4 day old does not sleep all night! Help


Mummy to Layla, George & Enzo <3
Oct 21, 2018
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So I'm at the end of my tether now, DS who's 4 days old wont sleep at all and screams and screams all night, tried extra feeds, nappy change, burping, taking layers off putting layers off and everything else I can think of.

I really believe he hates lying flat, it's as soon as hes in his moses basket he starts screaming, I've also tried the carry cot on the pram and hes still the same, however in the day he will sleep in his swing, and all day he an an absolute angel! Goes down between feeds and sleeps perfectly!

4am this morning I had to bring him downstairs and put him in his swing just to get some sleep as I'm struggling now, and he slept for a solid 4 hours! But it's not recommended they sleep propped up, but he sleeps much better!

Any advice?
Finley was like that everytime I put him down :dohh:

The midwife suggested putting a folded blanket/small pillow underneath the mattress in his crib to prop him up as he had a lot of mucus and that seemed to be what was bothering him. It definitely helped!
Oh my god it's so draining I've not slept at all! Hes fine in his swing and it's not even as if he wants to be held all the time because after a feed he goes in his swing and sleeps between feeds like a dream! As soon as hes lying flat he screams and screams and screams lol I'll definstly try propping him up a bit more in his moses basket to see if that helps, thanks hun x
If not he will have to sleep in his swing even though it's not recommended, I am exhausted lol! I need at least one half decent night sleep which I would get otherwise as he sleeps 3 hours between feeds during day :haha:
I hope that you manage to get some sleep soon. Mine used to hate being lied down for some reason. Maybe it is reflux.
I did think it at first hun but remembering what my second was like with reflux this doesnt seem the same, Enzo brings up his wind perfect and hes not a sicky baby, he doesnt even scream in pain! All of them were signs of reflux when my second had it, I think it's the sleeping arrangements! So I'll definitely try his moses basket mattress propped up tonight see if it helps:)
Madison was the same was she had severe reflux but it did not get that bad until she was about 2 weeks old . I would see if you can get into the dr with him they gave Madison Ranitidine and it helped wonders . But then she had a severe episode and ended up via ambulance to the er were they gave her a Tucker wedge and sling to sleep on . Hopefully you can get some sleep hun
Could be silent reflux? Basically they bring milk up which burns and hurts them but swallow it back down before it come out of their mouth. Both my boys had this. Try making the Moses basket tilted on an incline and you could try some infant gaviscon or speak to gp to get some medications x
All sorted everyone, all it took was propping the mattress up in his moses basket and he slept like a dream, went down straight away and slept every 3-4 hours in between, thank god it was that simple
Does sound like silent reflux hon and just needed to be propped up. Babies with silent reflux hate sleeping on there backs.
It's a bit different to standered reflux.
Hopfully him being propped up will be enough. Fingere crossed.
Its definitely not reflux hes now absolutely fine with lying on his back, hes not in any sort of pain, and hes better at bringing his wind up since changing to new bottles.

BUT does anyone know why hes fussing literally all night? He has one good night then about 3 bad ones with fussing, he has his bottles in routine now which is a massive help, he usually takes between 3.5oz - 4oz every 4 hours, in the day sleeps perfectly wherever he is, whether it's in his swing, or laying on a blanket on the sofa with me, but come night time he fusses all night long, after a feed he goes back in his moses basket and hes fidgeting, he wants his dummy then he spits it out, then he wants it again, and he looks like hes fighting with his dummy getting all angry with it until he spits it out and wants it again, I've tried seeing if hes still hungry as when hes fussing this is what it looks like, but he wont take any more milk his nappy is clean, hes not to hot not to cold and just fusses with sleeping about 5 or 10 minutes in between, in the end he gets so frustrated he starts crying. I thought it was colic, but hes not actually crying all night, just fussing and its definitely not reflux as hes not in any sort of pain, I've been there with reflux with my second child and it's not that. Hes a happy baby nost of the time, just at night he likes fussing. Any idea why?
I hope it's been easier last night, could he have his days and nights mixed up? Does he seem more awake at night and more sleepy in the day? Midwife told me that this can happen and it should resolve itself.

My little one wasn't great at the start, it did get easier with time. The wedge helping does sound like silent reflux? I've also heard that reflux is worse at night which could explain the fussing.
How u getting on with the dr brown bottles sweet
Dr brown bottles are amazing, hes now sleeping all night minus his 4 hourly feeds and winds perfect after using them!

We started waking him up more during the day and keeping him cooler as he tends to sleep more when too warm, and hes tired enough to sleep all night!

He still has a little fuss but this is now after 6am and not at 2am, which is fine because by this point we are already up and awake and ready for the school run :)
Those bottles are such a savior . The vents get to be a pain to clean tho but so worth it hehe .
They are a pain I'm not used to so many parts to a bottle! But omg are they amazing! Obviously the baby likes them, hes now draining 4oz bottles (we make 5oz now just to know hes satisfied) and he just got weighed and is 9lb 7oz at 2 weeks old today, something is obviously agreeing with him :)

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