4DPO today (This is an old thread!!!!)

Aww, I couldn't imagine what you have gone through. My mum had a surprise baby when I was 18 (my sister is now 4) and tried for a sibling for her, but lost "him" just before 12 weeks. I think about him often and so I am sure she does too. She stopped trying after losing him. :hugs: All I can say is I am sorry and am here if you want an ear.

I just made a new ticker and we may O around the same time again this month :) Yay for being bump buddies ;) January 2014 works for me ;) What do you think?

I will keep my fingers crossed for both of you! I need some bump buddies! I'll only be a few wks ahead!
Phht no way, you're too far ahead. No friends for yooooou. ;) Of course we'll be your bump buddies. Even a few months difference really isn't all that much. You can still empathize with each other :) I feel good about this month. Positive vibes!
Haha you make me laugh! Would be lovely to be bump buddies! With both of you!! :)
I should be ovulating around the 14th I think it was or around that anyway, cause that's CD18 and I usually O between CD18 and 20.
We will see!! :)

Hopefully you feel positive for me aswell, as I'm not even really thinking about it much cause I know there's a decreased chance (if any). Probably go and see the doctor about hubby's meds next week as he rang them yesterday and they said they were all booked up until next week.
Better ring them and make an appointment today then (cause he didn't last night as that was about something else and he went to the emergency room instead cause we wanted to get it checked out straight away).
My O date is kinda all over the place but the past two cycles have been 28 days and my last LP was 16 so taking those in to account, we will probably O around the same time. And I feel positive about both of us this month :) I am anxious for AF to go away, which is probably why she is heavier than usual. Sigh. Lol How is your day?

P.s. hope your hubby is alright.
I'm alright, hubby has been on a course the past couple of days, still coming home in the evening though but it's the first time in months that me and Lucas (LO) have been on our own together for whole days! So it's a bit odd to me now... - Hubby has 'just' left the army, well about 6 months ago. But jobs are terrible to find/get here. And we're still living in our army house, which we shouldn't be anymore. You're not supposed to live there after you leave the army, but we can't seem to be able to get a different house at the moment as we can't afford to rent privately so we're trying to get a council to give us a house but they're being a pain, cause apparently when you've fought for your country for 10 years you don't get anything back for it! :dohh:
Haha, I can hear you thinking: WHY??? Why are you ttc!!! hahaha Well because that baby wouldn't be here for another 9 months and I should hope we would've moved by then haha... I know, we're crazy!!! Probably the reason we had a mc in october.
So anyway, I've been writing a massive email today to send to someone to help us out with this housing situation and she just rang us tonight, only just got off the phone (an hr later and it's 10pm here!)

So now I should really go to bed cause I'm up early with our little monster again :) (that's an affectionate name btw :haha:)

Oh and hubby is ok, he was sick the other day and threw up for the best part of the day and popped a bloodvessel in his eye, which started hurting yesterday, so that's why he wanted to see a doctor and went to the emergency room. All they said was that he should be ok (they checked his eye out) and if it's still hurting on friday he should go to a different hospital where they have a special eye department.
So yeah, we're having a great time!!! :dohh:

How are you??? Hopefully AF will stop soon for you!!!
I don't judge, deary. If we waited for the perfect time to have a baby, we would be waiting forever. People make it work all the time. We aren't as stable now that I am not working, but a baby won't cost us anything with our cloth diapers we already have and I nurse, and we already have everything from the first time around, so a new baby would only cost us once they get older and eventually I will be going back to work, when they are off to preschool. No, I don't think you are being silly at all, and I hope things turn up for you soon, and if they don't and you still fall pregnant, then hey- everyone likes helping a pregnant lady, they may actually help you :)
Okay odd question, maybe tmi... but when you have AF, is it ever the consistency of EWCM? Mine definitely has that mixed in. Still blood but a lot of stretchy EWCM as well. I don't know if I ever noticed it before or not.

Nevermind, Google to the rescue: apparently it is the lining and the ones that notice it more are the ones who use menstrual cups like me :) the more you know hahaha. Didn't think the lining would be clear though.
No I don't think I ever noticed that.... but I don't use cups so that might be why :)

I know what you mean about the 2nd baby, we're thinking exactly the same apart from the cloth diaper thing cause we just use disposables. So I guess that would cost some money but Lucas might be out of nappies (sorry, diapers) by then! Hopefully! haha
Other than that you've got everything you need from the first time around. :)
I definitely think your first child is the most expensive one! Unless you have a different sex the 2nd time cause you'll want to buy different clothes :p And if we have a girl next I bet I'd go mental buying clothes!! We already like buying clothes for Lucas (hardly ever buy anything for ourselves anymore haha).
Hey ladies - Looking for some encouragement! I have yet to 'feel pregnant' I'm in constant fear that it's not real or that i'm gonna miscarry or that i'll get my period ... help :(

In other news, It's interesting to see different things that you guys do from me! ie: Cloth diapers, menstrual cups, stuff like that! It's crazy that there's so many ways to do things! Feeling overwhelmed!
Don't worry!! It's totally normal not to 'feel' pregnant so early on! I was over the moon when I found out I was pregnant with my son and didn't want to believe it until I saw it on a digital test. After that I couldn't wait for my first scan, and the day before the scan I remember being so scared! I was so scared that we'd get to the hospital and they'd do my scan and there would be nothing in there!!! But ofcourse there was a tiny little baby bouncing around in there!! Those 12 weeks (or well, 8 really from when I found out) were the longest 12 weeks ever!!
As soon as you've seen that baby or heard the heartbeat it will become real to you and you will know he/she is there!!
Unfortunately until that time you won't be able to do anything but relax and keep looking at your test(s) they might give you some reassurance or you could read a pregnancy book! I have a great book that had a page to read every DAY! Most books seem to have 1 page to read every week but mine had one for every day, which I love about that book!! It tells you what is happening in there and when your baby is developing what things (like arms and legs, hands and feet, hair, fingernails everything!)

How are you feeling???
Don't worry!! It's totally normal not to 'feel' pregnant so early on! I was over the moon when I found out I was pregnant with my son and didn't want to believe it until I saw it on a digital test. After that I couldn't wait for my first scan, and the day before the scan I remember being so scared! I was so scared that we'd get to the hospital and they'd do my scan and there would be nothing in there!!! But ofcourse there was a tiny little baby bouncing around in there!! Those 12 weeks (or well, 8 really from when I found out) were the longest 12 weeks ever!!
As soon as you've seen that baby or heard the heartbeat it will become real to you and you will know he/she is there!!
Unfortunately until that time you won't be able to do anything but relax and keep looking at your test(s) they might give you some reassurance or you could read a pregnancy book! I have a great book that had a page to read every DAY! Most books seem to have 1 page to read every week but mine had one for every day, which I love about that book!! It tells you what is happening in there and when your baby is developing what things (like arms and legs, hands and feet, hair, fingernails everything!)

How are you feeling???

Thank you so much for the encouragement! Of course it's just one of those things that seems too good to be true!
Other than the overwhelming fear that i'm not really pregnant.. lol everything is feeling good, other than the fact that i am completely exhausted! I have never been so tired/achy/sore in my life!! I can't sleep enough .. I come home from work around 5.. asleep by 530-10 wake up take a shower back in bed asleep by 1030-1045 and up at 6am..
Eltjuh- I have a feeling my next (and sadly last) will be another boy. The donor seems to make only boys. He has three boys, two are biologically his, and then of course my LO. And I believe his wife lost a few that they discovered were boys as well. She doesn't talk about it much. However, I do have a few girl hand me downs in storage already :blush: Just in case. Also, I am Canadian, as a general rule we know all your slang. No need to "translate" for me :) I also read a lot of books from the UK, so you get used to it :)

Diamondlove- No need to be overwhelmed at the differences. I have heard that I am a bit of a hippy- even though I am not even close to as ecologically friendly as some. I try to do my part, and use cloth pads for me as well as the Diva cup, and use cloth diapers for my little. I even got my 16 year old step daughter to use cloth pads, but she still uses tampons. One step at a time ;) Also, I know what you mean. I didn't feel it was real with my LO AND kept spotting on and off. My GP sent me for an ultrasound really early (5+6 I think) so we saw a sac but no baby or heartbeat. That was kind of scary. She sent me for another one around 10 weeks and we saw him floating away, my little SeaMonkey :cloud9: But before that, I was actually glad I had severe morning sickness, it reassured me that he was still there. Chin up, you will have cramps and things that make you worry- but I have faith your bean will be safe and in your arms before you know it.

As for me... I temped again for the first time this round ttc. After I brought LO to our bed some time around midnight I get up randomly aroumd 3:45-4 and then go back to sleep. I am going to try to temp then. Even though I probably won't ever get the required 4 hours. Sigh. But the rest of the night is too unpredictable with LO in the bed.
How come your next will be your last??? Just don't want any more than 2??
I would like to have 3, always have done but lately I've caught myself thinking about more than 3 aswell!! What's going on!! :haha: Hubby only wants 2 though but I say 3 at least and I have had him agree to 3 once, though he's gone back to 2 lately! I think being pregnant/having kids is kind of addictive. Could never see myself with 12 kids like some people though! Or even 6 like my mum and hubby's mum. But then again, I guess you just take it as it comes and go with whatever you feel is right at the time so maybe we will have 5 at some point and maybe I will say 'one more' :haha: you never know! :winkwink:
My dream family is five or six kids of my own :cloud9: But hubby has two teenager/ young adult kids and he was so done with two that he had a vasectomy lol. I convinced him to add two more to that number but even one more after that has always been a no. I would be alright with three. Two is just incomplete to me. But he has put his foot down unless we win a lot of money lol. But one day I hope to be a surrogate for a good friend of mine, so I hope that satisfies my need for more kids/ pregnancies. I will play the part of auntie to that baby, so they will always be a part of my life.
So when you'd be a surrogate would you want it to be their child, biologically or would you be ok with donating an egg???
I offered to be a surrogate for my sister, but I did feel like it would have to biologically not be mine, cause I just wouldn't be able to give my child away. Even like sperm or egg donor, it's great what they do, you wouldn't have your son if they didn't exist but I personally wouldn't be ok with knowing there's a child walking around somewhere that's biologically mine! Anyway my sister turned it down as she felt it would be confusing and stuff. She didn't end up needing it anyway cause she's got her own little girl now :). I personally didn't understand my sister, as she would rather adopt than go through IVF or have me be her surrogate. If I was ever in the situation of possibly needing help with conceiving I'd do anything to have a child that was biologically mine (if you can obviously, if there's nothing wrong with your eggs).

My other sister is pregnant now aswell, she found out just as I was waiting to find out if I was pregnant aswell in February. So she's about 8 or 9 weeks now I think!
Yes, my friend and I discussed it. I wouldn't be able to give a baby that was biologically mine away. She wants a baby that is biologically hers anyways. And there is no way of her having her own babies, she has ovaries vut no tubes and her uterus lining has been burned out as well. And just in case something goes wrong and I can no longer have kids after I want to be done my last one first. She won't be ready to start that journey for a while anyways due to some psycological problems she is resolving.
Yes, my friend and I discussed it. I wouldn't be able to give a baby that was biologically mine away. She wants a baby that is biologically hers anyways. And there is no way of her having her own babies, she has ovaries vut no tubes and her uterus lining has been burned out as well. And just in case something goes wrong and I can no longer have kids after I want to be done my last one first. She won't be ready to start that journey for a while anyways due to some psycological problems she is resolving.

I'm with you on that one I couldn't give my child away either.. especially after I carried it for 9 months! I do feel awful for your friend though, does she have children at all?
At least you're both clear on what you both want and have agreed on it :) That's a good start!

We went out to buy our son a fish today. We bought him a little fishtank the other day and weren't allowed to put any fish in it for 3 days, so we went and bought a fish today! :) They recommended to only put 1 fish in to start off with though and we can add another one next week :) We just need to teach him now that he's not allowed to play with his cars etc on that table, as the table is slightly wobbly if he pushes against it, not THAT wobbly that the tank would fall off, but don't wanna give the fish an earthquake! haha :p
Yeah, I think it should work out :) I would just have to keep reminding myself that I am more like a nanny. Just the oven :) I am kind of excited to do that for her. And diamondlove, no she does not have any children of her own, she went down the surrogacy path before but the woman kept the baby that was not biologically my friend's, but was biologically her ex husband's. I couldn't imagine... so she was resolved in the fact that she would never have children until I offered. She knows I would never take her child. I wouldn't be able to if it is biologically hers anyways.

And aww, I have been thinking about getting my son a fish, he loves watching the fish at a friend's house, but I think maybe he is a bit young and might get more excited and be able to help take care of them in a year or so.
Yeah, I think it should work out :) I would just have to keep reminding myself that I am more like a nanny. Just the oven :) I am kind of excited to do that for her. And diamondlove, no she does not have any children of her own, she went down the surrogacy path before but the woman kept the baby that was not biologically my friend's, but was biologically her ex husband's. I couldn't imagine... so she was resolved in the fact that she would never have children until I offered. She knows I would never take her child. I wouldn't be able to if it is biologically hers anyways.

And aww, I have been thinking about getting my son a fish, he loves watching the fish at a friend's house, but I think maybe he is a bit young and might get more excited and be able to help take care of them in a year or so.

Wow! So her ex husband and this 'surrogate' woman share a child now?? Do they share custody and everything .. wow. She is really lucky to have someone like you to do that for her.

We've actually been thinking about getting my stepdaughter a fish! But now there's a baby coming and i know I sound lazy but i'm so exhausted i can't imagine feeding one more thing! (We have 3 cats, 2 dogs ) ah!

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