35 & ttc #2....buddies?


TTC #2
Aug 24, 2011
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Next month we will be ttc #2! My dd just turned a year, but with the advice of my doc we should start ttc since we know we would like a family of 2. So I am in the prep stage. Once 35, who knows what will happen....who would like to buddy up and share our ups and downs? :)
Hi there, I'll be your buddy if you like! I'm 34 today (eek) and we'll be ttc#2 in November. Right now I'm trying to lose the final few pounds gained during my first pregnancy and I've started taking folic acid again to prepare. I also have an 18 month old son who keeps me busy so I'm struggling to think what it'll be like to add another baby into the mix!!
Hi MrsHM! I turning 35 in 10 days! Ahhh. We were going to start trying for #2 this winter, but my doc said to start in the fall. lol He said with my age, he is not going to be lackadaisical about it. Age sneaks up quick!!!

My DD just turned 1, so I have the same fears you do! If it was not for my age, I would wait a little longer, but we decided if we want 2 children then we just need to do it!

I still BF my daughter (weaning is not going easy) so I still take prenatals. I need to cut back on caffeine though. I drink 2 cups a day- just increased by a cup this summer, but I need to bring it back down to 1 and then none. I had a little trouble my first trimester last time so I kept all caffeine out of my diet.

How was your first pregnancy? Was TTC difficult or easy?
Hi Lysh,
I know what you mean about age - I'd ideally like to wait a little bit longer, but I guess I've no idea how long it'll take to conceive so probably best to just get started! It took us 6 months to get our BFP first time around, which doesn't seem like a long time now but it really felt like forever. What about you?

My pregnancy was relatively easy - I put on a lot of weight and I had SPD which affected my pelvis and meant I had difficulty walking from very early on. I've been doing Pilates to help my core muscles and I run 5km every other day now so hopefully I've done enough to avoid all that again. How was your first pregnancy? I hope you had an easy time of it but it seems like very few women sail through!

I BF my son for a year too, but weaning went well for us. What type of issues have you been having with your daughter? It's so hard not to worry about them getting enough nourishment at this stage.
I understand, that is how we feel. It took us 3 months to get pregnant, but 5 times of trying (I have short cycles). My pregnancy went okay...I had some issues, but minor. The first 2 weeks after getting my BFP, I was spotting. I have a short luteal phase, so I have to take progesterone supplements to keep from miscarrying. So I was tense throughout those first few weeks while my body adjusted. I was also nauseous all day which was rough. The 2nd and 3rd trimesters were great, except DD was low and my cervix was on the thin side, so I had to go for sonograms often. I also did not exercise, because I had to take it easy.

It sounds like you are staying fit!!! I just can't find the time. My daughter goes to bed at 8-8:30 and is up between 5 and 6. I do not have the energy to get up earlier than that! lol However, now that she is at least STTN for the most part, I might have to start some exercise.

Hopefully you will not have to deal with SPD this time around! I heard that can be painful.

As far as weaning, it is hard because my daughter LOVES to nurse. She was colicky as a newborn and that was the ONLY thing that soothed her. She nursed every hour. She nurses to eat, for comfort, to go to sleep, when she is upset etc. I am a teacher, and now that I have been home for the summer she is CONSTANTLY wanting to nurse. I tried to cut down on daytime feedings/comfort nursings during the day but she fights it and fights it...distraction does not work well. I then give in....so I do not know...maybe when I go back to work in a month it will change things. Plus I am not going to pump this year, so my supply might drop which might force her to cut down. How did you wean?
Hi Lysh,
I hope you had a lovely weekend. Sorry I've taken so long to reply but we were out-and-about most of the weekend and this is the first chance I've had to log on.

I'm sorry to say, because it probably won't be much help to you, that my son almost weaned himself. It took me a while to realise that as he was eating more solid foods he didn't have the same room in his tummy for milk as before. I carried on nursing whilst weaning and he was being sick a lot after his feeds, so instead of nursing then offering food, I offered food first then the breast and he just started refusing to nurse.

At 12 months I started feeding him a breakfast of cereal first and then when I offered him the breast afterwards he was too full. After a week I stopped offering and he never noticed. The same really at bedtime. My supply dropped away gradually and I didn't have any issues at all.

Is your daughter eating solid foods at all? If so, does she enjoy them? The key I think is when they understand that food can satisfy their hunger, but if your LO nurses for comfort too I'm sure it won't be just as simple as that!
My daughter goes to bed at 8-8:30 and is up between 5 and 6. I do not have the energy to get up earlier than that! lol However, now that she is at least STTN for the most part, I might have to start some exercise.

Oh my! Your day start at 5am sometimes! How on earth do you manage to cope with that? I honestly think you need a medal :flower:
MrsHM- Don't apologize! When I start working full time I might be a few days here and there before I can reply as well. My daughter does eat solid foods...she has 3 meals a day and 2 snacks. She just is obsessed with nursing!!! lol When she wakes up it is the FIRST thing she wants to do. It has always been a comfort thing for her as well. It will be interesting to see how we adjust when I go back to work and my supply drops a bit.

Is your LO a pretty good sleeper? MY daughter just started to STTN consistently at 11 months. She use to wake up between 3:30-4:30, so 5 or 6 is not too bad! lol
Will you be starting back full time after the summer holidays? I live in Northern Ireland and students get 8 weeks break here, longer if they are at university. The teachers are not so lucky, but they get a break from the students at least! What grade/level do you teach? I work in PR and I'm lucky that I mostly get to work from home so I'm thankful for that.

It sounds like your daughter just loves to nurse. I bet once you manage to wean her fully you'll miss it like I do now. Having said that it is great to have my body back to myself LOL!

My LO just started STTN in the last month or so and it's fantastic! He goes to bed about 8.30pm or 9pm and normally sleeps until 7.30am or 8am. When he was around 7 months or so he started waking at 3am every night and we got into a habit of bringing him into our bed and it's taken all this time to break that...I'll do almost anything for a full nights sleep so I didn't really mind him being in the middle. My DH was pushed right to the edge of the bed though so he wasn't so keen LOL.
Yes....we actually had 10 weeks off this summer. Teachers do get the summers off. We do not get paid for those weeks off, but it is nice to have. I teach 6th grade! Northern Ireland.....Ireland is on my places I would love to visit one day! It just seems like such a beautiful place.

Do you like working at home or do you find it challenging at times?

I will miss nursing....it is actually hard on me to wean which is probably why I give in all the time. It will be nice having my body back, but honestly, that probably will not happen until I get pregnant and finish nursing number 2.

Wow....so you must be thrilled to have your lo sttn!!! We tried bringing our daughter to bed, but it did not work. She was so excited to be next to mommy and daddy she thought it was playtime. Believe me, I am like you- I would do anything for sleep!!!!
I do like working from home but it can get lonely. Luckily I have colleagues who are office based and I usually spend one day each week with them so I have the best of both worlds really.

Sixth graders are about 11-12years old, right? That would be the equivalent here of our first year in high school, I think. That was such an exciting time - joining the bigger kids at school! Do you teach a specific subject?

Yes, Ireland is beautiful...it's not that exciting but very green and the people are friendly. There's lots of history and we are starting to get a lot more tourists now that the peace process is mostly holding firm. What about your home? Your profile says New York; that's a world away from where I live!
So that is nice that you get to touch base with colleagues too. If I could, I would stay home but this is not a bad job to have if I have to be a working mother.

Yes, the students I teach are about 11.....I teach science and english language arts (reading, writing, grammar). This is considered middle school here.....I teach in a building with 6-8th graders. Then they go to high school for 9-12th grade.

Yes, I live in upstate New York. It is very far away from you!

Well it is breakfast time over here, so I best get off the computer and feed myself and my daughter!!! I am on my second cup of coffee and it is dawning on me that I should start cutting back!!! I just recently increased to two cups this summer, but if we are going to start trying next month I should not drink so much. I think I have almost forgot what it feels like to eat/drink whatever without worrying! :)
Next month we will be ttc #2! My dd just turned a year, but with the advice of my doc we should start ttc since we know we would like a family of 2. So I am in the prep stage. Once 35, who knows what will happen....who would like to buddy up and share our ups and downs? :)

I'll buddy up!!
HII !!

Quick background----So Me & Hubby started trying July 5th2013..I had all these symptoms:
*Sore Boobs(omgSOO SORE) FOR 2 WEEKS & still sore!
*Mood swings
*Cramping here and there

I thought maybe Im preggo took4 HPTthis month all BFN..Then last night noticed light pink when I wiped (thought maybe could be implantation spotting) well wrong The Witch is def here! So Im out this time.(last month she only came for few days usually i have her for 7).but Now how do I start really tracking?? My period has been irregular throughout my life but I have 2 son's 16 & 12 yrold. So do I start tracking as Yesterday being 1st day..someone help!:shrug I will defn like to buddy up! I am 35 too!
I am on my second cup of coffee and it is dawning on me that I should start cutting back!!! I just recently increased to two cups this summer, but if we are going to start trying next month I should not drink so much. I think I have almost forgot what it feels like to eat/drink whatever without worrying! :)

I'm the same...I craved fizzy drinks my whole pregnancy and stuck to one can of diet coke a day. Now I drink 3-4 a day which is so bad and I should probably start weaning myself now! Funny thing is I never drunk fizzy juice before I was pregnant, only water or tea. :shrug:
HII !!

Quick background----So Me & Hubby started trying July 5th2013..I had all these symptoms:
*Sore Boobs(omgSOO SORE) FOR 2 WEEKS & still sore!
*Mood swings
*Cramping here and there

I thought maybe Im preggo took4 HPTthis month all BFN..Then last night noticed light pink when I wiped (thought maybe could be implantation spotting) well wrong The Witch is def here! So Im out this time.(last month she only came for few days usually i have her for 7).but Now how do I start really tracking?? My period has been irregular throughout my life but I have 2 son's 16 & 12 yrold. So do I start tracking as Yesterday being 1st day..someone help!:shrug I will defn like to buddy up! I am 35 too!

Hiya Greekgrl77 :hi:
I'm a symptom spotter too so it'll be fun to share our symptoms each month. You can track your cycle using a range of things from your temperature to you CM, but I'm lazy and quite regular so I usually rely on ovulation sticks. I use the clearblue ones with the smiley face and just make sure to DTD around the right time each month.

Do you use Fertility Friend? A lot of girls on here chart using this website - check out the TTC section and I'm sure someone there could give you more details about tracking and temping.
MrsHM- It is hard cutting back on some stuff!!! I LOVE my coffee...if I am lucky to conceive again, then I might allow myself one cup once I get into my second trimester a day.

Greekgrl- Welcome!!! I am also a symptom spotter, so the three of us can obsess about all the little symptoms we get! :haha: As far as tracking, you are suppose to count the first day of your period as CD 1. As MrsHM mentioned, a lot of ladies use Fertility Friend. I got the subscription and used that as well.....it helped do the 'reading' of the chart for me. If you want a good place to start, I recommend this book:

For my first, I did BBT charting and I used ovulation sticks as a back up. I purchased the cheap ones:

Doing the BBT charting the first time around really helped me understand my cycle. By doing that I learned I had a short luteal phase so I was able to talk to my doctor about it and get progesterone supplements to keep from miscarrying. It is definitely a commitment though, and for me, the hardest part was trying to take my temp the same time everyday!

This time around, I will stick to the ovulation sticks and body signs. I have to take progesterone 48 hours after I ovulate, so I need to keep track somehow. Hope that helps a bit! Let me know if you have any other questions about BBT and I will try to answer.
Well ladies,
Hope you both are well. It must be very exciting being on the ttc journey already. We have another two months to go although we do discuss bringing that forward, but I'm so busy at work and we have a holiday planned for early November so thought that would be a better time.

Are you planning anything to distract you from ttc? I remember that it took over my life last time and I've already started buying pregnancy tests so we'll be prepared!
Hey ladies!
MrsH- I obsessed about ttc the first around too. I am sure there will still be some obsessing going on, but I am assuming that working and having a toddler will help distract me a bit!! lol How about you?

So next month is suppose to be when we start TTC. I am still BFing, and I have gotten my period 4 times now. THis cycle, I kept tract and noticed my luteal phase is only 6 days!!!!!! That is bad, I always had a short luteal phase but it at least was 9 days on average. Ugh....maybe it will be better when I go back to work.
Hey ladies!
MrsH- I obsessed about ttc the first around too. I am sure there will still be some obsessing going on, but I am assuming that working and having a toddler will help distract me a bit!! lol How about you?

Well I keep thinking that I'm going to be pregnant really quickly, just because I want to be, which of course won't happen... so every time I think about planning a weekend away I think 'mmm, I'll be pregnant then so I better wait and see'. It means that I'm already altering or not making any plans just in case I'm pregnant when in reality it could take a while again!

6 days is very short LP, hopefully it will lengthen again. Dumb question - but is there anything you can do to change it or do you just wait and see how each cycle goes? I know you have to take progesterone supplements to help but I meant do you think things like going back to work etc will help iykwim?

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