Hello all. Thanks for thinking of me Zoe. I'm here, but not often as I'm now a busy mummy I have a gorgeous son who's now 2 weeks old. He's a pretty good baby and we often get 5 hours sleep in a block, so can't really complain. Breastfeeding is getting easier and he's putting on weight well. Still can't really believe he's mine! If you're interested, I posted my birth story in the stories and announcements section. It was pretty amazing.
thats fantastic news! I was starting to get worried lol. Yep your gonna be busy busy busy now but its all worth it! Ile have to have a look at your birth story when i figure out how to do it! Glad to hear your all okay!
Im good had my 20 week scan but have to go back for another as they couldnt get all the mesurements bcos of way baby was lying.,..they also couldnt tell me the sex cos the cord was between its legs!
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