4 dpo crampy on chlomid?

I hope you ladies don't mind- I need some of your group's dust and good thoughts right about now. I've pretty much read through the entire thread tonight, lol. I'm on 10 DPO and got a BFN so far... my temps look great. My only consistent symptom is cramping since O, mild but consistent, as well as a 'little' more emotional and some recent boob tenderness (could be AF though?).
I hate waiting each month. I'm not getting younger and DH is emotionally unattached with this (like a lot of you ladies have stated, too), which just makes me stress even more... obviously- if I just read this entire 58 page thread! lol
This is Cycle #2 of 50mg clomid taken @ CD2-6.

So like I said- i need your Thread's good baby luck right about now!!! :)

I wish you the very best of luck and I hope this is your month! :D I personally would recommend Pre-seed and drink loads of green tea. I also took mucinex 3 times a day as recommended by my OB as it helps thin out the cervical mucous which you can need with clomid. We BDd every other day as soon as my period was over, then every day for 3 days after the positive opk. I don't know what helped and what didn't but hell, it worked! Sending loads of baby dust! :D
I wish you the very best of luck and I hope this is your month! :D I personally would recommend Pre-seed and drink loads of green tea. I also took mucinex 3 times a day as recommended by my OB as it helps thin out the cervical mucous which you can need with clomid. We BDd every other day as soon as my period was over, then every day for 3 days after the positive opk. I don't know what helped and what didn't but hell, it worked! Sending loads of baby dust! :D

Thank you Lilyfire and MrsPTTC! :flower: I did EPO and mucinex pre-O and used pre-seed too. Post-O I've been taking a progesterone cream since 5DPO.

Got another BFN today (11DPO)... Still hoping (and still having mild consistent cramps, weepiness, and BB soreness. In all honesty, the only thing that is different than last Clomid cycle is the weepiness (I'm usually only weepy one day pre-AF, not two full weeks of it...) But still hoping.
I forgot to mention- my temp is still up too... it was at 99.1 today...
Well ladies, Ive gone off the deep end. I had a total breakdown last night because my test lines are still weak, and at 17dpo yesterday I fully expected them to be at least close to the same as the control. The more I read the more paranoid I got, and I ended up crying for about 2 hours straight (and I am NOT a cryer!). My poor hubby, he didn't know what to do with me. I woke up this morning and tested again, still a less than impressive line. So the first two hours of my workday I was fighting tears. But at some point in the day I just felt peace. Not because I think everything is ok, but more because there is really nothing I can do about it if there is something wrong at this stage. The test lines are really the only thing that is making me think that there's a problem, but I got a positive digital last night, so I've decided to just let things happen the way that that will.

I sure hope all this worrying is for nothing! My doctor won't see me until next Thursday, so we'll see what happens I guess.
Interesting study for those of us TTC...

Time of Implantation of the Conceptus and Loss of Pregnancy
Allen J. Wilcox, M.D., Ph.D., Donna Day Baird, Ph.D., and Clarice R. Weinberg, Ph.D. New England Journal of Medicne
Volume 340:1796-1799 June 10, 1999 Number 23


Implantation of the conceptus is a key step in pregnancy, but little is known about the time of implantation or the relation between the time of implantation and the outcome of pregnancy.

We collected daily urine samples for up to six months from 221 women attempting to conceive after ceasing to use contraception. Ovulation was identified on the basis of the ratio of urinary estrogen metabolites to progesterone metabolites, which changes rapidly with luteinization of the ovarian follicle. The time of implantation was defined by the appearance of chorionic gonadotropin in maternal urine.

There were 199 conceptions, for 95 percent of which (189) we had sufficient data for analysis. Of these 189 pregnancies, 141 (75 percent) lasted at least six weeks past the last menstrual period, and the remaining 48 pregnancies (25 percent) ended in early loss. Among the pregnancies that lasted 6 weeks or more, the first appearance of chorionic gonadotropin occurred 6 to 12 days after ovulation; 118 women (84 percent) had implantation on day 8, 9, or 10. The risk of early pregnancy loss increased with later implantation (P<0.001). Among the 102 conceptuses that implanted by the ninth day, 13 percent ended in early loss. This proportion rose to 26 percent with implantation on day 10, to 52 percent on day 11, and to 82 percent after day 11.

In most successful human pregnancies, the conceptus implants 8 to 10 days after ovulation. The risk of early pregnancy loss increases with later implantation.
Well ladies, Ive gone off the deep end. I had a total breakdown last night because my test lines are still weak, and at 17dpo yesterday I fully expected them to be at least close to the same as the control. The more I read the more paranoid I got, and I ended up crying for about 2 hours straight (and I am NOT a cryer!). My poor hubby, he didn't know what to do with me. I woke up this morning and tested again, still a less than impressive line. So the first two hours of my workday I was fighting tears. But at some point in the day I just felt peace. Not because I think everything is ok, but more because there is really nothing I can do about it if there is something wrong at this stage. The test lines are really the only thing that is making me think that there's a problem, but I got a positive digital last night, so I've decided to just let things happen the way that that will.

I sure hope all this worrying is for nothing! My doctor won't see me until next Thursday, so we'll see what happens I guess.

Hang in there, ScoobyDrip! Stop testing! At this point it is way out of your control. I think this whole struggle with TTC for me has shown me that I have control issues. When I started TTC I had a "timeline" for when we'd conceive, when the due date would be, etc, + or - a few months. lol And even NOW with the whole 2ww thing I've done everything I can and now just rely on CHANCE to have something that all my friends were able to do instantaneously (have a baby)- that is HARD for me to accept!
It's hard to not be in control of my life, my future, etc... Because I am a huge planner- short term goals, long term goals, financial goals, family goals, etc... And I honestly struggle with it still. I don't have all the answers but it does sound like testing constantly is not helping your peace of mind! Good luck- you'll be fine- one way or the other.

baby dust to you!
ooh lilyfire I've been drinking lots of green tea over the last few months as I'm on a clean eating diet, also took cough syrup up to ovulation!

30&ready, wishing you the best of luck hun, your symptoms are sounding good :). And thanks for the study, the stats are interesting.

Scooby, so sorry you're feeling down, but POAS'ing will do you no good hun, & stresswould be bad for your baby! Maybe you should ring the Dr & get their opinion on it? :hugs:

x :dust: x
Scooby, some people don't even tip a hgc pregnancy test and it has to be confirmed via blood. It's not the norm but I've definitely heard of it. Just take really good care of yourself, take all your prenatals, and try and relax. I know that's not easily done but really, don't let a HPT be a source of such worry. Diluted pee, caffeine, the amount of dye in the tests... Can all effect a HPT. You are pregnant, no bleeding or bad cramps, please try and relax :) All the very best!
PS- just remembered you had a positive digi, they are not sensitive, you must have high levels of hgc. Honestly, I think you are all good! :D
Scooby hang in there, but Lilyfire is right you have to have high HCG to get a digital positive so you are prego and try and relax and be happy. I know it's easier said than done but I bet everything will be just great!

Thanks Lilyfire for the advice about the scan. My doc has not mentioned it to me so I will check into it. I really hope my progesterone test comes back high, I told my husband if it does I will be as happy as getting a BPF (well almost :)). Oh and I do not know when I should even test I got my first postive day 10 which was 10/31 and my second, day 14 which was 11/4 so I am confused on when it would be logical to test?!?! And i am on 100mg second cycle
Scooby hang in there, but Lilyfire is right you have to have high HCG to get a digital positive so you are prego and try and relax and be happy. I know it's easier said than done but I bet everything will be just great!

Thanks Lilyfire for the advice about the scan. My doc has not mentioned it to me so I will check into it. I really hope my progesterone test comes back high, I told my husband if it does I will be as happy as getting a BPF (well almost :)). Oh and I do not know when I should even test I got my first postive day 10 which was 10/31 and my second, day 14 which was 11/4 so I am confused on when it would be logical to test?!?! And i am on 100mg second cycle

I suppose it all depends on how much you are willing to spend on HPTs?!! I got my BFP at 9dpo, which going by the first date, you are 9 dpo today, BUT with that possibly being a false positive you could be 5dpo. It's up to you, personally I would leave it until 9-10 dpo going from the second date, but it's really a person thing! All the very very best, fingers crossed for you! :D
Scooby hang in there, but Lilyfire is right you have to have high HCG to get a digital positive so you are prego and try and relax and be happy. I know it's easier said than done but I bet everything will be just great!

Thanks Lilyfire for the advice about the scan. My doc has not mentioned it to me so I will check into it. I really hope my progesterone test comes back high, I told my husband if it does I will be as happy as getting a BPF (well almost :)). Oh and I do not know when I should even test I got my first postive day 10 which was 10/31 and my second, day 14 which was 11/4 so I am confused on when it would be logical to test?!?! And i am on 100mg second cycle

I suppose it all depends on how much you are willing to spend on HPTs?!! I got my BFP at 9dpo, which going by the first date, you are 9 dpo today, BUT with that possibly being a false positive you could be 5dpo. It's up to you, personally I would leave it until 9-10 dpo going from the second date, but it's really a person thing! All the very very best, fingers crossed for you! :D

Thanks I was thinking I would wait for my progesterone test results to come back (I get the test Friday so hopefully results Mon/Tues) and if they are high showing I actually dropped an egg I will test then, which would be day 10/11 post O! I get excited even thinking it would a BPF :happydance: I can't imagine how I would be if I actually got it!!
Thanks ladies, I'm feeling much better about things for the time being. I've decided to stop poas! It's obviously turning me into a crazy person!
question: Progesterone cream-
will it cause me to NOT have my AF on time? Am I supposed to stop using it before expected AF?... Anyone know from experience?
question: Progesterone cream-
will it cause me to NOT have my AF on time? Am I supposed to stop using it before expected AF?... Anyone know from experience?

I took prgesterone pills for 10 days to induce a period. I got my period 2-3 after taking the last pill... I don't know if this is the same but that's my experience with progesterone
Question: I know a little TMI, but tonight after I showered I wanted to check my cm and I pulled out a white (not clear at all) strechy glob?? I am 5 dpo according to my second positive OPK. Any idea why I had that?? Thanks
question: Progesterone cream-
will it cause me to NOT have my AF on time? Am I supposed to stop using it before expected AF?... Anyone know from experience?

I took prgesterone pills for 10 days to induce a period. I got my period 2-3 after taking the last pill... I don't know if this is the same but that's my experience with progesterone

Thanks for your response! I also found this on another forum:
"You don't need to stop using the cream until your period starts. Using the cream will not keep your period from starting, so you don't have to stop using it until your period arrives.
If your period does not start by 18 dpo, then you should test for pregnancy. If the test is positive, keep using the cream and make an appointment with your doctor for a blood test. If you do end up testing at home (I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you!) you will want to use the most sensitive test you can find.
If you test at 18 dpo and the result is negative, wait a day or two and test again. If the second result is negative, call your doctor for a blood test. Only if the blood test is negative should you stop using the cream, and possibly have your doctor prescribe provera to help bring on your period."
Question: I know a little TMI, but tonight after I showered I wanted to check my cm and I pulled out a white (not clear at all) strechy glob?? I am 5 dpo according to my second positive OPK. Any idea why I had that?? Thanks

I had that and still do occasionally now, I wouldn't worry but if it's different for you (it was for me) then maybe it's a good sign? Fingers crossed!
I was crampy my last cycle (before and after O), but so far this cycle I am not. I only had discomfort with O.
Started having light pink cm tonight, it's now much darker. Cramping too, but not horribly painful. Things are not looking good for my little bean.

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