Well done Omi!!! He is adorable, totally adorable!! glad to hear youre well, look forward to an update when your feeling a bit more awake!!
Poshie, im hoping to go to about the 12th July too, who knows how we will feel though!
I had a full on gassy night too, bloated, hardish tummy...im still waiting for the lactulose to kick in properly!!
I am having a mass sort out this weekend and feel i had better get some sorting out done before i get too tubs!!!!Also we are off to France again next weekend then we have very few free weekends til july.....yikes!!! other than that im also going to a local baby show, im sure it will be sucky but hey worth a look.....especially with this crap weather!! Me and hubby are off on a "date" tonight! we decided we would hit the cinema and then a go for a meal....we realised that our together nights like that would dwindle for a while so best make the most of it while we can!!!!
whats everyone else up to?? x