41 weeks and feeling frustrated anyone else?


Mum of 2
Jan 12, 2012
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Hi ladies,

I am 41+1 weeks today and feeling so over this now. From the start I have naively expected baby to be slightly early as it runs in my family, so as the days keep passing I am getting more and more frustrated and anxious.

I had a sweep last week at 40+2, found it really painful. She said the cervix was behind baby's head but managed to bring it forward and get a finger in, she mentioned 2cm and soft so I thought those were good signs? But so far nothing.

Every day I get texts and calls from well meaning people asking "is baby here yet?" I sound like a horrible person but I am getting really fed up of them all pestering me now, i just want to be left alone! Do they honestly think i'd forget to tell them i'd had my baby?!

I just wanted a little rant and to hear from some ladies in same position as me, how do you cope with these last few days of over due pregnancy?

I'll be induced on Saturday if he still hasnt arrived. x
I understand emotions are high, all 3 of mine have been 'late'

Do you have another sweep booked? 2 of my pregnancies sweeps have been more sucessful at 41w than one i had done at 40w.

How do i cope? Just doing things to take my mind off it. Ive learnt once its over you miss it. Good luck
Hi MummyToAmber, thanks for your understanding. I have another sweep booked for tomorrow so hoping it does the trick.
I think thats where i'm going wrong, I'm struggling to find things to keep my mind off it. I've been on maternity leave for 10 weeks and the house is gleaming, all clothes are washed and everything is ready. I don't feel like leaving the house on my own and going far. My mum is coming to visit me later though :)
It's just horrible waiting I completely understand and really sympathise with you, big hugs. I had 2 sweeps and no luck last time but fingers crossed the second one for you will have some luck and start things off. It's hard trying to keep yourself entertained whilst waiting too because you don't want to go too far just incase! I used to take the dogs for lots of walks down the beach (not far from our house) to pass the time, good luck hunx
Hi MummyToAmber, thanks for your understanding. I have another sweep booked for tomorrow so hoping it does the trick.
I think thats where i'm going wrong, I'm struggling to find things to keep my mind off it. I've been on maternity leave for 10 weeks and the house is gleaming, all clothes are washed and everything is ready. I don't feel like leaving the house on my own and going far. My mum is coming to visit me later though :)

Wishing you lots of luck for your next sweep.
If your able too sex is ideal after one can help things further.

I use radox bubble bath thats a muscle soak which was some castor oil in great to really relax you (i cant see the country your in)

Watch a funny film get some goodies, i actually went to bingo when i was overdue then got nice curry on way home. Play a board game and just laugh as its that hormone that helps labour.
Yes it is so frustrating, I thought being my second I wouldn't go over much if at all and there's still time but it's looming closer and it's really bugging me, people asking the same questions and the thought of being induced again. If I do end up being induced I will be so annoyed with myself, wtf body this is what we're made to do! We'll be meeting them soon though one way or another. Hope something happens for you soon :flower:
Bea - looks like we are both 41+1! And yes I completely feel the same as you!

I had my first sweep done yesterday and lost my mucus plug this morning. Managed to DTD this morning too. I have another sweep booked for Thursday morning and then I'm booked in to be induced Friday. I really don't want to be induced though as I want a water birth and if I have to have the ive drop I won't be allowed one.

My mum is the worst for texting me! She is really annoying me! She is worst since I had my sweep done yesterday and i told her I was 1cm dilated. I think she thinks everything is just going to happen immediately because I'm a little bit dilated! I haven't told her I lost my plug this morning else she will be even worse! :haha:
Hi Willow, Wow you are so lucky having a beach so close by, that would be amazing! I've been going on little walks, but its not as fun in the rain and just walking on foot paths. I am really hoping the sweep will work for me but I know it might not x

Hi MummytoAmber, Thanks for all those good suggestions. We did try to dtd a couple of days ago but it didn't work out, I really didnt feel like doing it and it just ended up uncomfortable! I've been watching The Wedding Singer today, love that film and makes me laugh every time! I'm also going to have a nice soak in a bit. Its Imperial Lather so i'm not sure it it has the caster oil in it, but worth a try :) x

Hi Jstarr, I really hope you don't end up going too far over due this time. Have you had any sweeps yet? I understand what you mean about feeling like your body isn't working properly. I feel the same, although deep down I know its not my fault. I have struggled with infertilty and miscarriage and now i feel like my body is letting me down all over again. Good luck hun. Lets hope these babies come naturally. x

Hi Bing28, Wow you are exactly the same as me!I lost my mucus plug day after sweep as well but that was a week ago now and still nothing, its so frustrating! I really had my heart set on a water birth as well in the midwife led unit. They said I will be induced on saturday and if pessary does the trick I can still have water birth. Any further intervention and I cant :( Haha I feel your pain, although my mum has backed off a bit now. Its the people who pop out of the wood work who haven;t bothered with me for ages that annoy me. Texts saying "any baby yet?" instead of how are you? I feel like they don't care how I am they just want to news. Grr, hormones. I posted this on my facebook page too. its shut a lot of people up for now lol! Good luck hun. Come on babies, we are ready to meet you x


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