saying, you know there will come a time when you two will HAVE to go somewhere without the baby. Well, that pissed me off. So I snapped to him, I have 6 sisters, I'd use them first!!!! grrr. He understands but asked me why I was so upset and I said that because they are two very very pushy people and he just rolls over to them and I'm left being the one to say no all the time (repeatedly). He just said, well they mean well. Yeah, I know, but it's a drag when you have to repeat your no 40,000 times and they get you stressed out about it. So now they want to pay for a hotel trip that the 3 of us are going to sometime this summer in mystic, ct. fine, whatever, just do NOT come with us or I'll pop. They are just so pushy it is frustrating. They do mean well, I know that, but I'm dead serious when I say no thanks. I don't like to be pushed into anything and they have had so much experiencing bullying Charlie is doing whatever they want. ugh!

We just came back from an overnight into Central NY to see his older son, who teaches at Vassar College in the summer. little Poppy was great! such a love, did great!!! our first family trip! Loved the diners, lol. napped and slept ok - I forgot an overnight diaper, so he went to sleep at 8pm but woke up at 3am soaked and a little scared. But settled down quick after a change and all was good! I met some of his son's friends (few I met before) and he introduces us all as: here's my dad, my stepmom, and my little brother. :) so nice! Of course, stepmom still makes me stumble a little as I'm only 6 years older than him, lol, but he isn't sarcastic about it at all and does like me, so I look good for having a 32 year old stepson, right?? lol

So I pulled a neck muscle or pinched a nerve or something Tuesday, was in such pain. Went to the dr and they said because I was in the TWW, there wasn't much they could give me. I have about a week left to go, but she said, I'll do a blood test now and if negative, take the pain killers. She told me to go home and she'd call me in an hour with the blood results. I wasn't expecting to know so early either way, but she called and said: nope, take the pills. it made me sad because it was so matter-of-fact no when I was hoping for a yes. First month trying and all, but still. I asked if it was too early and what the numbers were and she said all she was told was a no. I know I'm not, but I still didn't take it and won't until I get AF just on the off-chance. Prob being silly but....

oh well, that's enough whining from me right now, Sorry, just the latest thing of how I ruined their plans for a wedding gift for us was upsetting (as if I knew they would give one 2.5 years late and I would have a baby JUST to spite them and say no! lol) Hope everyone else is doing well! hugs!
Selfish for a minute (again), I just found out a friend of mine is pg again. sigh. I'm truly happy for her (she had so many years of m/c and issues and is going with her hubby's brother as the donor sperm for her kids - which is great!). But on the heels of being told flatly and quickly: Nope, test is negative, take the pills, it makes me cringe in sadness inside. Am I a horrible person? I wish the best for her, of course, but I SO want another baby and knowing I'm out this month made me sad. BTW, I didn't tell Charlie about the blood test, he is looking forward to finding out and I didn't have the heart to tell him yet. I was hoping it would be positive and be a bday gift for him! He still thinks I am because he's symptom spotting for me, and I'm just so sad. I will tell him tonight after we put baby to bed. Speaking of which...must go.
AF came today - I'm so irregular - anywhere from 27-36 days! ugh, still sad but ok. I will be doing different OPKs this coming month and try again.
Morning girls!!

Beth, totally normal to be sad. It's been discussed on this thread as well as others that medical professionals really need sensitivity training when it comes to test results in general. So being sad is normal as is jealously. It's all relative. And we all know that you can feel two conflicting emotions at the same time, being happy for your friend but still sad for negative test results. Big hugs, and sorry for the witch.

Oh and what's up with the wedding present?? That's so weird. I agree they are used to bullying Charlie and think they can do it to you. Unfortunately they will probably not stop until Charlie really stands up to them, and talks to them. Best of luck with family drama.

Steph, thinking of you all week this week. I know it's scary, but this is a different pregnancy and hope it goes to full term. Are you getting plenty of rest? How are you feeling?? BP still good?? How's Katie bug?

AFM, nothing to tell. Working and playing. We're spending another weekend at home, but we have a dinner party we're hosting on Monday so it will be nice to have a day to get house together. Jo is good. We've been putting her down later lately and that seems to have done the trick for getting her to sleep later. Despite what all the "experts" say, if she goes down around 8/8:30 she's been sleeping until 7ish. 7:30 this morning. I can not stress enough how happy this makes me!! The 5am thing was just too much. I don't think we would have survived it for much longer. She's still waking in the middle of the night for a bottle, but now that we're sleeping better going to try and wean that out (again!!). Also going to get some overnight diapers. We don't use them, but I'm thinking it might be time.

Also...we went pee-pee in the potty for the first time the other day. She's no way near being potty trained, but she's moving that direction. Happy dance!!!

Hope everyone s well.!!

Angela, hope things are going well. Any weekend plans??
Plum, how are you guys? Any weekend adventures this week?
Chris, how's Sophie? She's nearing birthday #2, any plans?
Vivienne, hope things are going well, wedding plans and all. Thinking of ya

Ok hugs!
Me again . . .

Monday morning and all is well. Had a good weekend, found a pond in our neighborhood that is an easy walk and we can take the dog swimming, so spent some quality time walking and throwing sticks for the doggie. Tonight is group dinner party which I am looking forward to but am exhausted preparing for. We keep our house pretty clean, but when guests come over I always feel the need to take it to the next level. So we shampooed our carpets last night. Their mostly dry . . . Fingers crossed they dry out completely by tonight. Also I have a large pile of laundry to fold and the kitchen floor to wash. Did I mention I also have to work all day?? LOL, I'm ducking out at 4:00 hope to be home by 5:00 after scooping Jo and a quick run to store for some final things. That will give me an hour and a half before guests come over to finalize house. Run, run, run. . . .

Hugs to all!!!
Hi Ladies,

Anna - how was your dinner party? Kudos to you for shampooing the carpet! I'm lucky if I vacuum on a regular basis!

Beth - How are you doing? How are you holding up? I saw that it was your hubby's bday. That cake you made him looked amazing and yummy!!!! Please send me the recipe as I am sure my hubby would LOVE that!

AFM - Well my BP is still good and low. I had the Gestational Diabetes class yesterday about eating better, which isn't a bad thing. Luckily, I don't have to have a monitor and stuff. I had an ultrasound today to make sure that the baby is not getting too big. Unfortunately, my Dr is still out on personal leave. So each appointment I am seeing a different doctor. The Doctor I saw last week was great and I would have had her perform my c-section and she would have too, however she will be on vacation starting the 2nd week in August through the 1st week of September so she is out. The Dr I saw before her could work, but I won't be able to see her again until sometime in August. I am seeing some other dr next Thursday (male) I will keep everyone posted on how that goes. 7 more weeks and I have not prepared anything. I need to start making a list of what I need to get, like more onesies and washclothes, etc. We are also having a rooming issue. We have a 3 bedroom house but all the rooms are full due to my 23 year old stepson living with us. I am hoping that by October/November he moves out so the baby can have her own room. Currently, the room Katelyn is in is not big enough for her furniture and that of another baby. But I will think about that in October/November. The first 3-5 months baby girl will be in the bassinet in our room. The weird thing about it is I am not stressed out about it like last time. I think because I know what to expect I am not overly worried...hopefully I stay that way LOL.

I hope everyone else is doing ok. Miss hearing from you other ladies.

Hi all!!

Steph, sooo good to hear from you!! I'm glad BP is good but sorry about the blood sugar. Good to hear the baby is doing well. When will your doctor be back from personal leave?? I really lucked out my doctor was the one on call when I went into labor. When I first went in with contractions the doc on call was aweful!! By the time I went back my doctor was on call and I breathed a sigh of relief. Fingers crossed you get a good one. On the room thing I'm glad you're not stressing, I'm sure it will all work out, but I would think the arrival of a new baby would light a fire under step son, but men can be clueless. Lots and lots oh hugs!!!

AFM, well dinner party was a success. We did salmon three different ways, one wrapped in foil with dill, lemon, and onions, one with a Salmon spice rub, and I one with a chipotle honey glaze. All cooked on the grill. Then friends brought sides. It's a REALLY healthy group so everything was awesome, yummy and guilt free. They all got to see the house. Jo and Dante (our dog) were both great and both can be skittish around strangers. So all in all everything went well.

Josephine is progressing toward potty training well. She now tells u when she has to pee or poop. Sometimes... We're not pushing but she's doing it on her own. She moves up in class rooms next month at daycare and then it will be more realistic. The room she's in now is for big (toddler) infants and is not equipped for potty training with no attached bathroom. Next classroom actually has a bathroom with small a small potty. Oter than that not much to tell, going camping this weekend!! Yeh it's been weeks and we miss it. Summers past we've gone almost weekly. I think that now we're in a house we love, the need to be out of town has diminished. Anyhoo, hope everyone is well...

Hugs!!! Anna
P.s. I miss the chatter too...
Hi Ladies!

Steph, I can't believe you are so close! About 6 weeks, right? Can't believe how time has flown by! So happy for you and I send you tons of love and hugs as the time winds down. Amazing to think I would have been that far along too! Sorry if I was all boo-hoo for me the other day, I truly am happy for you and love love love babies. I just hope I am blessed with more, but if not, I have such a happy little love that I can't complain.

oh and I'll send you the recipe, don't worry! :)

Anna - great job on the dinner party! Sounds awesome, even though I don't eat fish, lol. But good for you for throwing such a party! And yay for Jo! Doing it on her own time is such a good way, that way, she is in control! I don't look forward to potty training. At all. I feel so stupid when it comes to boys, I was in shock when my mom told me you potty train boys sitting down too. My mom was in hysterics over my saying: but when do they stand up? How do it point it down when they are sitting? Do all men sit at some point? I am such a girl, what in the world am I doing with a rough and tumble little boy!!!! lol

We started swimming lessons - or water orientation lessons. We went twice so far - first time he stuck to me like GLUE but this last time he did Much better. It is right down the street from Charlie's work, so he walked up to see how he does and he loved having daddy there! So funny. Of course, I slipped a bit once and water went over his face, but he did good, a little clingy after that but got over it. IT's just so scary for me as they don't use floaties or anything! Just me holding him in the water, yikes. But it's good for him, I know. There are 5 of us in the class, one other boy besides poppy - so cute, last week once he warmed up to the water (the last 5 minutes of class! lol), they hugged in the water! :) so glad he made a friend there, the mom was nice too.

We are starting a tumbling class on Monday too, he has so much energy, and constantly throws pillows on the ground and launches himself at them, rolls around and has fun. I think this will be really good for him, and he will see other babies there too.

As for his eye thing - the duct is still blocked, some days are better than others, but we saw the pediatric eye dr again and he said he needed the surgery. A silicone tube would be inserted into both the upper and lower ducts in the corner then tied off in his nose. Then left in for 6-8 weeks! He does not do that surgery, he said an ophthalmic plastic surgeon needs to do it and he gave us 2 names. I looked them up when I got home and neither one had great reviews! One of them, I was told, was at a huge hospital in Boston, but he's not, only vaguely connected to them, and not so nice reviews. The other is a director at a children's hospital but does a ton of adult work - like eyelid lifts and so many reviews kept saying how she botched them and wasn't good. So we are nervous and just aren't sure. We are going back to our reg pediatrician in a few weeks for his 18 month appointment and we will ask him for another referral to a different pediatric eye dr.

So that's my story for the day - tonight after baby goes to bed, I'm meeting an old high school friend for drinks. She has a 5 month old and we will go out for catching up when our babies go to bed. yay!

Hope everyone is well!
Hi ladies! Sorry I have been MIA. I've been crazy busy at work and my parents were visiting for a while so I've not had much free time. Sounds like everyone is doing well!

Anna - sounds like a fun dinner party. And I love the picture of Jo on her KTM strider! Is she liking it? We took Violet out to the trails last week and she had a good time. I will post a few pictures. Did you get out and camp last weekend? As far as our camper set up, DP and Violet sleep in the bed and I sleep on the fold-out couch with Cole next to me in the pack-n-play. The pack-n-play we bought is a smaller version and fits well in the camper. If we were to use the standard size pack-n-play we wouldn't be able to walk around it.

Steph - we plan to have Violet and Cole share a room because we don't want to give up our guest room. Cole is still sleeping in our room as he still wakes up about once a night. How are you feeling these days?

Beth - sounds like poppy is going to have lots of fun with swimm lessons and tumbling class. We signed Violet up for a few swim lessons but she didn't seem all that interested. At this point she has just as much fun going to the grocery store. I do want her to get comfortable in the water though.

Angela - how are you and family doing?? Is Reece sleeping better at night?

AFM - work has been insane and I hope it slows down some. I like being busy but not this busy. My parents were out visiting and they had a great time I think, but the kids just knock them out. They were exhausted when they left. For the last month Cole's sleeping/napping pattern has been tough. I think it part of it has to do with the 4 month sleep regression (when they start sleeping more like adults and go in out of the REM stage) and Wonder Week 19. Oh and maybe a growth spurt thrown in the mix. He is finally back to sleeping 6-8 hour stretches thank god. He even took a two hour nap yesterday. Normally he takes two 20 minute naps a day and calls it good. This kid does not sleep during the day! And he is still a happy baby. Violet is now waking up in the middle of the night and she has NEVER done that before (seriously). We think it might be night terrors. We end up bringing her into our bed a few nights a week but I don't want to make a habit of it.

On potty training - we are starting to train her but not pushing it. She's gone pee in the potty about five times but has yet to poop. She is obsessed with toilet paper and attempts to use half the roll!! She is real good at taking off her diaper now. It's hilarious because she picks up and holds her stomach back so she can see and pull the tabs. Quite the sight!

We are taking the camper out to visit some friends in Central Oregon this weekend. They are having a huge party on their property which is absolutely stunning. It's a piece of heaven for kids. They have a pool, huge swing/play set, a disc golf course, horses, golf carts, a pond, you name it! We are really looking forward to it.

What is everyone else up to??

I promise to keep up and post more often!

Hugs to everyone!!!!
Here are a few pictures for you Anna! One is of Violet and her friend Jayden getting ready for the trails. Next one is Violet learning how to ride the log :)


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Hello my friends,
Sorry my turn to be MIA.

Beth, so glad poppy is in swim lessons, we need to get Jo in some as well. We have been doing tumbling for the last 6 weeks, once a week and she loves it. She's a bit shy at first, but it is a great outlet for all her energy. I'm sure poppy will enjoy it. I am sorry to hear about his eye ducts. I'd say do a little research of your own on pediatric eye doctors and find the best, then see if insurance and location will work. Or even email that office if they aren't in your area and see if they recommend anyone. Just a thought.

Plum, LOVE the pictures!!! They look so great on Their bikes!! I'm hoping Jo gets a bit more comfortable. And the camping trip sounds awesome! What a fun place to take the kids. Hope the sleeping thing works out. Jo is still struggling, waking up once a night. Drives me crazy! Don't work too hard.

AFM, Camping last weekend and this weekend. Lots of fun, but takes all my free time, so grocery runs and laundry suffer. I have a good group of girlfriends that are now scattered across the country. We're planning a girls trip that looks like it will be in Southern California at end of September. Sooo excited. On the negative side, I'm getting all the medical bills from Jo's ear surgery. Even with insurance, man it is a big chunk of change for us. Nothing better happen next year because it will take me at least a year to pay off all these bills. Anyway,hope everyone is well. Like I said camping again this weekend, but I'll try and post more often.

Angela, hope all is well in your world.
Steph, how are you doing??
Vivienne, hope all is well.
Chris, hi there.

Take care,
Real quick post. Went to Dr for check up today everything looking good BP was 104/68. Glucose is good though I lost 2lbs so I'm not going to be as stringent as I have been on the eating plan.

Katelyn is doing well after being sick all last week with a fever and then bad rash.

Anna if u come to So Cali please let me know where u will be.

Will write a proper post tomorrow.

I promise to write more later but I had to share, and sorry if it's TMI -
as you know we are TTC this month, and BOOM, have Honeymooner's Cystitis :( when I Called my OB and told her about the urge to pee with no or very little result and then some spotting and only 2DPO, yep, UTI, but since we've been TTC and BD'ing very frequently and um, vigorously, said it's the Honeymooner's Cystitis. I laughed and said, well, get off me!!!! lol. Never a dull moment. I guess good thing we got everything in before I O'd!!!

Drinking a gallon of cranberry juice now. More later!
Love the quick posts, so here's mine . . .

Steph, yeh for good BP results and blood sugar, but sorry for weight loss. I will definitely let you know where we'll be in southern Cali. I know we're flying into SNA, I think that's John WAyne airport if I recall correctly from my flight attendant days. Would LOVE to see you, or by that time, the new baby.

Beth, so sorry for UTI, but sounds like you've been having lots of fun!! Hugs and hope you feel better soon.

AFM, it's my mom's birthday today so we're going out for dinner, woohoo!! Bad news is I'm scrambeling to get a gift together. I've had Walmart print some recent photos of Jo, so that will have to do. At the end of that day she'll appreciate that more anyway.

Ok gotta run, have a good weekend!

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