4+5wks pg with #2. Come and share your journey with me :D


I don't really have any symptoms either except extreme tiredness. I've been napping when my two year old naps.Previously sickness hasn't hit me until 6 weeks.

I'm a bit grumpy today as it's mother's day. I'm fed up with being the only one who cleans and tidies and gets up In the night and early every day and my husband won't even have thought of doing anything from dd for mothers day. I think I'd rather he didn't know it was mother's day. It's better than him knowing it's mothers day and not bothering to do anything.
Aw Spud :hugs: I have days like that too. I don't remember the last time OH got up for DS... not the last time I was ill a couple of months ago that's for sure. He just doesn't hear him :shrugs: and I won't lay and listen to DS cry until OH finally wakes up So I just get up. It's better now he's started aleeping through, or at least only waking up once. But I must admit he hasn't forgotten a mothers day yet. BUT, my point is, I feel you!

Ugh I know, MS started pretty much when I got my BFP at around 6wks last time. I'm praying I don't get it this time around as I had it up until 26wks (full on throwing up at least once a day, not just nausea) last time. More than I can stand again!! That's the one thing I'm afraid of if I'm honest.
Did you have any other major/memorable symptoms last time around?

Hope you feel a bit happier soon :) xx
Thanks lilmiss.
yeah dh doesn't get up when I am sick either. I had a vomiting bug a few weeks ago and I was vomiting whilst getting dd ready for bed and putting her to bed and he still did not do it. I guess my other symptom today is grumpiness.

I also had severe morning sickness with dd. I vomited morning noon and night and had my last vomit at 32 weeks. Then I just felt sick until dd was born.

With my mmc I had severe nausea but not as much vomiting. It was just as horrible though. I'm not looking forward to the vomits etc :-(
Oh Spud :( you had an even rougher ride than I did :hugs: fingers crossed MS stays away for both of us.
I feel you on the grumpiness though. Definitely a bit more irritable today than usual. But I'm usually quite moody anyway :haha: more emotional/teary than usual too.
Ugh men are just thick sometimes I think. They don't think to do something unless you ask outright. But sometimes it's nice to not have to ask.

I really don't feel pregnant at all. I don't feel anything towards my bean, I don't feel excited. I feel so horriblw that I'm not excited. I feel like I should be bonded/attached already. Boooo :(
Lilmiss - I think that's normal not to feel excited. With dd I didn't feel excited until I saw her wriggling about on the 12 week scan.
I have to admit I bonded with mmc straight away ehich is why I'm not feeling anything for this one yet. I'm too scared of feeling that great a loss again of things do not work out. I think I'll feel pregnant once the sickness arrives.

I told dh that I am a grumpy hormonal pregnant woman and was currently feeling undervalued in mothers day so he jumped up and made me a cup of tea. It's the little things bit feeling better already.
It's so true men need to be told but I'm super stubborn and I expect him to read my mind ha ha.

When will you tell your son?:) I'm going to wait until 14 weeks Otherwise she'll go round telling everyone there's a baby in my belly.
Can I join you lovely ladies, I am 6+2 today with number 5 I have 4 ds and 2 angels.
I have a scan tomorrow so fingers crossed we see a hb, they will then start me on progesterone to help this little bean stick :)
My boobies are ridiculously sore and I feel nauseous on and off all day if im hungry or over eaten, I am also bloated xx
Hey ladies, thought I'd join in :) I've only done my first test today and it was a faint line. Will try again tomorrow morning for a clearer line. Period is currently 7 days over due. Which is not like me at all!

My first son is 4 1/2, not sure how he will take this?! I'm so excited but also super nervous!

Wishing you all well xxx
Oh in terms of symptoms, I'm sorry to be crude but I can't stop passing wind! Like a ridiculous amount and its smelly ( so embarrassing ) also very tired, no sore boobs but that was a sign for me as when period comes my boobs get really ultra tender xx
Oh in terms of symptoms, I'm sorry to be crude but I can't stop passing wind! Like a ridiculous amount and its smelly ( so embarrassing ) also very tired, no sore boobs but that was a sign for me as when period comes my boobs get really ultra tender xx

Ah me too :) I was like it with DS4 too so that makes me feel better although my DH says it should be used as a weapon of mass destruction!! x
Hi all,

Wow, there are a lot of us! I'd love to join you! I'm pregnant with my 2nd right now. Super early days (not even 4 wks. yet), but I tested on Saturday because I had been so sick all week. MS has hit hard already, which is totally freaking me out (since it didn't hit until ~5 weeks with my first pregnancy, and honestly I didn't even think it was possible to get MS so early). Yikes. We'll see how this goes!
Spud, I'm glad your OH finally got the hint, even if you did have to spell it out for him! How are you feeling now?
I guess it's normal not to pregnant yet... but I would have thought I'd be feeling SOMEthing by now, I'm 6wks tomorrow. I fid my last frer the day before yesterday and the test line was so strong it left hardly any dye for the control line so that was pretty faint. No more testing now I swear!
I actually went out a bought a little soft toy lamb the other day. I know it's crazy early to buy ANYTHING and part of me felt weird (like I was jinxing it?) buying it knowing baby is only about the size of a lentil right now. But on the other hand I try and believe that what's meant to be will be and this bean will/won't stick whether I buy something or not. ANYWAY, I got it because I thought maybe if I had something solid and visual, something I could hold and relate to baby then it might help with the attachment thing. Anyway, sorry for prattling!
We haven't really thought about telling DS. He's not even 2 yet so we won't really understand anyway and will most likely forget within minutes! But on the offchance he DOES remember and decides to blurt it out, we'll definitely be waiting until we've told family at 12wks.

Hi mummy3ds, Siddys_Mummy and magnacarta! Welcome :D I had no idea MS could start so early either magnacarta, you have my sympathy on that one! Hopefully it'll be over and done with early too.

Mummy3ds I'm sorry about your losses :hugs: FX'd this little bean sticks.

Siddys_Mummy I feel you on that er, symptom lol. I seem to remember having it last time around too as I definitely remember OH ripping the piddle out of me for it :blush:
mummy i'm glad you are here!

Spud I'm not looking forward to ms either. I already am feeling a little :sick: after I eat certain things, mainly sweets. At least it will help me from putting on too much weight.

LilMiss: I've already told my whole family but the dh wants to wait to tell his.
Hey tankel :) well we're actually going to be telling my parents a bit before 12wks, probably around 10wks. And this his parents right after the scan as his mum isn't terribly good at keeping her mouth shut (not in an intentional way just a "oh I'll just tel so-and-so" and "oh and telling so-and-so won't hurt" and then of course so-and-so and so-and-so go and tell whoever else :shrug:). And also last time my parents didn't find out until quite late with DS (I kept chickening out of telling them :blush:) so I really want them to be the first to know this time around. I just have no idea how to tell them! I don't want to just blurt it out but don't really want anything to twee either. I love some of the ideas on the internet and things but I think, in real life is that just gonna come across as really cheesy? I don't know :shrug:

Wow, I'm prattling a lot today! I blame the fact DS has been asleep for over 2hrs so I haven't had anyone to talk to! :wacko: :haha:
I love the long responses!

Some of the ways to tell parents on the internet are kind of cheesy. With my first pregnancy, we told my parents by giving my mom a necklace that said grandma on it. I also like the idea of posing for a photo and them saying it and taking a picture of everyones reaction.
Well i had my scan, the little blob is measuring 6 weeks and has a hb :) I have a prescription for cyclogest so will start those once the dc actually signs the prescription which will hopefully be today.
My ms is more nausea, and my boobies are super sore xx
Hey ladies, thought I'd pop in!!

LilMiss I know what you mean about attachment - I envisioned myself feeling much different at this point then I do! I guess I just thought things would feel more real and positive vs hormonal, exhausted, nauseous, etc. lol. Nausea isn't terrible, but it's definitely around - if I'm hungry and can't eat for a bit it turns into nausea and aversions - it seems very few things actually appeal to eat when I've gotten to that stage. I've gained wait and my face has broken out which has left me feeling very unattractive and my boobs are still killing me. Ahh! Haha trust me I'm SO happy I'm pregnant, I'd just like to hurry along the process is all! Everyone keeps telling me to enjoy it...easier said than done.

We told our families this past weekend by presenting "grandma" cards to our moms and it was great! Aside from my MIL asking when she can tell people right after I said PLEASE DONT TELL ANYONE! And then telling me miscarriages are an old wives tale?? Just no.

A little miffed at DH today as he told out of town friends he was visiting without me when I'd asked to be on speaker phone when he did it. He had excuses that it wouldn't have worked to call me, but I think that's kind of bs as I had been on the phone with him a few minutes prior and he got me off. So instead I called and was ambushed on speaker phone that he already told - of course hormones made me burst into upset tears and I could barely get a "thank you" out to all the congratulations and just sounded miserable. Of course he didn't understand why I'd be so upset and that my feelings are irrational. Ugh.

7 weeks on Thursday and I'm counting down the days until my first ultrasound at 9 weeks! It's private and considered non medical, so I don't know what to expect, I just hope I see a little bean and hear a HB!
Hi all,

Wow, there are a lot of us! I'd love to join you! I'm pregnant with my 2nd right now. Super early days (not even 4 wks. yet), but I tested on Saturday because I had been so sick all week. MS has hit hard already, which is totally freaking me out (since it didn't hit until ~5 weeks with my first pregnancy, and honestly I didn't even think it was possible to get MS so early). Yikes. We'll see how this goes!

Hi magnacarta, it appears that we're about 1 day apart. I hope your MS is better. The fatigue is getting me. I don't remember noticing much until 6 weeks with DS. But, every pregnancy is different :shrug: :thumbup: :happydance: :coffee:
Hi everyone.
I have lots to catch up on.

Mummy3 - I'm glad that your six week scan went well. It's nice when you see little blob with a heartbeat. I always think it's so amazing when they are that tiny yet there is a heartbeat. Creating life is so special.

Emmysmummy - wow I'd be upset and annoyed too and I don't think it would be just the hormones.
also I'd love for miscarriages to old wives tales. mils can come out with some crazy things. My mil a shocker too.

I really really want to keep this pregnancy a secret until after the 12/13 week scan. I know if I miscarry though I will tell my mum and also a few friends. I have to admit my parents were terrible with the support after my erpc. I know they were sad for me but their words of comfort were terribly misguided. And my mum had two d&cs herself.
My plan is actually to have a ten week scan and then the harmony test.

And yes I have terrible wind too. It was really bad to start with.

I have a scan tomorrow (Thursday). My guestimate is 5+2 amd at the very very most 5+4. My hcg last Thursday 7th was 880 which fits with four and a half weeks. I know I won't see much on screen and really wish they were doing it on Monday instead because then I may actually see a heartbeat.

Sorry if I've missed anybody. I'm on my phone :)
Hi ladies! First off, congrats to you all. I'm all new to this (first pregnancy past 5 weeks). I'm currently 5 weeks and 5 days preggo. The only symptom I feel is sometimish sore nipples, and total exhaustion. Dr said my levels were excellent the first two times, then just good the last one. Kinda has me nervous knowing my history and the fact I have so few symptoms....but I'm a newbie, so what do I know. Going to do a blood test again on Sunday to make sure all is well. I'm taking progesterone suppositories.

What prenatal do you ladies take?
Hi may.
congratulations and a h&h 9 months to you. I have found pregnancy after a loss absolutely terrifying. I read into every twinge and lack if symptoms. I know I can't change the outcome but I'm constantly thinking about it. Good luck with the blood Test on sunday.

I have just started taking garden of life prenatal. They seem really good with folate instead of folic acid which is better absorbed by your body apparently. Before I took solgar.

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