4 dpo crampy on chlomid?

if its just pcos then you can try herbal things if its too expensive with a specialist, Vitex and Red Clover are cheap and within 12 weeks you should start feeling better (with the cysts)
Hi Ladies! Well I am at CD12 today. This is my first day of getting any test line on my OPK (not positive, just a line). I took my Clomid CD4-8 so that hopefully I would O on CD13 because I have an ob/gyn apt tomorrow morning to do an u/s and look at my follicles. This is the second time I've been able to do the apt (last time, Cycle 1 of clomid, was too early and then there was a 4 day weekend. boo).

I really, really, really want there to be some mature follicles so I can get the shot... Did I say really? Really, really.


I still think I have a good size cyst on my left ovary but I've been feeling my right ovary a bit so I'm hoping I will ovulate normally even with the cyst!

Thats all for now!
I have PCOS with the only symptom being no ovulation even with two rounds of clomid, ovulation still has not happened. I am currently on metformin and took the prometrium for 10 days and I usually get a period but this time it seemed to not have worked. My ob-gyn says she does not know why things are not working and wants me to see a specialist to figure things out. I am so nervous about the cost! I honestly never ever thought I would get to this point :(.

Hi honey,
For me, my OB had me do a full lab work up, to rule out any thyroid issues, etc.-they tested everything from STD's to diabetes. They also tested my DH's sperm-turns out he has sperm count and motility issues:( They tested my Prolactin level, a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland, and it was a bit high. So endocrinology wants me to have more hormones tested-my LH, FSH (something to do with the eggs), and something else. I am also going in for a pelvic ultrasound.
The first thing I am trying is Clomid, and then after my DH gets his sperm checked again, we are going to try IUI-which is where they take the sperm and inject it right up into your uterus, so the sperm are right there and don't have to swim far. That is not painful and not very expensive. IVF would be the last option on the list, for us.

Hope that helped you a bit:flower:
Hi ladies!

Well, I am officially 1 dpo on my first cycle of Clomid. I took it CD 3-7. Side effects were headaches, lightheadedness, a tiny bit of cramping, and a little bloating. Not bad at all.

Hope we all get Christmas BFP's!!:xmas6:
Just got back from the docs- beautiful big follicle! I think it was 29 mm or something, and there were 3 smaller ones (16-18 mm) on the other ovary. I GOT MY FIRST HCG SHOT!!! So very excited! Gotta get sexy and DTD with DH. :)

From your experience ladies- how long after the HCG shot do you Ovulate?

Hope everyone is well! Babyteach- any AF yet? MrsPTTC & Marialex- how's your 2WW going so far?
I have PCOS with the only symptom being no ovulation even with two rounds of clomid, ovulation still has not happened. I am currently on metformin and took the prometrium for 10 days and I usually get a period but this time it seemed to not have worked. My ob-gyn says she does not know why things are not working and wants me to see a specialist to figure things out. I am so nervous about the cost! I honestly never ever thought I would get to this point :(.

Hi honey,
For me, my OB had me do a full lab work up, to rule out any thyroid issues, etc.-they tested everything from STD's to diabetes. They also tested my DH's sperm-turns out he has sperm count and motility issues:( They tested my Prolactin level, a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland, and it was a bit high. So endocrinology wants me to have more hormones tested-my LH, FSH (something to do with the eggs), and something else. I am also going in for a pelvic ultrasound.
The first thing I am trying is Clomid, and then after my DH gets his sperm checked again, we are going to try IUI-which is where they take the sperm and inject it right up into your uterus, so the sperm are right there and don't have to swim far. That is not painful and not very expensive. IVF would be the last option on the list, for us.

Hope that helped you a bit:flower:

Thanks! I also got all the same things checked and the only thing that was a little high was how my body broke down glucose so that's why I just started metformin. And my husband got his spermed check and they were great! Which is good but then puts even more pressure on me :nope:. The other thing is I do not get a period or ovulate do I thought for sure the clomid would work, since that seems to be the only problem?!?! But I sure hope it is your ticket, it works for a lot of ppl!! The FS office should be calling today sometime so hopefully I can get in soon and get some concrete answers on what we can do. Thanks again :hugs:
30 that is great!! Although I do not know a lot about that stuff, it sounds like really good news! Sounds like I will be learning soon though. Who gave you your HCG shot? Does it have to be a FS? Or can it be a OBGYN?

No AF yet :(. I do not know why the prometrium did not work this time, I have taken it 3-4 other times and it has always worked. Now I am worried more is wrong than before. I do not know what possible could be getting worse but it is really strange it did not work. My OBGYN wants me to go see a FS, so I am waiting to make the appt with one so hopefully I can get in soon! Thanks and hope your egg drops soon!
Hi ladies!

Well, I am officially 1 dpo on my first cycle of Clomid. I took it CD 3-7. Side effects were headaches, lightheadedness, a tiny bit of cramping, and a little bloating. Not bad at all.

Hope we all get Christmas BFP's!!:xmas6:

Good luck to you darling. Hope this is your month....fx for u
30 that is great!! Although I do not know a lot about that stuff, it sounds like really good news! Sounds like I will be learning soon though. Who gave you your HCG shot? Does it have to be a FS? Or can it be a OBGYN?

No AF yet :(. I do not know why the prometrium did not work this time, I have taken it 3-4 other times and it has always worked. Now I am worried more is wrong than before. I do not know what possible could be getting worse but it is really strange it did not work. My OBGYN wants me to go see a FS, so I am waiting to make the appt with one so hopefully I can get in soon! Thanks and hope your egg drops soon!

The "trigger shot" of HCG was done at my OB/GYN office by one of the nurses. They gave me a choice of getting shot on the bum or on the arm. I chose the arm! :) It is great news and gives me new hope for this cycle. At least I know that I will ovulate, all other infertility possibilities aside!

I haven't felt anything for O yet, but it should be soon here, according to the standard 12-36 hours it should take to make you O... :)

Baby dust to you ladies!
So now I am even more confused... AF showed up today, I assume from the prometrium just later than all the other times. So I have 100mg of clomid at home but do not know if I should take it since I have the FS appt on the 15th? I don't know if it will effect my appt.? :nope: Any advice on what you think? I will call my OB-GYN tomorrow and if she says yes and if she does I want to ask about a trigger shot, I heard they make almost anything ovualte.
Babyteach- I have a suggestion- why don't you take the clomid from CD5-9 and that 'should' make you O 5-10 days later, so CD14-24, if you are going to O. When you go to FS they can at least do an u/s and determine whether you have big follies (and can do a trigger shot), or you have ALREADY O'd (they should be able to see the corpus luteum in the u/s or some free floating liquid). They can also at least measure your endometrium lining and determine whether your uterus is thick enough to sustain a pregnancy.

My OB/GYN kept saying to do Clomid CD 5-9 but because she scheduled my u/s at CD13 I decided to take it CD4-8 (which made me O CD13-17). It worked out great- had one huge follicle and three smaller ones. With the trigger shot- I'm pretty sure I O'd yesterday CD14.

Also, the FS will get a chance to see how you are responding to Clomid.

There's my suggestion. Good luck!
Thanks so much 30!! That really makes sense, as I was laying in bed last night thinking about what to do I also realized it may be a good idea to take it b/c the 15th (my appt. day) falls pretty close to around the time I could ovualte. And if I am going to go see a FS anyway this could eliminate one more step if I am not responding to clomid. Or if I am maybe they can give me on of those trigger shots, it really sounds like something that could really work for us, considering our only problem is not dropping an egg!! Thanks again I feel better today like maybe I could get somewhere soon! PS: Yeah for O-ing I bet that big one dropped and this is your cycle :happydance:.
Hi ladies,

Sorry I have been MIA! I lost the thread again by unsubscribing on my phone. Also I haven't been on BnB as much since my FS appointment on Tuesday. I came out and cried, I don't like the doctor, I find him condescending and he made me feel stupid :growlmad:. I went to see him about my cyst and my spotting as I emailed him a few questions and he said he wanted to see me. Silly me I got my hopes up and thought he thought there was something in what I said and that he was gonna do something but unfortunately the appointmentvwas just to put my mind at rest, everything is FINE!! He still maintains my mid LP spotting is normal, lighter periods are fine (indicates ovulation apparently!) & the cyst is fine, less than 2 inches is good . He still maintains LP defect is a nonsense, I'm reading too much/speaking to the wrong people, using OPKs are a waste if time blah blah blah. I was so upset, obviously I'm glad there's nothing to worry about but could he not just have emailed me to put my mind at rest rather than dragging me down there?! I had a good cry when I came out. He also reckons an 11/12 day LP is NOT normal but I had a 14 day LP last month even though I say 12, but who am I to argue with him! But good news that IVF is free in our area if under 40, though it shouldn't come to that. Sorry about the rant.

Hope you ladies are well, I'm glad to see things are progressing with IUI/trigger shots etc. Here's to :bfp:'s before the year is out, if not 2012 will be our year! :thumbup:

Your so lucky IVF is free where you live, if it gets to that which I am sure it will not, at least you know you can do it :)!! Sorry to hear you were discouraged at the FS but the news sounds good so hopefully you will get your BFP soon.

So I am debating I found an OB-GYN in my area that can do IUI. So I am wondering if I should switch doctors (I was not pleased with mine) and continue to go an OB-GYN or keep my FS appt. and go to them. If the OB-GYN might do the same thing a FS would do I would rather go right in my town than drive 1 1/2 hours away. Sorry if it is confusing but I need a little advice??
Also I asked the OB-GYN's nurse about a trigger shot and she said they only time they do them is before they do an IUI. And they need to do six rounds of failed clomid before they do and IUI. So 30andready did you get a trigger shot w/o and IUI? Or has anyone ele? I guess I just do not know why you would have to do an IUI with a trigger shot and not just get one and try on our own? Any thoughts would be really helpful, this TTC journey is making my mind go crazy!!

PS: I started 100mg of clomid today along with the daily metformin, so here's hoping!!
FX'd for the 100g Babyteach! I'm not sure I really understand this trigger shot malarky lol! Why does anyone even need this, surely if the clomid (or equivalent) is working properly you shouldn't need it? This has not been mentioned at any of my FS appointments. And I may have said this before but it definitely seems to be something more of the US ladies have access to rather than the UK which is odd. :shrug:. The only thing I can think of is with the IUI timing is everything, so they can't wait for natural ovulation, they need it to happen on a specific date for the appointment to go ahead. 6 shots at clomid is the same for me before I go back and they try something else (IUI maybe.) Is the FS or the obgyn the one nearest you hun? And thanks for your kind words :hugs:. My spotting has started :growlmad: and I'm approx 8DPO but FX'd the FS is right and it won't affect a :bfp:. Sticky baby :dust: all round girls! x
Hey girls I don't want to just disappear but I'm going to unsubscribe so if you want to get ahold of mejust send me a message. Good luck girls! :dust: to you all!
Thanks Mrs that makes a lot more sense about the IUI thing! I don't know much about a trigger shot either, I have only heard it mentioned on here my doctor never mentioned it to me. The new ob-gyn in closer to me (right in my town). I am just thinking they might do the same as a FS would so I don't want to bother going out of town if I don't have to yet! Unless would the FS be more aggresive??

Bummer on the spotting but maybe it's implatation!! Fingers crossed for you!!
Thanks hun, I know its not implantation though, I stopped falling for that old trick a year ago :haha:. To be honest I don't know the difference between an obgyn & FS as we only have FS here. It does seem silly travelling all that way if they do the same job :shrug:. Maybe ask on the LTTC board, I'm sure someone will know the difference x

GL in your pregnancy frisbeemama x
Thanks mrspt! I am just unsubscribing because I know I never comment and I hate being one to read and run :haha: I hope for nothing but the best for you girls! Bye!
Enjoyed all your comments thusfar, Frisbeemama- good luck to you!

Babyteach- I don't know what the OB is like for you, but my clinic is limited in what they can do for possible infertility. They can check seamen, do u/s to track follicular development, give HCG trigger shots when follicles are big enough, do HSGs, do blood tests, and prescribe meds like Clomid. They can NOT do IUIs, IVF, or any other more complicated thing.

Ladies- I'm back from my vacation! It was brilliant- lots of fun and relaxation. Got my mind off the 2WW for a bit... I'm on 10 DPO today and because I figured why the heck not, decided to test... BFN but it is early so I'm not reading much into it. Not many symptoms this month- probably because I haven't been overthinking it. It's amazing what the mind can do! I have felt cramping, bloating, a few headaches, fatigue (but I've been traveling), and BB soreness (normal with pre-AF though)... So nothing too abnormal like nausea. IDK- not really thinking this is my month, but I'm at peace with that for now!

How are you ladies doing? Any BFPs or AFs yet? I see noone has commented on here since the 6th...

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