3D or 4D scans?


Mum of 2 - PG with No.3
Sep 1, 2006
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Are you planning on having a scan done at any point during your pregnancy?

I would love to have one done but I am having second thoughts as if we are lucky enough to find out the sex of our baby at the 20 weeks scan, I am not sure I want to see the baby in so much detail and spoil the suprise of first seeing him/her......

I was well up for a scan before, but when someone said about seeing what the baby looks like before the birth, it sort of takes out all the excitement, or does it? I am a bit 50 50 now :( As it is also a once in a lifetime experience too, I know if we have any more we can always do it then, but say we don't........it will still be special whatever, so I am so stuck now!

I think if twiglet has his/her legs shut at the 20 week scan then I think we will go for the sexing scan as we really want to know the sex!

What are you planning to do and what are your thoughts on it all? xx
I had my 21 week scan now and am really sad that I wont see baby bean again until the birth. With ds I had afurther scan at 6 weeks for low lying placenta. We have thought about the 3d scans but don't want to know what sex the baby is, and I KNOW CURIOUSITY WILL GET THE BETTER OF ME!!

I will not succumb to parent pressure!!


i would have loved a 4d scan but could not afford it, plus i would have felt a bit mean gettin 1 with callum wne i never got 1 with chloe etc etc
LynnieH said:
I had my 21 week scan now and am really sad that I wont see baby bean again until the birth. With ds I had afurther scan at 6 weeks for low lying placenta. We have thought about the 3d scans but don't want to know what sex the baby is, and I KNOW CURIOUSITY WILL GET THE BETTER OF ME!!

I will not succumb to parent pressure!!



I know I will be gutted not seeing the baby again after our 20 week scan too, I know I will, I am really looking forward to that scan as it is..........more food for thought!! :?
Yvanne said:
i would have loved a 4d scan but could not afford it, plus i would have felt a bit mean gettin 1 with callum wne i never got 1 with chloe etc etc

Yeah see I had never heard of them when I had DD...........so I sort of feel the same now I have the chance, but then again it wasn;t like i had the chance last time, so I have a good reason............

Ohhhhh I will just have to think more on it............
3/4 D ultrasounds are GREAT! You get pictures and even a DVD of the U/S to share with your friends/family. You can usually invite like up to 8 people to watch it. I haven't had one, but a family member did and I got to go to it. I made everyone there feel even closer to the baby befrore he was born. If you can afford one, I would get one. I know I will be!! Oh, BTW, due 3-21-06.
ive got my 20 week scan this thursday, and ive got my 4D scan on the 19th October :D

cant wait :D
I've had all my 'routine' scans and couldn't find
out whther blob was blue or pink :(

REALLY want 4D scan now but OH thinks it's wasting
money and we should just leave this bubs as a surprise.....I'm
working on him tho!! :wink:
When I was pregnant I was able to find out the sex from a normal hospital scan but I really wanted a 3d scan.

All the 3D scanning places were all to far for me to get to. It was only when I was 33 weeks pregnant I found out there is a 3D scanning place is my town centre :roll:

But then it was too late and I didnt have the spare cash. Was gutted though coz its once in a lifetime experience.

I would say go for it if you have the spare money, it will deffo be worth it :D :D
Hmmm I am swaying more towards having it, as I am dreading not having a scan to look forward to :lol: Not only that it does give us another chance to find out the sex if we fail at the anomally scan.

Thanks for your experience Anxiously Waiting.

Ohhh Lozzi, you must be well excited!!!! I would be, good luck hun!!

Denise you sound like me having to work on your OH :lol: Good luck and don't give up :wink:

Awww Rachel, atleast you know for next time hun :wink:

Thanks girls, I think we will look into who to make a provisional booking with and do it around 26-28 weeks.......................

YAY!!!!! :lol: :lol:
I had a 4D scan at 28 weeks (apparantly the best time to get one done) and i'm so glad I did. It was the best £135 i've ever spent :D

It was just amazing to see your baby in there and the detail and everything you could see just blew me away. I can't stop looking at the 6 coloured photos we got printed out and also the dvd :D

I'd definitely recommend having one done because I knew I would regret it if I didn't have it done
Cool, I have seen one of your pics too, really clear!!!

Well we have decided to opt for it....so December should be the time I have it :happydance: Which will only be 7 weeks after my 20 week scan (I will be 21 weeks for it) so wont be long before I see baby again!!!! :happydance:
Tam, I have 5 other 4D scan photos and they are all so funny. At the scan the baby did various things like showed us it's fist, covered it's eyes like it was playing Peekaboo, blew us a kiss, opened it's eyes and did a grumpy face :lol:
Awwwwwwwwwwwww!! I want mine now!!!!!! :lol:

It must ba amazing to see what is going on and what the baby can do :thumpup:

I can't wait!!! :happydance:

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