I have PCOS with the only symptom being no ovulation even with two rounds of clomid, ovulation still has not happened. I am currently on metformin and took the prometrium for 10 days and I usually get a period but this time it seemed to not have worked. My ob-gyn says she does not know why things are not working and wants me to see a specialist to figure things out. I am so nervous about the cost! I honestly never ever thought I would get to this point

Hi honey,
For me, my OB had me do a full lab work up, to rule out any thyroid issues, etc.-they tested everything from STD's to diabetes. They also tested my DH's sperm-turns out he has sperm count and motility issues

They tested my Prolactin level, a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland, and it was a bit high. So endocrinology wants me to have more hormones tested-my LH, FSH (something to do with the eggs), and something else. I am also going in for a pelvic ultrasound.
The first thing I am trying is Clomid, and then after my DH gets his sperm checked again, we are going to try IUI-which is where they take the sperm and inject it right up into your uterus, so the sperm are right there and don't have to swim far. That is not painful and not very expensive. IVF would be the last option on the list, for us.
Hope that helped you a bit