

Mummy Wummy
Jan 31, 2010
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Has anyone looked into saving for private school for their little one(s).

Ive tried googling and can find 'university saving plans' that say you need to save about £70 a month to give your child £7k a year at uni to pay for fees etc.

But I can't find any for private schools. Has anyone looked into this/know a rough amount per month to save?

Thanks girls xx
depends on the area you live in and school fees......

for example, we live near Manchester and some private schools (age 5-18) charge £10,000 per year (that's school fees) on top of that is all the uniform, sports stuff, travel, etc etc that you have to buy from the school.

so to save for your LO's first year, that's £166 every month from birth to age 5 but then what about the next year??????

expensive!!! esp if you start from age 5; some people put their kids in at 11

we are NOT looking at private schooling! :nope: local school will have to do !

look at websites for schools in your local area for fees

We are planning on sending Leni to a private school, as i went and it was great for me. I also went to a normal school and it just wasn't that great.

Maybe you could just start saving yourselves? It may just depends on your area and their fees and alot of area's are different xx

I would just look at individual private schools and see how much they cost. All the costs will be different for boarding students/day students, plus how much extras you will need to buy - sports equipment, travel, lunches etc.

I never went to private school but attended the best in my area, I see no difference in my grades and academics compared to people I know who went to private. You really have to decide if it will be of a great enough benefit for your child to attend private school as opposed to public :shrug:

Holly is going to Private School - I have just set up a savings account myself and have 100 quid going into it each month, along with 50 a month into her trust fund.

I went to a state school and a private school and without a doubt I want Holly to go down the private route.

ETA - If you speak to your bank and tell them how much fees will be per year, what year your LO will be starting private school and how much you want saved at the point of them starting school, they should be able to calculate what you need to be saving each month and what the best option is for you.
Yes, we have and we are!
I started saving a while ago, putting as much aside as i could. Primary years are much cheaper in cost than junior and secondary years, but the actual amounts vary greatly on the area, the school and the type of education - day and board has huge cost differences, and some schools offer bursaries or scholarships (even for little ones!)

At the very least he will attend private secondary school, as the primary schools in this area aren't so bad. It's the secondary education that I think is more important :)
Average private school fees (per year) here are around 4k for P1-2, 5-6k for P3-P6 P7 upwards between 8-10k. We havent really decided yet - we have some very good primary schools around here that I would be happy for them to attend, but state secondary education here is good in only a few over-subscribed schools so its quite likely we will go state for primary education, then private for secondary.
thanks for your replies. £100 a month seems fine, i read somewhere it would be about £500 but guess it depends on area like you said. it seems to be about £4-£5k a term round here so maybe we'll just save for secondary. decisions decisions!!
I'm sending my daughter private and I don't care if I need to sell a kidney, an arm, a leg and a lung I will do it. And I'm a qualified teacher experienced in the state sector. Under Tories I can only see things getting worse now. And I am (WAS) a Tory voter.

Fees are always on the websites for schools; I will be paying out of my monthly salary. At the moment we save £10 a month into her account and have put her £250 into stocks. I will up the amount we save when I am back working.

She will be going to private school from age 3, entering the nursery with her 15 free hours. I believe the primary education is just as important as it forms the foundations on which secondary education is built. No point building on sand.
We are looking at sending our eldest, she is advanced ( assessment with an educational psychologist found her to be profoundly gifted) and she just gets bored:dohh: We need to find a school more geared up for this.

Thankfully a lot of private schools here have scholarships :thumbup: The child has to undergo academic testing, and can get around 80% of fees paid.
Think it varies but I looked into it for the Gloucestershire area, Im not actully pregnant yet but we looked to see and found the best one we liked, will obviously look closer to the time as it might not be the best in the area by then but these are the prices:

Flying Start Nursery
£25 Half day
£35 Full day
Going to send LO for 2 and half days a week so £360 a month

Infant School: £550 a month

Junior School: £630 a month

7-9Senior : £770 a month

10-11Senior: £820 a month

My OH started putting £300 a month in a savings account about 6 months ago but that will be for things like uniform, school trips and then become a trust fund. As for the fees by the time we get pregnant and the child is old enough to start going full time OH wages will have been increased by roughly how much the fees are so that should cover it and Ill be fully qualified and my wages will double. We will wait untill the time comes for secondary school to see if LO will go to a public school tho.

You could just save money every month if you wanted too :)
Think it varies but I looked into it for the Gloucestershire area, Im not actully pregnant yet but we looked to see and found the best one we liked, will obviously look closer to the time as it might not be the best in the area by then but these are the prices:

Flying Start Nursery
£25 Half day
£35 Full day
Going to send LO for 2 and half days a week so £360 a month

Infant School: £550 a month

Junior School: £630 a month

7-9Senior : £770 a month

10-11Senior: £820 a month

My OH started putting £300 a month in a savings account about 6 months ago but that will be for things like uniform, school trips and then become a trust fund. As for the fees by the time we get pregnant and the child is old enough to start going full time OH wages will have been increased by roughly how much the fees are so that should cover it and Ill be fully qualified and my wages will double. We will wait untill the time comes for secondary school to see if LO will go to a public school tho.

You could just save money every month if you wanted too :)

Woah, thats a lot! We want to send Emma to one of the local private schools and its like 1-2k a year for primary till P5 or something, the it goes up. The primary fees are still LESS than I spent on my horse each year!
Yeah we seen a few cheaper ones (not that ceap tho!!) but this was the one we liked the best, obviously review it after every year and make sure we think the benifits are worth the money, I went to a local school and got on fine was a great school- I just wasnt intrested in school! So wouldnt have made a difference to someone like me so it really depends on the child I think :)

All my friends think im mad looking at schools allready! hehe
Earl is going to the best school we can get - and I would prefer it to be private as I too went to boarding school and it was the best time of my life! I would want him to be a day pupil (circumstances meant it was better for me to board) but the education was fab!

I'm currently unemployed and hubby is about to start a 5 year course at university so saving up isn't really an option at the moment but hubby will be a teacher by the time Earl is starting proper school and hopefully we can get back on the straight and narrow financially by then. I'm so stuck as to how to afford it but determination will get us there (it has to!). Having said that, if there is a grammar in the area then we will try to get him in there - we will just have to see where we are. Private school is only half the battle. If they enjoy their education, have a drive to succeed and you bolster their confidence in the areas that they are good at, then they can succeed wherever they are. I will admit though, the old school tie is a big draw to help him later in life!
Earl is going to the best school we can get - and I would prefer it to be private as I too went to boarding school and it was the best time of my life! I would want him to be a day pupil (circumstances meant it was better for me to board) but the education was fab!

I'm currently unemployed and hubby is about to start a 5 year course at university so saving up isn't really an option at the moment but hubby will be a teacher by the time Earl is starting proper school and hopefully we can get back on the straight and narrow financially by then. I'm so stuck as to how to afford it but determination will get us there (it has to!). Having said that, if there is a grammar in the area then we will try to get him in there - we will just have to see where we are. Private school is only half the battle. If they enjoy their education, have a drive to succeed and you bolster their confidence in the areas that they are good at, then they can succeed wherever they are. I will admit though, the old school tie is a big draw to help him later in life!

SO true, i've always said this too - it's the only way i managed to do well in a relatively cr*p school!! Definately agree re. the school tie... it's about who you know not what you know, private school seems to help that theory! x
I teach in a primary school and feel that we offer a great state education, at least at primary level, so Daisy will go to a normal primary school. Then for secondary school I am hoping she'll get into a grammar school. Unfortunately there are not many areas of the country that still have grammar schools but I used tolive near Dartford and they have very good grammar schools there so we'll be moving back down there before Daisy starts primary school. There is just no way we could afford to give her a private education.
we aren't going down the private school route. The public schools are generally very good here, if you are in the right area. We live in area that is in zone at a great school, so even though we don't like our house right now we are staying put until lo goes to school.
We will be sending our children on private schools when the time comes. OH wages cover all our bills, so I will be working to pay the school fees, and round here for primary age we are looking at £500 per month, per child. xxx
I am looking into sending my son to a private school starting in year 7 it will cost £1900 a half term then there is the £1200 uniform and sports kits then there is also the £6000 a year for school trips which are compulsory also you can't take packed lunch and have to pay £4.50 a day for lunch! It works out very expensive he is sitting an exam in december to see if he can get a bursary for 80% of the school fees hopefully he will pass as it is going to really stretch our finances if he doesn't. I was shocked by all the extras really as there are some amazing trips the school takes the kids on but they are so expensive and thats not even the optional ones. My friend sends her boys to the school i want to send Callem and last year it cost her £35,000 for her 2 boys when she had paid for everything!
My children are almost 11 & 8..both go to state schools

The state schools here are fantastic.

I have friends now that went to private schools male & female and did no better in life than the people i went to school with a state school.

If the child wants to learn, it will learn wherever they go to school, ive seen that first hand

It all depends on the area you live as to what the state schools are like

Some state schools (esp religious) are fantastic.

I would seek out and research the state schools before you jump into private.

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