Foxy My 3 boys are from a previous father. But my daughter's daddy has been their since they were 4, 5,6. He is the only dad they have ever known.My first relationship was horrible. This time was definently different and better. With my boys I was so young (21,by the time I had three)and had no support from their dad. He was an abuser. I got my tubesatiedfter the last and left him. This time around I was much more relaxed and able to enjoy every minute of my pregnancy. I love being a young grandma. My daughter is 1o weeks older then my granddaughter. I love seeing them growing up together. Myboys were so excited when I told them I was pregnant with there sister. They actually cried when they found out it was a girl. They are so good with her. The younger two were with me in the delivery room, right up until I had to push. Unfortunately I lost this pregnancy. But We are going to try again right away