4 dpo crampy on chlomid?

Welcome Marialex! How long have you been TTC? and what's your story? We've been trying since June.

Scooby, I'm sooo sorry sweetie! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

30andalready4, I tested today too at 12 dpo and BFN. I think I will try IUI next cycle. Now just waiting for AF.:growlmad:

Lilyfire, how are you feeling?
Sunshine- I think they are going to up my Clomid next cycle. That, plus I've got a fertility monitor in the mail. Hopefully we will be +++ next month! I also think I'm going to cut out more caffeine. That's my plan, along with what I'm doing now!
What's your plan?

I have not had a lick of caffein since July! So deprived though I still have wine here and there.

Let's do this! when are you expecting AF? I am excited about this cycle.
AF for me comes around CD26-27 (although I don't know if that progesterone cream will affect it??), so that's sunday or Monday. You?

I am excited too! Something's going to happen soon, I can feel it! :)
that's a long luteal cycle, are you sure you are 12 dpo? Maybe it was too early to test for you. Usually luteal phase is the one that doesn't change so if you are 12 dpo today, that means on sunday you will be 15 dpo and monday 16 dpo, usually they last 12-14 days. It could be that you ovulated later than you think and you're only 10 dpo,which means it was too early to test for you and you still have a shot this cycle!

Mine usually comes 14 dpo, almost always so expecting it on Saturday.
Temp drop this morning so expecting :witch: tomorrow :sad1:. Had horrific stabbing pains last night, I had to go to bed with a hot water bottle. Still feel bad today. I've been googling & think it could be a bad case of wind! :blush: I was worried it was an ectopic but the pains in the wrong place.

I'm think cbfm next month & might re-take my Maca or start b vits to help my spotting :shrug:

30&ready totally agree with your rant about men!

Sunshine- I honestly don't know. I didn't start charting until the day I think I ovulated. See here: https://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/38cf83
I only say that because of the massive jump from one day to the next. So with that said, my average temp all those other days was prob around 98.4-6 because I am a shift worker and my sleep pattern gets really screwy. I did the best to chart but a lot of those days I took temps 3-4 hours early because something woke me up in the mid of the day...

It would be nice to hope that i still had a chance, but logic tells me not so much! lol
Welcome Marialex! How long have you been TTC? and what's your story? We've been trying since June.

Thanks so much for the welcome sunshine. I am 37...soon to be 38. I do already have 3 children (13, 10, and 3) but I want just 1 more to complete our family. I feel almost guilty because I know that alot of ladies on here have not conceived their first LO yet. My cycles are really short so my ob is hoping the clomid will lengthen them and give me a stronger O. I had a success on my second or third month on clomid when TTC my 2nd child (but honestly I can not even tell you what my side effects were and I certainly did not temp or keep track of fertility signs back then). With my first and third, I conceived right away. With my second it took a year. We have been off BC and TTC this LO since June...temping and charting since September when I realized I better get serious if I want this to happen anytime soon!

I look forward to getting to know you ladies and hope we all get our BFP's soon!!!
Sunshine- I honestly don't know. I didn't start charting until the day I think I ovulated. See here: https://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/38cf83
I only say that because of the massive jump from one day to the next. So with that said, my average temp all those other days was prob around 98.4-6 because I am a shift worker and my sleep pattern gets really screwy. I did the best to chart but a lot of those days I took temps 3-4 hours early because something woke me up in the mid of the day...

It would be nice to hope that i still had a chance, but logic tells me not so much! lol

Based on your chart - I say you have a chance - especially if your wake times are erratic and you had fertile CM long after you think you O'd...! Fingers crossed for you 30&ready!
So today I went in for my 7 dpo porgesterone test, should get the results Mon/Tues. This afternoon I started getting cramping... but they're weird like ovualtion cramps and I know I am not ovualting since I did 7 days ago. There mainly on the left side... Every once in awhile I get a little pain with my ovaries throughout my cycle b/c I have PCOS, always on the right side though, todays are on the left?? And they are very short lived and not to bad. Today's have been all afternoon and more noticable. Oh and I don't ever get cramps before AF so that's why I am really noticing them today! The only other weird thing for me is the creamy, white cm and 2 days ago it was creamy, white and a little snot like (sorry TMI). And last a few random hot flashes mainly at night (I know it can be a side effect from clomid but last time they were done long before now). So if AF coming soon??:nope: Even though I am only 7 dpo?? Thanks for any input!!

Here's my chart:https://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/381251
So today I went in for my 7 dpo porgesterone test, should get the results Mon/Tues. This afternoon I started getting cramping... but they're weird like ovualtion cramps and I know I am not ovualting since I did 7 days ago. There mainly on the left side... Every once in awhile I get a little pain with my ovaries throughout my cycle b/c I have PCOS, always on the right side though, todays are on the left?? And they are very short lived and not to bad. Today's have been all afternoon and more noticable. Oh and I don't ever get cramps before AF so that's why I am really noticing them today! The only other weird thing for me is the creamy, white cm and 2 days ago it was creamy, white and a little snot like (sorry TMI). And last a few random hot flashes mainly at night (I know it can be a side effect from clomid but last time they were done long before now). So if AF coming soon??:nope: Even though I am only 7 dpo?? Thanks for any input!!

Here's my chart:https://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/381251

Sounds promising to me but I am no expert - that witch fools me every time! I have had on and off O-type pain throughout the entire cycle so I hope that is normal. I think I am about 7DPO as well and the o pain is finally gone now. I too have full bbs, some crazy dreams, very seldom, mild cramping kinda like before af but possibly a little different (?), headache, creamy cm. I don't know anymore - I am waiting this one out. Maybe I will get lucky (and you too!!!!) If your pain gets bad though - check in with your dr...I was worried about getting a cyst as I know that can be a side effect for some.
So today I went in for my 7 dpo porgesterone test, should get the results Mon/Tues. This afternoon I started getting cramping... but they're weird like ovualtion cramps and I know I am not ovualting since I did 7 days ago. There mainly on the left side... Every once in awhile I get a little pain with my ovaries throughout my cycle b/c I have PCOS, always on the right side though, todays are on the left?? And they are very short lived and not to bad. Today's have been all afternoon and more noticable. Oh and I don't ever get cramps before AF so that's why I am really noticing them today! The only other weird thing for me is the creamy, white cm and 2 days ago it was creamy, white and a little snot like (sorry TMI). And last a few random hot flashes mainly at night (I know it can be a side effect from clomid but last time they were done long before now). So if AF coming soon??:nope: Even though I am only 7 dpo?? Thanks for any input!!

Here's my chart:https://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/381251

Sounds promising to me but I am no expert - that witch fools me every time! I have had on and off O-type pain throughout the entire cycle so I hope that is normal. I think I am about 7DPO as well and the o pain is finally gone now. I too have full bbs, some crazy dreams, very seldom, mild cramping kinda like before af but possibly a little different (?), headache, creamy cm. I don't know anymore - I am waiting this one out. Maybe I will get lucky (and you too!!!!) If your pain gets bad though - check in with your dr...I was worried about getting a cyst as I know that can be a side effect for some.

I know right, I never know if it's in my head or if it's real... Although I have never had these symptoms but then again I have not offical O'd in 10 months. So maybe i actually did and that's why I am having these signs and they are just signs of the:witch:?? I sure hope not though this has been a long road for us, the lab lady today knows me by name and shakes he head and says "girl what are you doing back..." (don't worry she is super nice). Looks like we are on the same track though, when are you going to test?? We could be test buddies :)
I've got a cyst, a large one, but they said it was there before the clomid as 1 cycle is too soon for a large cyst. I've always had pain on my left side where the cyst is around ovulation (if I did ovulate), but this month on the clomid I've ovulated from the right & got no pain from the cyst. Good luck ladies! BFN for me today :growlmad: x
Sorry about the BFN but remember your not out until the witch comes!! I do worry about a cyst but a few months ago my doc did a ultrasound on my ovaries and said I had a lot of small cysts, common with PCOS, but not to worry about them too much. And she said I had a lot of mature eggs so I know if I just drop one it will work! Got my DH sperm checked and it's good so we just need the two to meet!! That's been the problem for the last 10 months never dropped an egg. Come on clomid be my ticket :). They are kinda like AF cramps too so lets hope!! It would be great for all of us to have July babies :flower:
Hi everyone! Hope you guys are having a fab friday night/saturday

marialex,hope this is your cycle! I'll be checking up on you.

babyteach, looks like O hasn't happened yet. why do you think you've O'd, was it the CM? I think you may be O'ing now from the sound of it....but I do think that on Clomid, you sometimes hurt after the O but only 1 to 3 dpo.

30andalready4, you still have a chance! I can't wait to see how this plays out for you. :hug:

mrsPTTC, i had a BFN on 12dpo, I won't be testing again unless AF is late.
Thanks babyteach & sunshine.:witch: flew in this morning :cry:. Pretty gutted, I know it usually takes more than 1 cycle but I'm concerned incase my cm is fighting his :spermy: off! I have no idea if I've ovulated or not ovulated the last 14 cycles as ive only had the 1 progesterone test & that obviously came back no ovulation. I've had either positive OPKs or thermal shifts, or both, every month but the fs says that doesn't mean I've ovulated. I prefer to think that I haven't ovulated otherwise there may be another problem!

When will AF be late sunshine? x
Thanks Marialex!

MrsPTTC- I hear ya- I'm wondering the same thing about DH sperm and my CM... With the help of Mucinex and EPO along with pre-seed I finally had a month where I actually DID see the EWCM, so maybe i finally figured it out... Oh! (tangent- because my brain rabbit trails a lot!) did you see that video on youtube called the Great Sperm Race?... It was really interesting (and slightly depressing...lol) but totally informative about the sperm and our female defenses...
As far as DH's sperm- I haven't asked him to test yet because he already has performance anxiety any time I talk about TTC stuff... lol- He'd probably rather jump off a cliff than go give a sample! sigh. men. I know we should have checked his sperm a while ago, but he already has one kid from about 6 years ago and I just kinda feel sorry for him (with the whole anxiety thing)!
I haven't had any progesterone tests- my OB never even told me about it. Thank god for these forums! I'm going to ask for one this next cycle...

Babyteach- I'm thinking my body likes to trick me with all this TTC stuff- it's gotta be the hormones plus Clomid that are giving me post-O symptoms... I had white creamy/wet CM through 10DPO, gas/bloating, some reflux, sore BBs, and I'm STILL having those mild continuous cramps... Although I woke up last night because my left side was uncomfortable (mild to medium pain level) so I think that yes, Clomid made me O, but now I have a cyst? I haven't had one in a few years so I can't remember how they feel when they start off. But the cramping has localized to that left area now.
The only thing I haven't gotten that a lot of Clomid users have is the hot flashes... but my temps are naturally hot so maybe this has something to do with it? I dunno!

Friends- I have to remind myself once in a while that the ONLY real sign of pregnancy is a positive pregnancy test (and sometimes not even then). Everything else can be attributed to hormones and the clomid. :)

Anyway, here's where I'm at today- still BFN at 14DPO: https://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/38cf83/
...but still hopin'! :)
Baby dust to all!!!!!!!
:dust: :dust:
So today I went in for my 7 dpo porgesterone test, should get the results Mon/Tues. This afternoon I started getting cramping... but they're weird like ovualtion cramps and I know I am not ovualting since I did 7 days ago. There mainly on the left side... Every once in awhile I get a little pain with my ovaries throughout my cycle b/c I have PCOS, always on the right side though, todays are on the left?? And they are very short lived and not to bad. Today's have been all afternoon and more noticable. Oh and I don't ever get cramps before AF so that's why I am really noticing them today! The only other weird thing for me is the creamy, white cm and 2 days ago it was creamy, white and a little snot like (sorry TMI). And last a few random hot flashes mainly at night (I know it can be a side effect from clomid but last time they were done long before now). So if AF coming soon??:nope: Even though I am only 7 dpo?? Thanks for any input!!

Here's my chart:https://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/381251

Sounds promising to me but I am no expert - that witch fools me every time! I have had on and off O-type pain throughout the entire cycle so I hope that is normal. I think I am about 7DPO as well and the o pain is finally gone now. I too have full bbs, some crazy dreams, very seldom, mild cramping kinda like before af but possibly a little different (?), headache, creamy cm. I don't know anymore - I am waiting this one out. Maybe I will get lucky (and you too!!!!) If your pain gets bad though - check in with your dr...I was worried about getting a cyst as I know that can be a side effect for some.

I know right, I never know if it's in my head or if it's real... Although I have never had these symptoms but then again I have not offical O'd in 10 months. So maybe i actually did and that's why I am having these signs and they are just signs of the:witch:?? I sure hope not though this has been a long road for us, the lab lady today knows me by name and shakes he head and says "girl what are you doing back..." (don't worry she is super nice). Looks like we are on the same track though, when are you going to test?? We could be test buddies :)

I am going to try to hold out to testing until Friday the 18th (that is 14 days after my last possible O date) but I may cave in on the 16th. What about you??? I don't like to test early - I just hate seeing that BFN. I feel a little bit more cramping like AF today - that can't be a good sign. We shall see. At least she hasn't come yet and I have had 21 - 24 day cycles. If nothing else it looks like clomid has lengthened it a little bit so that is good!
WOW I havent written in a while.. Im sorry ladies!
I still have no idea when or if I Od this cycle... Im not even sure if I should call it a "cycle" since I havent had a period since my miscarriage yet.. I keep having these twinges of pain on both sides and Ive been SUPER irritable and tired.. but that could be because we havent gotten much sleep lately and I JUST got over being sick.. so that could be why Im irritable (because Im tired) I dont know.. I would rather my period come NOW so I dont sit here and wonder whats going on..
So today I went in for my 7 dpo porgesterone test, should get the results Mon/Tues. This afternoon I started getting cramping... but they're weird like ovualtion cramps and I know I am not ovualting since I did 7 days ago. There mainly on the left side... Every once in awhile I get a little pain with my ovaries throughout my cycle b/c I have PCOS, always on the right side though, todays are on the left?? And they are very short lived and not to bad. Today's have been all afternoon and more noticable. Oh and I don't ever get cramps before AF so that's why I am really noticing them today! The only other weird thing for me is the creamy, white cm and 2 days ago it was creamy, white and a little snot like (sorry TMI). And last a few random hot flashes mainly at night (I know it can be a side effect from clomid but last time they were done long before now). So if AF coming soon??:nope: Even though I am only 7 dpo?? Thanks for any input!!

Here's my chart:https://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/381251

Sounds promising to me but I am no expert - that witch fools me every time! I have had on and off O-type pain throughout the entire cycle so I hope that is normal. I think I am about 7DPO as well and the o pain is finally gone now. I too have full bbs, some crazy dreams, very seldom, mild cramping kinda like before af but possibly a little different (?), headache, creamy cm. I don't know anymore - I am waiting this one out. Maybe I will get lucky (and you too!!!!) If your pain gets bad though - check in with your dr...I was worried about getting a cyst as I know that can be a side effect for some.

I know right, I never know if it's in my head or if it's real... Although I have never had these symptoms but then again I have not offical O'd in 10 months. So maybe i actually did and that's why I am having these signs and they are just signs of the:witch:?? I sure hope not though this has been a long road for us, the lab lady today knows me by name and shakes he head and says "girl what are you doing back..." (don't worry she is super nice). Looks like we are on the same track though, when are you going to test?? We could be test buddies :)

I am going to try to hold out to testing until Friday the 18th (that is 14 days after my last possible O date) but I may cave in on the 16th. What about you??? I don't like to test early - I just hate seeing that BFN. I feel a little bit more cramping like AF today - that can't be a good sign. We shall see. At least she hasn't come yet and I have had 21 - 24 day cycles. If nothing else it looks like clomid has lengthened it a little bit so that is good!

That's what I was thinking Friday! Unless my progesterone levels come back that I did not ovualte then I will have to take Provera again to induce AF and then a third round of clomid 100mg I think next time she said she would pair it with metformin (which I heard makes you feel sick all the time, ick!!). I also do not like to test early b/c of the BFN, sucks seeing it!! I too have a little bit more like AF cramping today, I never get cramps before AF but I am afriad she will show soon :(. Glad your cyle is getting longer, that's a good thing! We shall keep in touch, let's hope these cramps are a good thing not the witch!

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