4DPO today (This is an old thread!!!!)

Good luck! I hope he doesn't even notice you are gone ;) And I feel the same way about daycare, no sense working for barely more than the cost to have them taken care of. I would rather watch him grow and play with him daily. I like that he needs me still, it won't be long until he is a teenager and wants nothing to do with me. And I would assume hubby would go back to work in your situation as well... let's face it, most mwn are lost when it comes to taking care of kids. I am sure they can learn but it is just easier this way, with the men working (they tend to get hired at jobs that make more anyways).

Okay AF, you have had your moment in the sun now goooo awaaaay. And don't come back for at least nine months. Lol. I wish I could just have a short one. Maybe I could deal with the mess of just the cloth pad then. Probably not. I hate being wet and messy down there lol. Don't think I could go back. Hey, maybe this time I will use my cup after inseminations! Keep it all up there longer lol :haha:

Can you tell I am excited to start trying again? Come ooooon Wednesday :D
I have the feeling my thermometer isn't good enough... same temp three out of four days sounds odd.
Well, nursery wasn't on today... i miss understood when she said he could start on monday...cause it's school holiday atm so he's going next week.... he tested us again though this morning, we went to a shop afterwards and every 2 minutes he'd lay down and cry on the floor! And on the street! The joys of having a 2 yr old haha

Hubby is actually really good with our LO and he'd be ok staying home with him all day, but he just doesn't like 'doing nothing' all day.... he's getting bored of being at home now.

Good idea about using the cup after insemination, i've heard other people saying something like that before... it might help, wouldn't hurt to try! It's like laying with your hips elevated/legs in the air. I did it when we tried to conceive Lucas but i also got pregnant last time without doing it cause i didn't even try....so i know it's possible both ways but i guess it might help to do it so i've been doing it lately just to increase chances i guess....

Hubby ran out of his meds and we're not seeing the doctor till wednesday so no pills for him tomorrow (and until he gets his new pills) so hopefully everything works properly haha :p

I have to share this with you... please don't judge me :winkwink: hope it's not too much info.....
So i told you my brother-in-law is staying with us for a couple of days...well he sleeps in one of the bedrooms at the top of the house, which is also where our bathroom is....today i went up to the bathroom to get something (only usually go up there to have a shower, as i brush my teeth in the bedroom) and i noticed a pair of my underpants on the floor on the landing! Dirty ones! OMG! So my brother-in-law must've seen them! I was mortified when i saw them there!! I must've accidentally dropped them when i took my washing down the other day when i had a shower! Made sure that didn't happen again tonight when i had a shower :p
LOL :awww: aww, I would say that is nothing to worry about at all ;) I bet being a guy, he didn't even see them. And if he did, it probably didn't bother him. Guys aren't hard wired to be freaked out by things that are out of place. And you didn't ask him to touch them, I am sure he's fine :p

Woo for being off meds for a few days, though! :sex: Make a baby ;) I am getting excited to start again. Come on January babies!

That's nice that your hubby can stay with your little. Mine has bathed my son twice maaaybe in his 18 months being here. And he doesn't do diaper changes well, especially the poopy ones. Those are my job. (Even though I am lucky and he cleans the dirty cloth diapers)

So do you think my chart looks odd? Should I get a new bb thermometer?
Ha, him being a guy is my concern.... he's a typical bloke, that sees a woman on tv and says she's got nice boobs or he would 'smash that' as he'd put it! It just feels wrong that he's seen my underwear, especially in a place it's not supposed to be, kind of embarrassing haha!!

Think i might jump hubby tonight when we go to bed which will be soon.... fingers crossed he'll let me :p we need to empty out the old spermies that are tired and lazy haha. And get some nice new ones in! I've decided cause hubby is on the meds and they might affect his sperm we might need to only bd every other day rahter than every day. As apparently it's not recommended to bd every day when your spermcount is low (which it probably is due to his ADs)
How often do you do your inseminations??

As for your chart, i'd try and see how it goes for a couple.more days and then decide...it looks alright to me for.now, but apparently it's not supposed to stay at the same temp everyday.... i think i've been sleeping with my mouth open a lot lately cause my temp is much lower than it usually is and was in other months. Don't think it's ever been under 36 degrees celsius before!
Aww :) You get embarassed easily. You don't even know if he saw them. And he sounds hilarious, my hubby and he would probably be friends.

Eek, good luck jumping the hubby :thumbup: You can have fun AND flush out the old guys heehee. Yay for stress relief. And the time that worked, we did a few days before +OPK, the day of + and the day after. This time we are starting Wednesday, will probably do every other day until + and then that day and the day after.

Maybe I will use it for now and if I don't see a rise, I will look in to getting a new thermometer.:shrug: Who woulda known I would mess it up with my thermometer after I finally try to temp lol. Gunna go pee on an OPK for progress' sake hahaha :D Man I love peeing on things ;)
Glad I tested, the OPKs are already getting darker... wondering if I should start tomorrow instead of wednesday... guess I will look at my other signs and see. No that's silly. Wednesday should be fine. Right? I am only CD 7 but got my surge on CD 12 last month.
I guess it depends on how dark the OPK is.... If you think it'll still take a couple of days before it's positive then I'd say wednesday is fine... But it's upto you....
It's so easy to think: it's only 1 day.. BUT when it comes to TTC only a couple of hours could make a difference!! :wacko:

Didn't get to have fun last night.... I tried, but hubby had taken the last of his meds a couple hrs before so it didn't work.... so we just went to sleep instead. I told him we're starting on wednesday though... well it's probably gonna be, flush out the old guys today and then do it again on thursday so he's got some time to build up new guys haha :p

I'm not embarrassed THAT easily :p He is funny btw, does all sorts of random things, which are sometimes annoying but so stupid that it's funny :p haha His mum absolutely HATES him doing stupid noises (he likes doing this pigeon sound) and it's just funny seeing him wind her up :p haha Last time he was over we went to the toy store and Lucas went on one of those little see-saws and then my brother-in-law decided to go on the other one, you know the little horse rocker/see-saw things... And people walked by and were like: what the hell!! :haha: Hubby just said: yeah, he's been let out on day release :winkwink: It's so funny. Hubby is crazy like that aswell, but not AS bad.... he was walking around the shops wearing his beanie hat in a weird way and people kept giving him weird looks... I think it's funny :p
Normal is boring, as we always say :p

I think my temp has gone a bit crazy lately, way lower than normal, so I discarded 2 of the temps cause they were so low, and today was more normal again....

I'm watching this program on the tv at the moment with a woman from Germany who had hair growing on her face after she gave birth to her son and she has now decided to grow a beard! It's REALLY weird!!!
I dunno, the tests are progressing quickly and the donor offered, so I accepted. Going over there tonight when he and hubs are off work. So maybe tmi but Hubby thinks if we dtd first it'll give them more fertile liquid to slide in on lol. So we may try to have a quickie beforehand. :blush:

Lol yeah, they sound like they would get along with my husband. He wears a winter hat that has a moose on it. I am fairly certain it is a child's hat, he got it at a thrift shop lol. I agree, normal is boring. You have tohave some fun in life, or what's the point?

And your temp doesn't look too too crazy. I play the fertility friend charting game and so I see all kinds of charts (and am pretty good at reading them- I guess reading Taking Charge of Your Fertility when I was first diagnosed with PCOS at 18 years old still helps :)) All the temps before O are kinda moot anyways. As long as you aren't taking them at different times and as long as they don't mess with O, I would just ignore them.

That show sounds odd. I would never grow a beard. In fact, I might even try to get laser removal if I could grow one! I am annoyed at the few long hairs I already have lol. I wonder if you get any of the shows I follow over there... probably not. Elementary whih is a new spin on Sherlock Holmes or Once Upon a Time? We only get Coronation Street and I think that is all.
It wasn't so much a show on that lady it's more of general news/talk show kind of thing... and they were interviewing her. I get long hairs on my boobs, am always trying to pull them out in the shower... Oh and under my bellybutton :S Horrible!! Don't think I ever really had them until I had my son, not even when I was pregnant...
I think we get Once Upon A Time and there's plenty of the big shows we get overhere, like series (I LOVED one tree hill, but that's stopped now :cry: and I watch Glee and a load of other things... including Teen Mom and Teen Mom 2) I'm usually too impatient to wait for them to show on tv in the UK though and just watch them online when they get shown on tv in America.

Hopefully your quickie will help :haha: Just really hope you get your bfp this month!!
I think my chart looked all over the place, but it looks a bit better now that I discarded 2 temps.
Lol my mum and my friend are "Gleeks" :rofl: I am sad, though, the tv in our bedroom just gave out. It has been struggling to turn on for a year or more, turns on and off, but only for a few minutes. Today it struggled for five hours (while I was downstairs doing other things) and so I finally unplugged it. Stupid thing. Oh well, I guess we will have to watch tv more downstairs. I just like laying down and watching tv to nurse Rowan.:sad2:

I really hope both of us get our BFPs this month. I am hopeful. Hubby admitted he was excited. I was pouting because he has been through all this before and didn't have to try then really, and he acts like it is just for me most days. So I was glad when he said he was excited. It is possible he is just telling me what I want to hear, but I will pretend he is truly excited. I was looking up names today, lol. We like Rhys but all hubby's kids have 5 letter names, by accident... wonder if we should stick with that pattern for first names... hahaha... Don't mind me, daydreaming of that BFP.

Oh, and my entire tummy is a forest, I shave it. And get the boob hairs since before being pregnant. I am lucky I have red hair, otherwise I would probably shave my arms as well. But that takes too much time when I already have so much to shave hahaha :blush:
I pluck my belly hairs :p But I get hair on my toes and feet aswell :S which I shave whenever I shave my legs. But I have to admit I really don't like shaving my legs cause they get really really itchy when the hair starts growing back (which is about a day after I'd shaved them) so I only really shave them when I have to (like when going swimming or wearing a dress/skirt, which is almost never. The swimming we do every week with Lucas though, if it's on as we've been going to baby swimming since he was about 4 months old)

I've been laughing at this picture all night... Hubby saw it on facebook and tagged his brother in it, and then my brother tagged my brother-in-law in it... it's so funny!! hahaha..... :rofl: https://sphotos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/16017_611355115541874_1130041674_n.jpg

I feel like hubby isn't as excited as me sometimes... I think I'm trying and he's just not trying, not preventing :haha:
My friend had a little boy in october that she named Rhys :) I like the name Riley for a boy but hubby doesn't like it!! :cry: Have you thought of any girls names?? Lucas would've been named Jasmine if he was a girl. So we're keeping that name for when we do have a girl, though I have been kind of questioning it lately... not 100% sure I like it. Always liked Lucas though so that was an easy choice considering hubby liked it aswell.
It's hard coming up with names you both like!!
My friend who's little boy is called Rhys didn't name him for about 2 weeks after he was born :p haha He was just baby boy *last name* :haha:

We had a tv in the bedroom aswell but since we packed up half the house and moved our bedroom to a different room(got a big house cause it's an army house and they didn't have any smaller ones when we moved here, so got 5 bedrooms instead of 2 :wacko:) and there's no cable to receive tv in that bedroom we can't have it in there now... And like I said half our house has been packed up since hubby left the army cause we thought we could be moving any day and it could be at short notice... well that didn't happen - 6 months later we're still here with half our house packed away in the garage :cry: So usually I would've waited with TTC again but considering it could be forever until we move we might aswell just get on with it, and like you said before, maybe it'll help.
Anyway, I like watching tv in bed aswell, but we can't now :( We watch films or Nikita in bed sometimes, just put my laptop next to the bed and watch it on there.
Yeah, I shave my feet and toes too. Not as often as my legs, but when I can remember them. And my legs aren't often because I shower with Rowan 95% of the time.

Finding it hard to concentrate this evening. My mind is like preggo brain right now lol.

I love the name Jasmine, hubby thinks it is a stripper name though. And Rowan was going to be Lyra, but hubby isn't so sure he likes it anymore. We like Calypso, call her Callie but might not be bold enough to use that. We like Lux. I also love Sirius for a boy but hubby is iffy on it.

And no, don't wait to ttc. Dumb army's fault. Don't have to put your life on hold because they can't get their sh** together hahaha.
It's not even so much the army's fault... we've been on a waiting list to get a house with cheaper rent (a council house) but there are so many people that want/need that that you could be on the list for ages. BUT obviously since we're not supposed to live in the army house anymore as hubby isn't working for them anymore we are technically homeless..... unfortunately cause we are still living here and paying rent (well it gets paid for us, as we're on benefits at the moment) we need to have an eviction notice from the court to be classed as homeless. So we're still waiting on that and everyone that's helping us is confused as to why we haven't had that yet.... We think that they are just happy with the amount of rent they're getting as we're now paying double or triple the amount that you pay when you're in the army. So obviously they're like: whatever, we're getting loads of money from them. Go on then, you can stay in our house. :dohh: which is the exact opposite of what we want them to do! We thought about just not paying the rent but then once they go to court to get us out and we want a new house we won't be able to get one because we 'made ourselves homeless'. It's just one big mess, that needs sorting soon! Mainly cause hubby is getting WAY too stressed out. He used to be a self-harmer (because of his childhood) before he joined the army I think.... and he told me a while ago that he's been thinking about doing stupid things like that lately. A couple of months ago he even told me he felt suicidal cause he thought me and Lucas would be better off without him. Obviously he feels like he needs to protect us and provide for us and he just can't do that right now! (and single mums obviously get a lot more help here than married couples do so that was probably part of his train of thought). We're going to see the doctor today though about his medication and also about him going back to therapy. He went to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy about 9months to a year ago and all the good work that therapist did with him got undone when we ended up in this situation. He's been trying to go back to that therapist but for some reason his doctor wouldn't refer him back... so we're seeing a different doctor today to try and get him back into therapy. As you can tell: he needs it!!!

Anyway, enough moaning!! And wouldn't want you to think we're all crazy over here :winkwink: haha

Managed to jump hubby last night :p So we're good to go and make this baby :haha:

I like the name Callie, but not so sure on the Calypso. But I'm not a very bold person so don't mind me :p We thought about the name Rowan aswell, but slightly different, as I'm from Holland and we saw someone on tv once that was called Roan (you pronounce it as Ro-An) and we liked it, but I don't anymore :p haha We need to keep in mind the way people in Holland will pronounce English names and how English people will pronounce Dutch names haha. It's a bit annoying sometimes cause you might really like a name and then think: oh no, people in Holland will make it sound like this, that sounds awful!! :haha:

Hope your insemination went well last night.... I really can't imagine what it's like doing that, I can just imagine you laying on your bed, legs wide and up :rofl: Maybe I just shouldn't try to imagine it hahaha
I'm not really a person that believes horoscopes or anything, but I like to read them sometimes so I signed up to this thing on Facebook that gives you your horoscope everyday.... This was mine today...
Be careful with your medical or health-related concerns today - you could get some bad advice or guidance, or misunderstand instructions. The concern is doubly important if you are traveling or plan to visit another country soon. Ask for clarification if you are at all confused.

Kind of freaky considering we've got a doctor's appointment today....
As to the horoscope, make sure that you pay close attention at the doctor's is all :) Make sure the possibility of misunderstanding something is slim :) And that is sad for your hubby, I really hope that his emotions can get sorted out. Stress does weird things to people and it sucks. My hubby retreats from the relationship. I don't know the last time we play fought or cuddled before yesterday, he must be feeling a vit better. We try to get out and do things like swim every week, but it is hard when we get low on money, and not doing anything makes hubby stressed with life. Right now he comes home from work and sleeps. I am glad that we are going to the donor's place this week, because I just let him sleep on their couch, and it only mildly frustrates me because I have distractions.

:rofl: Seeing as it is always at the donor's place, it is a bit more amusing than laying on my bed with my legs up. No, he deposits his donation in to a disposible shot glass (lol) in the bathroom, lets me know it has been done, then I go in and lay on the bathroom floor with my feet up on the tub to insert with a medicine syringe :haha: Oh man... totally not sexy. At all. But it went as it always does last night. The first few times were awkward but it isnt too bad any more.

I really hope your housing situation sorts itself out soon, that sounds so annoying.
Didn't you feel really embarrassed the first time you did it... I'd be so embarrassed knowing he's in the bathroom 'doing his business' :haha: and then for them to know what you're doing in there after, I'd feel soooo awkward!! haha
But I guess it helps you're good friends :)

I didn't end up going with hubby to the doctor's tonight cause Lucas was having his dinner and would need to have finished it within about 5-10 minutes so I thought me and him would stay at home and have hubby go on his own.
He should be on his way back now! Wonder what's been said..... :coffee:
So no problems with the horoscope thingy :haha:

I can't believe this time next week we'll be in our 2ww - exciting!! But still not really thinking about it too much tbh.

Ok I'd better go cause Lucas is asking me to play and I told him in a minute and he seems to think that means 'no' for some reason, cause he starts whinging straight away when you say it....
Well, the doctor said that it's b***shit about the meds reducing spermcount etc. I'm not 100% convinced and would like to have hubby have a SA but apparently he doesn't need it.... He said if anything is the problem it's probably me, that the stress is throwing my ovulation off and all that, but that's not it as I'm temping so I know I'm ovulating and when.
So maybe it's just the stress in general. He said you'll probably find that when we have moved and aren't so stressed anymore that things will fall into place.
So I think it's good I'm not stressing about it so much this month... hopefully it'll work!!!
Guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens....

A good thing about hubby going to the doctor though is that he felt his Anti-Depressants weren't working but he found out why... his other doctor that initially prescribed them said he should take them at night... but obviously they'll start working at night and then have worked out by the morning. So he needs to take them in the morning... Don't know why his doctor said to take them at night, but at least this doctor actually told him what to do properly :p haha Hopefully we'll see a change soon! He also said that they want to see how it goes for 3 weeks with taking the AD in the morning before he refers him back to his therapist. Which makes sense.
Wrote a novel for it to be deleted. Super. Guess that's what I get for using my phone.

Anyways, embarassing is the wrong word. It was awkward for a while but anything related to sex really doesn't bother me. I used to work at a sex toy shop, even. So the fact that he is doing that doesn't bother me. The only thing that is kind of awkward is knowing he probably thinks about the fact that his swimmers are in me. But I just don't think of that lol.

We are all going swimming together tonight and probably going over for a donation afterwards again heehee. I am excited to get closer to O though, and hope that I can better catch it this time. :spermy: Go little guys go! Lol. I am thinking positive for both of us this month :D I am kind of excited. But I don't know if I want to symptom spot this month. I know I can't help it, but I really don't want to obsess about every twinge or every time I pee. Maybe I need to relax this month as well and just have fun with it.

I am glad his appointment went well, and that is exciting about his sperm! So you are still in this month :D But I would definitely still ask for a SA just to put your mind at ease. I am sorry you guys are in a stressful situation, though. It sucks.
We're just both gonna relax and take it as it comes and not symptom spot together! :)
I think maybe I should stop temping after I've confirmed O cause that makes it a lot more relaxed but then at the same time I like knowing what was going on in my cycles so I can compare them, especially if I am pregnant and then the next time we try I know I want to see what it was like... if you get what I mean.... Cause if you get the same type of temperatures or same symptoms you might have a better idea whether you might be pregnant or not.
Cause whenever you want/need something you never have it and when you don't need it it's always around... like when you always take your phone you never need it, but the one time you forget it you need it! :haha: So annoying!!

Think I'm gonna have a look at when we baby-danced when we conceived Lucas and see if it helps if we do it the same again haha, maybe it's magic!! :winkwink:

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