haha, it's nice that you're so close with your donor!! You sure you shouldn't have married him instead??

Only joking!!
Me and my LO went out to the shop today to get him a little backpack for nursery.... and then we went to some other shops aswell and as it was just him and me I thought I'd leave the buggy at home.... WHAT A MISTAKE!!!

I've still got a headache (about 4hrs later) because of all his screaming!!
He did really well for the first hour and a half or so but then he just started tantruming like mental, screaming, crying and laying on the floor!! Usually I just say, ok bye Lucas and walk away (obviously not too far and keep and eye on him) but he kept doing it for ages and really wound me up! It was so bad I felt like just dragging him through the shop over the floor by 1 of his arms.... Obviously I didn't!!

But he's definitely 2 years old alright?! haha
It might sound a bit extreme to you diamondlove, but you'll find out how patient you really are when you have your baby

haha I always thought I was pretty patient, turns out I'm nowhere near as patient as I thought I was

Kids can really drive you mental sometimes!!
Trust me, when you hear what people do to their kids when they have a postnatal depression, you think: NO WAY!! I could never do that to my child, but once you have one you can sort of understand how it would happen..... Doesn't necessarily mean you're gonna do it, but it becomes much more understandable.
haha, sorry don't mean to scare you!!