4 questions I have...



Ok I have a bunch of random strange questions here I'm hoping someone will answer for me....

1. After being admitted in hospital last night, I noticed they put in my maternity notes that I am a high risk pregnancy and am under consultant led care. Does this mean that it's unlikely I'll get a water birth?

2. Can anyone possibly tell me why my arsehole keep vibrating? Is he texting his mates on his phone in there or something? :shock:

3. Because of this STUPID STUPID anxiety disorder and because last year when I had an ear infection I had an allergic reaction to the antibiotic eardrops I was prescribed, I was REALLY scared to take the antibiotics they prescribed me for this UTI last night. So I reluctantly and very nervously took one and then sat there and had a panic attack and basically waited for something bad to happen to me. Well, nothing happened...and since then I've had 3 tablets in total. Each time I've taken one I've had someone there to reassure me and make me feel better. Well I'm due another one in an hour's time and this time I'm at home all on my own :( My question is, if i've already had 3 with no ill effect. I'm not likely to have any ill effects now am I? I mean, I'd know by now if I was going to react to them wouldn't I? :blush:

4. 4 or 5 people have now appraoached me and said they have a very big feeling that my baby is going to be here early...they can just "sense it"....which is quite bizaare because yesterday I was walking through town and then I sort of said to myself in my head without even really thinking about it, "Aiden's going to be here very soon, I can feel it in the air" (hahah)...has anyone else had an instinct like this and have they been right??

Thanks ladies! :D xx
2. Can anyone possibly tell me why my arsehole keep vibrating? Is he texting his mates on his phone in there or something? :shock:

I can't help you with the other things, but i can tell you that as I read that my ass started vibrating too. My wee one must've been texting yours back :rofl:
2. Can anyone possibly tell me why my arsehole keep vibrating? Is he texting his mates on his phone in there or something? :shock:

I can't help you with the other things, but i can tell you that as I read that my ass started vibrating too. My wee one must've been texting yours back :rofl:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA :rofl: that's brilliant.

Sorry no idea about your questions
2. Can anyone possibly tell me why my arsehole keep vibrating? Is he texting his mates on his phone in there or something? :shock:

I can't help you with the other things, but i can tell you that as I read that my ass started vibrating too. My wee one must've been texting yours back :rofl:

:oops: I just peed my pants.... thanks girls lol :oops:
If you are high risk and under consultant care, I dont think you will get a wb xxx
Just because you are high risk does not mean you won't get a water birth, It all depends on exactly what that risk is if you get me. I'm high risk & under a consultant & i'm still allowed a water birth so i think it depends WHY you are high risk hun. Worth asking the mw or hosp next time you go , I double checked with my consultant & they confirmed i can have a water birth even though i'm classed as high risk :)

sorry gotta laugh at your arsehole vibrating pmsl now that tickled me !!

Re your meds hun , take them. If you have taken some already then its more than likely something would of already happened if it was going too. This is your 1st step to controlling your anxieties by doing it alone, Then the next time you wont feel as bad or worried (hopefully). You should be proud of yourself, take one & smile hun :) Besides if you need help its at the other end of the phone or on here :hugs2:
Just because you are high risk does not mean you won't get a water birth, It all depends on exactly what that risk is if you get me. I'm high risk & under a consultant & i'm still allowed a water birth so i think it depends WHY you are high risk hun. Worth asking the mw or hosp next time you go , I double checked with my consultant & they confirmed i can have a water birth even though i'm classed as high risk :)

sorry gotta laugh at your arsehole vibrating pmsl now that tickled me !!

Re your meds hun , take them. If you have taken some already then its more than likely something would of already happened if it was going too. This is your 1st step to controlling your anxieties by doing it alone, Then the next time you wont feel as bad or worried (hopefully). You should be proud of yourself, take one & smile hun :) Besides if you need help its at the other end of the phone or on here :hugs2:

Thankyou dizzymoo, you're right- I really really want to beat this stupid anxiety, it rules my life. And the only way to do that is to not let it win and face my fears as cheesey as that sounds! xx
1, i have heard that you cant have a water birth if you have had high blood pressure etc but i spose it depends on why you are high risk, if its for the anxiety maybee it would be better to be relaxing in the water? i would ask your midwife next time you see her. I have not had high risk put on my notes yet and am scared to ask as i would like a water birth. My problem is sort of anxiety related but my heart rate and bp go crazy at the same time. I think a water birth would be really good for me but might get out to give birth just incase.
2, no idea sorry and i am glad mine isnt that sounds really weird but i have seen other posts like this lol
3, i would say you would be fine if you were fine after the others, they are probably a diffrent type of antibiotic.
4, i think i have figured this out, people cant say oh you look about the right size but feel the need to say something. so this is either you look small or you look big. with me it depends on what clothes i am wearing.
I am now picturing my littleone with a phone :)
Ha ha , Mobile phone bit made me laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think depending on the reasons you are high risk you can have one, i couldnt have one due to epilepsy but if its because of your anxiety then maybe they may recommened it because being in the water is meant to be calming and relaxing.

Id take the antibiotics, its very unlikely you'll get a bad affect now after youve taken 3
Can't help with the rest of your questions but I can tell you this about the antibiotics. My mother is allergic to nearly every antibiotic on the Earth. If you do not have a reaction within the first hour of taking your very first pill then you will not have a reaction to it. Take your pills and don't panic over it.

And seriously, if you're panicking that bad, you should really see someone about it. It's not healthy for you or the baby. There's medications that you can take that are safe during pregnancy.
Ok I have a bunch of random strange questions here I'm hoping someone will answer for me....

1. After being admitted in hospital last night, I noticed they put in my maternity notes that I am a high risk pregnancy and am under consultant led care. Does this mean that it's unlikely I'll get a water birth?
Depends on what type of high risk you are. I would think if baby or mother is "high risk" being in a tub of water may make it harder to monitor your labor as effectively. IMO

2. Can anyone possibly tell me why my arsehole keep vibrating? Is he texting his mates on his phone in there or something? :shock:
LOL no clue... :wacko:

3. Because of this STUPID STUPID anxiety disorder and because last year when I had an ear infection I had an allergic reaction to the antibiotic eardrops I was prescribed, I was REALLY scared to take the antibiotics they prescribed me for this UTI last night. So I reluctantly and very nervously took one and then sat there and had a panic attack and basically waited for something bad to happen to me. Well, nothing happened...and since then I've had 3 tablets in total. Each time I've taken one I've had someone there to reassure me and make me feel better. Well I'm due another one in an hour's time and this time I'm at home all on my own :( My question is, if i've already had 3 with no ill effect. I'm not likely to have any ill effects now am I? I mean, I'd know by now if I was going to react to them wouldn't I? :blush:

would like to talk to you more. I by chance responded to this thread and have had panic attacks for 15 years. Also, have five kids... so :thumbup: you can do it! the medications for the UTI should be just fine and also with some risks so are "some" medications for PD.

4. 4 or 5 people have now appraoached me and said they have a very big feeling that my baby is going to be here early...they can just "sense it"....which is quite bizaare because yesterday I was walking through town and then I sort of said to myself in my head without even really thinking about it, "Aiden's going to be here very soon, I can feel it in the air" (hahah)...has anyone else had an instinct like this and have they been right??

Hmmm I always hoped they would come at full term or very close to it! :hugs: I would shoot for third trimester at least.

Thanks ladies! :D xx
not sure about some of them but depends on your high risk... I'm epileptic but still allowed a water birth xx
1) It is very unlikely that being a high risk pregnancy that you will get a water birth. I would ask your mw/consultant to confirm for you so you dont build your hopes up to having one for your plans to then change and panic you (like it has with me) :dohh:

2) I have no idea why your ass is vibrating :rofl: but funny :D

3) Honey you would defo know if something was wrong with the tablets - I am allergic to penicillin and the dr gave me anti-biotics at beg of preg fro kidney infection which said not to take in last 3 months of preg (which freaked me out as why is it different etc. so I know why u might panic, but trust me it will be ok now espesh if taken 3 as you would know after the 1st one if you were allergic :hugs:)

4) EVERYONE thought I was going to be early NO ONE thought I would be late!! Even I thought I would be early and here I am 9 days overdue, so no one can say either way, just like no one can tell you the sex of your baby (except the sonographer)

Hope I have helped somewhat - :hugs: for you my love, it is a stressful enough time without extra worries :hugs:
Thanks so much ladies, I took my medicine like a good girl and I'm still here :D So don't think I'll actually have any issues taking the rest of them.

In my maternity notes, the midwife wrote "High risk- Anixiety, 22 years, single"....

Are these good enough reasons to make me a high risk patient?! I mean...I can understand the anxiety but my age and the fact I'm siingle, surely that can't be right?!

So taking these factors into account I don't see why I shouldn't be allowed a water birth right? I'll find out when i see the midwife next week I suppose...
Can anyone possibly tell me why my arsehole keep vibrating? Is he texting his mates on his phone in there or something.

I get this when my baby has the hiccups.
The only thing that I would believe would class you as high risk is the anxiety and as a lady previously said the water could help this - it could go either way tbh....if you want the water birth and its only this factor thats holding them back say you wont feel comfortable labouring any other way if that is how you fell - dont hold back its your birth!
1. Sorry don't know for sure, but ask your MW.
2. Weird, baby could be receiving texts, or lying on a nerve that is obviously linked to your sphincter. Or you should change chair.
3. Take the pill, you've done well so far, no reactions, you should be fine to carry on taking them and you need to finish the course to get better.
4. Dunno about this, could just be normal paranoia on your behalf and people thinking they are mystical bull shitters on the other. Youre well on now though at 33 weeks so baby will be ok if they do come early so just make sure you've got your bag packed and ready to go - it's all you can do to prepare and will probably mean you go overdue by sods law.

Good luck!

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