35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!


Mommy to Ethan & Reece!
Jun 23, 2010
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Hi Ladies! :flower:

Several on the 35+ TTC 1st Child board have expressed an interest in a "graduates" thread for those who've gotten their BFP or had their first little one!!! :happydance: :cloud9:

I'm starting this thread to try to create a place for all of us 35 and up who are pregnant with their first, regardless of trimester, or have had their first. I think there is a lot of benefit to being able to discuss things with others at all stages of pregnancy and with the first child, as we can all share experiences and learn from each other! :hugs:

We've had several recent BFP's on the 35+ TTC thread, so I hope you'll all join over here as well!

Hope to see you here! :thumbup:
Hi Sveta! It is great to see you here!

How are you feeling? By 6 weeks I was already pretty ill, but I hope you have not had any morning sickness yet!
Hey Ladies,

Think I will join you too. I am confident that this will be as great as 35+ TTC:hugs:
Hi rottpaw, fine thanks, got scan in a few hours....how are things with you? :flower:

Hi Carole and Sveta! :hi:
Lucy, can't wait to hear how everything goes with your scan!! This is your 20 week one, right? Such a big day! Do you guys plan to find out the gender?

Hi Carole! YAY! So glad you came over! I can't wait for your first scan as well and to know if there are one or two!!

As for me we're still doing fine, far as we know. We go back to the OB in a week, but our next scan is not till 35 weeks. (Eeeeeek!! That will be getting really close!)

A friend of ours who was about 8 weeks ahead of us in pregnancy just had her baby yesterday, about 2 weeks early. I think it has freaked hubby out a little, even though I warned him all along that the due date is just an estimate LOL. Now he's running around all over the place trying to get stuff done on his week off. :haha:

My goal is to be completely ready for baby's arrival by Feb 1, so that we have a 6 week "cushion" before our due date in which to just rest, relax, and for me to get meals into the freezer LOL! We'll see how I do!

Happy Thursday!
Sorry Lucy, I just noticed your "Team Pink" line in your signature. So you already know? That's awesome!!
Oh wow Lucy!!! Congrats on being team pink!!! :cloud9: It just seems like yesterday when you announced your BFP! We can't wait to see scan pictures!!!

Hi rottpaw and Carole!!! This is so exciting to be part of a pregnancy thread! I really hope I get to stay.

It's been a rocky journey for me so far. When I got my BFP on December 12th I was over the moon with joy and then fear quickly sunk in. I had light brown spotting for three-four days a few days after which I am now confident was implantation bleeding. However, after suffering a mc seeing that is sooo scary. Then on Sunday when I was exactly 6 wks right before bed there was a little bit of watery pink when I wiped. I immediately went hysterical and stayed up all night crying expecting to miscarry. It quickly turned to brown and disappeared within 48 hrs. Knock on wood, it hasn't come back yet. I had some cramping and stretching pains that day and into the week so I am sure it was just my uterus growing. It's hard to stay positive but I am doing my best. I have to believe this is my forever baby and I hope I NEVER have to see anymore spotting ever again!!!!

About a week before my BFP I suffered from some pretty bad nausea and it stayed for about 5 days after. Then went away for awhile until Tuesday! It's back now full force. It comes in waves and definitely could be way worse so we'll see. Since the beginning I have suffered from dizziness which is so not fun. Makes it really hard to concentrate at work. Then the usual sore/tender breasts.

I can NOT eat salad or veggies at the moment. Chicken makes me gag. I really only desire carbs and junk food :dohh: Not a good thing. I discovered raw carrots go down easily so I'll try to stuff my face with that! lol

My EDD is August 21st and I have my first doctor's appt. on the 13th of January. They won't do any early scans here in Quebec, but I'll go in for the genetic screening around 10 weeks. I am definitely in favour of finding out the gender so no team yellow for me!

That's about it for me! Tell me about you guys!!
Oh wow Lucy!!! Congrats on being team pink!!! :cloud9: It just seems like yesterday when you announced your BFP! We can't wait to see scan pictures!!!

Hi rottpaw and Carole!!! This is so exciting to be part of a pregnancy thread! I really hope I get to stay.

It's been a rocky journey for me so far. When I got my BFP on December 12th I was over the moon with joy and then fear quickly sunk in. I had light brown spotting for three-four days a few days after which I am now confident was implantation bleeding. However, after suffering a mc seeing that is sooo scary. Then on Sunday when I was exactly 6 wks right before bed there was a little bit of watery pink when I wiped. I immediately went hysterical and stayed up all night crying expecting to miscarry. It quickly turned to brown and disappeared within 48 hrs. Knock on wood, it hasn't come back yet. I had some cramping and stretching pains that day and into the week so I am sure it was just my uterus growing. It's hard to stay positive but I am doing my best. I have to believe this is my forever baby and I hope I NEVER have to see anymore spotting ever again!!!!

About a week before my BFP I suffered from some pretty bad nausea and it stayed for about 5 days after. Then went away for awhile until Tuesday! It's back now full force. It comes in waves and definitely could be way worse so we'll see. Since the beginning I have suffered from dizziness which is so not fun. Makes it really hard to concentrate at work. Then the usual sore/tender breasts.

I can NOT eat salad or veggies at the moment. Chicken makes me gag. I really only desire carbs and junk food :dohh: Not a good thing. I discovered raw carrots go down easily so I'll try to stuff my face with that! lol

My EDD is August 21st and I have my first doctor's appt. on the 13th of January. They won't do any early scans here in Quebec, but I'll go in for the genetic screening around 10 weeks. I am definitely in favour of finding out the gender so no team yellow for me!

That's about it for me! Tell me about you guys!!

Hi Sveta!

Those are all good signs and I would not stress about the pinkish stuff (I know it's hard not to worry, though!) All your other symptoms sound like good indicators of good hormone levels to me - I had all those same symptoms and they were monitoring my hormone levels. I was VERY dizzy (they say it can be from the HCG going up so rapidly, or increased blood flow, but whatever it was, I almost fell on my face for the first 7 weeks or so!) I was also nauseated right from 4 weeks. I ate a LOT of starchy carbs, comfort food, anything that would stay down! Don't feel bad. Baby's nutritional needs are very minimal at this point, just make sure you get your folic acid in!

Hi everyone! Sorry I added team pink before I came on to tell you guys. Yes they reckon 95% a girl so thats good enough for me. We are really pleased, specially as baby looked fine and all the bits were normal....she has above average length legs already but thats no surprise as OH and me are both pretty tall! :thumbup:

Sveta, those first months of pregnancy after a MC are scary, I freaked out big time with every cramp and spot.....hope everything is just perfect this time for you, and the sickness isn't too bad! I still have the odd light brown spot now, so don't worry, but I know you can't help it! Once you get through the first tri you will be able to start to relax a bit! :hugs:

Rottpaw, I know what you mean about being ready, I am totally not, after a few MC's I refused to prepare at all.....I am getting a load of stuff from my sister in feb, and all we need to get is pram/stroller which is cool. You must be getting excited now that time is getting closer! :kiss:

Gonna attempt to put a few pics on now xxx
Thanks Sveta.....I also get to have another scan at 32 weeks as the placenta is quite near the exit so to speak.....its quite cool to have another free scan though.....:winkwink:
How many do they usually do in the UK? Here in Quebec we get one at 20 weeks and again around 30-33 weeks.

:yipee: for free scans!!!
YAY! Great pics, Lucy! I love all the profiles - we got a really cute profile of our little guy at 18 weeks and I swear he looks just like his daddy's baby pictures. Hubby says we can't possibly tell yet, but even his mother (my mother in law) said she thinks he looks just like his daddy!

Did they classify you as officially placenta previa? We were told mine was "borderline," but then when the perinatologist submitted his report to my OB he classifed me as previa. so we got another scan at 25 weeks. It had moved considerably but is still "low lying," - doctor thinks the baby is staying transverse (sideways) or breech because he can't fit head down yet. Will be interesting to see if he is able to turn in time for birth, or if I have to have a section. I'm not particularly worried either way, as most of my friends here in the states have had C-Sections. But I would like to avoid it if it's safe for baby to be born naturally. Our next scan is at 35w to see how he's sitting then. In the meantime, I think he spends most of his time breech right now, because I can actually feel his little head right at the top of my uterus! :dohh: So my latest worry is that he'll injure his head somehow because it just feels so exposed the way he is sitting!

LOL as you can see, the worries never end, they just change. As soon as you pass one milestone, it's onto the next worry! :dohh:
Hey Sveta, over here we get one at 12 weeks and one at 20 weeks. I had one at 8 weeks because of previous losses, and will have one at 32 weeks because of low placenta. So 4 altogether, but usually just two. :kiss:

Rottpaw, she said I am not officially previa, wouldn't need a cesearian (can't spell it) , but they want to know before birth if it is still low as it would need to be taken into account. Position is breech and baby is in that position most of the time right now as I feel the kicking very low, plenty of time to change position I hope! I am sure your little guy's head is protected, the uterus is pretty tough and hard! :winkwink:
Evening Ladies!!! And a big hello!!:hi:

So nice to have this forum and thanks Rotpaw for making it happen! So nice to have a place to go to talk to you ladies who understand all the fears of being BFP 35+. I have been stressing but all the women on the "other" pregnancy forum were all so young I doubt they understood the fears fully.

SO . . . i am TERRIFIED that i will mc. I have never been pregnant but we ttc for almost 2 years and the thought that this been may not stick just scares the crap out of me. At 39 I don't feel I have another 2 years to wait for it to happen again. However . . . trying to stay calm. My mom had all healthy pregnancies, no mc. I made an appt with my doc and saw her the other day. At first they told me they didn't want to see me until 8 weeks, but i pitched a fit and said due to age I wanted to see someone today!!! I ended up getting an appointment with my family doctor, not ob/gyn, but I really like her and she's been great. I think she gets my anxiety. So they did some blood work to check HCG levels and to see if they were rising and got word today they are!!! Also she wants to test again next Monday.

Makes me feel so good that she is being proactive and not brushing me off, the feeling I get from ob/gyn office.

Anyway, feeling ok, nauseous after eating and a little dizzy. I love the veggies but can't stand anything sweet. Even my regular granola bar I can't go near. Tired, very tired but having trouble sleeping.

So that's it in a nut shell. Thanks for listening, needed to tell someone. Can't wait for this thread!!!

xxx Anna
Hi Anna!! I am so happy for you! I had no idea you guys were trying for 2yrs! Don't even think about mc. *Easier said than done I know. Just take good care of yourself and get lot's of rest. Being 39 doesn't make you an automatic candidate for mc. I certainly don't feel my age had ANYTHING to do with my mc. It's just something that happens. My mom had one and she was only 23 or 24 at the time.

:hugs: Positive thinking all the way! We can only believe everything will be fine and hope and pray. It's always good to be realistic too, but try to enjoy every moment. It's so exciting!!! I still have my moments where I am so scared, but I am a little puck shy so to speak. Before you know it you'll be puking all the time (or wish you could!) like I did this evening. :wacko: *Not the puking part, but the wishing I could. :rofl:

YAY for this thread!! I just hope the others get to join us soon. xo

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