4 dpo crampy on chlomid?

Hi 30, glad you had a good holiday. 13dpo-ish here, no AF yet & due today as I usually have a 12 day LP. Tested last 3 days & :nope: so its unlikely but I'm still in with a chance. I usually spot during my LP up to AF but this cycle I spotted 8-10 dpo & now its stopped which is encouraging :thumbup:. Good luck to you & hope you get your BFP! x
:witch: got me :sad1:, but I'll be popping my Clomid pills from tomorrow, so it's not so bad. I should be fertile around xmas too x
Christmas Conception! Hope you can find some alone time with the DH to DTD... Get a New Years surprise! :)
30 how are you doing have you tested again, hopefully you get that BFP after a realxing vacation :)

Mrs a new years BFP would really be something to celebrate about :happydance:

FX'd for you ladies!!

I go to my FS appt. tomorrow so hopefully they give me some guidance on what to do next since I do not think clomid is working for me either. I am on CD 14 and still no + OPK. I have some EWCM yesterday but I have gotten some in the past and not ovualted?!?! It's like my body gears up to ovulate but never drops the egg, ugh! Come on bady end the strike and start working!!! :wacko:
30 how are you doing have you tested again, hopefully you get that BFP after a realxing vacation :)

Mrs a new years BFP would really be something to celebrate about :happydance:

FX'd for you ladies!!

I go to my FS appt. tomorrow so hopefully they give me some guidance on what to do next since I do not think clomid is working for me either. I am on CD 14 and still no + OPK. I have some EWCM yesterday but I have gotten some in the past and not ovualted?!?! It's like my body gears up to ovulate but never drops the egg, ugh! Come on bady end the strike and start working!!! :wacko:

dont worry hun I only git pos opk cd 16 last cycle & defo ovulated! Time yet xx
Still BFNs... I'm feeling AF crampy, so I don't think this month is my lucky one!
If you think about it- every baby is a miracle... Conception is like rolling a 12-sided die that only one side is a winner (since the average time to conceive is 12 months for normal women and each month is a new roll of the die.) I'm not saying "abandon all hope, ye who enter here" or anything- the dice analogy just makes sense to me and makes me understand why we are forced to wait so long to pop out a darn kid! lol

FX for your lucky roll this month, ladies!

babyteach- how was your apt?
Yup, :witch: got me... Starting over. I have my FM this month, so that's nice at least. I prob won't temp as much, since I have the FM to tell me when O is.
Sorry AF got you 30 :( :hugs: What clomid cycle are you on to? I take my last pill tonight & FX'd for a 2012 :bfp: x
I'm starting cycle #4. The ob/gyn wanted to up my dosage to 150 mg, but I O'd on 100mg (one big and 3 medium size follies) and my uterine lining was beautifully THICK so I told them I wanted to try 100mg again. Doesn't make sense to UP it when it's already working... Why am I the one to suggest that? Why doesn't my OB suggest that?!... The fact that they just automatically want to up the dose doesn't make me feel like they know what they are doing! geez! lol
I'm going to do CD 4-8 again with an u/s appt on CD 14...

Just looked at your chart- you should find out right around New Years! That's perfect!!! FX for you!! I envision an end-of-august, beginning-of-September baby for you. :)

My B-day is in september, so it would be kinda cool to get a BFP this cycle, too.
Thanks 30! :flower: my EDD would be mid-end Sept from what I remember. Our wedding anniversary is 22nd Sept! I totally agree with you, why up the dosage if its working?! :shrug:. Did you actually ovulate 4 follies?? Or just the big one? Are you having tracking every cycle? I'm not, just the 1st one & I'm going it alone now. Glad to hear your lining is good on 3rd round as I've heard it can thin lining! I hope that's not the norm :wacko:. Sending you lots of :dust: this cycle x
hey! I ovulated for the first time on clomid 100mg (days 2-6) on cd 15. I'm 3dpo and omg the cramps are ridiculous. So sharp and tugging feeling and then I also have this dull pressure. If I get pregnant then I'll be due on September 4th! yay!!!
So I had my FS appt. last Thursday and it went okay! My old obgyn never sent my records to the FS so he knew nothing! So he asked a bunch of questions and told me what the next steps would be. Since I am on clomid right now there was nothing extra he could have done anyway. The nurse was really helpful, more so than the FS. They said that they will do a progesterone level test on day 27 and if I did not ovulate on the clomid than we will stop clomid and move to fermara. I am on day 19 right now and no :) on my OPK :cry: . So I think this round is another bust, ugh why can't I just drop a darn egg?!?! I guess after fermara I would try injetables, then IUI, then IVF. So I have a few steps before the big one!! They want to try all oral drugs first before they move onto other stuff. I am just afraid fermara won't work since clomid has not!! I have an appt. with a new obgyn tomorrow to talk to him about doing some of the FS tests locally since my FS is an hour and fifteen minutes away. So I do not know how I feel... I really, really wanted to be pregnant by Christmas but I guess not :dohh:. I sure hope fermara is my ticket!!
hey! I ovulated for the first time on clomid 100mg (days 2-6) on cd 15. I'm 3dpo and omg the cramps are ridiculous. So sharp and tugging feeling and then I also have this dull pressure. If I get pregnant then I'll be due on September 4th! yay!!!

Yeah for O'ing!!! Looks like you BD a lot and I bet you caught that egg!!
Hi Helena Lynn :hi: GL!

Oh babyteach so sorry about your ovulation but it may still happen! I hope your progesterone test comes out ok. I don't know much about Femara unfortunately x
Oh happy day, my DH and I got a new puppy, who is adorable!! And I had an appt with the new obgyn in my town and he was amazing!! He told me "we will get you your baby" I almost cried, no doctor yet had given me hope and he laid out a serious plan that really seems like it would work. He said at the end of the month if I get a BFN will will induce another period and do 150mg of clomid, on day 14 check my folicles if they're ready I will get an HCG shot to pop the eggs out and then decide if we want to do timed BD or IUI. He has a few other options if that does not work. He said we need to get me to ovulate and he will try his best to make it happen. He said his favorite days are the days that his infertility patients get pregnant! I really, really like him and I am going to try him for awhile before going back to the FS. I have high hopes he will get us our :baby:. Finally a doctor that cares!! It was a great day.

Hope everyone is doing well this thead is getting lonely :sad1:
HEY baby teach. I wish doctors would say that. Mine said it a long time ago. And they really can't ensure a pregnancy ever. Sorry ;) but when my doc told me that it really got my hopes up and made the next few months alot more difficult.
Anyways. I hope he is right and I hope you get your BFP very soon!!!!
I'm testing tomorrow. :)
Yay Babyteach!! Fab that your FS is so good and so caring! :dance: I'm sure you'll get your BFP soon :thumbup:

Glowbug, welcome back after your break! Did you test?

Hey you������
11dpo bfn :(
I just ovulated horrible cramping and spotting on day before O an day of O....I am right there with you....first two cycles were CD 5-9 Clomid this time I did night of CD 2 - 6 and I think I might have produced more follies the way this hurts....fx for you all :) 24 cycles total....(only 3 on Clomid) and :bfn:
Sorry Glowbug! :hugs: but you're not out of the running yet!!

Welcome Andrea! :hi: That sounds very promising if you dont usually get that, & I think spotting is a sign of good, strong ovulation! :thumbup:


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