3rd Time Lucky Club

Welcome Newbies :) Well im practically a newbie to this thread 2 lol! How is every1 going?

Poshie how long you got left? & I wonder how Omiomen is doing x
Hi zoe. BL and I are due end of July :D Yes, I was hoping to have heard from Omi, but I guess no news is good news. I'm sure she's got her hands full of baby right now ;)
Evening, how are we all?

Im feeling rubbish tonight!! I feel a cold coming on big time....great! im all watery eyed and block nosed, it always my first sign!

Oh well Saturday tomorrow and hey Poshie, it another week nearer Mat leave for us!! When you planing on finishing?

Have a good weekend all!! x
Evening :) I'm feeling quite shite tonight too actually. Extra bloated, gassy, heartburn, uncomfortable and very tired. :(

I'm planning on working as long as I can, hopefully up to 14 July. Well I say 'hopefully' but I can imagine I'll be ready for it by then! How about you?
Sorry that I did not get on here yesterday, I have only had about 6-8 hours sleep this week so was not up to much by the time I got home yesterday. They say you should be let out on your third day at the earliest with a c-section but yesterday was classed as my second day but they said I was healing really well so could go.

My c-section was mostly as expected really. I did not handle the needle they put in your hand well (I didn't with the D&C with the 1st mmc either so know I wouldn't) and they took three attempts to get it in and they ended up having to use a child one. Once the spinal block was done it felt really funny to feel everything but no pain. I was not sure if they were washing my belly of cutting it when the anaesthetist said my baby was about to be born! I was worried because everyone expects you to cry and the birth and I did not think I would but he was born and was took to get cleaned and DH went to take his first photo when I heard him cry and burst into tears! Obviously I could not hold him right away but DH sat next to me with him while they stitched me back up.

So Joshua James Warren was welcomed into the world at 12:51pm on Tuesday the 4th of May weighting 6lbs 14oz.

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Joshua had a wee and a poo on the midwife as soon as he was born and wanted feeding right away. Once we was out of the recovery room they get you to have skin-to-skin contact and Joshua jumped onto my breast to feed. It turned out breastfeeding was not going as well as I though the first night and he was not getting enough milk. Long story short is that the first night or two of breastfeeding was one of the most difficult things I have ever had to do but I stuck with it and it is going better now and he is much more content after feeds.

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Now we are home we are steeling into life as a new little family and DH is doing so well and is so happy with Joshua. Joshua's grandparents and great grandparents are very emotional and spoiling him. We had our first midwife appointment today and we gave him his first bath today and we put him in his first real nappy which lasted all of five minutes before he massed it up. He is not fitting into newborn clothes very well yet so we only have about 2-3 re-usable nappies that fit so are having to use some disposables still.

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I am so happy and in love with him and am sure he gets cuter with every passing second. I have had very little sleep recently but hope to get some tonight!
Not long to go now then Poshie :happydance:

Omiomen - He is gorgeous! congratulations...heres to parenthood!
Well done Omi!!! He is adorable, totally adorable!! glad to hear youre well, look forward to an update when your feeling a bit more awake!!

Poshie, im hoping to go to about the 12th July too, who knows how we will feel though!
I had a full on gassy night too, bloated, hardish tummy...im still waiting for the lactulose to kick in properly!!

I am having a mass sort out this weekend and feel i had better get some sorting out done before i get too tubs!!!!Also we are off to France again next weekend then we have very few free weekends til july.....yikes!!! other than that im also going to a local baby show, im sure it will be sucky but hey worth a look.....especially with this crap weather!! Me and hubby are off on a "date" tonight! we decided we would hit the cinema and then a go for a meal....we realised that our together nights like that would dwindle for a while so best make the most of it while we can!!!!

whats everyone else up to?? x
Thank you. Parenthood is fantastic, exhausting but so amazing. Breastfeeding was harder than I thought possible but I stuck with it even when it got physically and emotionally draining and it is getting much easier. We are still using a mix of disposable and re-usable nappies because we need to order a part to fix the drier and Joshua is quite small so size 1 nappies are quite big on him. But the re-usable's seem to be more comfortable for him and are warmer so he seems to cry less at changing times. We are off to see his Granddad tonight (my farther in-law and partner) as he is about the only person who has not met him yet because he works long hours in London in the week. He is getting quite spoiled from both sides of the family.

Hope everyone is well.
Awww Omi, well done you! He's gorgeous he really is-you must be so proud :D Youve done it, you have your baby! When you are up to it, I'd be interested to hear more about the breastfeeding and what you have found particularly hard etc. How often are you feeding him in the night? You must be exhausted. They didn't keep you long in hospital at all did they. Was it busy in maternity? Hope you manage to get some more rest soon and congratulations again :hugs:

BL - how was the baby show? I have jobs I want to do before baby comes like cleaning out kitchen cupboards, sorting out drawers, stuff like that. As you say, need to start programming that in now but haven't yet ;) I'm definitely getting more uncomfortable at night and heartburn is worse. Still 3 months to go yet!

So when's everyones next appts/scans? I havey 28 wk mw appt first thing Tuesday and anti-d jab on Thursday (joy). Getting our new fridge freezer and dishwasher delivered on Wednesday and quit busy at work, so a full week.
huge congrats Omi!! he's absolutely beautiful :hugs: oh God, i remember those first couple nights of breastfeeding. SO hard, so hard. Its worth it though, trust me. I thought i wouldnt last longer than a few months. My little boy self-weaned aged 25 months! :laugh2:
Those next three months will go so fast and before you know it your LO will be here.

The first few days of breast feeding are so emotionally and physically draining. It seemed like Joshua was latching on right but by the third day one of the midwives said his bottom lip was not placing right. My milk was not a fast flow which today I was told is because with a c-section your body has to catch up on the rush of hormones it missed out in from a natural birth. Joshua wanted to feed CONSTANTLY, with only 5-20 minutes between feeds which lasted for about 48 hours. He had crystals in his urine the first few days which means he was not getting enough milk and he had constant tantrums which me me feel like a useless mum. Plus, two days with no sleep after the birth is bad enough but breastfeeding realises a hormone that makes you tired so while your doing it staying awake is tough. I felt like giving up but knew I just couldn't so stuck with it and things are much better now. He feeds a lot more on a night so I am not sleeping much at all but I am assured that will change in the next few weeks. Plus, we will not use dummy's so that makes getting him to sleep in his cot harder. My milk is really in now and the word leaking just does not describe how much milk drips out! My breasts are painfully full and feel like rocks but it really is not so bad now. You do have to really work hard the first few days to stick with it and a supportive partner is invaluable, but I am glad I worked thought it. The only thing is that I am worrying about how much he eats all the time. The midwives and support team say he is getting enough or he would have lost more weight and not be so content and his colour would not be so good but it is hard not to worry.

They did let me out quite quickly from the hospital, three days is a normal minimum after a c-section but I was out on day two! I thinking I would be in a bit longer since I had +2 protein and high blood pressure before the birth and just after so the monitored me a bit longer in labour ward rather than postnatal after the birth. Some emergency came up so the theatre that was for planned c-sections had to cover them as well as the emergency theatre. Funnily enough it was someone I know that took my spot for the emergency c-section, we joked they would be born on the same day and they were born just under 2 hours apart. The high risk monitoring for after the birth part was a little busy but the postnatal ward was about what I expected from my stay in antenatal and had people coming and going a lot (mostly people who had intervention in a natural birth and staying a nigh but the c-section people generally stay 3-5 days). .

We had Joshua's check up (the first few were more for me or both or us). Joshua is now 6lbs 8oz so lost only 5% (up to 10% is normal) so that is good news and he only made a small whimper for the heal prick test. Plus, my stitch's are healing fine and my blood pressure is back to normal. Obviously I am experiencing some pain were the wound is and still get numbness across my belly in parts where the nerves were cut but all in all is is not too bad. I have almost no blood loss now, it was like a normal birth's loss the first 2 days but now is little to non! I am exhausted but DH looks after Joshua for 1-2 hours from around 6am-7am which makes the world of difference, hopefully Joshua will be sleeping better but the end of DH's paternity leave. Mostly I am just so happy to have Joshua with us, I love him so much. :cloud9:
Omi, you sound like you are doing AMAZINGLY!!!! and well done on the persistance!!! look after yourself and we look forward to more updates!! xxxx
You are doing so amazingly well! have faith in your body hon, i know its hard when we live in a world of bottles and schedules and ounces. trust yourself. Your body knew how to grow him and it will feed him too :winkwink:
Omi, as the other girls said, you are doing so well. I must admit I am very very anxious about how it must feel when baby is finally born and you are thrust into the responsibility of motherhood for the first time........add to that your own recovery it is hell of a lot to take on. I have heard many times that breastfeeding is something you need to persist with, through the really hard times and it should get better. Easier said then done though I'm sure. Joshua looks sooo cute :D

So I have my 28 week mw appt tomorrow, first thing. I have blood tests (which I hate) but it will be interesting to find out how my iron level is doing, as I have been taking a natural supplement since 16 weeks. My level wasn't anaemic low, but it was on the low side at my booking appt. I then have my Anti-D jab on Thursday - only need the one apparently (used to be two). I think BL has her appts this week too.
ooh, good luck at your appointment Poshie! i hope it all goes well and that your iron levels are okay :)

As for me... well, not much to report really! i thought, on saturday, that i might be developing a UTI as i had a constant feeling of pressure on my bladder and thats always my first symptom with a UTI. however it seems to have eased off now so i reckon it was just baby setting up camp on my bladder :haha: will still make an appt. with the doctor anyway, as ive been having visual disturbances too and ive heard thats not a symptom that should be ignored. so ill mention it then.
Hi All,

No news today. Yes Poshie, I have my RH- jab tomorrow....ill let you know if its a stinger!! ;-) from what i remember after my D&C ....yes it was a stinger!!!! i also have my full bloods again. Other than that all is fine! still feel flu like but us girlies battle on not fussing about Man flu! today was rubbish at work....cant WAIT til July!!!!!!!!

Hope all are well, Im mi hope you dont get a UTI...sounds like is going though!

ahhhh chill out time xxx
Hello ladies.

Thanks for your post in my journal BL :)

My mw went fine. BP a bit up (but that is likely me stressing about having bloods done) ;) Trace of protein in wee but mw wasn't concerned. Did bp again later (my DH has a machine) and it was down so feeling better about that. She had a good feel of bump and she thinks baby is 'cepahlic and free'. Heartbeat fine. She took 3 phials of blood to test for iron, glucose and something else I've forgotten. She reminded me about the hospital tour thingy which you just turn up to on a saturday afternoon. Probably do that in June some time. Seeing mw again on 1 June.

Immi - I have that pressure on the bladder thing. I am also assuming it's baby lying on bladder, especially now as mw said he's head down as that would explain it. I don't have any pain, just a pressure feeling.

BL - thanks for the heads up on the anti-d. Glad it wasn't too awful....not that I'm looking forward to mine tomorrow of course ;)
glad your appt. went well, poshie! Its mad how much blood the midwives take through the course of a pregnancy isnt it, lol. I had to have the GD test last time and felt like a pin cushion afterwards.

Got absolutely zero energy today, its rubbish. most days im full of energy but sometimes i just crash. Doesnt help that i have work tonight either, im dreading it as always. Have no idea how i am going to keep this up until i can start mat leave. Im a barmaid at a busy hotel and work 3 nights a week, 6pm-12am. Its bloody exhausting and im always in pain by the time it gets to about 10pm. Ive got a week off in june, another in july and i leave at the end of august so just hope i can push through until the end.

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